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Chris Buffa of GameDaily Email Rants about his MGS4 Review

As many of you are aware, GameDaily's Senior Editor, Chris Buffa, recently reviewed Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, what many critics are claiming as not only one of the best games this year, but also arguably one of the best games ever made and a definitive final chapter for one of gaming's most iconic characters, Solid Snake.

GameDaily's score of 8 out of 10 raised a lot of eyebrows and people were quick to attack GameDaily for what many considered to be a low score. This folks, though, is not the bigger issue at hand.

Having actually dug my way through the review, two lines in particular caught my eye:

"OctoCamo doesn't obscure Snake's head, so it makes no sense why enemies would run into a mostly invisible object and find nothing strange about it."

"Confusing commercials that play between acts raise question marks, and some of the cut scenes are unbearably long, thanks to characters rambling about nothing in particular."

Now, without spoiling for those that have yet to play through this game, both of these statements are incredibly false.  For starters, there is camouflage for your face and, in fact, it's a very big part of the game and you receive it shortly after the first stage of the game (stages are referred to as 'Acts' in MGS4).  The second quote about commercials is also false, as the funny/odd/weird commercials that Chris is referring to only make an appearance before the start of the first Act (stage).

So, what's my point? My point is quite simple: Chris never played the game past the first Act.  Even more surprising, is that the camouflage for your face he would have known about regardless of playing the game or not, as there are screenshots and videos all over the place that show it in use.

I thought to myself, what type of person plays only the first stage of what is going to be one of the best games this year and then generalizes a review?  I can only thing of a few type of people and reasons and I'm sure you know what they are.  Regardless, I sent the following to the Editor in Chief of GameDaily and CC'd Chris as well. Chris was immediate on the attack/response (I have yet to hear from the Editor in Chief, Libe, as of yet) much like he was in his Interview with GameRush where he calls everyone fanboys and continues to dig himself deep a hole.

Here's the email conversation:

From Me to GameDaily:
"By now Libe, you're probably aware of the controversy surrounding Chris Buffa's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots review and I'm sure you've had your talk with him and it wouldn't surprise me if his story was something along the lines of the following:

    "People are just upset because they are fanboys and I gave MGS4 and 8/10"

If that's the story you received, you're far mistaken and I figured with you being Editor in Chief, you might want to be aware of the unprofessional journalism that Chris has pretty much shamed himself with.

While I'm sure that some gamers are upset with the score, that isn't the real problem here. The real problem here, is that Chris made it pretty obvious in his review that he never played beyond the first stage (known as Act 10 before writing his review. That's pretty shocking considering MGS4 is pretty much one of the biggest games of the year and to not even play it fully before reviewing it is pretty much a slap in the face. The review was obviously handed to a pretty negligent individual and might be one that you may want to reconsider as Senior Editor (I was shocked to see this on the contact page).

As proof how he never even really played the game, I took two quotes from his review directly and here they are:

    "OctoCamo doesn't obscure Snake's head, so it makes no sense why enemies would run into a mostly invisible object and find nothing strange about it." - Chris Buffa.  The problem here and I'll try to say this without spoiling too much for those that may not have played the game (including Chris apparently) is that you receive Camo for your face almost immediately after the first stage. And, it's not some secret item that you find, it's handed to you as part of the game so we'll take that possible excuse that he'll throw out there right out of the picture right now.
    "Confusing commercials that play between acts raise question marks, and some of the cut scenes are unbearably long, thanks to characters rambling about nothing in particular" - Chris Buffa.  I thought this was funny because once again, this only takes place in the first Act.  in fact, it's the only time in the game that it's shown and it's before the first Act.  Obviously, though, he wrote this as though it was fact and that it was a continuous trend. As you can see, he never even played the game.

Now, I understand that not every game has time to be completed before review, but to not even go past the first stage of the game? And, on top of that, to not play through thoroughly for one of the biggest games of the year? It thought this was pretty odd and judging by his comments in response to his own article he's trying to stay on the defensive when it's very apparent that he pretty much did a piss poor job here and, in fact, didn't do his job at all.

Taking things a step further, he went on record over at GameRush stating pretty much that everyone complaining about his review were fanboys or noobs. Not taking into account the fact that he just didn't even play the game. Kind of odd to see someone call others fanboys for their own mistakes and sort of raises the question what this editor's intentions (or loyalties) are. Does he have a grudge against Metal Gear and did not want to see it have a high score? Is he mad that the game actually is pretty stellar? Either way, there's no logical explanation about the actions of Chris and anything less than a demotion pretty much shines a light as what type of editors GameDaily chooses to employ and the content that they'd prefer to deliver to their readers.

But, the damage has been done. His reputation and GameDaily's reputation is tarnished. I just thought that I'd bring this to your attention as sort of food for thought. Congrats Chris, for proving that you're arguably one of the world's most negligible, unprofessional and possibly even retarded editors.  To think that people wouldn't notice your blatant disregard for even attempting to play the game was pretty gutsy...or, like I said, maybe just plain retarded.

Chris Buffa of GameDaily's reponse:
"Hello Tavon! Thanks for writing. Well I certainly hope there's similar controversy over gamesTM and Edge Magazine's scores, since they too awarded MGS4 an 8/10. Or is the Internet the only means by which people get these reviews? personally, I'm more interested in their articles.

Would it have really made a difference if I went on to say that at least Snake's head is concealed for a little while? Why are people giving Kojima (I say this again) a free pass for allowing Snake's floating head in act one and then switching things up later on?

Well hold on a second. First, you accuse me of "never even played the game", and now it's "but to not even go past the first stage of the game". Did I play it or not? ;)

Funny enough, I never went on record at GameRush. A "reader" asked me a question posing as a journalist or funneling my response to its editors.

Do I have a grudge against Metal Gear? Of course not. I took a controversial stand and people are unhappy with it, just as they almost always are when someone refuses to fall in line and go with the majority."

Have a great weekend!

Chris Buffa, Senior Editor

My Response:
"Once again, though, you're targeting the score as reason for the controversy and like I said while some people may be upset with it, that's not what my letter was about. Reading through your review it was easy to tell that you didn't play past Act 1. You wrote two very distinct sentences that were written as a 'this happens throughout the game' type statements, which means you played nothing more than Act 1, "assumed" the rest of the game was like that and then wrote your review. Obviously you are not a fan of the game in even the slightest or perhaps you just wanted attention. Who knows...well, only you do I suppose. Either way, the score is not the problem, your disregard for even playing the game past the first stage is the problem and as an editor in this industry that's pretty pathetic."

Chris Buffa of GameDaily's Response:
"I'm clearly not going to convince you otherwise, but your emails have been very helpful. In thinking even more about my lengthy experience with MGS4, I should go back and add to the review. After all, with the poor camera that almost always fails when in tight spaces, the poorly designed and confusing menus and other issues, 8/10 seems generous."

Chris Buffa, Senior Editor

End Conversation

At this point, I was pretty shocked with the responses I had received. Is this guy for real? In his head, does he actually feel that he didn't do anything wrong in not playing the game past Act 1 and then reviewing it? Are his actions afterwards in his article at GameRush and then in this email conversation worthy of a Senior Editor position?

The point of this blog is to bring some attention to the bigger issue at hand here, which was not the score as I mentioned, but the fact that he didn't play the game long enough to even present an accurate review. In short, he lied to his audience and at the same time took shots at the game and made absurb assumptions.

I would like this name to be etched into your minds. Why? Simple. When you see his name attached to an article, stop reading it. Chris Buffa has proven that he is not a trusted source of gaming information as much as he is fast to sling words.

Is GameDaily to blame? Perhaps, but this also was just a review on behalf of one rather bad Senior Editor. Still no response from the Editor in Chief as of this moment and I really doubt I'll be getting one.

Chris Buffa will more than likely receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist or a few laughs amongst the staff. But, as gamers ourselves looking for content I would advise staying away from his and perhaps even GameDaily's articles.

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ngg123455832d ago

""I'm clearly not going to convince you otherwise, but your emails have been very helpful. In thinking even more about my lengthy experience with MGS4, I should go back and add to the review. After all, with the poor camera that almost always fails when in tight spaces, the poorly designed and confusing menus and other issues, 8/10 seems generous."
Holy poop (I can't believe I can't say the synonym) at the camera comment. That was just plain and utter bullpoop. He should essentially mark any games down afterwards for a camera if he complained about it. But please stop whining about a review.

Beg For Mercy5832d ago

you did this man, its like he decided, i know everybodies going to give kojima a good score so im not, its like hes jealous of the mans success or something. he says it has a camera that fails, i have ninja gaiden2 and its the worst camera i have ever experienced in my life of gaming yet it scored higher than mgs4, pure bad reviewing and journalism on him and gamedaily.

rbrtchng5832d ago

nah, i'm just joking, it's the BEST game I've played yet. And Chris can go to hell.

chewy3175832d ago

0 degrees so sad no one sees this post.. chris is obviously biased.

Truplaya5832d ago

So he has a different opinion to you, who cares? MGS4 is a great game but is not a 10/10. The cut scenes annoy the hell of out of me, so much once that i turned it off so i didnt have to sit through more talking while my mate watched me play.

I cant beleive you've written a blog because your pissed at one guy's review! Go and play the game and make your own mind up, or stop reading reviews if other people's opinions cause you so this much greif.


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