Why PS3+PC is better than PS3+360.

Ok I am gonna cut to the chase and make this blog quick and simple. 360 has alot of exclusives and so does the ps3....BUT there is a key difference. You can't get KZ2, Infamous,MSG4,Resistance 2,LBP, and thats just to name a few. With 360 you can get Majority of its exclusive games on the PC and there cheaper and better in more than the graphical department where they have more content and are not hampered by the fact they have to pay for live.

The only problem is that PS3+ a good gaming rig is sometimes hefty on the wallet and may drive away people with lower incomes but. Look at it this way...With xbox live you'll always end up paying more....More for a console that isn't always reliable (even though they have a warranty it doesn't cover all of the consoles hardware breakdowns) where as a PC you can get warranties for any kind of failure and you don't have to pay for a continueing service (besides internet) atfer you've already spent hundreds of dollars. Also there are websites like Newegg (best site ever IMO) which sell quality computer parts for way cheaper than there competitors and offer good deals and sales for comp user like me and other people around the world. So you decide with PS3+PC you pay alot of money upfront and you may have to spend some extra time learning about PC's but with PS3+360 you spend more money in the long run. Thats if its from paying for something isn't in the warranty or for the continuous service of Live.

So do you agree?

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Raf1k15454d ago

Raf1k1 agrees :D

It's exactly the reason I bough myself a PS3 instead of an X360.

Plus I like my high tech gizmos :P

BiggCMan5454d ago

yes you can get a good portion of xbox "exclusives" on the PC, but with the xbox its more user friendly, yea you gotta pay for online but its still a great feature, you can create a friends list, you have gamerscores, avatars, the marketplace, now, im not very familiar with PC gaming so juts correct me if im wrong cuz im not 100% sure on this. i dont think all of that is available with PC gaming but it might be so like i said just correct me if im wrong, dont b!tch at me if im wrong. but i do love how u can only get ps3s exclusives on ps3, it truly makes them exclusive. MGS4 ftw!!!

xwabbit5450d ago

I have been doing this since day 1 and its been working like a charm.

Jinxstar5455d ago

To be honest thats the same conclusion I came to a long time ago... Slightly varied reasons but basic gist

gooze145455d ago

very good reasons and an even better point mate thanks for pointing that out

Gue15455d ago (Edited 5455d ago )

Are you the same Rah from gamepro?

Anyway, I believe that some people just prefer to play their games on a couch in front of a tv instead of a monitor. For the average user is just better to buy a console and forget about the upgrades until the next generation of consoles.

A console comes with everything you need and you just have to hook it up to an HDtv and just focus on playing the games and not on how well it will perform on your comp.

II Necroplasm II5455d ago

What you just said just slammed this whole blog.

Raf1k15454d ago

lol that's what you call slamming someone's blog?

Major_Tom5453d ago

Anything PS3 related Necroplasm exaggerates his claims immensely.

II Necroplasm II5453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

Well, now I see much better post now from others but yeah his post still makes this blog irrelevant just as well.


No I think that's you doing that over the 360, since all of your post is mostly bashing Xbox 360.

a_squirrel5438d ago

I have a monitor as a tv for my xbox 360 thankyouverymuch!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5438d ago
PotNoodle5455d ago

PS3 + 360 + PC is better :)

Bnet3435455d ago

That's what I have. All three. I don't see Gears 2 or Halo 3 or Fable 2 or Forza 2 or Halo Wars or Ninja Gaiden 2 or Crackdown on PC so this kids little blog post is irrelevant.

TheCagyDies5455d ago

and my favorite, Lost Odyssey...

GiantEnemyCrab5454d ago (Edited 5454d ago )

"don't see Gears 2 or Halo 3 or Fable 2 or Forza 2 or Halo Wars or Ninja Gaiden 2 or Crackdown on PC so this kids little blog post is irrelevant." Don't forget Dead Rising!

Snapped again!

iDystopia5453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

The Droids have gone into Red Alert every since E3. They can't pretend Xbox 360 has no games anymore, so now its "all 360 games are on PC and I have a good enough one to play them so everyone should get PS3 and PC"

Rofl, so desperate.

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phoenixwing12h ago

To be honest I'd rather know stuff is in the works but other ppl throw fits over it so it's whatever

porkChop11m ago

I'd rather they announce a game when it's like 3 months away. Quick little advertising campaign, round of interviews, gameplay deep dive, and a launch trailer. That's all you need. Cheaper marketing rather than wasting resources trying to maintain hype over like 4 years.


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Shiro1732h ago

The mode from mw2 prisoner rescue was really good. Hope they bring that back. Only mode in my I played.

Huey_My_D_Long1h ago

All I want from COD gamemode wise is Gun Fight

porkChop16m ago

I want stuff like Gun Game, One in the Chamber, Sticks and Stones, etc. And I remember having a lot of fun with War in W@W so that would be cool to bring back.