Meus Renaissance

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Sony Will Be The Biggest Losers

All bets are off on who will win this generation in terms of unit sales, but lets focus on Sony for a moment. Many considered 2008 to be the Year Of The PlayStation and aside from Metal Gear's released there has nothing to suggest that to be true. As the year started with PS3's outselling 360's on a consistent rate in North America we all deemed it to be the starting point for the anticipated revolution of Sony's luck.

However, even for the months it has outsold the 360 or is rumoured to have outsold them, it never reached the 2:1 ratio (or more) that is needed for it to be in 2nd place by 2009.  To make matters worst, Microsoft came on top in the following periods and Grand Theft Auto's launch hardly did anything to help either especially Sony whom it was expected to benefit most from the hardware. How many times have we heard people argue, both gamers and critics, that most of Sony's fanbase would jump to the next gen when the new GTA would be launched? It fell on silent ears.

Aside from Metal Gear being potentially a system seller, there are big reservations that it will not make much of an impact on hardware figures let alone carry it to a 2:1 ratio of Microsoft for the North American market.

Even with the biggest hopes for Metal Gear, there are no other recognisable system sellers for the platform this year other than possibly the rumoured Final Fantasy release.

What people often forget to mention when they see those NPD numbers, is not simply who has outsold in regards to these two but by the margin of sales which is the most critical here. I'm flaberggasted as to why Sony supporters rejoice when they sell 20,000 more than Microsoft when it doesn't matter considering the gap between the installbases. Indeed, outselling them by that 20,000 and they would never close the gap.

I don't see Sony finishing anything but 3rd this generation, and side from a few exclusives, I think that's quite deserved so far from their overall performance in regards to the gamers and what we've lacked from them. For Sony to be so dominant, to drop down to 3rd place in just one generation, is nothing short of a punishment for them. Microsoft move up to 2nd place, whilst Nintendo have captured the casual market ensuring them probable domination in hardware sales in the future.

Hagaf225813d ago

i think your a little ignorant on many levels, starting with the title, as long as sony sells 50 million units then even if they are in 3rd the system is a success, 2nd the ps3 doesnt need to out sell the 360 2:1- because the ps3 will be sonys system longer than microsoft plans on holding on the 360. also look at the cost to the manufacturer- sony isnt make much of a profit off of their console, but microsoft is still paying the billion dollar debt from the hardware failure epidemic. with the experience of developers growing, the ps3 will have just as many great titles as the 360 aside from exclusives. and biggest of all is the press and patronage. the press no longer slams the ps3 as a flop, especially after the release and massive success of mgs4. and people know sony, they know playstation, they know the name and they know the hardware works and will last. so regardless of what you think, in no way will sony be the biggest loser this gen.

Icecold335812d ago

Damn man, when did you become such a big fanboy. The guy makes a personal opinion in his own blog and you call him ignorant and freaks out on him. That's a bit arogant of you isn't it. You probably should focus more on those jets, and not PS3 so much.

Wow, you're the last one I would have expected this from.

Chubear5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

Though this is a blog piece, the poster made his piece public so any and all comments on it is valid. It's kinda funny how you call him derogatory names when the poster himself exhibits the traits you speak off.

He is entitled to his/her opinion just as the blog poster is entitled to his/hers. There's no need to try and target anyone responding to a PUBLIC blog piece.

LOL, it'll be so interesting to look back at certain comments made early in this gen, in 2011/2012. Good read.

Meus Renaissance5813d ago

It's a damn blog, personal opinion not a story. Can't I say what I want in my blog?

coolfool5809d ago

Don't you invite people to comment on your blog?

In fact I almost assumed that you purposely wrote it to start a little debate and get people discussing your points.

I liked the blog btw, good read.

Surfman5813d ago

hahaha, maybe your opinion, but completly untrue. I could say in a blog that i see Bill Gates in 2 years stopping Xbox franchise and makes games for PS3. You see, it's my "opinion". It's just sometime, if your "opinion" is completly funny how you think, why would you make it in a blog? Everybody has opinions, but nobody wanna know everyone's opinion. That's why the "comments section" of all news exist. Do it shortly.

kewlkat0075812d ago

Well it's an OPINION silly, how is it Untrue> Nobody saying it's FACT, unless you think your "SH^T smell like ROSES." Come on...

Based on what Meus has written, I have said something similar for a long time. Yes it's all Opinion and were making some type of hypothesis but come on guys, you have to imagine that "This Gen" will "NOT" be like Last Gen".

Everyone loyal Sony fan is holding on to some notion that Whatever happened last gen is bound to repeat. I just don't see that happening. Again IMO. For th i ngs to start happening lik they did even though Sony is picking up sales, the console has to estart selling like "really kicking @ss" week to week, and month to month for Sony to take that LEAD, and that is just for 2Nd place.

1. Sony will continue to sell consoles, to people that are not gamers and just looking for Blu-Ray thrills, you have to understand that when Sony sells a PS3, I wonder how many are buying extra games or multiples for their video hardcore pleasure. That's 1 thing we do know. It is a Factor.

-2. Ok looking at how the 360 does in Japan that's another Factor that gives Sony PS3 the world-wide edge, but this Gen the 360 is holding it's own in it's own back yard. Which is important IMO.

3. Sony will sell consoles based on their past Intall-base with the PS2(if and Whenever they decide to upgrade) but whatever MS might do, to somehow thwart that, buy paying for "Timed exclusives" or for games going "multi-plat" thats a little part of the strategy to bring fans that are not that "loyal" but wanna play games based on what they can afford, into the mix.

****Those are the EDGE Sony have gotten. While very big Edges, I feel like the Xbox 360 is now more established do do better then the Original Xbox and is in a good spot with developers, because of it's Install-Base and the Ease of development and online infrastructure/tools/support.* ****

This is what's changing the "Console war" looking at this Gen and comparing it to the last gen. MS still needs more 1st-party studios and Sony is still slacking in some areas. As time goes on We'll see what the hardware can do that really sets them apart, or we might never really get games that really embarassed the other in terms of hardware given the Pros and Cons of the Consoles and their infrastructures. Ask some "fanboy" and they will be quick to tell you otherwise, since thy know the future.

The suppose system sellers of the PS3, well they are not that many left, as far as games that's suppose to make everyone upgrade, and remember guys the PS2 sold over 2 million devices. Yeah I think the number is a little generous but also the PS2 did not really take off after the MAGICAL PRICE POINT of $199. This gen we have 2 other console competitors that will reach that point much faster. The Xbox 360 having a HUGE diverse gaming library when this takes place, with more games coming out and Of course the Wii will have plenty of new games. The PS3 will be last to do so with it's price point, I think. Thus another Xbox 360 EDGE to steal Market-Share to them non loyal fans that shop with depending on what they can afford or parents. Metal Gear Solid is PS3's best Exclusive and if it sells the same as the lst one then it won't do as much as it's suppose to. Sony will need help from other games. GTA4 was suppose to be one of those games and I do not think there was a BIG SPLASH like Sony hoped to do.

Again with MS's Xbbox 360 install-base, you just can't Ignore it and the DEVS are starting to learn that themselves. Not much Loyalty left. Some have been saying all MS have got was

2005 - By themselves
2006 - MS building it's Library
2007 - Another good year for MS and seen profits
2008 - Were hafway there and MS has plenty of games coming out, while some say they are dead(is beyond me)

IMO, all the games pushed to 2009 from Sony,really helped MS and the Xbox 360's line-up and I think they are pretty much even with the 360 getting the edge for RPG's. Let's see, you have FF, GT and GOW as potential System sellers,everything else others may post is all a big "????" with them new IPs and such. So we'll see.

Jinxstar5812d ago (Edited 5812d ago )

First I know this is opinion but "Sony" and "PS3" are not the same. The PS2 is still selling well...

If you want to talk install bases. Thats kinda a mute point anymore. They both have a large enough install base that 3rd party Dev's can't really afford to overlook either system. Unless one system has something that fits their goals much better i.e. BR or XBL...

I own all consoles bro and I do have a preference. I like my PS3 best mainly because I have more friends on PSN then XBL(Matter of fact I only had one on XBL and just canceled my sub cause it wasn't worth the money to me) I like my BR movies and other features that come stock with every PS3... Sales too me don't really matter and really shouldn't to any of us. If you like Gears get a 360 if you like MGS get a PS3... I just find for myself that I prefer games on PS3... I really like Gears and NG but what I like most is sitting down with my girl and playing Lego Star Wars or something Co-Op(On PS3 cause she likes that controller more) we are both stoked for LBP more then any other game this year... LBP will release and be great so sales could really matter for nothing to me...

Feel the way you want but I have replaced 2 360's. Currently the hard drive on my elite is faulty now and all the stupid people on the xbox hotline tell me is exactly what the website says in accents I can't understand while I sit there 90% of the time saying "What?" but it's not a RROD therefore not under warranty...

BTW this gen doesn't end in 2009. It should last til 2013 at the very least...

ApocalypseShadow5812d ago

but this blog fails.

you assume that sony is worried about microsoft as much as you think.they're not.i'll give you a reason.

sony has lead the way in what is considered next sony stated"next gen doesn't start until we say it does."and it's true.when you look at 1080p for next gen tvs,hdmi for next gen tvs,hard drives being bigger,remote play from anywhere in the world with psp and bluray setting and winning the standard,they were right on the money each time.even with CELL processing.

microsoft has backpeddled by trying to patch and upgrade what sony was right all along with.but excuse it as choice or improving features that they once bagged sony for.

but as for system sales,microsoft is worried about sony.but sony is worried about hitting 100 million consoles in 10 years...AGAIN.they only care about selling 10 million consoles every year to get to that.they don't care about microsoft.they didn't care about locking up games like talk about sony being the big losers TOO EARLY in the console race.but neglect the fact that sony is outselling them each month.

yes,in america it's small.but in japan,it's by thousands each week.and after MGS4,it's something like 77,000 to 1500 consoles sold.we don't yet know what the sales in america or europe are to say.but when you have microsoft saying 5 million lead just a month ago,when it used to be 10 million,that should tell you something.and it will only get better for sony and worse for will need a miracle.

it's not a race to 5 years,it's sales to reach 100 million in 10 years or less as what sony wants.the only thing microsoft is doing is pushing sony to unify the company to beat microsoft decisively.because microsoft is well past the ability to sell 10 million consoles a year.competition and fanbase for nintendo an sony prevents matter how low 360's price goes.


Jinxstar5812d ago

While I agree with you I don't think Meus really talked about that. Sony has done a lot of things right but failed with initial high price and all that... They were c0cky and payed for it with a late entry into this gen and a lot of 360 owners don't feel like switching now. Essentially all he is talking about is sales not the quality of the systems...

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Jason Voorhees Comes To MultiVersus

It is so awesome to see Jason back in a game. Warner Bros. Games today released a new MultiVersus cinematic launch trailer revealing Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th horror movie franchise and Agent Smith from The Matrix film series as playable characters coming to the free-to-play platform fighter videogame.


Take-Two Mandate on Microtransactions: Over-Deliver on Content and the Monetization Will Follow

Take-Two Interactive states their edict on microtransactions has been to over-deliver on content, and the monetization will follow.

lucasnooker2h ago

Warning. Boatloads of micro transactions coming for GTA VI

porkChop1h ago

To be fair, while GTA Online is monetized heavily both GTA Online and GTA V offer a massive amount of content without paying anything extra. Though I do think GTA Online's optional subscription is bullshit.

neutralgamer19921h ago

Can you please focus on delivering enough quality content to justify the $70 asking price? While I appreciate the idea of over-delivering, it's essential to ensure that the base content itself is worth it. I have concerns that GTA6 might have less single-player content because most of the focus seems to be shifting towards online play and microtransactions.

It's understandable why publishers are capitalizing on microtransactions when they generate billions with relatively little effort compared to traditional content creation. We, as consumers, are partly responsible for this trend. I've seen people spend on FIFA cards as if it's a normal part of the game. Previously, features like player cards and big head mode were earned through gameplay or cheat codes, but now gamers are willing to pay for them, so publishers have no reason not to monetize these features.

It's astonishing that the gaming industry is now more profitable than any other entertainment sector. Yet, despite record-high profits, the industry continues to see increasing levels of greed. It's baffling to hear about record profits followed by significant layoffs of developers. This disconnect makes no sense.

I know it’s unlikely given the size of the industry, but it might take a significant downturn for things to reset. Currently, there are too many decision-makers who lack a genuine understanding of gaming, focusing only on financial spreadsheets. A prime example is Andrew Wilson, the CEO of EA.

RhinoGamer881h ago

It must be a nightmare working at Rockstar in a Production role...dealing with the team egos and those of the V suite. #soulcrush

-Foxtrot28m ago(Edited 22m ago)

The thing is doesn't that just give studios the excuse of filling their games with content that’s just going bloat it rather than contribute towards the main story.

Ubisoft games for example with all the markers where 90% of it is just padding or useless crap.

Or maybe they design the game in a way that makes it feel longer but it’s because they’ve created it in a way where you are spending most of your time backtracking with spaced out unlocks that help your reach new areas or even having to do a bunch of platforming / parkour to get around. Jedi Survivor was the first game recently that’s made me think “ we didn’t need all this, it should have been more linear”.

It gets tiring


Take-Two CEO: We're So Focused on Delivering More Value Than We Charge

Take-Two head honcho Strauss Zelnick states every time they establish a price, they want to make sure it's "good news for consumers."

Petebloodyonion2h ago

It's the why we close servers after 2 years, why we re-use the same assets every year, and why we bundle our game with enjoyable microtransactions.

neutralgamer199248m ago

Running digital casinos in every game

neutralgamer199249m ago

Can you please focus on delivering enough quality content to justify the $70 asking price? While I appreciate the idea of over-delivering, it's essential to ensure that the base content itself is worth it. I have concerns that GTA6 might have less single-player content because most of the focus seems to be shifting towards online play and microtransactions