That just happened!


CRank: 13Score: 152360

SPECIAL COMMENT: Valve, why do you hate the video game industry?

There is a such thing as a travesty in the gaming industry. We have seen it in the past. There has been the Atari Jaguar (which one could think that if Atari had a long term plan with it, the system could've gone places), the untimely death of Sega as a hardware company (which because a bit of a half-bittersweet deal), and the CD-i. However, travesties are not exclusive to consoles, but rather manufacturers and developers in the gaming industry. We see it all the time that reviewers get things wrong about games on a factual level in order to support their opinions, and developers say things about issues that they know nothing about.

Valve, I am sincerely talking about you, and your ignorance to the video game industry, because your words, your actions, and your way of developing games and then just saying that a certain group of gamers does not matter is in fact a travesty to the gaming industry.

I am sure you have read them, and I am also sure you know about it: A petition, spanning several, if not many, signatures, reaching more than 2000, and that is probably underestimating it by a landslide, about the Playstation 3 version of the Orange Box. We've even seen an open letter, plagiarized or not, submitted as a news story on this very site. As I am sure your spearhead, Gabe Newell, has visited this site before, you probably know about the bugs, glitches, and downright negligence that you and the publishers that put it out for the PS3 crowd because, according to your spearhead, it is a "waste of everybody's time" and you would rather be loud about your opinions about a console instead of actually serving your customers about the porting of the game from the 360 and PC-Rom.

The travesty here: While you ignore any pleas by the people that bought the PS3 version of the game to fix just a simple bug and pass off a patch that fixes nothing as a patch, you supply the 360 version and the PC version of the very same game with all the trimmings, patches, and updates they could ever want, and then some. Thus, you not only hate the Playstation 3, as your spearhead has made clear, but you also hate the people that bought the system so much that you are willing to let them know, however way you can, that they do not matter.

How dare you, Valve, and especially, how dare you, Gabe Newell (we'll save our breaths in talking about EA, since they are just too busy courting the FTC to let them take over Take Two Interactive to care)? Mr. Newell, you are someone who would otherwise be hailed as a legend in game development, even think to imply a boneheaded statement like that. You have went from a legend in the gaming industry, to a complete and total disgrace, and you deserve nothing more than for everyone in the gaming industry to tell you that. It's not just of your opinions, which, by the way, have become moot since Sony has been on the best rolls they have had this year, which by the way is slated to continue. It's how you act upon them, which is the reason for this travesty. The last time you spoke about the Playstation 3, you answered Edge Magazine's question of "A while ago you said that you thought Sony should do a ‘do-over’ with PS3. Do you still think that?" with quote:

Absolutely. I think [PS3 is] a waste of everybody’s time. Investing in
the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There’s nothing there that you’re going to apply to anything else. You’re not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they’ve created. I don’t think they’re going to make money off their box. I don’t think it’s a good solution.

And with that went your legacy into the bowels of travesty. While we shouldn't confuse this with saying that you do not have any right to an opinion, it is a matter of fact that you have acted upon those words, and have brainwashed your minions to become your mouthpieces about this, and have manifested those words into blatant acts of terrorism. If this is how you show the world how much you hate one system over another, and be advised that we have yet to hear if you have changed your mind now since that quote came from an October 2007 interview, then you shouldn't even be developing games, but go back to whatever cubby hole you came out of, and leave the game developing to someone who gives a damn about the industry.

Because no matter how you slice it, Mr. Newell, the Playstation 3 is responsible, by the selling of the Orange Box to your own fans that have chosen that console over the competition, another word you solely forgotten, in giving you that check that you use to feed your family, put a roof over your head, and whatever else you use it for. It's part of your salary, sir, and that can just as easily be taken away. With telling the PS3 fans of the Orange Box, some of which have no other system available for them to buy the game on, that they do not matter, you essentially tell them that you think their money is dirty money, and you do not want it. If that is really how you feel about those fans, sir, then they can just as easily tell you that you do not matter anymore, by not buying your games, on any platform.

But this goes much deeper than that. Not only do you, Mr. Newell, ignore the PS3 owners of the game, but you slap them in the face by rewarding those that buy the game on the platform that you want them to buy the game for by fixing the littlest things that are wrong on that version. This is also the makings of terrorism. Not that you are not allowed to patch or update a game at all, but it's severely unfair, and you should be ashamed of yourself for letting it go on, assuming you're not the reason for it going on. By doing this, you imply that the only reason why you let EA, which by the way didn't hold a gun to your bloated head forcing you to port this game to the PS3 (something you shouldn't have allowed if you cared this little about that group of gamers), port this game is to constantly slap them around by letting them be the child who has to sit and get nothing while they watch their mother give the other child all sorts of love and attention just because she likes that child more than the other. These people bought the game for that console sir because they enjoy that console. And in case you want to start labeling people, as well, that does not make them fanboys because they probably have the 360 or the Wii, as well.

Simply put, sir, you and your minions really need to get some sun and get your heads out of your collective orifices. There have been petitioners who are passionate about their game and their beliefs, who have felt like they've been slapped around long enough yet don't want to support another system with their money because of whatever reason, more on that later, and even that open letter which you should read, sir. Yet you don't care. But you should. They don't deserve this kind of treatment, sir, and neither does the game industry.

And then we go back to the quote that we've mentioned before. The one where you, Mr. Newell, said that the Playstation 3 was "a waste of everybody's time". A waste, you say, sir? Tell that to the many people who have paid good money for the system and have found that Sony has added more and more features to its system via firmware than anyone could imagine. Tell that to Toshiba, who had found that including Blu-Ray in the PS3 helped Sony overtake HD-DVD to the point that the latter format kicked the bucket. Tell that to the disgruntled Microsoft consumers who are tired of having console after console receive three blinking red lights around its power button, a console which may become obsolete within a year or two, anyway, if even that. Tell that to the people who have played Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, MLB08: The Show, Resistance, or Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, or any of the fine PSN downloadable games which many have enjoyed, such as Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust HD, which, by the way, are independent games, the former made by ONE PERSON! That's right: One, single, solitary person, and has seen his game get catapulted into masterpiece status. We should then say, tell that to Jonathan Mak, who is that single person who made that game, since if one person can make an entire game and love the PS3 because of it and found no problems making a good game on it, then you certainly can find time to at least try. Tell that to Rockstar and Ubisoft, who have said that they don't think the PS3 is any harder to develop for, just using a different language that you may have to learn (which shouldn't be that hard of a concept to you, sir, unless you truly are a lazy developer like alot of people, myself included, claim you are). Tell that to the people who contrived that petition, and the people who are passionate enough to sign it, and then give you an open letter saying that you should do something about it instead of spitting in their faces anytime you find the opportunity to. Tell that to the people who think you should use a little innovation in your games in which think developing for the

But most importantly, try telling that to Hideo Kojima. You may have heard of the game: Metal Gear Solid 4. His development company not only loved the PS3, but wished that the system could've done even MORE than what its specs could do, which has been documented as being the most powerful out of all of the current generation of systems. He didn't have enough space on a 50 gigabyte Blu-Ray disc to do what he really wanted to do. And then, because of how fluid he was with his game, the video game industry is thankful. Basically sir, Kojima is a person who's boots you are not worthy to lick. He not only proved that the PS3 isn't a waste of anyone's time, but that it could be the coup de grace. This is not in any way a fanboy argument, but rather the truth. Not only will Metal Gear Solid 4 be an easy consideration for game of the year, but maybe one of the best video games of all time on any system. And by the way, maybe you should check the sales figures on not only that game itself, but how the Playstation 3 fared because of such a game on their system. You'll be hard pressed to find anything there to suggest that it is a waste of everyone's time.

And finally, tell that to the gaming industry. You spit in the face of the industry by submitting yourself to this kind of deviant behavior. You help to put a bright, read sore spot on the face of the industry, because you ignore a part of the puzzle OF the gaming industry. Whether you like it or not, Sony is now an integral part of the lungs, the heart, the soul of the industry, and by doing this, you are inevitably destroying a big piece of that puzzle.

Yes, I have mocked you alot for everything from weight (which I have no room to talk) to laziness. And yes, I do think you deserve it for this behavior. But that is sarcasm, and most things like that can be taken with a grain of salt (though sometimes, with the way you have conducted yourself, we can have our doubts about that sarcasm being such). However, this time, we're not trying to be funny in the slightest. This is as serious as we can get. We are sick and tired of you and you continued acts of negligence to the industry. We are sick and tired of you telling a group of gamers that they do not matter and that their system is a waste of everyone's time when many have since proven you otherwise. We are sick and tired of you spitting in the face of a group of gamers that shouldn't be your red-headed stepchild. And finally, we are sick and tired of you conducting these acts of blatant terrorism.

So, in closing in telling you about this travesty, Mr. Newell, I must ask you and your minions at Valve one simple question:

Why do you hate the video game industry?

Good night and good luck.

Evil0Angel5778d ago (Edited 5778d ago )

get ur fact right...Valve doesnot make games for PS3.EA approached them to port the game. DUH

i stoped reading when i got 2 this point

spelling mistakes...........who give cr1p

Montrealien5778d ago

note to the above comment. WoW, did you even try? EA did port it but besides that the blog post was decent. Even though I don't agree with it.

And I give a crap about spelling mistakes, especially since it is so easy to correct them on this damn site.

*looks at the spell check button*

As for the blog at hand. I have been a fan of valve for years, Steam has paved the way for digital distribution and I am a huge supporter of it, you may not like their choices but they where theirs to make. And to answer the question as to why they hate the games industry, I think it is for the same reason the indy music scene hates the music industry. Valve got f*cked over too many times being stuck with the shorter end of the stick distribution wise with their products and decided to take their fate in their own hands. They are pioneers for the little guys in this monster of an industry and just claimed their land while it was there to claim. more power too them.

my 2 cents, great read though.

RadientFlux5777d ago

You lost me and had me laughing with the "blatant acts of terrorism" bit.

Gabe Newell might be a douche but surprise a lot of people in the industry are.

When it comes down to it Valve is one of the premier developers in the world. I have yet to play a game that touched me as much the ending of Half Life Episode 2 did and I have been gaming for over 20 years.

socomnick5776d ago

Valve is one of the best game devs if not the best.

kwicksandz5771d ago

Everything valve has touched has turned to gold. It may hurt your twisted fanboy agenda to see the orange box is superior on other platforms but its still a great game even on ps3, as is every other newell directed valve released game.

EA, not vavle is responsible for the ps3 orange box, so please direct your hate to them and not valve. Gabe newells personal views on ps3 programing, which have been echoed by many other dev houses as well i might add have no bearing on the quality of the games his studio produces.

Valve loves gaming and it is you sir whom is the ignorant one here.


The turn-based roguelike/dungeon-crawler/RPG "ARHAEKON" is coming to PC via Steam EA in Q2 2024

"The Arad-based (Romania) indie games developer Predict Edumedia are today very happy and excited to announce that their turn-based roguelike/dungeon-crawler/RPG "ARHAEKON", is coming to PC via Steam Early Access in Q2 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


PlayStation Nixxes PSN Account Linking Requirement for Helldivers 2

PlayStation tweets: "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans."

Christopher9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Now, will gamers take all this fervor and aim it at the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Take2, and others who have way more invasive and problem-causing apps for Steam games?

8h ago
Eonjay6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Sony is like a whipping boy for the industry and it's just lame at this point. This is like my Activision account I use for Call of Duty. I'm not a 'fan'' of Activision but it's free and it comes in handy. The PSN account would come handy if they decide to do cross saves and I'm sure some other stuff too. I have an account for practically everything, including this site. I need a Microsoft account to play some PS5 games. No one has been able to explain what the big problem with a PSN account was.

blackblades3h ago

They dont want one because they cant trust them with all the times Sony got hacked which makes no sense cause steam got hacked so does everythinv else in this world. Been with playstation and i never had a problem security wise. PlayStation doesnt hold SSN and you dont have to put you credit card on it either. Pc users just wanna cry, its a PlayStation game they should be happy Sony putting games on pc to begin with. Also funny they dont trust Sony but yet would play there games when on pc.

redknight803h ago

Yes, people have explained the problem with a PSN account...there has been 15 million articles on it and surely you read a few and saw some is because PSN is not supported in a lot of countries meaning people in those countries can't create a PSN account and therefore would be unable to play the game at all.

ChronoJoe1h ago

On PS5 even crossplay doesn’t work with all PC accounts. I have plenty of PC friends where the invites never go through and theirs aren’t received. Crossplay without a unified account system is always a nightmare, none of us should be punching in friend codes in 2024.

They shouldn’t have tried to change this post launch but they should have had it in on day 1.

VenomUK50m ago

@redknight80. If the main complaint is that people in over 150 countries cannot create PSN accounts then Sony needs to get its programming/logistics/legal team to make it available. If that happens, the next time Sony releases a multiplayer game on Steam with a PSN account requirement would this stop a repeat of this backlash?

thesoftware73014m ago

Did they sell you CoD initially without needing an Activision account, and then locked you out of it because you could not get an Activision account where you lived?


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 14m ago
H96h ago

Christopher with all I do respect, your bias is showing heavily, be positive, congratulate people and ask for them to do more, no need for this passive aggressive bitterness

jambola4h ago

if they do he'll probably make the same comment but put world hunger in there

Zeref3h ago

He has literally failed articles based on whether or not it will upset Sony fanboys lol. We know where he stands and it's not neutral.

Brazz2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

You are the one showing bias. Christopher is 100% right here, all this HDII and PSN linking is a gigantic hypocrisy.

Christopher1h ago

Much need for it, because I know no one is going to turn any of this attention anywhere and it will just die out until the next Internet band wagon pops up. Gamers are proven to have power, they will then squander it rather than utilize it where it matters.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
notachance5h ago

I’d argue there’s a better softer approach they could do, just make it optional with bonus for people who did it like some free cosmetics and make it required only for cross-play and cross-save purposes. That way the people who can do it have bonus incentives and people in countries without psn can still play without problems.

5h agoReplies(5)
Angyobangyo4h ago

The difference is EA, Ubisoft, Take2, etc didn't release their games and then down the line implement forced account linkage under the guise of "security". Gamers know from when they buy EA and Ubisoft games that you'll need an account with those companies. Also when was the last time a company delisted an extremely popular game from over 100 countries?

Extermin8or3_4h ago

It was listed on the game as a requirement and it was a decision by arrowhead so that people could get into the game. In future companies won't be able to make such decisions and you will simply be left unable to play the game.

Christopher1h ago

Actually, all of them did this by adding their apps to existing games once they released their apps. So, no, they're not any different.

-Foxtrot2h ago

May aswell strike while the fire is hot

If not….then people are a bunch of hypocrites

thesoftware73017m ago

No, no, it's not about it having to be linked to PSN. The problem was that they initially sold it to customers, without the need for PSN(supposedly due to technical problems at launch), then added the PSN requirement for people they sold it to, that could not get PSN, essentially locking people out of somethin they already bought. Sony even delisted the game in a lot of places, what kind of fuckey is that?

And you response to them rolling back some BS, is to point the finger at other companies. That's the problem, it's always a finger pointing baby ass mentality with some people, oh, they did it so you should look at someone else, grow up. HD2 is huge right now, and many many people are playing it, and we are talking about SONY right now, not UBI, EA or anyone else, but Sony. The players of this wildly successful game is complaining, even the dev was clearly against what Sony was doing, so the uproar is from HD2 fans, not assasins creed or GTA fans.

--Onilink--11m ago(Edited 10m ago)

They already do, its the reason why the Epic Games store is still losing money, why Origin failed, etc

This whole idea that PC gamers havent been fighting against separate launchers, mandatory accounts, etc up until now just because its Sony is just dumb

Goodguy0110m ago

God I'd love it if the same would work for ubi, ea, and the likes

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 10m ago
Snookies129h ago

Thank you! I have a PS account, but bought this on PC. I just hate having to do stupid stuff like this just to get into the game I bought.

just_looken5h ago

You should try getting a resident evil MP working not as bad as making a sony account but its right up there i tried with a fake dump email holy spam batman. I never finished the account creation

XiNatsuDragnel9h ago

Good stuff this is what the power of gamers can do.

buffig6h ago

I wonder if that "power" could do something useful?

XiNatsuDragnel2h ago

Lol it's useful that we can change stuff about these greedy companies

Man_Among_Mice58m ago

Yet this "power" hasn't changed any of the actually greedy stuff these greedy companies do...

Chocoburger8h ago

Crisis averted, now we can all move on.

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Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes were deemed “too ambitious” to make

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes are likely off the table forever, as new claims from anonymous Activision devs bury your hopes for good.

Read Full Story >>
Snookies1220h ago

I at least wanted 3... Sad to hear this...

-Foxtrot15h ago

"Tony Hawk himself purported that plans were in place until Vicarious Visions’ obligations to Activision’s mammoth FPS game franchise, Call of Duty, got in the way"

Same what happened to Raven Softworks sadly

We'll never get Singularity 2

XiNatsuDragnel11h ago

Oof cmon that's sad and we need a singularity 2 plz

isarai8h ago

How can remakes of a game that's already been made be too ambitious to be made? 🤣

LucasRuinedChildhood1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The article says it was too ambitious for them to remake 1-4 in a single package for the deadline they had, not that remakes of 3+4 are too ambitious to be made in general. So they cut back to 1+2.

They were going to remake 3+4 later but unfortunately they got diverted to the Call Of Duty mines.

If Microsoft want to prove that they have had any sort of positive influence on Activision whatsoever, I'll be expecting Pro Skater 3+4.

Just let Toys For Bob remake the maps. The mechanics are already perfect.

phoenixwing8h ago

This is kinda pathetic on Activision. Hire someone else to do a remake if you have to. Not every dev needs to be working on cod

Number1TailzFan1h ago

Yeah, on top of that who wants to buy COD every year? Seriously.. any good MP game should easily be good for 2-3 years before needing a sequel if it has enough content or a few updates here and there.

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