
My Trust in Xbox is on Shaky Ground Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With multiple gaming studios, including Tango Gameworks, closing, the editor-in-chief of The Outerhaven shares his thoughts on the matter.

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rlow134d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Honestly I was looking back and at the launch of the Xbox 1. With Don Matrick at the helm I was disappointed but therevwas something else. That fighting spirit of Xbox at its inception was lost. They stopped innovating, I lost excitement on what the next big new surprise was, because their weren’t any. Not like Halo 2 and Gears launch. You couldn’t really brag about it anymore.
So here we are and corporate MS has ruined what was a beautiful renegade project.

Cacabunga33d ago

Xbox do not give a crap about developers they want publishers to make money for them that is all.

romulus2333d ago

Well without developers there's nothing to publish so if that's their plan it's a pretty bad one.

senorfartcushion33d ago

They've not changed. They went from discless trash to live services

neutralgamer199233d ago

Atleast don matrick competed and knew what it took to compete. Phil can’t stop speaking from both sides of his mouth

Since 2011-2012, the Xbox brand has faced challenges due to significant management issues. The latter years of the Xbox 360 era were lackluster, with anticipation building for the next generation, yet the Xbox One ultimately disappointed consumers. This misstep has led to Xbox falling far behind competitors like PlayStation and Nintendo.

While Game Pass is appealing to consumers, it poses challenges for developers. Many are unaware of the intricacies of game development; developers typically rely on regular income and aim for successful game launches to earn significant bonuses and royalties. However, Game Pass disrupts this model, potentially reducing developers' earnings. This has led to dissatisfaction and departures from Xbox studios, as developers feel undervalued.

Despite significant investments in acquisitions, totaling over $80 billion, Microsoft's messaging has been ineffective. Despite ample resources, Phil Spencer and his team have struggled to compete effectively.

To address these issues, Xbox should consider making their games available on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms. Despite positive sentiments from some fans, Microsoft's focus on sales and profits remains paramount. Despite efforts to spin the narrative, achieving these goals on the Xbox platform seems increasingly challenging.

shadowhaxor34d ago

For everything that Xbox did, I was hopeful it would turn stuff around. Game Pass was a start, and the release of its upcoming titles was a nice way to return. I mean, I'm not going to say it was perfect, just like I wouldn't say PlayStation is perfect. Neither company is, but when Xbox goes and does this, it makes zero sense. The message of Xbox's plan had already had me frustrated, but I was like, "Maybe they'll fix this mess."

Now... yeah. Not so confident anymore.

Aphrodia34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

That's how you know this is clickbait garbage. If you write about games for a living and didn't know Microsoft is a cancer on the industry until now than you are awful at your job.

hiroyukisanada33d ago

Came here to say exactly that @jznrpg 🤣

FinalFantasyFanatic33d ago

I was going to say this, now? Now, your trust is shaky? The only good gen Xbox had was the 360, and Sony stumbled badly at the beginning of that gen anyway.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 33d ago
XiNatsuDragnel34d ago

Xbox will destroy Activision too and Bethesda will be gone too lol

Chocoburger34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

"Right now"?
But not 11 years ago with the disastrous Xbox One reveal which they NEVER recovered from?
Man are you slow on the uptake.

shadowhaxor34d ago

No, Xbox never recovered, but Game Pass (which you're a fool if you deny the success of it), Xbox Cloud, the acquisitions, the reboot of Perfect Dark (which seems to be in the gutter now), the success of Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, and yes, Hi-Fi Rush (FFS).

Denying any sort of improvement only goes to show you don't pay any attention to the entire picture.

Crows9034d ago

I think you missed the part where these things were spread years apart. Theres no consistency

ApocalypseShadow33d ago (Edited 33d ago )


Perfect Dark IP was purchased along with many other games like Halo, Gears, etc. Perfect Dark needs help with Crystal Dynamics just to finish the game. That's pathetic. HiFi Rush was purchased and was probably already coming to PlayStation before the purchase.

If Game Pass was a success, these developers wouldn't be closing their doors. We told gamers it isn't profitable. It does make revenue. But revenue isn't profit. It hasn't changed Microsoft's position in the industry or increased hardware sales. If it did, they would be shouting from the rooftops like their arrogant asses always do.

Anyone can have a cloud service. And Sony's is more successful. It took buying major publishers just to increase their spreadsheet. But Xbox continues to fail even then. By having to place games on their competitors platform while still trying to compete. You don't see Nintendo putting their games on Xbox. And Sony was only forced because they don't own the MLB license. Which was forced behind the scenes by Microsoft to take away Sony's successful game and throw it on game pass to use it against gamers buying it on PlayStation. How is the acquisitions a success if they have to close companies they just bought and make many developers jobless? Are you serious? Unless you call it a success by taking away games from other platforms that made those developers more money. That's ridiculous.

Sea of Thieves took years to fix. How is that a success that you have an unfinished game for years that needs fixing? Games should be complete at launch. Just like Halo was an incomplete game that needed fixing. Forza Horizon is a good game but even that game hasn't improved Microsoft's standing at all.

Denying all that shows that you're not paying attention.

Chevalier33d ago

Success? They missed their own targets 3 years straight, stopped announcing numbers because they're so terrible and it's not profitable. Hence the closing 4 studios. There will be more consolidation too. Just watch the by the books garbage yearly releases too followed by more season passes and shorter games come out

Chocoburger33d ago

I have been paying attention for past 11 years. That's why I made my fully accurate above post.

You're the one who hasn't, thus you made that completely worthless post.

- I don't care about a rental service for mid-tier (or any tier) games.

- I don't care about streaming services, I play on actual hardware.

- What is Perfect Dark at this point? Its just a name trying to have an easy win with nostalgia. The original developers and talent has long been gone once MS bought Rare in 2001. ITS JUST A NAME, nothing more.

-Don't care about Forza Horizon.

- Don't care about Sea of Thieves.

- I am interested in Hi-Fi Rush, but MS killing off Tango has pissed me off, so I don't want to reward them for their B.S. and now its guaranteed that the hard working devs won't see any benefit from me supporting them.

MS has done squat over the past 11 years. Nothing but the embarrassing stink of failure. I know this because I have been paying attention.

StoneTitan33d ago

I never played hi-fi rush, even though I would have loved it from all I can see, but as it never came to playstation... Now it comes to playstation and I have no intention to buy it because they closed the developer and the money will only go to poor phil and his poor suits. Well I mean, what else is there to say.
Gamepass brought them into this position so you would be a fool to see it as a success lol

romulus2333d ago

It's also foolish to deny the negatives gamepass is having on the industry as that is part of the entire picture as well.

ocelot0733d ago

Gamepass? That is one of the main things that's killing Xbox as a platform imo.

shinoff218333d ago

Gamepass imo is the downfall. It literally took its base and said wait no need to buy games we will provide you. That's a fking disaster not a good thing. Alot of us been saying it

Idk about the Xbox cloud either. I'm not quite sure that's ever even been useful.

I'll give you the few game examples you gave. Even though I don't do online games sea of thieves seems to be striving and doing well. Hi fi was rated high and sounds decent(I'm buying the physical). They did have a couple decent things going on. Its just what it should've been to what it was, was lackluster as fk. In the end.

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Skuletor33d ago

Must be getting their news on Microsoft's Internet Explorer

notachance34d ago

I imagine smaller ABK studios like toys for bob and beenox are now feeling uncertain about their futures

LucasRuinedChildhood34d ago

Thankfully Toys for Bob managed to safely separate from Xbox and are independent now.

notachance34d ago

lol I don't know that, thanks for clarifying

TheColbertinator34d ago

Beenox has been in danger for years now with Activision. Microsoft may act more ruthlessly to them unfortunately.

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Garethvk7h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot7h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda7h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B7h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

Elda7h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

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