
Lair: This is How You Play The Game With Sixaxis


"We are wondering how reviewers gave the game such low scores when all they had to do was, do what Lairplayer5 does in the video, which is relax and simply and gently move the controller in the appropriate direction.

We under the impression that, reviewers who reviewed this game were either in a rush to get the review out on time or just did not take their time in playing the game as Lair player5 demonstrates in the first segment of the video."

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TriggerHappy6088d ago

I think this is the reason why the scores at very mixed up. Am guessing reviewers that gave this game a high score took time to familiarize their selves with the controls of the game and were not in a rush to get the review out there

Stella6088d ago

Oh please.

There never was any doubt Lair was going to get trashed by the little fanboys at review sites. This suggestion that somehow 'reviewers were rushed' or other crap is just inane.

Lair's controls are:

Tilt left and right to steer
One button for breath attack, one button for close attacks where you duke it out with the other dragon

And if you want to get 'fancy' you can do a snap forward to do a dash for speed and you can do a wrist snap up to do a 180 degree turn

That's it!

Lair got trash by fanboys as joke sites like EGM or 1Up because:

It is a 1080p graphically insane PS3 game
Makes it obvious that 25/50 gig games sizes are going to be common with its 4 gigs per level data sizes
It is a PS3 game with motion controls

Lair has the hate of both the Nintendo and Xbox rabid fanboy communities.

Great F-ing game. It's good to see the joke reviews of the game getting shown for the farce they are.

Maddens Raiders6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

with the mart-in and his son the dude on the loose your bound to hear an earful of reasons from NON PS3 players many reasons why this game SUX and of course they will give their anecdotal, ridiculous excuses why their brains aren't capable of using the sixaxis properly; and therefore know one elses should either.

Then again, these are the same people that send in broken consoles over and over again expecting different results. I can't wait to get back home to play this and Warhawk.

Nice find Merc.

nasim6088d ago

i recommend this to all ps3 owners.

learning curve might vary from 2--6 hours but once you get a good grip on the controls there is nothing as pleasant LAIR

PSU termed its graphics as "UNRIVALLED and UNPARALELLED"

TheSadTruth6088d ago

This is getting ridiculous... why are there so many idiots who refuse to actually read the ENTIRE reviews before assuming that the reviewers can't control well?

The problem isn't with flying, and it isn't with the first few levels, the horrible controls show their hard much later in the game when you have to do more complicated tasks with the piece of sh*t sixxaxis controller

showing a demonstration of flying, which was never why the game got reviewed poorly, and the second level, isn't going to change anything

just please give it up guys, Lair is not a good game

Bathyj6088d ago

I wonder if most people even realise the EGM reviews and the 1up reviews were written by the same guy.

He wrote a rushed review of unfinished code for EGM, we ALL know that, and then wrote a review for 1up as if more reviews giving it EXACTLY the same score some how gave it credibility. Pathetic Crispin Boyer.

MikeGdaGod6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

i bought Lair yesterday just because you can play it on psp, but after playing for a while, its actaully not bad. but you have to really want to learn how to play. that means doing all the tutorials and practices.

i'm not a big fan of the motion controls at all, but after actually trying the game out and not being all upset about there not being an option to play with the sticks, i'm starting to really like it now and its alot of fun.

after reading all the reviews i figured they played through it quickly and were frustrated after a while like i was, THE FIRST DAY. today its whole lot better and now i'm enjoying it more. it just takes a lil time and effort. plus, if we really wanna take gaming to the next generation, we have to be willing to try new control scemes and not rely on the old way of playing (at least for one game, sony better not pull this sh!t again). and being able to play on psp is great just to show off to friends. i had everyone in the barborshop buggin when they saw it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6088d ago
InMyOpinion6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

The response time looks awful. It takes almost a second for the dragon to react when he tilts the controller. I still think it looks like fun though. Once you get used to the controls it might be a blast. It's retarded that they did'nt implement control options that let you control the dragon with the analog sticks.

TriggerHappy6088d ago

yeah the timing is a bit off but is really about patience . Look at how when you gently move the controller, the Dragon do exactly as you wishes but when you move it the controller in an uncalled for manner, look at how everthing goes crazy on screen.

CRIMS0N_W0LF6088d ago

I don't see a plane unless its a jet fighter turning instantly

InMyOpinion6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

It's a sci-fi dragon game, not a flight simulator lol! When you play Wii sports it does'nt take 1 second before the tennis player swings his racket. He swings it simultaneously as you swing the Wii-mote, just as it should be. Intuitive and precise! This only looks half-a$$ed. Sorry if you can't take the criticism, but that's how I feel.

TheExecutive6088d ago

Jenzo.... if i remember correctly the wii-mote and wii sports often gets confused when you swing the wii-mote around... in fact... I know it does because I own a wii. It is most noticable in golf, but there is a delay especially in boxing. Precise? I dont think so.

Stella6088d ago

"The response time looks awful."

I don't what the hell you are talking about.

You tilt left, the dragon immediately turns left.
You tilt right, the dragon immediately turns right.

As anyone who actually has the game knows.

scheme_a6088d ago

The guy who uploaded the video commented on youtube, and he said it's actually like Microsoft Flight Simulator. He seems to be an avid player of it, and that's why, he says, he is actually comfortable with its control.

And obviously, nobody complains to Microsoft for FS being so "slow."
It's just a difference of how game designers want you play.
I'm guessing they kind of wanted to simulate how a dragon can be controlled.
Not that they really know, but it makes sense if they model the movement based on real airplanes.

eiter way, i think it's a love it hate it kind of gameplay.

gameforall6088d ago

you are riding a Dragon not flying a F16

BlazeXXL6088d ago

I can still clearly remember that the developers (factor 5) said that it was their intention to make it feel like your riding a living and breathing creature.

Do you think a horse (just using it as an example, since a horse also has a lot of body weight and it got the same steering materials) would be able to turn around 180 degrees immediately?

I personally love this gameplay, reminds me of a flight simulator. And as far as I can tell, the reviewers are trying to play this game as a FPS (run and gun), that is not how the developers want you to play this game.

TheSadTruth6088d ago

you Sony fanboys are getting sad

no, it shouldn't take 1 second for the dragon to BEING moving after you tilt, it should IMMEDIATE but can still be SLOW

Jenzo is right on the money, I feel sorry for you 12 year old kids who feel like they have an obligation to a video game console, because you DON'T, it's just a fuc*ing video game kiddies

MikeGdaGod6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

but when playin it in person its very accurate

it could be the setting he has on the motion sensor because you can adjust it.

Blabbermouth6088d ago

The more I look at what people are saying that own the game, and the vid that are coming in, the more I'm thinking that the reviewers where wrong,and didn't bother to learn the motion controls or got payed off.

InMyOpinion6087d ago

There's even video proof that clearly shows that the controls have latency problems, still you keep denying what most big video game sites have been claiming. I don't think IGN would use the word "Suxaxis" if Lair had functional and precise controls...

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 6087d ago
DrWan6088d ago

Train ur pairs of surgical hands kids, be gentle is da key!

Antan6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

Its all well and good "flying" like that when theres nothing to fight, but what about when ur fighting in "dogfights" and you need quick turn times etc etc?


Thanks Blood, i didn`t watch all of it. It appears i have another Ignore on my list after this comment. Its strange how i asked a question and get 4 disagree`s and an ignore, no doubt from a PS3 fangirl thinking im an "Xbot". Nothing but neutral comments from me, won`t see me bashing like a dipstick.

Blood_Spiller6088d ago

Watch the whole video, at the end he shows how it controls during a level with action going on.

no_more_heroes6088d ago

like I thought it isn't as bad as everyone was making it out to be. Having to move the controller that slowly would probably feel kinda annoying in a fast action game like this though.

Blabbermouth6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

that the dev's wanted a more realistic movement of the dragon, just think about it. Imagine your riding a giant bat or a glider. you wouldn't be able to make sharp turns a-pon sharp turns instantly. Remember where talking about a dragon here that uses its wings to glide most of the time, plus you have to take into account something that heavy moving through the air.

If you look at the parts where hes only making a subtle movements you'll notice it looks quite responsive(which is most of the time). Even then, with the moves(dragon battles, 180 degree flips), it will definitely look to the watcher that there will be a delay, first you have to execute the movement,and then the game pro-forms the manoeuvre.

Also I think that the difference between analog stick and motion control is that there is a more leverage in movement between the two.

spasticjustice6087d ago

I'm sorry, I just can't respect someones opinion when they say pro-forms, and manoeuvre. It's perform, and maneuver.....

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821400d ago (Edited 1400d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1400d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331400d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1400d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1400d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1400d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1400d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1400d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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5 Disappointing Games and the Great Studios That Should Remake Them

A reimagining of 5 disappointing video games and the masterpieces they could have been underneath other studios.

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FallenAngel19841877d ago

How often do disappointing games get remakes

darthv721877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games? some of these have really good premise but somewhat disappointing execution. In the right hands they could be great.

I quite enjoyed lair (after the patch), too human and the order 1886. I'd even add in quantum break and recore as disappointing but with a good premise.

gangsta_red1877d ago

"well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games?"

But how many disappointing movies actually get those? I'm still waiting for a remake of Howard the Duck.

darthv721877d ago

^nothing disappointing about howard the duck. It is cheesy 80's goodness.

gangsta_red1877d ago

When you're right, you're right.

rainslacker1877d ago


Wasn't there a rumor that they were looking at making another Howard the Duck? He had a cameo in GoTG2.

Love that movie for how bad it was. That and Garbage Pail Kids.

DrumBeat1876d ago

The Order was a fresh experience. Not the most compelling game, but I didn't want to put it down, and platted it. Good for what it was.

Quantum was something different as well, but a little less fun to actually play, imo. The 'acting' was done in a cheese factory too. Completed one path and never returned to it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1876d ago
pietro12121877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

FFXIV was already remade, and it's probably the beat thing Square has put out in years.

notachance1877d ago

yes, I was giving an example of disappointing games remade to be a great game

thorstein1877d ago

Every time sites need clicks. Just look at the obligatory: i wAnT cLIcKs tEh OrDer 1886 pIcTUrE.

JonathanHarris1877d ago

It's really not super often, but it does happen!

Mostly we see cult favorites come back around but in the recent case of Shaq-Fu we really saw a truly awful game see new life (not great life but at least new).

It's something I'd love to see a lot more of.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1876d ago
1877d ago Replies(4)
NarutoFox1877d ago

Too Human yeah I remember that game smh😂

Inzo1877d ago

The Order has its faults yes but it had a fantastic atmosphere and some great gameplay. A game with enormous potential and far from disappointing. I say give Ready at Dawn another crack at it because I think they created an diamond with some rough edges that just needs some tlc.

Dreamcatcher451877d ago

Problem was the repetitive boss fights. I liked the gunplay, cover system and somewhat the story.

hulk_bash19871877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

It did have fantastic atmosphere, I'll give you that. But gameplay pretty much played out like short gunfire segments interlaced with walking/sneaking + QTE events. Gameplay was the weakest point of The Order because RAD prioritized world building and graphical detail. Ut was disappointing because it didnt live up to the massive potential it haf. If they were given another shot at a sequel, I hope they can learn from their mistakes.

notachance1877d ago

gameplay was meh but the world had potential, in my ideal world it'd have Mass Effect kind of gameplay

Prubar1877d ago

I waited till The Order was discounted and went in with certain expectations and wasn’t disappointed. Just like Quantum Break. Great concept just needed a little extra meat on the bones.

rainslacker1877d ago

I had high hopes before it released. They were curbed some by the early previews, and while I found faults with the game, and it was obviously released unfinished, I still enjoyed it. The lore, acting, graphics, and world itself were excellent.

JonathanHarris1877d ago

I agree that it had some awesome atmosphere and the gameplay wasn't awful, but that potential is exactly why I put it on this list. I actually loved playing the game (same as some of the other games I put on this list such as Army of Two) But I would just love to see what could happen if it fulfilled some of that potential, ya know? Could have had the next incredible Sony franchise to rival God of War.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1877d ago
TheEnigma3131877d ago

The order should have had a sequel. The first one wasn't bad just needed a few tweaks.

robtion1877d ago

I would love a sequel to The Order. It is still a great game.

Lair had a great concept and could be amazing with the current technology available. A Lair-like ps5 game could be incredible.

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15 Worst PlayStation Exclusive Games of All Time

PlayStation’s strong and impressive lineup of exclusives is probably the biggest edge it has over its direct competition in the market- a fact that has been true for as long as anyone can remember.

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TheEnigma3132164d ago

Ridge racer for PSP was actually good and shouldn't be on this list. I think I'm the only one that enjoyed Haze.

Mr Pumblechook2164d ago

When GamingBolt have to dig up PS1 & PS2 games you know Sony is doing something right.

PygmelionHunter2164d ago

The list is about the worst Playstation exclusives games OF ALL TIME...

Why wouldn’t they include PS1 and PS2 games?

Prince_TFK2164d ago

That’s right, only PS4 games should be on the list of the worst Sony exclusive games of all time. /s

Dragonscale2164d ago

As much as I like PlayStation, there are plenty of stinkers just like on all platforms tbh.

hulk_bash19872164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Haha you completely missed or are willfully ignorant of the intent of this article. It clearly says worst PS Exclusive Games of All Time.

2164d ago
UltraNova2163d ago

A Haze 2 or reboot would be nice!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2163d ago
NonShinyGoose2164d ago

RR on Vita made the list, not the PSP version. RR on Vita was severely lacking content.

Knushwood Butt2164d ago

They tried something new and it failed.

The initial price point was low but a large amount of content was locked behing DLC

These days you often pay full price up front and get the same concept.

Darkwatchman2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Didn’t the list just have ridge racer on Vita? Because the Vita ridge racer was a dumpster fire at $40 with next to no cars or tracks. It was such an incomplete experience. As the article states, it felt more like a full priced demo than an actual game. Psp ridge racer had so much more to it.

SierraGuy2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

All early ridge racers had next to no cars...game was great because of its graphics, controls, fun factor. Nothing could touch it on PS1.

mrdeli2164d ago

When this piece of flotsam indicated that "Being a clone of GTA shouldn't be that hard" I just closed the window.

2164d ago Replies(4)
Liqu1d2164d ago

The most disappointing game I have ever played.

madforaday2164d ago

Socom 4, I guess you could say that was an AWFUL/TERRIBLE Socom game. BUT it was an okay game if it didn't have the word Socom in the title.

Gardenia2164d ago

To save you from clicking those annoying slides:


solideagle2164d ago

thank you for the list. I believe he should listed PSVR titles as VR....

yeahright22164d ago

I love when people do this to sites that try to artificially up their clicks by forcing one click per entry. But I will say maybe let's leave off the first entry so they get the one click. Both so N4g gets whatever they're due for pushing traffic to their site and to send a message to the site that you only get one click.

Gaming_1st2164d ago

Well everybody should have gamingbolt blocked anyways.

Dragonscale2164d ago

Don't need to. I avoid it like the plague regardless lol.

Hardiman2164d ago

When certain sites have articles on here I just look at the comments.

FinalFantasyFanatic2163d ago

Sites are lucky if I click once or twice, half a dozen or more clicks is more effort than I'm willing for a list that may or may not suck.

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Gaming_1st2164d ago

I feel Knack or Ridge Racer shouldn't be on there.

Dragonscale2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Maybe not knack but it's understandable, its not the best game tbh. Dunno bout ridge racer.

SierraGuy2163d ago

Ridge racer should never be on a worst list. FU gaming bolt crap.

Stogz2164d ago

Cant argue with Bravo Team, that game really did suck.

GBG_Jason2164d ago

Bless. I stopped after 1 because of it.

KwietStorm_BLM2164d ago

Have to say that is a pretty crappy list. I remember being so pissed with Twisted Metal 3 after TM2.

OffRoadKing2163d ago (Edited 2163d ago )

You're doing Gods work. Many blessings upon the house of Gardenia.

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