
1UP: Heavy Rain Preview with new videos

1UP's Matt Leone writes: I'm happy to say that overwhelmingly, the most impressive aspect is the pacing. Without a narrator, I get to listen more closely to the game's music, which does a fantastic job of ramping up the tension. When I get to the scene where Jayden tries to arrest Mad Jack but gets dizzy, I feel extremely anxious when the button symbols disappear so quickly that I can't press them in time. As a scene trying to make the player feel tense, it certainly works.

omni_atlas5462d ago

Triple A title right there.

Looks freaking awesome but its the story thats going to make me grab this as a first day buy.

For those that haven't tried Indigo prophecy, pick it up and you'll see where Heavy Rain's 'roots' come from.

If the future is all about mature theme interaction 'gaming', then count me in for the long haul.

Cyrax_875462d ago

Spoilers FTL, please next time mark your spoilers. I haven't played SotC yet and was thinking about buying it next week. I still will though but damn, wish I didn't read your post.

heroicjanitor5462d ago

Got away with it though the jammy bastad.

5462d ago
beavis4play5462d ago

and stinks of childish trolling. why don't you, meerkat and meetajhu go play a nice game of COD4 MP?

Narutone665462d ago

mature adult. Certainly not for the likes of immature gamer like socomnick.

LightofDarkness5462d ago

Will people kindly get off the "this game is for mature people, anyone who doesn't like it simply doesn't get it and is clearly immature" bandwagon? It's a video-game, kids. If you think you're somehow a high-brow intellectual because you enjoy playing a video-game with a good story then you're clearly suffering from a chromosome deficiency or haven't finished puberty yet. I have a feeling that I won't enjoy this game, I have a distaste for QTEs, so how is it that you can only be mature by suffering through a gameplay mechanic you abhor just so you can watch another long cut-scene play out. That "ends justify the means" argument doesn't sit well with me.

gaffyh5462d ago

This game will be awesome, Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit was one of the best games last gen, and it was not boring at all and a lot of it was QTE. But the whole game isn't QTE.

@socomnick - It makes my day laughing at fanboys like you, I'd rather have Heavy Rain over most other games, at least it is different, or do you want mediocre FPS, after FPS?

raztad5462d ago (Edited 5462d ago )

Kids like socomnick should stay away from mature games. I repeat mature content. Those kids trash-talked MGS4 cause the cutscenes and now are begging Kojima to port "teh movie" to the 360.

Amazing stuff, really amazing. Sony conference must be really packed, otherwise is impossible to understand why they are spilling the beans so close to it. First Uncharted2, the highly secretive Trico project and now Heavy Rain with a full gameplay video (looking amazing btw). Wow, I cant imagine what Sony got in reserve for us.

EDIT: I just watched the GTTV video. It is muuuuch better. The game indeed looks AMAZING.

5462d ago
FragMnTagM5462d ago

The graphics look good but they are not the same as the tech demo.

I was really hoping they could achieve that technical level of detail. When I first watched that trailer, it looked like a real human being. Now you can definitely tell that it is a game.

Indeed it does seem they took a different direction witch is a shame. That tech demo was phenomenal.

I know it was just a tech demo, but I want THAT game. This version should still be decent enough. I did enjoy Indigo Prophecy, so this should be good. But man I want the first trailer's graphics!

itchy185462d ago

saw the GTTV video and it was really good.

Matpan5462d ago

Looks really nice. I just hope those QTEs don´t take too much of the game. I´ve played too much dragon´s lair when a kid :P I don´t fancy that game style if abused. Now as backup for something else going on, I guess it´s ok, I can bare with it (ala shenmue, for example)

IrishRepublicanArmy5462d ago

for his love of creative and origional games!!

-EvoAnubis-5462d ago

Dude, that was a tech demo. It never had anything whatsoever to do with the plot of Heavy Rain, and that was always made clear.

bpac1234567895462d ago

im glad its something new‚ but to be honest i wasnt that impressed.

also the voice acting seems.... lackluster.

Daoshai5462d ago

^^ I agree, the voice acting and even the movement wasn't that thrilling. I felt a little disconnected with the moment to be honest.

Color me not impressed.

kevnb5462d ago

but indigo prophecy bored me after awhile, just not enough game to it.

7ero H3LL5462d ago (Edited 5462d ago )

......and this is the game that is said that 360 can't run, lol,


you know if this went multiplatform right now and you saw these pics you guys would be blaming 360 all over the place for no reason, right?

pixelsword5462d ago

...I know that screenshots taken from the PS3 directly from the console and put on a PC makes the game look worse than what you see (my MGS4 stills didn't look too good after I ported them)... but the hair from the guy looks too different from the woman standing in the rain in the trailer. Only a demo can sort this out.

Soon I hope.

pain777pas5462d ago

Really impressed this game is right up my alley. Can't wait and watch gametrailers piece it seems as if this is a game that we will always remember when its all said and done.

king dong5461d ago

it may have pretty graphics, but to me, and i'm sure to many many people, the game play looks incredibly lacklustre! and i'm thinking could easily become stale in minutes.

and please, will you idiots shut-up about "mature themed" as if anyone that doesn't have any interest in this undoubtable commercial and critical flop are kids.

just bring on the news of MAG, heavy rain can just disappear for all i care....i certainly wont be buying it.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5461d ago
Why o why5462d ago (Edited 5462d ago )




@ omni, yeah people should definitely pick up Indigo prophecy/Fahrenheit. Not perfect by any means but the story and execution was refreshing and immersive. There really wasnt anything out there quite like it on consoles

@ meetajhu, play Indigo first and then you'll understand that this game is not just qte's its just the parts people tend to show because they are movie-like

Kenshinhimurasz5462d ago

I can't wait to see this at E3 its going to be so cool
Very unique

40cal5462d ago (Edited 5462d ago )

I really do think that Heavy Rain will change a lot of peoples perspective of what games can be as an entertainment medium. This has the potential to be a revolutionary title, I personally cant wait.

megatama5462d ago

I like how this game is different from games that ar on market this days..fresh

360isgreat5462d ago

Finally something different... Story seems incredible graphics looks solid.. Definitely playing!!!!! Saw it on gametrailers tonight on spike.

raztad5462d ago

Why are you in the open zone, and the trolls in gamer's?
What you said is true. Finally something new. I loved Indigo P, I know I'll love this one.

likedamaster5462d ago

The only character that looks realistic is the main chick.

Heavy Rain = Interactive movie

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1267d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1267d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1267d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1266d ago (Edited 1266d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1424d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121424d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1424d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121424d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121424d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011424d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1424d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.