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Relientk77 (1) - 4442d ago Cancel
capitalK (3) - 4441d ago Cancel
GameCola (2) - 4442d ago Cancel

Steel Battalion's Kinect controls kinda stress me out

"I had a lot of doubts about how Steel Battalion would make its transition form massive controller to the Kinect system with the newest entry into the series, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for XBOX 360. Those worries I had about losing the feeling of immersion in the game seem pretty well answered in the newest trailer, which details some of the games impressive Kinect control set up. What has me most intrigued is the included use of a standard controller for your moving and shooting in the game, which I personally feel like I'd get the most precision with."

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Community4441d ago
WrAiTh Sp3cTr34442d ago

"Steel Battalion's Kinect controls kinda stress me out"

Says the person with a cigarette in her hand. I think you're stressed out in general, lol.

raymantalk14441d ago

so the YOU ARE THE CONTROLLER has now turned into lets add a controller you can hold to give you "FAST RESPONSE AND PRECISION" this seems to defeat the purpose of KINECT and you are the controller slogan has MS finally added that it does not work as they claimed ?. lol

TekoIie4441d ago (Edited 4441d ago )

I think it works but its very hard to Make it work 100% properly compared to with a controller. Personally think the game will be awesome with the inclusion of the controller :3

When they announced this for kinect i went out and bough Kinect straight away. Hope its worth it cuz so far the voice integration for ME3 was really helpful for the powers i didnt have mapped. dance central is pretty fun but its not something i play as much as ME123, gears and skyrim.

Perjoss4441d ago

Problem with kinect is it was originally supposed to have a decent processor built in but that was cut i believe. The rumor is that the next gen xbox will have a built in processor dedicated entirely to the included as standard kinect.

GribbleGrunger4441d ago

i can see the box art now:

'Kinect, You are the controller'

'controller required'

maniacmayhem4440d ago


Just like Sony's slogan, "it only does everything"... really doesn't do everything.

raymantalk14433d ago

so what does it not do that other consoles do ?

and before you say cross game chat no fucker wants it or cares about it.

maniacmayhem4432d ago

The question isn't what it does not do what others can. The slogan is "it only does everything"

but it doesn't do EVERYTHING.

the point is its just a slogan, a marketing term to throw in commercials and generate sales or interests. Just like Sega's "Blast Processing" or Coke "is it".

To take it as the holy word is ridiculous.

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r214441d ago

kinect by itself is a bit silly but with a controller, it could make games more immersive and hard core you could say.

raymantalk14441d ago

forgot to mention the video just looks like a video listing the features does not show anyone controlling it so cannot make a judgment based on this video will wait till proper game play video/review.

TekoIie4441d ago

If the game performs how the trailer says then it will be brilliant but again after the star wars kinect trailer that they faked im holding off until i see someone playing it.

Tai_Kaliso4441d ago

I don't see how controlling a game with Kinect and a standard controller can stress anyone out. Anyone remember that huge controller for the other Steel Battalion game? That would stress me out.

Looking forward to this game though, should it get good scores and work well with Kinect all the threads with the scores will be whisper quiet.

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Why From Software's worst game is worth learning from


"Heavy Armor might be the perfect Kinect game, or at least, the most honest, because it reveals how interesting life can be when technology gets in your way. Green-lighted way back when Kinect was known as Project Natal, the game posits a near-future in which a silicon-guzzling microbe has devoured every computer on the planet, setting back the science of combat to roundabouts the close of the first world war. Deprived of GPS, drones and other decadent trappings of 21st century warfare, the Earth's nations are obliged to duke it out in gas-powered mechs or "vertical tanks" that handle as elegantly as elephants in high heels."

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Community3226d ago
Relientk773227d ago

Of course it is. You have to learn from your mistakes

Godmars2903227d ago

And the reason that it was one of From Soft's worst games is that it was tied to poor game accessory.

plmkoh3226d ago

TBH the game looked interesting on it's debut.

_-EDMIX-_3226d ago

Not something I want to remember that existed.

audiocafe3226d ago

As much as I like From's Souls games, I'm hoping they release another Armored Core at some point.

...just had to throw that out there

TheColbertinator3226d ago

Armored Core or Tenchu would be cool with me


Ignore death threats

It always seems like the video game industry can’t go a single week without handling death threats of some sort. At this point, they almost come with the territory for game developers, critics, or anyone else a select few people don’t like. However, the only way a person who receives death threats can combat them is by doing absolutely nothing.

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Community3511d ago

Top Tuesday - The 10 worst video games ever.

MWEB GameZone writes: "The things that you love the most, are also the things that can hurt you the most. Which is just an unnecessarily complicated way of saying that there are really, really bad video games out there and they'll make you feel bad.

We've compiled a list of these aberrations so that you don't ever have to play them yourself."

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Community3624d ago
plut0nash3624d ago

Star Trek was pretty shocking.

3-4-53624d ago

How did that Custer game get approved ?

Different times I guess.

plut0nash3623d ago

Bills needed to be paid I guess.

CongoKyle3624d ago

I really thought the picture of the horse was a real game. Not even sure why I'm disappointed it isn't ;/ Also, Survivor? What's the real aim of the game? Survive the opening credits?

HanCilliers3623d ago

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Sillicur3624d ago

I can still remember the dissapointment i felt from Diakatana

modesign3624d ago

duke nukem forever should of made the list, a game 10yrs in developement and ended up looking like a 2000 title.

HanCilliers3623d ago

I'm with you on the Duke that Fell from His Throne

Sillicur3623d ago

Duke nukem forever is to bad to be on any list :( So dissapointed !

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