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Journey Breaks PSN Sales Records

Hello, PS Blog readers. It has been an exciting two weeks for us since we launched Journey on the PlayStation Store. We see the personal connection between our work and the players, which is the most real and priceless reward for us. For that, we thank you so much for your support, for spending time and money to play our game, and for spreading the word about Journey to your dear friends and family.

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Community4455d ago
LOGICWINS4455d ago ShowReplies(7)
Machioto4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

Well if that's the case Sony or a first party studio should buy them out.

limewax4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

Pretty sure they belong to Sony Santa Monica. I think they are a sub-division. However they did have a 3 game contract with sony which journey just fulfilled, So where they go from here remains to be seen

GribbleGrunger4455d ago

they are independent of Sony and have a three exclusive game deal with Sony. Journey is the second such game.

NewMonday4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

they are a 2nd party developer, meaning they developed exclusively under a deal, not because they are owned, and Journey is the 3rd and last game in the deal, the 1st was Flow, the 2nd was Flower. they plan to make a multi-platform game next.

GribbleGrunger4455d ago

are you sure about that though. i know they had a three exclusives game deal with Sony, but Flow was a PC game first which was ported over to PSN... it all depends on the definition of 'exclusive' outside of consoles. i'm going to wait and see but as far as i'm concerned we've only had two exclusives so far

fucadastates4455d ago

@newmonday are you sure about them wanting to make multiplat games now?
last i heard was them thing about making psn/vita game or a pssuite game on "sony only" diveces(GDC)..

but then again. TGC is down to 3 people now (3 of them are gone)..

Christopher4454d ago

They have fulfilled their three game exclusive deal, which was console exclusive not platform.

They have mentioned branching out to new platforms with their future games, but no one is sure if this means within the Sony family only or to other consoles and/or PC.

Solid_Snake374454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

Sony will definitely want to renew that contract

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nightmarex1214454d ago

Everyone that had follow thatgamecompany knows they are going to be multiplatform, almost in every interview they always says they want their game to be play by everyone.

Regent_of_the_Mask4455d ago

It seems too much like a glorified screensaver to me (even the space for it in PSHome was boring). I'll probably get it when it's $5. Closure is a better game than this and more worth the money.

Seventh_Blood_Reborn4455d ago

The problem in your "logic" is that you can' t compare Journey to anything else.

Journey, like it or not, it' s an unique experience, not just a game.

Hicken4454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

Just looking at your comment history, I'm okay with what you have to say about Journey, as it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. I mean, I like how you assert Closure is a better game while saying that Journey "seems" like something. That pretty much tells everybody you haven't played Journey (as if saying you'll wait until it's cheaper right after wasn't confirmation), so your opinion on it is worthless.

This article ( shows that even a four year-old has a better grasp of games than you do.

To be fair, though, we wouldn't know you were so ignorant about games if you weren't always running your mouth about them.

On topic: Every sale is well-deserved. It's currently my frontrunner for GOTY by a wide margin, and I don't see anything on the horizon that has more than a slim chance of changing that.

lodossrage4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

First off, for Logicwins comment. That is an INDUSTRY wide issue that people are buying games based off reviews, not just PSN. So there's no need to make it appear like that's ONLY a PSN issue, because it's not and that's a fact. And yes, that's EXACTLY what the context of your comment implies.

Second, Regent_of_the_Mask, because of the nature and style of Journey, it has no real game comparison to be made with. That includes Closure.

However, I will say this much. I've seen and played Journey. And I have to tell you, I don't care how great the reviews are, there is NO WAY IN HELL I'd buy a game like that for the price they're asking for it. If that were a $5-$7.99 priced game, then maybe I'd buy it. But for $15 of my own money, I want a game that's more than an "experience". This is the problem with all of thatgamecompany's releases so far. Flower and Flow have the same issue.

ksense4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

if everybody is buying based off of reviews then operation racoon city should have not sold half a million copies or resistance 3 should have sold way more than it did initially as it was excellent stand alone fps and prolly the best single player fps (did not even touch mp) that came out last year.

in my opinion just based on your comment i am guessing you will always look for quantity rather quality in things. i look at it as a two hour movie like experience and thoroughly enjoyed way more than other games and movies i have spent 15$ on. it is an unique experience and don't regret even a tiny bit that i spent 15$ for a short experience. it is amazing playing alone and doubly amazing when taking the journey with a companion.

lodossrage4454d ago

I never said that was the case for EVERY game. But it IS the case for plenty of them.

And second, when I buy my games I look for what gives ME the most value. Which btw, is a combination of fun factor, longevity, and overall appeal. So YES, because I myself played Journey already, for ME, $15 doesn't cut it.

It's that simple

Solid_Snake374454d ago

People look for reviews first before dishing 60 dollars on games that might suck

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Interview: Revisiting the Journey With Austin Wintory

The composer behind Journey, Austin Wintory, recently had a chance to revisit the classic game, just in time for its tenth anniversary.

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Community778d ago
Aloymetal778d ago

My fav indie game ever, played this on ps4 and ps5. Too bad it does not have a plat trophy.


10 years later, there’s still nothing like Journey’s multiplayer

Jenova Chen told us about the development of the game.

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Community817d ago

Gardens: Former Journey, Skyrim & Spider-Man Devs Announce New Studio

Today, veteran game developers with experience on games like Journey, Skyrim, Spider-Man, Edith Finch, Ratchet & Clank and more, have come together to announce a brand new game studio, Gardens.

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Community857d ago
GhostofHorizon857d ago

Concept artist has a very distinct style and if they can translate that into the game well this studio will be making some visually stunning games.