
Children feature in Assassin's Creed III - but can they be killed?

Children will feature in Assassin's Creed series for the first time, but will players be able to kill them, should they be able to?

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Community4455d ago
Summons754455d ago

hopefully not and I really don't care what N4G trolls have to say I have morals

Seraphim4455d ago

I just have to ask.... why the F is this even a story!!?? If in fact children can be killed in AC3 then a hot topic no doubt. But why even ask such a stupid Fn question atm.... Mindless trash like this that makes N4G a crap site these days

LoaMcLoa4455d ago

Yeah, because killing an adult is ok!

Summons754455d ago

iI'm all for getting rid of people who kill other people or other horrendous acts so yes it is okay.....but I'm sure letting serial killers warlords and sex offenders free and live in our communities is PERFECTLY fine our children or innocent people won't get hurt what so ever

Angrymorgan4455d ago

Well yea, killing adults who are gonna potentially kill you is fine, however killing kids, innocent kids is wrong and a totally different situation.

Jobesy4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

@Summons75, you have morals, but playing as an assassain killing hundreds of characters is ok for you? Maybe "morals" is the wrong word choice, you should have said you have "standards".

Ot, if they did not include scalping due to historical inaccuracies, then killing children should be in the game because you know, historically speaking, children do die.

Summons754455d ago

yeah you kill the templars who have hurt and don't unspeakable things to innocent people......get real they deserve to die

what has a child done outside of be a child?

DarkBlood4455d ago

everybody gets the same respect so if that child was an assasin or something bad of that nature no matter how much i dont want too i wont let morals get in the way of doing what needs to be done

im not speaking in a way where i want to kill a child for the sake of it

VanillaBear4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

Trolls.....because we disagree with you

You could kill a child in a ga,e....you kill an adult....hell you coul a kill a baby panda if there was one in a game

Whats the difference..........oh yeah.....NONE

It's still killing at the end of the day, so if you have been fine killing a ton of people in the AC games then killing children won't be no differen't. If it was a feature then it's not like your forced to kill them

Think of the consequences in the game if you do kill a child...it's a feature which could relate to the gameplay, the choices you make...good and bad.

It's like Skyrim, I honestly don't see why you couldn't kill them in Skyrim when you could kill everything else. Fallout 3 had the same problem, you had Mayor Mcreedy of little lamp light threatering to blow your head off yet you had to pass a speech check or rescue people for him.....why not go in there and blow his head off.

This isn't real life, it's a video game

It takes the realism out of the game and all because of pollictical Correctness

"yeah you kill the templars who have hurt and don't unspeakable things to innocent people......get real they deserve to die

what has a child done outside of be a child? "

So what about games where you kill innocent people, hell even the innocent people in AC. GTA, Red Dead, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout, Saints Row, Just Cause....all feature "innocent people" but really what person has NEVER killed one and stuck to the mission enemies.

ChickeyCantor4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

" I have morals"

I love killing mesh-models. Especially when they go ragdoll.
I would kill all mesh-models, including child-like.

I'm not trolling. I know the difference between real and fake.

"Well yea, killing adults who are gonna potentially kill you is fine"

So when you are the bad guy, it's justified as well?

Love moral riders. They don't seem to understand what they are driving. Nor do they have to. They have morals!

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kma2k4455d ago

i have no interest in killing children so really its a non issue to me! ....having said that **Mass Effect 3 spoiler warning** If the catalys is a killable child option i might be down for that!!!!!

ElementX4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

All "living" creatures in every game should be able to be killed. Animals, elderly, and children included. It has nothing to do with morals, they are pixels and AI.

Also, children have been killed by war and disease throughout time. It happens in movies and on TV. Children in games shouldn't be "immune" to death. You're able to kill the child's parents in games like Skyrim, is that any better?

-Gespenst-4455d ago

Yeah but it's what all those things are symbolic of. The "pixels" represent (italicized) the killing of minors etc. That's not good. Of course there's nothing wroing with killing pixels, ignoring the nonsense behind that. It what the images are symbolic of that's the issue.

If I were to drop the n-bomb for example, yeah as a word alone it's meaningless, but it has cultural and historical significance that invests it with a meaning that's highly offensive towards, well, most people at this point, but particularly the black populace. Therefore it's what the images represent (italics again) in real life (italicize that too) that makes them problematic and offensive, that being the killing of defenseless children which needless to say is beyond deplorable.

ElementX4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

So the images are symbolic of children, but running around killing symbolic images of actual people is ok in COD? You're basically shooting representations of players across the globe. Is that any better? There are tons of minors playing COD online. Their characters are getting killed all the time.

-Gespenst-4454d ago

Well I wouldn't say that's much better. Although it's the way war is trivialized and fetishized in those games that's kind of the main problem if you ask me.

People die in war, they get shot. That's an unfortunate truth. The problem with games like COD in my opinion is that they create fun and explosive, sensational entertainment out of that, sweeping the horrors of it under the rug. A lot of games are morally immature like that.

Add to that that it's a big corporation like Activision at the helm and you have something altogether quite sinister i'd say...

dark-hollow4455d ago

I don't think they'll let us do that.

First, it would bring more harm done than good and gaming is not on a state that allow it to pull stuff like that and get away with it like the movie industry.

And am sure ubisoft doesn't want it game to get banned in any region for this silly matter.

FarCryLover1824455d ago

No, this is Ubisoft. They won't allow it.

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account309d ago (Edited 309d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic308d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Community314d ago
Babadook7314d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK314d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem313d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account313d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

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henbayward313d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188313d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer313d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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'Assassin’s Creed III': Ten Years Later

With the recent reveal of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the promise that the series will return to its roots, there hasn’t been a better time to get stuck into Assassin’s Creed’s back catalog, whether it’s replaying an old favorite or getting lost in previously looked-over classic.

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Community588d ago
SinisterMister588d ago

Ten years later, we miss the old you, Assassin's Creed.

Popsicle588d ago (Edited 588d ago )

I really enjoyed Assassins Creed 3. My only complaint was that I didn’t enjoy when I had to switch from Connor to Desmond. It’s a personal preference, but Connor’s story was just more fun for me.

On a side note, Black flag was the most enjoyable of the AC games I played.