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Dark Souls DLC Exists, Coming Soon

THE BUZZ: From Software’s 2011 release Dark Souls was a hit with countless fans around the world—fans who soon will be able to extend the adventure via upcoming DLC.
A source close to the project has told EGM that some form of expanded content is in the process of being finished up for Dark Souls, and will be released as DLC at some point in the first quarter of this year.

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Community4529d ago
BattleTorn4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

didn't they expicitly say before release Dark Souls would not receive any DLC?

"Speaking on behalf of Namco Bandai, a PR associate for the company told us that Dark Souls will, in fact, not be receiving any DLC."

http://www.gamerevolution.c... (edit: better source)

Nevers4529d ago

I take everything and anything that any of these big companies say about their games with a grain of salt. However, I won't get my hopes up. But if DLC is released I'm buying it day 1. Dark Souls is an amazing game. It's a game I foresee myself coming back to many more times ... even if there never is any DLC.

MagicAccent4528d ago

Well, It's not like they've withheld content from us and making us pay for it to get the full experience *cough* capcom *cough*.

It would be perfectly fine with paying for some new content. I loved the game, and I want moar!

miyamoto4529d ago

Armored Core V is coming too

Optical_Matrix4529d ago

I'd buy it, even though From Software said Dark Souls would be a complete game. However, it does feel like a complete game lol I mean I've plugged 80 hours into it and I'm currently struggling to kill Ornstein & Smough.

I think that as long as the vanilla copy of the game feels complete, which Dark Souls does, DLC is perfectly acceptable.

Captain Qwark 94529d ago

i agree completely and i myself also poured 68 hrs into when i finished it. started play 2 but havent finished it yet.

DS is the best and most complete game ive played in years

grahf4529d ago

The game is a complete package, and one of the best in a very long time.

There was a promise that there would be no DLC when the game was released, and I agree with the author of the article... if it was not planned but rather a response to the massive support for the game, then I'm all in.

That means I'll be restarting a... 1, 2, 3,.... 4th time! All right!

himdeel4529d ago

I'm on my 2 play through and having a hard time on the Kings :/

I'd buy any DLC for this game. I'm most interested in new weapons and armor because I'm a weapon/armor whore :)

SweatyFlorida4529d ago

But does adding DLC constitute to an incomplete game? No. It's just "Extra" content, as Dark Souls felt as complete as Demon's Souls was, maybe even more tightly bound.

I've grown a little tired of the game (Over 160 Hrs in), so DLC should re-spark some play for me ^-^ Hope we get an Expansion though, with new enemies and settings/areas, maybe even a mini story with some more lore.

MWH4528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

300+ hours in 3 runs, thorough is the word. i vote yes for the DLC(s) until Shadow Souls is out.

illuminatus_V4528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

Trouble with Ornstein? Have you tried to summon Solaire? His sign is on the stairs (side where you find a blacksmith). In the Fight kill Ornstein first, use a high damage magic or fire weapon. If possible use soul arrow to tackle Smough from far in the second stage of the fight. Doesnt matter if Solaire is already killed in 2nd stage. If he is alive things will go much easier you can attack from behind.

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Kyosuke_Sanada4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

I am honestly surprised!!!!!! At the facts that:

1. Dark Souls is having DLC.
2. First game I felt this generation that DLC is actually a bonus instead of missing content...

garos824528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

the best news ive read on n4g in a long time! ive only ever bought one dlc this gen and this will be a day one dlc buy for me. Dark Souls is the best game for me in 2011 and if the DLC is half as good as the game it will certainly be worth it

BlackTar1874528d ago

This and Penny arcade making episode 3 is the best news on n4g in like a year for me.

NYC_Gamer4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

wow,nice way to flip flop on the dlc issue.

D3mons0ul4529d ago

You could say that if Dark Souls was not already a complete package. And I believe they said that only Demon's Souls would never see DLC.

Christopher4529d ago

"Doesn't need" is far from the same as "would never see".

I agree, the game doesn't need DLC, but it could benefit from it. Especially if it's a new area and part of the story, similar to a prologue or epilogue.

vickers5004529d ago

Sorry, but NYC_Gamer is right.

Back whenever From Software started that whole "no DLC" thing, everyone praised them like they were the most generous, awesome, kind hearted, selfless saints alive because they wouldn't release any DLC, with like 98% of the n4g folk agreeing with the decision, even when it came to DLC that came as a result of fan demand, the n4g folk were still against the concept of DLC because they believed that no matter how content packed the original game was, that DLC somehow still makes them feel ripped off.

Yet here we are now, and the majority of people in this article seem to be welcoming and praising the idea of DLC. Bunch of hypocrites, seriously.

Ser4529d ago


So a company is evil for delivering extra content to players through a game that is already 100% complete? Huh, that doesn't sound so malicious to me, buddy.

I was ecstatic when FromSoftware/NamDai said that Dark Souls was not going to have any future DLC. It was great to hear that a company wasn't going to nickle and dime its player base. After pouring over 140 hours into the game, I can vouch with GUSTO that Dark Souls is a COMPLETE gaming package. Nothing feels cut short.

So I welcome this DLC with open arms. If a company provides a great game that's packed with content, I'd say DLC is fine. No one feels left out of the core experience if they don't purchase the DLC, which is the main problem with most games with DLC.

Good job, FromSoftware. Don't let any of these naysayers / trolls tell you otherwise.

vickers5004528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

"So a company is evil for delivering extra content to players through a game that is already 100% complete?"


*re-reading my comment*

Where in my comment did I say that the company was evil? I can't seem to find the sentence. Could you please point it out for me? Unless you're just choosing what you want to hear instead of actually reading my comment? No that couldn't be. N4G commenters aren't that stupid. I must have been sleep commenting.

"After pouring over 140 hours into the game, I can vouch with GUSTO that Dark Souls is a COMPLETE gaming package. Nothing feels cut short."

And I agree 100%. The problem though, is that when I posed the argument to the Dark Souls loving masses that even if the game had more content than any other game, they still felt that if DLC was announced at any point, that they would feel ripped off because it wasn't complete. Obviously those people (which were actually the majority of those articles) were idiots for thinking that, because if you have a game that long and still feel shafted if some extra dlc releases, then you are a spoiled f'ng brat.

"So I welcome this DLC with open arms. If a company provides a great game that's packed with content, I'd say DLC is fine."

And that's what I was saying that Dark Souls fans reactions should have been. They shouldn't have been so against DLC provided the game had plenty content already. But the thing is, they were, and even that concept made them feel ripped off.

I have no problems with Dark Souls whatsoever. Just the hypocritical, spoiled, idiot brats that were once COMPLETELY against DLC in ANY sense, yet who are now welcoming the concept with open arms.

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Ser4529d ago

Who cares? The game was more than complete.

During my entire time with the game, which is roughly 140 hours so far, I never once felt that I was being cheated out of withheld content.

If a game delivers a FULL experience that doesn't skimp on content, I say bring the DLC in droves. Dark Souls deserves DLC, it was one of the few games of 2011 that didn't nickle and dime you to death with content. Which is something that even Batman: Arkham City was guilty of.

If fans want more content, give it to them. I'll buy ANY DLC, no matter the cost, on day one. FromSoftware deserves it. Unlike most of the developers this gen.

JaredH4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

I'm happy that it's getting new DLC as long as it's not just a weapon pack or something.

And like everyone's saying the game is complete but they did flip on the no DLC plan that they thought would "hinder the game balance we have achieved for all players". I just don't see how NYC_Gamer gets disagrees for pointing it out.

Some of you are way to defensive over something you have no personal involvement in making...

geddesmond4529d ago

I call BS. I would love some DLC but I don't see were it would fit in.

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Dark Souls: Archthrones Reaffirms Modding Is The Best Thing To Happen To Games

"Dark Souls: Archthrones is like playing a brand new FromSoftware game, and that speaks volumes about just how much good modding can do," says Hanzala from eXputer.

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The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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Community74d ago
phoenixwing74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

5d ago

Dark Souls: 10 Best Weapons In The Series

TheGamer writes, "Some weapons resist the test of time."

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Father__Merrin103d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up