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Metal Gear Rising: No major PS3 advantages

Inentertainment: There are a number of rumors making the rounds that suggest that Metal Gear Rising’s lead platform will be the PS3, but from what we have learned, Sony’s console will have no real advantages. From what we know it looks as though both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will take the lead, as no one console will have anything that different to offer

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Community4545d ago
DaThreats4545d ago

No, PS3 is more powerful.
I want them to use its advantages, not neglect.

Godmars2904545d ago

No, there's a possibility to do more. But only as an exclusive, which this isn't.

Better to hope, given past example, that both versions perform equally. Live up to PR promises.

NukaCola4545d ago

So they're scratching Move & 3D?

Its not really much of a Metal Gear game anymore anyway. I was hoping for tons of cutscenes and the tie in between MGS2 and MGS4.

Biggest4545d ago

"Its not really much of a Metal Gear game anymore"

It never really was.

DeathAvengers4545d ago

Why are you replying to waseem?

PSvitaOne4545d ago

no move support with 1 to 1 Sword Dicing, i am really disappoint, guess ill wait for MG5 with kojima-san's new fox engine, solid snake can be cloned , so it's all good

miyamoto4545d ago

During the SNES & Genesis era multiplatform games were not created equal-they take advantages & capabilities of both consoles to the max!
So today I dont understand the politics of making the games equal to the least common denominator.

baodeus4545d ago


1. How would u consider which one is the least common denominator....? Did u get this idea from N4G? Are people on here still believe in Ken kutaragi about next gen won't start till sony said so?

2. Money drive everything, if Sony still dominant like last gen (like 10:1) then u probably won't see this..except well Sony isn't. U guys still didn't get the memo?

Biggest4545d ago

"How would u consider which one is the least common denominator....?"

The simplest example would be using the Move for the sword gameplay. That would give the PS3 a huge advantage. Another simple example would be an increase in content. A lot more game or extra game could be included on the PS3. It's not about a guy that doesn't work for Sony's gaming division anymore. It's about reality.

baodeus4544d ago (Edited 4544d ago )


"A lot more game or extra game could be included on the PS3. It's not about a guy that doesn't work for Sony's gaming division anymore. It's about reality."

I don't think u know what reality means. Here is some points for u to consider

Time = money
Extra Game/Content = time = money
Developing on PS3 = longer time = money

1. Why do u think RPG are going to hand held?

2. Do u see games like UC/GoW/KZ/MGS4 have any extra gameplay hrs/contents compare to other games like Gears, Castlevania: los, Halo/cod, SC?

3. Are any of PS3 exclusives games have as much gamplay hrs,contents,large scale, etc.. like GTA4, RDR, Skyrim, Fable, etc....running on 1 Disc?

4. Why don't Sony 1st party developers put more game play hrs/content since they aren't restricted by DVD like 3rd party developers or MS developers?

5. Even considering the best scenario like getting a (slightly minor little) better performance or slightly better looking than x360 counter part (which i truly believe it depends on what types of games u developing for and what which consoles is better for it), do u think that extra development time is worth it, when it would do just the same if you didn't?

6. Since u guys were so against swinging your body like an idiot in front of the TV screen (when u were bashing the kinect), why would u suddenly support move for MGS rising? Suddenly it is ok now or do u still swing like an idiot in front of the TV? U guys are quite funny.

So looking at those, where do you get your supporting evidences about having more gameplay contents/extra on ps3?

So do u think u have a better grasp of reality after this or not? I hope u do.

So whoever disagree with me, go ahead and answer those questions i ask above. If non of you can't, all that talk about least common denominator are just pure BS. I doubt you guys can give me any proper argument though.

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dark-hollow4545d ago

We dont want any ps3 version DISadvanteges! You know what am talking about, platinum games!

jc485734545d ago

Bayonetta was ported to the ps3 by SEGA, not PG.

Baka-akaB4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

actually Platinum games wouldnt know . Bayonetta was only a 360 game for them and Vanquish had no issues on both

Yodagamer4545d ago

the ps3 verson was ported by nex entertainment not platinum

dark-hollow4545d ago

Oh i didnt knew that.
Well i guess this time platinum should make/port the ps3 version themselves.

Spenok4545d ago

And they will, as they did with Vanquish. And if you look at that game it is a PRIME example of how a multiplatform game should be done.

Biggest4545d ago

I don't agree. I believe that multiplatform games should take advantage of each individual console. Platinum games, and every other developer, should make the general content the same while showcasing each console's advantages.

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jc485734545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

didn't the guy from PG said that the ps3 was the lead platform? It happened on twitter.

hiredhelp4545d ago

Wait this game has a great chance to make great use of the PS Move, So why not use it?
Anyways as people have stated its not solid snake its not metal gear solid.
Its in hands of very differnt developer such a shame.

raytraceme4545d ago ShowReplies(5)
RememberThe3574545d ago

Oh yeah, like how Baynetta was the same on each platform? or how Skyrim was the same on each platfrom? Yeah, all this is PR talk, don't believe a word of it until you actually get your hand on the game.

Trevonn4545d ago

Oh yeah, like how Vanquish was the same on each platform

RememberThe3574545d ago

My point is that they always say every platform is the same, and we never really know when they're telling the truth. I don't get why people take PR talk as fact anymore after all the times they've been burned. I'm not trying to dig on one company or an other, I'm only trying to point out that we should wait and see before we take PR talk as fact.

Lord_Sloth4545d ago

Bayonetta was ported to the PS3 by Sega, not Platinum. Vanquish was made by Platinum on both systems. Research a bit so you won't have to taste your foot so often.

Spenok4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

Well said. Bubs for you.

Its good to see other people knowledgeable of the industry on this site.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4545d ago

What does Skyrim have to do with PG...?

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10 Hardest PS3 Games of All Time

You might not be able to believe this, but Dark Souls is a pretty tricky game on the PlayStation 3.

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Metal Gear Solid Can Work Without Hideo Kojima

There are more good non-Kojima Metal Gear games than one would realize. Scientifically, three examples prove a trend, and in this feature are three excellent Metal Gear games that Hideo Kojima did not direct.

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Community370d ago
masterfox371d ago

I hope so, still cant forget MGS Survive , the first MGS game without Kojima involvement and it was a complete failure, the thing is Kojima way of thinking is outside the box and that's why their games 99% end up unique, original and a almost instant classic. MGS series are full of intricate things that somehows connects to each other, Lalulilelo, the Patriots, Outher heaven, Foxhound, PMCs , heck even Kojima manage to insert DARPA in there lol, a US government Defense Agency. So is really great MGS3 Remake is reviving the series but without Kojima who knows of the end result, I hope Konami have another or more developers insight their studios who can also think outside the box.

senorfartcushion370d ago

It actually can’t. But it won’t matter.

Kojima is Metal Gear the same way that Christopher Nolan is The Dark Knight, or David Lynch is Twin Peaks: The Return episode 8. Artistry is the creation of a thing from your own thoughts and feelings. Take away the original artist’s thoughts and feelings and you have a new thing entirely.

This isn’t going to stop the mega corporation creating a fake version and spending millions TELLING customers that it’s made with the same thoughts and feelings. The masses will buy the idea the same way the corporation will sell the idea.

just_looken370d ago

I guess everyone forgot metal gear solid rising was tossed to platnium games with a story script and that is it.

Z501369d ago

Kojima was involved in Rising tho

just_looken369d ago

kpjima just did the story everything else was platnium games look it up.

Hence i said script

neutralgamer1992370d ago

i think the bigger issue is whether or not Konami is actually interested in fully funding AAA games development. Even this remake is done by a studio not really known in gaming industry. Quality remake/projets vs cheap cash in quick releases. Which way will Konami head. I am a huge MGS fan and i feel like Kojima did long time MGS fans dirty with how made MGS5 and it's story elements

senorfartcushion370d ago

Remakes and remasters provide a gateway through to producing AAA games faster and cheaper.

RaveTears370d ago (Edited 370d ago )

Actually MGS Portable Ops which was technically the first canon MGS game that Kojima wasn’t mainly involved with it. Kojima was only the producer but not the writer and director.

Konami did other MGS spin off that were successful but that because Konami put effort. Just along Konami is not lazy and cash grab, they can a MGS game without Kojima.

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gold_drake371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

i mean sure, but he made it the thing it is today and why people love it so much.

i think its not easy to replicate.

Flawlessmic370d ago

I doubt it could.

Say what you want about the bloke, but his games are uniquely his.

I don't think anyone makes games like kojima does, for better or worse.

Could mgs continue without him, yea maybe, but it would lacking his genius so wouldn't be the same.

Soulsborne370d ago

Well , he already created it. They just have to recreate it? Not like its a new concept or IP. Trash article.

Terry_B370d ago

Yes. It only needs motivated clever people.

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Why We Need Metal Gear Rising 2

Demand for a sequel is about to skyrocket, like the good ol' days of 2013!

In case you're living under a suspiciously rock-shaped object, the recent PlayStation Showcase revealed that a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be coming, alongside a Master Collection of Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3. While it is a remake of an existing game, there's a great deal of significance to it, considering the last time a game in the series came out was back in 2018 with Metal Gear Survive (and the less said about that, the better). Konami's decision to pull a Konami and feud with series creator Hideo Kojima has long left the fate of Metal Gear uncertain, but this recent announcement has led to all bets being off as to where Metal Gear can go from here.

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chrisx374d ago

This game needs to happen. MGR was amazing

373d ago
Venoxn4g373d ago

I really hope, that at least we would get a remaster..