
Finding the Feel: The Level Design of "Where's My Water?"

An essay detailing my level design process for Disney's "Where's My Water?"

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joinsideke4603d ago

This is a great read if you have any aspirations for any game development. Technical at times, but it gives a rare glimpse behind the curtain.


5 Retro Disney Games That Need Modern Remakes

Before games inspired by movies and TV shows became blatant cash grabs, there was a time when players actually had some solid titles inspired by various IPs, and Disney made some of the best

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Yi-Long575d ago

Quackshot for me, simply because I think there’s a lot of potential for improving on the original and I would love a great platformer starring Donald in a world-traveling Ducktales-style adventure.


How Disney has underachieved with Star Wars video games

Has Disney done more harm than good to Star Wars when it comes to gaming?

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Gridknac576d ago (Edited 576d ago )

Thats not a question that even needs to be asked. Anybody that is a fan of Star Wars and video games knows EA could fuck up a 1500lb steel BB in the middle of a cotton field barefooted. It truly is a travesty that EA is one of the most profitable game companies. Any company that would have made as many missteps with franchises as they did would have folded under and had all of its licenses pulled. Because of MT that litter their games, EA is artificially kept relevant in the industry. They are able to hold on to these licenses with the billions they milk out of gamers every year. So hell yeah Disney underachieved. But we all knew that was going to happen the minute news broke they were partnering with EA.

anast576d ago

It's the refusal to do what it takes to get an actual creative project off the ground. Instead Disney and co. pushed out minimal viable products for the majority of its gaming life cycle.

Gridknac575d ago

Its especially sad that Disney obtained Lucasart Games in the buy out, but chose to close the studio and outsource its game development. Just look at the list of games Lucasart was a part of creating. What exec looked at this list and thought "No, we would be better off letting EA handle things".


CrimsonIdol575d ago

Yeah but in reality Lucasarts was dead a long time before Disney bought it out and officially closed it down. They were already outsourcing other developers to make their games, and had long since killed off their legendary in-house original IP studios in favour of making the big bucks with the star wars IP

ZeekQuattro575d ago

By the time Disney came around Lucasarts Games was already in disarray. Be it Star Wars Kinect or Star Wars 1313 that was in development hell before the buyout I can see why Disney wanted them shutdown. There are other missteps as well. Long story short Lucasarts would of went under eventually at the rate they were going.


Disney Interactive Studios May Have Returned From The Dead

Bobby from GameLuster writes:The cancellation of Disney Infinity support lead to the closure of Disney Interactive Studios back in 2016. The studio was responsible for many classic Disney video games, dating back to 1988.

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Burrito26a628d ago

Good, they can make a Split Second 2 now.