
Game studio layoffs mean a hellish race against the clock for immigrant developers

"The stories we don’t hear are even more frightening"

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Christopher1123d ago

They know the risks and have to accept them. This is no different for anyone working outside their country.

It's also not like this doesn't affect people in the U.S. like when Disney hires cheaper H1B people, had the people with the jobs train them, and then fired them once the new people were trained.


If you don't want to take risks, then don't. This is the same for any IT industry now. Expecting only benefit in a relationship like this is ignorant and dangerous in this day and age, especially considering the involved companies have a long history of mass layoffs.

lodossrage1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

Yeah I remember when Disney did that crap.

That's why I never trained anyone at any position I had. I mean seriously, why should I train someone when I know you want to force me out the door so you can pay my replacement less money? All because you don't want to pay the tenured employees what they deserve.

The problem is the general worker doesn't know that they aren't obligated to train people. That's Human Resources job.

senorfartcushion1121d ago

If you have to fault the victims then it’s safe to say you’ll never understand the context of the situation.

Christopher1121d ago (Edited 1121d ago )

I currently only work for international companies on a contract basis. I'm pretty familiar with how this stuff works.

If I lose a contract I'm not faulting the hardship of such a life. I know what it is.

My wife just helped close a business with tons of French H1B employees. It isn't great, but they understood the risks.

There is no victim here. Expecting a job to always be there for you is ignorant, to say the least. Always plan for the loss of employment. Always.

esherwood1121d ago (Edited 1121d ago )

Well said Christopher. It’s amazing how democrats (radical) like making people victims

frostypants1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

@SenorFartCushion your comment is an empty platitude. This worldview that people never have any amount of accountability for their own actions is so juvenile. If a person takes a work visa, then obviously they are taking a calculated risk upon themselves. Sure, it sucks...but it's like saying you're a "victim" if you lose a hand of poker. Grow up.

Christopher1120d ago

@esherwood I'm way more "Democratic" than I am "Republican." I am 100% not Libertarian.

A lot of people on both sides have varying feelings on this stuff but the way our system works you have to toe a party line.

senorfartcushion1120d ago

That’s your problem, Christopher. You and the others trying to make your point over me is sticking too closely to your central project. You say you’re way more Democratic than you are Republican or Libertarian, which is just a roundabout way of saying that you do not know who you are and you can only think of yourself as an individualist that ignores the concept of collectivism. It’s not your fault, you’re on neither side, you’re on my side, but my side requires an eye that has to exist outside of the status quo, outside of the rules written to preserve a system that values both you and I a lot less fairly than it does those who naturally write the rules.

It’s as if you want to make your face blank in order to gain some kind of independence, when in fact you’re literally destroying who you are and basing your whole life around this fake identity.

How can you possibly be familiar with how your profession works when you haven’t thought about how it fits in to the political systems currently being implemented to govern you. You’re saying that you’re lost within the spectrum and do not have a place within a party, but you haven’t thought about what came in the past, or what changes can be implemented in the future; changes that will ultimate affect your career as well as your political ideology.

Christopher1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

***Christopher. You and the others trying to make your point over me is sticking too closely to your central project. You say you’re way more Democratic than you are Republican or Libertarian, which is just a roundabout way of saying that you do not know who you are and you can only think of yourself as an individualist that ignores the concept of collectivism.***

This isn't about my thoughts on how Capitalism is bad (it is due to government treating it like socialism). This is about an employee, in this day and age, taking a job without understanding the risks and then people complaining about those risks as if it's not what everyone is dealing with.

This is the same argument people label against Green New Deal peeps by asking why they drive cars or take planes. Because you can't do what isn't in effect, but that doesn't mean you act ignorant of how it works and don't just act like it's not the way it is and complain when it doesn't go your way.

You see my words speaking out about complaining about specific H1B visa employees and think I don't want better? That's on you. But, regardless of what I want, you can't plan your hopes on what could be and live life on what it is.

***How can you possibly be familiar with how your profession works when you haven’t thought about how it fits in to the political systems currently being implemented to govern you.***

Find me where I promoted this and didn't say that it is how it is and that any person taking a job in the environment needs to know this and can't act ignorant when it doesn't go their way.

In fact, if you scroll down to frostypants comment further down in this submission, you'll see where I completely understand this issue and where it needs to be fixed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1120d ago
Godmars2901121d ago

"People understand exploitative conditions they have no control over yet must accept for a slim opportunity."

Companies such as Disney, shifting workforces as self serving profit measures, should be as aware of the moral ethical and economic implications of their actions as those trying to legitimizing them. Is much of the reason why the world is as it is.

frostypants1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

I don't like Disney's behavior but it's on the legislative system to address these issues. If what they are doing is objectively wrong, make the process illegal. The reality is that there is bipartisan opposition to what that would mean. It's why the issue never goes away regardless of the party in power. But it is on them. Otherwise, what...we're just gonna wag a finger at Disney and say "you shouldn't do that"? Good luck with that.

1120d ago
Godmars2901120d ago

"I don't like Disney's behavior but it's on the legislative system to address these issues."


Disney has had lobbyist effecting the legislative system for decades. Are the primary reason why things have gotten to where they are.

In the 80s and into the 90s corporate hawks tanked established businesses, emptied their pensions, and because they had political contacts the only thing that happened to them as such became standard practice was finger wagging.

senorfartcushion1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

Both Frostypants and Christopher, like us, operate within a very narrow system. Unlike us, they are perpetuating its rules and regulations back at everyone in an attempt to try and provide solutions for the issue at hand. In saying that this should be a legal matter, they’re right, but they haven’t taken into account the behaviour and allegiances of the proper legal representatives involved. It sounds like it is some sort of philosophical point, but it has about as much depth as the Nike tag line.

“Just Do It.”

Christopher1120d ago

***Disney has had lobbyist effecting the legislative system for decades. Are the primary reason why things have gotten to where they are.***

And continuing to fight such things is what will lead to better results, not complaining about H1B visa workers online. There are still people pushing for unions, removing corporate lobbying from the government, requiring limitations and transparency on corporate donations, and more.

If you don't do that, then it doesn't matter how much you complain about how you are affected by the system. You're not changing the system, just talking about how unfair it is.

***Unlike us, they are perpetuating its rules and regulations back at everyone in an attempt to try and provide solutions for the issue at hand. ***

I'm not going to sit here and cry about people who are in the same system as everyone else and how those specific people are affected any differently than anyone else. But don't think that means I don't fight for what I think should be changed.

The reality is you have to deal with what we have now and being ignorant of it isn't on anyone but the individual. Does that make it fair? Nope, but that's life in general. We can strive to make it fairer, but it's not just going to happen because you tell someone it's not fair nor is it suddenly going to change your work options or results.

Godmars2901120d ago

How can you admit - at least I hope you do - that the system is rigged yet insist that victims of it only accept it?

No, I take that back. You'll never admit companies tip things in their favor even with the recent example of Amazon from preventing a union from forming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1120d ago
Knightofelemia1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

You knew a visa was only temporary and only good for so long you could either try and extend it, apply to immigration, or pull some 90 Day Fiance bull shit to get the green card then get a divorce.

1121d ago
esherwood1121d ago

These nut jobs will be the first ones crying when immigration actually effects them. I’m an electrician and I’ve seen first hand what uncontrolled immigration does to the quality of life for amaricans

senorfartcushion1121d ago

Just making you angry apparently. You do know the wealth gap has only increased over the years and both you and the immigrants you resent are the victims of this. You both play for exactly the same football team and you don’t even know it, meanwhile you’re losing a game you don’t even know you’re playing with a team that cost billions more to create.

esherwood1121d ago (Edited 1121d ago )

Hey the top 1% in this country pays over 30% of are taxes, I know u morons are brainwashed to hate them but I’m more worried about the bottom 50% of this country that only contribute 3% of this countries taxes. The wealthy are doing there part, we have to many leeches in this country and we keep letting people in that are going to be more of a burden

frostypants1120d ago

@SenorFartCushion geez man do you have anything other than mindless Marxist talking points? You're ignoring the practical realities at play here. Yes, wealth gap bad. But that's only a fraction of this particular issue. Go take an introductory global econ course.

frostypants1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

@esherwood honestly H1B's wouldn't be tax burdens. They're skilled labor. And other immigrants in general don't come to the US to be burdens...they come for the opportunity. But they've often been sold a vision of the US (often by human traffickers themselves) where it's easier to find opportunity here than it actually is. Or they're simply trying to escape hellholes. It's a tough situation.

senorfartcushion1120d ago


Read what Marxism is. I’m not speaking in Marx, you’re in the wrong century in terms of your citation.

I’m a former working class person who knows that you take the same beating that I do, and I don’t even know who you are. I don’t blame you, you just aren’t rooted in the subject. You don’t have to care, so you don’t. Your kids will suffer as did you, but you won’t be to blame. This is if you even want kids.

What I am saying is that the wealth gap I has grown over the past few decades, there are more millionaires, billionaires and soon there will be the first trillionaire. They pay 30% of taxes apparently. They dodge more. They are escaping paying what is actually, legally demanded of them.

There isn’t meant to be a single trillionaire, because it that means that some underprivileged families are guaranteed to be killed by the gap springing back. Poor people of all colours starve and/ or freeze to death due to simple unfairness. Unfairness that you do not even like.

The parties are to blame. In most ways, the Democrats are making this situation worse than even Trump did, but Trump also did what he did and it has led to the more corporation-friendly party gaining power.

Remember the vote that ended the $15 minimum wage? Over one million Americans were left in poverty that day. Ignore Marx, ignore my pointed language, just concentrate on that number?m, because it’s actually something that’s happening in your country.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1120d ago
randomvoice1121d ago

Do you even know how visas like H1B work or are you just spouting the rhetoric you've read elsewhere? H1B visas are company sponsored and have a high income caps. You can't just enter the US and decide you wanna become an electrician and get a visa. I've rarely heard an electrician being on H1B.

Most H1B visas go to IT tech jobs and are high paying. I know people like to throw a 7 year old Disney article of how cheap labor replaced Americans but that was literally 7 years back and there have been so many strict restrictions applied to companies post that. Currently, any H1B worker hired needs to at least make 75K+ (in many places 100K+) and their visa sponsorship costs mean a company actually pays more for them in the long run. It is no longer a 'cheap' replacement visa.

Also, the amount on entitlement in your post is evident. Why do you think you're guaranteed a job just because you were born in a place? If someone more talented comes in and works for cheap, then they are bound to replace you. That is Capitalism 101.

esherwood1121d ago Show
DoubleYourDose1121d ago

You clearly aren't an English professor. It's a good thing your profession doesn't require you to pass a basic literacy test.

amazinglover1121d ago

When are you going to stop blaming those just trying to survive and start blaming the company that hires them.

Immigrants didn't send your job overseas wall street did and you continue to let them.

esherwood1120d ago Show
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1120d ago
justadelusion1121d ago

try to make an article not politically charged and that doesnt pander verge, i dare ya

respekanize911121d ago

i didnt even go to the article. straight to the comments on this one. That site is visual aids

senorfartcushion1120d ago

You lack the ability to address these issues in the proper way. You shrug off things like talk of immigration because you’re frightened and would rather hear something unrelated. I don’t blame you, but I don’t think you should go on believing you’re some kind of higher force. You’re the weakest person involved.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk779h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE6h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7306h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor3h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos3h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor3h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos3h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion8h ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus8h ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning777h ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC7h ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion6h ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware7306h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC6h ago(Edited 6h ago)


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion4h ago

" That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind"

No, it simply implies that some media all over the world might (keyword MIGHT) not properly cover the event like having proper articles for each game announced, or having a proper preshow. maybe some popular YouTubers won't have time to prepare or simply your local newspaper doing an article on tech and game.

So why would Sony take a chance?
What benefit would that give them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4h ago
Petebloodyonion6h ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance5h ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

KwietStorm_BLM2h ago

You're assuming media outlets don't know about it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
6h ago
Hofstaderman5h ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.

DeadlyFire49m ago

Nah they will announce it probably, but it won't happen right away soon though yes.


Square Is Shifting Strategy To Aggressively Pursue Multiplat Releases,Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Square Enix is shifting its strategy to aggressively pursue multiplatform releases and focus on quality over quantity.

Read Full Story >>
CantThinkOfAUsername1d ago

Yup, it's official. FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth didn't sell as much as they expected.

gold_drake23h ago

read the report, where exactly does it say what u just said ? lol

TheEroica8h ago

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt for some gamers.... 🤣

Barlos21h ago

It's your interpretation. That doesn't make it 'official'.

CantThinkOfAUsername13h ago

- 1% increase in net sales compared to a year with Forspoken and Octopath Traveller II, which didn't sell more than 3 millions combined (and I'm being generous).

- A 38.3% decrease in operating income despite the release of 'High-Definition' titles namely FFXVI, FF Pixels Remaster, Dragon Quest Monsters, and FFVII Rebirth.

- Aggressive multiplatform strategy one year after saying that exclusivity with PlayStation was mutually desired.

Sure, it's all in my head.

Sonic188117h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Probably for PC and the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Square Enix games doesn't sell to well on Xbox

Extermin8or3_17h ago

Nothing sells well on Xbox that's precisely Microsoft's problem

The3faces16h ago

Apparently they don't sell well on PlayStation either.

Lightning7716h ago

Square named Drops Xbox as part of their multiplatform approach in their quarterly reports.

Like it matters MS will probably find away to close them down to.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

I can see them going for PS5/Switch/PC for the most part, it'll mostly likely be the Switch 2 by the time their next game enters development, which is probably a good thing since the Switch is struggling with 3rd party games. If they're hurting for money/sales, I don't see them bothering with Xbox, that's just wasted time/money for them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
DarXyde17h ago

I mean, maybe? They'll want as much as possible and I figure they could have been hoping for greater impact on PlayStation, but that's good reason to reflect and realize the resources and development cycle of these games aren't very sustainable. The solution is to make more affordable games with shorter dev cycles, then once in a while bring out the big guns.

I think Final Fantasy VII Re make and Rebirth would do really well if it was multiplatform. Specifically, if Nintendo gets their hardware up to snuff, and the rumors are promising. I don't really have much faith in its performance on Xbox, but Nintendo gamers really commit to buying their games. At one point, Breath of the Wild for Switch outsold the Switch itself.

Granted, Zelda always solos everything except GTA, but Nintendo folk are avid Final Fantasy fans. I think it would do exceptionally. Nintendo just needs to make porting easy and inexpensive and they'll get more games.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

I don't think the exclusivity hurts them as badly as they think, I think it's a range of factors, like the quality of the games, high sales expectations, ESG/DEI, censorship, development costs/time... I also suspect that Square-Enix is extremely inefficient with their resources, they struggled/avoided towns in the FF13 trilogy, and FF14 was mostly wilderness with little to do apart from derp about in the wild (they also avoid towns and making a lot of characters there too). But FF14 also went through development hell, I think Square-Enix just needs to overall how they do everything, because the way they manage that studio just isn't working.

Christopher16h ago

The two most profitable games for them didn't sell as much as expected. Yes. Make it make sense.

MrCrimson13h ago

I interpret it as - they want to be multiplatform, as they will sell more copies.

EternalTitan12h ago

16 isnt even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
So glad that it bombed.

itsmebryan9h ago

Square finally realized what Sony figured out recently, their installed base is not enough. We are going to see a lot less exclusives from everyone moving forward.

MajorLazer3h ago

PS5 is nearly at 60 million only half-way through its life-cycle, but sure, the install base is not enough.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
CrashMania1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Hopefully the next Nintendo system isn't a potato and it can contribute to FF sales in future as well, in addition to PC releases. If this ensures the long term health for SE and franchises than like FF and KH then I'm all for it.

NotoriousWhiz23h ago

Adding Nintendo and PC customers is the best way to increase sales and long term success. Not going to get that from Xbox.

shinoff218318h ago

Hopefully square brings all the lose switch exclusives over to.

Hofstaderman22h ago

Will there be a XBOX for Square to release games on? Or a MS Games service?

thesoftware73021h ago


You must not have heard they are launching new hardware and have already committed to a Next-Gen Xbox.

But, for some reason, I think you already knew that and wanted to spin a silly narrative; besides, why wouldn't they release games on the SX/SS? You do know these consoles will still be here, right?

Hofstaderman20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Optics. They have a STATED plan to do so. Thats not commitment. The shareholders and board are calling the shots now. Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already. Investment in hardware, R and D and marketing is how much again? That cost with the history of their hardware performance....at most maybe a handheld. What I am certain of XBOX is finished, the writing has been on the wall before the studio closures. Its MS Games and they are not hardware. They are software because MS is a software company. Expect them to be folded in the Surface team.

DarXyde17h ago


I believe they committed to hardware.

I hate to nitpick, but that's kind of the company they are. You have to.

17h ago
Michiel198912h ago

@hofstaderman the board and shareholders have always called the shots or had a huge impact on decisions.

Xbox finished lmao, the writing has been on the wall? mate they just spend 70 BILLION dollars, and you see the writing is on the wall that they're done. 0 idea what you're talking about. They grafiti'd on the wall and you still can't see it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 12h ago
Aloymetal19h ago

No to both, not worth the effort, money and time on an already dying brand.

17h ago
thesoftware73019h ago

"They have a STATED plan to do so. That's not commitment."

Huh? What are you talking about? They announced they would be unveiling new Hardware this holiday season; how else are they supposed to commit to it?

" Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already"

What a silly statement, you think this deal was approved so they could make 80 billion in less than a year? This is a long-term commitment, a future-proofing of profit.

"What I am certain of XBOX is finished,"

No, you are not certain of this lol; as you stated, if they make even a Handheld in the form of a Steam-Deck that can dock to a TV/monitor, wouldn't that be just changing the form factor but still XBOX?

Closing these studios has really got you guys delusional; that is what happens in companies, in a changing market: you acquire, and you trim; like it or not, that is the way things are done. Lets look.

Where is the new Psygnosis with a new wipeout?
What happened to Japan Studio? Pixl Opus? London Studio?
Where is Zipper Interactive?

I can list more, but you see, closing devs doesn't mean your company is finished, especially when you have like 30+ dev teams.

Extermin8or3_17h ago

They won't be unveiling the hardware this holiday season it will be like the series x and s they got a tease at the game awards 2018. But no details until year of their release in 2020 lol

Relientk7722h ago

Please tell me the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is still coming. I feel like I've been waiting forever for that game.

gold_drake17h ago

i think the juggernauts kingdom hearts (disney provides the money for that one) final fantasy and dragon quest are fine, the rest not as much

Michiel198912h ago

I'm kinda worried about the future of DQ though, Toriyama and the composer both passed away. Huge blow to the franchise.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

Akira Toriyama had an understudy though, he emulates his style, so maybe he'll do the art for Dragon Quest games, I would love to see Nobue Uematsu do music for the series though, that could be fun if they could convince him.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

I'll be so p*ssed if that doesn't go ahead, also, where's DQ12 at? They've been silent on that for so long, and it was announced years ago.

I'm pretty sure they can siphon some profit from A Realm Reborn to keep FF and Dragon Quest going too. I think the company would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for that cash cow.

gold_drake2h ago

14 is definitely brings in the a consistant cashflow

Charal22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Another sign that dedicated consoles market is in trouble, while PC seems more and more attractive to big publishers.

Having a good gaming PC and a PS5 myself, given current trend form both Sony and MS I am less and less playing on PS5, waiting for exclusives to release on PC, so I understand the logic behind the new strategy.

anast21h ago

Post those numbers. Then your comment might make sense.

thesoftware73020h ago(Edited 20h ago)


I get that we don't know exactly without numbers, but come on, man, we can clearly see what's happening.

The console market has not grown much, the highest-selling console in history is still the PS2. You can play the " prove it" game all you want, but Sony's more aggressive PC push, SE completely rebooting their company/business, after being mainly exclusive to one console and showing a sizeable profit loss is telling.

PC is a high seller, and your doubtful PS5 dominant stance does not change the clear writing on the wall, straight from Sony's mouth, that they need to be, and will be more aggressive in the very lucrative PC market.

So, in other words, PC market is indeed looking more and more attractive to Pubs.

anast20h ago



I'm willing to bet the farm that ¨PC gamers are not the dominate number compared to console, but I don't know because I don't have numbers. However, the price point of entry can allow us to infer what I had just stated.

anast15h ago

I don't click on links on forums. Tell me why that .com source is legit.

Tacoboto13h ago

What an ironic thing to say on a link-agreggate site like N4G. Explains your comment history perfectly.

Michiel198912h ago

asks for numbers. receives numbers and then continues to say I don't wanna click a website (because it might shatter my illusion)

anast10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

@All the people with that good 'ol folk wisdom

It's ironic how I clearly asked for the site and people still can't even answer this simple question.

Tell me how many people click on random links on forums?

Tell me the site and I will look. I don't mind being wrong and I'm barely intelligent enough to change my mind with something substantial.

All the numbers I have seen is that PC doesn't even come close console gaming in revenue, and nothing touches mobile gaming. More people touching something doesn't mean anything. It just means more people own PC for work and touch Steam every now and again, those numbers mean even less.

Charal3h ago

Anast I wasn’t expecting more from you and I haven’t be disappointed.

Don’t believe any number if you want, but things cannot be more evident that most of games companies are pushing to get the most they can from PC market.

Hell, we have both MS and Sony that are releasing their biggest franchise on PC with no or less and less delay vs console release, that is never seen before in the industry.

What is surprising me is that PC is not cheap in term of hardware cost, a rig close to PS5/XBX perfs may be close to double the price I guess, and close to 4x for a good gaming PC.
Plus, PC gaming does not have physical release anymore.

So a lot of supposed advantages from console market are not there but PC market is successful anyway, it would be very interesting to understand it.
Maybe one big argument is that we are more likely to need a PC at home, were we can work with, browse, and game, than a dedicated gaming machine. That why handled console market have been crushed by smartphones, we could see a repeating pattern here.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
Babadook79h ago

From what I can ascertain PC is a smaller market than PS. There are occasionally times when PC looks to be stronger but overall it's still behind.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago

PC also has a lot more competition, especially when people can easily buy and play older games from 20 or so years ago on it.

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