
New Advance Wars gets a Cooler Name

A news story over at Gameplayer confirms that Nintendo has changed the name of the highly anticipated fourth installment in the Advance Wars series.

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Where did Advance Wars go?

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "As a gamer I absolutely love strategy games, whether they are turn-based, real-time, fantasy or modern or just something that is completely different I always look forward to the next big strategy game on the horizon so I can get my tactical hat out of the closest again. One of my personal favorite series however hasn’t been around too much lately and that’s starting to get a bit depressing. I am of course referring to Nintendo’s Advance Wars franchise, a series that had a long history with the company from way back on the Famicom before coming over to this side of the world in 2001 on the Game Boy Advance. But after the release of four great games the series just… vanished, never to be heard from again – well today we’re going to try to find out why as we ask the question – where did Advance Wars go?"

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Community2222d ago
FallenAngel19842223d ago

Advance Wars died off when Intelligent Systems began to see that Fire Emblem was becoming more prominent

I just want another Battalion Wars title

O-D-C2223d ago

OMG YES! Battalion Wars is one of my favorite games of all time!

DivineAssault 2223d ago

I would love for this series to come back.. It was so much fun! Like fire emblem but with modern military vehicles/troops.. I dont see why both cant exist. Maybe some people prefer guns to swords.. I like both and would buy the hell out of both if released..

strayanalog2222d ago

I would say that Intelligent Systems is letting the franchise (and themselves) take a breather, because they do seem to jump back and forth between Wars, Fire Emblem, and Paper Mario.

I would venture to say that another Wars title, especially when Nintendo gets their online running, will be headed our way soon enough. Unless they go left field and develop another Paper Mario, but I'm only ruling that out because Ubi-soft is probably going to give us another Kingdom Battle.

Tatanga2222d ago

I like fire emblem, awakening was shining, but fate was less brillant. We need a rotation between FE and AW.

Advance wars dual strike is still one of my favorite portable games. The design, special powers and dual matchs were great ideas. Fire emblem can't replace this.

And we need battalion wars for more action games on switch.

XabiDaChosenOne2222d ago

This game was amazing on the game Boy advance.

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Spiritual Successor to Advance Wars Arrives on Switch - TINY METAL Trailer

A turn-based strategy game of intrigue with a distinct Japanese flavor that takes place in the aftermath of your king's assassination. Roll out the tanks, create more troops, expand your squad, and struggle for territory with war-room levels of control!

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TheGadgetGod2311d ago
BenjaMan642311d ago

"Warfare Advanced"... No, definitely doesn't remind me of Advance Wars at all. LOL.

JK. I hope this game does well.

CDbiggen2310d ago

This game is just shit. Looks and runs really bad in portable mode but playing in TV mode doesn't save the experience either. The story and writing are god awful to the point you just want to skip everything.
You spend about a minute every time you switch it on forced to watch the boot-up cutscene which also stutters.


A beginner's guide to Advance Wars

There's a lot to love in Advance Wars' history, and until we're given another new one, digging back into older titles is the way to go. But where to start?

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