
STN: Rise of Nightmares review

STN Writes:

Do you like scary movies? Not those big cinema releases like Paranormal Activity, I mean the real violent and scary 70′s and 80′s ones like Driller Killer, Hills Have Eyes, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th. Well if you like your gore and cheese in equal measures then you are in for a treat, just don’t turn out the lights; the Kinect won’t work.

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EasilyTheBest4617d ago

Kinect will work if you turn out the lights.
These reveiewers. Its like if its Womens Own mag doing the reviews.

JellyJelly4617d ago

Cause you're not allowed to enjoy Kinect games on N4G.

StrongMan4617d ago

What does the review have to do with N4G?

JellyJelly4617d ago

@StrongMan - Go into any Kinect review/article on N4G and look at the comments.

blumatt4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

I have to admit, if I still had my 360 and was willing to fork out the price of admission for a Kinect, this game would be my first purchase for it. It looks very cool. Reminds me a lot of the Saw movies. These are the types of games we need, not Disney World or Sesame Street.


lol 5/6?
what happened to a grading scale out of 5?

smashcrashbash4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

@ StrongMan. Don't bother, their just miffed because RON is getting mostly average or below average scores from many different sites. I don't understand how games like R3 get ripped apart if it even gets a 7 but RON gets defended for getting 4s and 3s. Its a game just like all the rest. Why is it that it is getting unfair treatment? @ JellyJelly N4G isn't giving it low scores you know. These scores come from other sites.

4617d ago Replies(4)
smashcrashbash4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

Whatever. I've heard it before. Whenever a game gets low scores everyone is never playing it properly or doing it right or the reviewers are all against the game. Child of Eden got good scores and its a good game, RON got low scores and isn't a good game. Not every Kinect game will be any good just like any game on any system. Its no more special then any other game.

Besides from what I've heard and seen its not just the controls that are a problem.Its the story, the acting, the graphics and the gameplay itself that's lacking. @ JellyJelly. I am taking about here on N4G. Any 7 it gets causes everyone to get in an uproar and attack it .

candystop4617d ago

"Besides from what I've heard and seen"

And here we go again with another person who hasn't even played the game for crying out loud. Play it or stfu that simple. So many great games have been pushed aside due to ignorance in the gaming community.

Bigpappy4617d ago

I read garbage like this all the time, but I don't really care to respond, as I don't like wasting my time.

Here we have a guy to people that actually own and play the game why his perspective is better having only heard and see what other have said.

Very powerful stuff. Its like dumb and dumber.

smashcrashbash4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )


blackburn104617d ago

You can try to ignore reality all you like but it won't work. Gamers don't listen to 'all you have to do it hold it like so' or 'the reviewers just aren't playing properly' or 'how it's a conspiracy against the game' or even your claims that it works.

They see the score and watch the vids and make their own judgements. You running around saying the reviewers are wrong and everyone else is wrong won't work.People have tried it with The Fight, Lair, Homfront, Bodycount Duke Nukem etc. No one cares what the few people who claims it works have to say. They just see the large amount of below average or average scores its getting.

This is a just a normal game getting less then average scores just like Bodycount or Duke Nukum. No one is going take your word for it and go and buy it while looking at the 6.2 point average it has gotten so far. Try as hard as you can but why should anyone listen to you who claims it works over reviewers?

Do you really think that anyone will listen to the 'all reviewers that gave it an 8 played the game and all the ones who gave it a 3 or 4 didn't actually play the game and don't know what they are talking about' story. Heard it before with every game that flopped.

xtheownerzx4617d ago

Geez these comments are no holds bat huh


Looking back to 2011 and Kinect’s Rise of Nightmares

Jack writes: "First released in September 2011, SEGA’s Rise of Nightmares was made especially for Kinect on Xbox 360. Among the range of games available for the peripheral, it is the least likely title ever made for the Kinect - there’s no dancing, no pets, no sports. (Though by its end, hacking through hordes of re-animated corpses here starts to feel like a sport.)"

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darthv72967d ago

rise of nightmares would make a good VR game. Surprised Sega didnt try and remaster it for PSVR. Or... maybe they are working on doing that for PSVR2????

Neonridr967d ago

considering SEGA hasn't made a single title yet for PSVR, I can't imagine why they would pick this one to start TBH.

Not saying I wouldn't love it as I'm a huge horror fan.


5 Horror Games That Deserve Sequels

BD writes: Have you ever fell in love with a television show, spent more time than you would care to admit binging on each of its episodes, only to find out that it’s been cancelled, prematurely and without any real warning? I have, I’ve been burned numerous times, and it never gets any easier. This problem isn’t limited to our favorite TV shows, video games can cause that same abrupt stop, and it often hurts just as much.

As much as I’d like to see another entry in the Condemned, Dino Crisis, or The Suffering series, at the very least, those games got one or more sequels. I’ve decided to eschew horror games that have already seen a follow-up in favor for those that haven’t — the one-offs that deserve to be more than that.

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Clown_Syndr0me3649d ago

I don't think Alan Wake needs a sequel it would probably just kill it. Alan Wake was good because of its originality, American Nightmare wasn't nearly as good.

Immorals3649d ago

Where is eternal darkness?


Five gaming guilty pleasures

GamesAsylum chalks up their gaming guilty pleasures, including Dead Island, Rise of Nightmares and Two Worlds.

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