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Dead Island dev offers an apology and DLC

Following a line of code being found in Dead Island that refers to a female characters skill as a "Feminist Whore" trait, Techland have issued a statement that apologises for one of their employees' huge blunders.

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Community4630d ago
JoGam4630d ago

I feel like this...Don't release a game with bugs. Play your game and test everything before customer get it. If that happens you don't have to apologize for anything.

Red_Phoenix4630d ago

Every program has at least one bug. This is a well known fact by all programmers. There is no way to fix every bug. Also, the game had to be finished by a certain date, which prevents them from testing everything, and this games budget was not that high, so they probably couldn't afford to hire many testers. Sometimes bugs make for a better gaming experience. Take GTA IV for example.

danielle0074630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )


Also, as a general rule to follow, DON'T PUT OFFENSIVE LINES OF CODE IN YOUR GAME. You might not remember to go back and fix it. .. Like this.

Srsly, this is the worst launch I have seen for any game .. ever. Uploading the wrong game to steam, needing a Day 1 patch to fix everything, and now .. this nonsense. All within a few days.

MysticStrummer4630d ago

@Red_Phoenix - If you're suggesting this game has only one or even only a few bugs, I have to assume you haven't played it. It's a mess and should not have been released yet.

AntoineDcoolette4630d ago

Am I the only one to experience 0 bugs with this game outside of a few minor graphical glitches?

SilentNegotiator4630d ago

Maybe people wouldn't be sniffing around the code so much if the game had released less buggy...

WillGuitarGuy4630d ago

Every open world game I've played has had bugs. Its impossible to not have bugs at first.

NCAzrael4629d ago

Personally, I could care less about the offensive code. Anyone who gets butthurt over a simple line of code probably has some other issues they need to look into. People need to grow a goddamn backbone and get over themselves already.

Now as far as releasing a buggy game... If you know it's buggy, don't release it. I'm not talking about hidden obscure bugs that are hard to replicate after several hours of gameplay, either. I'm talking the bugs that pull up a chair, light up a cigarette, and blow smoke in your face to make sure you know they're there. But I don't blame developers for that so much as I do the publishers who push the deadline and force the release. They are the ones who should apologize, and they are the ones who should be fronting the bill for our DLC.

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showtimefolks4630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )

and so little time i think i will pick this up in 2012 in a month where there are no big releases.

dead island

4 games as of right now i will pick up whenever i can get them under 20 bucks in bodycount's case under 15

gamingdroid4629d ago

Personal opinion here, but Bodycount isn't even worth my time even if it was free. I regretted downloading the demo....

Bolts4629d ago

The only game on that list worth buying Dead Island. Best zombie game of this gen.

Capcom wish they can a zombie game this good and Skyrim's melee system better measure up to Dead Island melee.

NCAzrael4629d ago

I got Driver through Gamefly earlier this week. It may not be worth $60, but it's actually a lot more enjoyable than I would have given it credit for. The whole body jumping thing is actually a fun mechanic, although it still makes the story a bit nonsensical. I really hope the next Driver gets back to the more serious tone of the previous games.

But still, it's worth checking out, even if it is just a rental.

subtenko4630d ago

I wanna know who complained. Snoop them out!! Lets complain about everything they like so they can see how it feels when other people nit-pick stupid stuff.

If I can find you at least one video on youtube of someone doing this, I'll be happy justice was done somewhere in the world! "Complainer gets complained about the way their lawn is setup..offends person" Complainers Response on video = priceless

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

SephirothX214629d ago

Who cares? A feminist line of code lol. People are so sensitive nowadays. Harden the f*ck up!

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BattleTorn4630d ago

Where does it say it's going to be free?

Legion4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

I am assuming he is referring to the free DLC mentioned. "Anyone who purchased Dead Island from the online retailer ShopTo should have a redemption code for The Bloodbath Arena pack included with their copy of the game for free."

SuperStrokey11234630d ago

Serious? Did they really need to apologize over a single line of code? People are trying to hard to find stuff to complain about... pretty pathetic.

danielle0074630d ago

... When that single line of code is very offensive to certain people, yes - they need to apologize .. . . . . duh.

SuperStrokey11234630d ago

Get out, thats just lunacy PC BS to the extreme. THere is no need to apologize of something like this.

Caleb_1414630d ago

They've got nothing to lose by apologising and only respect to gain from the people that may have been offended by this. Standard business practice.

NCAzrael4629d ago

First off, "Feminist whore" is such a total oxymoron, so that right there should take the wind out of anyone's sails who seriously want to get upset about it.

And second, people really need to stop getting offended by every little thing. "Oh boo-hoo, someone said a bad word." Grow up or please, quit wasting oxygen.

Silentmerc3nary4630d ago

I cannot believe this is getting so much attention. It was an inside joke. It wasn't even in the game (well, i 'spose it was *in* the game), and the only way to get to it was by looking through the code, which frankly practically no one who plays video games does, or knows how to, for that matter. If there was an exploit or something you could do to get the game to display "This skill used to be called Feminist Whore", then yeah I could see a problem about that, but it wasn't. It was just a guy looking through lines and lines of code. Big deal. I thought it was like an Easter egg when I first saw this "news". Apparently I misread all the articles.

andibandit4629d ago

they should stand by their words, cowards

drosera14629d ago

Agreed, this world is becoming too "politically correct". Seems you can find something offensive in everything nowdays. Just play the damn game people, it's really fun!

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ChrisW4630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )

Oh, what the hell??? Seriously?!? Oh, hell no!!! To appease stupid crack-headed feminist lawyer whores?!? No! Absolutely NOT!!! Keep your damn free DLC.

In fact, I'm going to start working on a MOD that changes the title of that skill to it's proper name, "Feminist Whore." And if someone does it before me, I will buy them breakfast at the Mustang Bridge Ranch.

danielle0074630d ago

Or maybe they offended a bunch of people needlessly, and they should apologize.

I understand that guys are the majority on here, and the typical feminist has a bad rep, but they shouldn't have had that trait name in there, regardless. That would be like having the black guy having a trait that's a racial slur. It's obviously not necessary, and it's obviously offensive.

SuperStrokey11234630d ago

Or perhaps militant feminists need to stop being so easily offended. But of course that just makes sense...

OcelotRigz4630d ago

People like you drive me crazy.
All the crap and problems in the world and you are complaining about an offensive trait name from a video game?

Go and boil your head, hows that for offensive?

BX814630d ago

I have to agree on this. It's ok to joke around with your co workers but keep your work proffesional and take pride in your work. Work hard, play harder!

GTRrocker4630d ago

Wait one sec, I'll get you a violin...

Getowned4630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )

I agree with you danielle007 I don't know why you are geting so many disagrees with everyone.It seems people just have no manners anymore this was very unprofessional of them no if's and's or but's.

even seems some people are tring make an excuse to make it ok, some even going as far to say it's ok because there are bigger problems in this world(which he is probably not even doing any thing to help out and try to make the world a better place,and if you're not part of the help you're part of the problem..even fixing the smallest problems is doing the world all the good some times it's the little things) It was'nt right that they put that in their game but it was good of them to apologize and give out free dlc.

NCAzrael4629d ago

WARNING: This post may contain offensive material.

I really want to meet someone who was offended by one line of code that they never would have seen had someone else not found it first. And I really want to meet someone lacking enough intelligence to realize that the phrase "feminist whore" is complete rubbish.

I'd really like to take one person who was offended by this and make them spend an evening in my house just so they can hear all of the random, offensive things that get said. If "feminist whore" gets your dander up, I can't imagine how long it would take before the house battle-cry of "Bitches!" gets you all worked up. Never mind the constant comparing of someone's actions to the Nazis, or the opposing accusation of being Jewish. There are plenty of things far worse than this that get spewed forth from my roommates and I on a regular occurrence.

The thing is, everything that we do or say is not meant or taken with the slightest bit of offense. Words are just words, and once you realize that you take away their ability to do any harm. It's the people that get upset over stupid shit like this that empower these words to offend people in the first place.

And this has nothing to do with manners in the slightest. It all boils down to one person's (or maybe even a group of people's) sense of humor. "Feminist whore" is funny because it's stupid. It's a combination of two words that don't go together, like "Catholic transvestite" or "lazy workaholic."

Honestly, its stuff like this, all of the big hoopla over a couple of lousy words, that make me wish for a zombie apocalypse.

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ChrisW4630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )

Hmmmm... I seem to have lost a bubble because of that comment.
Was 5, now I'm 4...

Well, I do most sincerely and solemnly apologize to anyone I offended with a comment written in the way that it was. I will be more than happy to make up for it in some sort of monetary way. How does a year's supply of tampons sound?

NCAzrael4629d ago

You've got my bubble vote, but don't worry, you can keep the tampons.

ChrisW4629d ago

Well thank you... but are you sure about the tampons? They work great for things like nose bleeds.

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Dead Island 2 devs believe a Dead Island remake would be a “mistake”

We might be in the age of remasters, but it doesn't look like the Dead Island 2 devs believe remaking the original game is the right move for the series.

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Duke19425d ago

but remakes require far less effort for these companies and they can still charge $70 for them!

Feel like everyone makes fun of Skyrim re-releasing like 18 times yet applaud these remasters elsewhere. Would much prefer NEW games

CrimsonWing69424d ago

Making sequels really is the way to go. Otherwise we'll be stuck playing only the first entry, forever!!!


Dead Island's 2011 reveal is still the best game trailer of all time

Josiah Motley of KnowTechie writes: "I love video game trailers. While I don’t believe they are an integral part of a game’s success (especially these days), there’s something about a well-produced trailer that really just reminds me why I like video games."

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Community836d ago
Exvalos836d ago

Also the most misleading of all time

SDuck836d ago

How so? Because it focused on a family that you see dying? (innocent question, haven't gotten a chance to play any Dead Island game yet)

aconnellan835d ago

More the tone of it - the tone of the trailer suggested something personal and dramatic, but the game was very much reminiscent of Left 4 Dead in that you were just there to kill zombies and nothing more

Ashby_JC835d ago

You play as a singular character there is no family involved at all in the game. Still a stand out trailer that I remember clearly from years ago.

Fntastic835d ago (Edited 835d ago )

Did you not like the game?

I remember going in expecting a L4D style of game, but the excessive camera swaying honestly made me feel ill, and it's rare for a game to do that to me, still don't understand why the need for anything other than maybe a subtle slight camera movement when doing melee attacks etc. Other than that i didn't really find the game that good. In all honesty i had more enjoyment out of DNF, and i know many people crap on that game.

BioShockGX835d ago

I still remember this misleading controversy

RickRoland836d ago

It’s the music. It’s perfect. I agree with this for sure, it is well choreographed….unfortunately the game didn’t live up to the trailer.

brewin835d ago

Maybe not, but it was still a good game. I liked how they expanded things with Dying Light, but Dead Island was a great first attempt! I really liked all the Easter eggs and homages to other horror franchises sprinkled throughout. Sure it was a little cheesy and over there top, but it was a good happy medium between Far Cry and Fallout with zombies.

Stonilein835d ago ShowReplies(1)
EmperorDalek835d ago

I'm gonna heavily disagree with that.

CrimsonWing69835d ago

Have you ever seen any of the MGS 3 or MGS 4 trailers? Those blow this out of the water for me.

TricksterArrow835d ago

They require prior knowledge of the franchise, tho. You show this trailer to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, and they can understand what's going on and relate to the family dynamic almost immediately. No need to know who is Snake, or Fox Hound, or Raiden, or Metal Gear...

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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games That Need to be Backward Compatible

Kevin F. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Many of the best Xbox 360 games are playable on the Xbox One and Series X|S consoles. Some even with some enhanced visuals and performance. Unfortunately, not every game from the Xbox 360 library has received this glorious feat of being able to be played on more modern Microsoft consoles."

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Community1049d ago
Orchard1049d ago

Max Payne 3 needs to be on that list.

1049d ago
autobotdan1049d ago

The Spider-man games will never happen. The xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance games have a better chance of happening than Spider-man titles but won't happen. The Xbox One Ultimate Alliance games delisted years ago

Vits1049d ago

Yeah... you can totally forget about those entries that got delisted because of licensing issues. Those are not happening.

MetalProxy1049d ago

Wait everything isn’t BC? You guys act like it is lol

porkChop1049d ago

Almost all of the games people want to play are BC, and that's a hell of a lot better than having none available.

ApocalypseShadow1049d ago (Edited 1049d ago )

Almost all the games people want to play? Not true. Majority picks screw over the minority who have games collecting dust. Metal is right. Fans make it seem that it's all. 39/997 games from OG Xbox is NOT all. 568/2154 from 360 is NOT all. But you guys play it up like it is.

And from my count, there are 4,000+ PS4 BC games on PS5 that I see. And almost every VR game. Series X has no Kinect games or Kinect 2. But you played that up too. No more dancing.

As for the article, some of the BC games make sense. The others with Spider-Man aren't happening.

1049d ago
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