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The REAL reason for Twisted Metal’s delay

So what’s the real story behind the recently announced delay of Twisted Metal? It’s actually got nothing do with adding additional features or modes. It’s all about polish and playtesting – key components in a game that’ll live or die based on how perfectly tuned it is.

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Community4656d ago
marioPSUC4656d ago

"It’s all about polish and playtesting"

Would rather have a game delayed and made sure it plays good, than a rushed game that needs tons of patches to fix.

Kleptic4656d ago

Agreed, but what is the point of this article?...

This is EXACTLY what Jaffe said the DAY it was almost 2 months ago...

I was expecting this article to try and hint at business decisions because of a huge lineup for both consoles late this year...but instead it was just repeating what has been said by the lead designer in the first place...

Persistantthug4656d ago

I don't even need to read or watch this interview because he's already said several times the game's simply not finished.

Jaffe has pretty much always brought out great retail games. Why would or should he change his pattern or streak now?

I don't think any of us want a subpar Twisted Metal, right?

TheLastGuardian4656d ago

@ Kleptic

That's what I was thinking. The point of the article was to show the interview but the title makes no sense. Of course the real reason for the delay was for polish. That's what Jaffe has been saying all along because that's the truth.

@ newleaf

Believe whatever you want to. Twisted Metal could come out next month and it might flop but it would destroy all the other games quality-wise, but it's not coming out next month. The reason it was delayed doesn't really matter but just so you know, Twisted Metal doesn't need to be afraid of any other games. It doesn't matter what you think because I know it's going to be a masterpiece that I will enjoy for years. What I'm really trying to say is... Screw you hater, I'm glad you aren't buying Twisted Metal because I don't want to play with your stupid troll ass.

@ BiggCMan

Thank you, 100% agreed. + intelligent bubble.

Kleptic4656d ago


Twisted Metal has NO real competition...therefor if it was ready, its pretty unlikely that other titles coming this fall would have any direct impact on it critically or commercially...

but it probably would have indirect consequences that Sony/EatSleepPlay now have the benefit of ignoring...Its hard to guauge, but game cannabilism probably does ocur to some degree...where as when you have a list of 5+ must have games, not everyone can buy every one of them...and TM could have fallen victim to that...

but like I said...There are no car combat/over the top action games other than TM coming any time soon...not to mention TM, as well as Jaffe's, strong history in the industry...Jaffe said from the get go TM was to FINALLY be the game to find some middle ground between TM 2 and Black...the 2 fiercely defended titles currently at the top of the best of the franchise, but at the same radically different in difficulty and atmosphere...If TM for the PS3 does manage to take the best aspects of both games, there is no reason it won't be a pretty big hit...But I think everyone is comfortable in that it won't be some water shed game that will become the fastest selling game ever made...and no one will be great for fans, and probably usher in a decent amount of people new to the franchise...

Megaton4656d ago

*cough 75% of all games released this gen cough*

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newleaf4656d ago

Or a day one patch that takes up 700mb...just sayin' maybe don't go gold before all the work is done.
Anyway, polish my foot, fear. There was virtually no interest in the game with so many big hitters releasing.
It was a business decision, plain and simple.

RememberThe3574656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Thats a good point, but this is a business. Some games need to launch by their launch date date. In the case of Twisted Metal Sony can afford to let it slip because they have so many games coming out this fall.

Again, I agree with you though, as a gamer I want to see the game shipped only when it's finished. Socom 4 felt like it needed an other years of dev time. So props to Valve and Blizzard for putting themselves in a position to be able to do that, and it's good to see Sony willing to do that at least with a few games.

@below: But your only talking about yourself. Newleaf is talking about in general. And in general this game isn't getting much attention. Moving it to February gives it a chance to be seen, and a chance to sell better. What your talking about and what he's talking about are two different things.

BiggCMan4656d ago

No interest? Man, that game was at the top of my list for the fall. I'm sure it was on plenty of others as well, Twisted Metal always had a big fanbase. I know I will have more fun with that game than Call of Duty, Battlefield, Elder Scrolls, Uncharted, Resistance, or anything else. Twisted Metal is a fantastic series, and the new one looks jaw dropping. Dark Souls is the only other game that has me equally excited. I want different, and these 2 games are bringing exactly that.

smashcrashbash4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

You need to stop. Really. Everyone knows how you like to troll PS3 articles. What you say isn't relevant or credible in any way. Why is it that people with one bubble try to troll so hard on this site?

I just joined a little while ago and its like the people with one bubble try as hard as they can to troll before their last bubble is taken. What is wrong with you people? Why do you and BrightFalls76 act like this?

kingPoS4656d ago

@newleaf Do you even know the purpose a beta.

I'm sure Insomniac saw the potential for improvements they could make in regards to R3 multilayer, thanks to the beta.

After all what kind programer doesn't want their game to be better.

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BrightFalls764656d ago

More like Resistance 3 which will have a huge patch this week.

tiffac0084656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

More like Star Wars for Kinect.

Oh wait that's delayed, so there is no patch for it yet. lol!

HeavenlySnipes4656d ago

Keep it up!N4G wouldn't be the same without these types of comments!

_Aarix_4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Note shakas a fanboy. Also note gears of war 2 had a unbearably low budget of 10 million and was incredibility rushed and yet it got insanly high reviews and got many outstanding awards for being...epic.

Also, way to be a dick and bring a whole other game to a article only related to twisted metal.

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erathaol4656d ago

My favorite quote was "It was you f***ing journalist who made a 7 and a half bad."


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hilyou4656d ago

i really hope they hav a beta! cuz not only will it make the game better, its gonna give us a big taste of wats in the game. cod4 by far is the best cod EVER! also a big reason why its the best cod is cuz id had a beta!

DragonKnight4656d ago

Ummm, not to make you look stupid or anything but, this thread isn't about CoD. It's about Twisted Metal 4. The mentioning of CoD in the above comments was in context to poor testing and releasing a game filled with bugs and glitches, not an avenue for discussing what anyone wants to see in a new CoD game.

Just sayin'

DragonKnight4656d ago

Ok, so then why did you talk about wanting a CoD beta and wanting to know what's in CoD when this thread is in no way about CoD? I mean, unless you're trying to be reported for being Off Topic or posting Spam. In which case, all the power to you.

hilyou4656d ago

i was talking bout having a twisted metal beta.

DragonKnight4656d ago

Oh I'm sorry. I guess the complete lack of the words "Twisted Metal" in your post completely threw me for a loop. Yes, I can clearly see that; amidst all of your CoD talk, you were actually talking about Twisted Metal.

My bad.

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Getowned4656d ago

blah blah blah blah cod this cod that as much as you all hate cod you love to talk about it(not just hilyou but most people)'s annoying please for the love of all things gaming stop talking about it!!! -_-

Twisted Metal for Life!!!!

spunnups4656d ago

I love Jaffe nobody is more point blank than this guy sometimes he's a dick yeah but so are the rest of us. He rocks I love his honesty. I Hope the game is successful I know he's got one sale right here.

Rhythmattic4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

I love how passionate and excited Jaffe is for games... It Oozes from his every pore..

ninjaman9994656d ago

Although Jaffe sounds like a dick most of the time, he is also one of THE most brilliant and honest guys in the gaming industry today and when something is not right, he wont have a problem shitting on it compared to other devs who are afraid to speak up. I have great respect for a man like him who looks out for the industry and the passion we all share and love :3

ninjaman9994656d ago

PS: Twisted Metal is a day one buy since the polish from the alpha and beta builds that have been shown so far look insane so I cant imagine how great the game will play when it releases. Plus its a sweet departure from the fps madness :3

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Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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Community132d ago

Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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Community318d ago
crazyCoconuts319d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7318d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum318d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi318d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia318d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.


PlayStation confirm they are working on Twisted Metal series

The rumours were legit. The Twisted Metal franchise is coming back, Sony
officially announced at CES 2022.

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Community880d ago
NecrumOddBoy881d ago

I hope this is camp as all hell.

bouzebbal880d ago

They should have made Destruction All star with a Twisted Metal skin as launch title.. With some more content of course.

NecrumOddBoy880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

Rumor mill is that the team used All Stars as a test bed game to make a PS5 Twisted Metal in the future. No idea why they made this though. Total miss and it could hurt them in the end. Twisted Metal is really awesome. I honestly hope they take this series the Forza Horizon route. Maybe a big open world like a destroyed city in an apocalyptic setting. Still can have arenas and races, battles etc, but also add RPG elements and quests, challenges etc.

Dirtnapstor879d ago

Agreed. I am mildly surprised they did not do a Twisted Metal iteration vs DAS. Could have easily reskinned everything, no?

sourOG880d ago

Agreed. I’m playing serious Sam now and I think it’s awful in a great way. I’m enjoying it.

Majin-vegeta881d ago

Looks like the new game is pretty much confirmed now.

Bobertt880d ago

Idk David Jaffe had said he has seen stuff about the TV show but Sony has never told him anything about a new game. I find it hard to believe they would not tell the creator of the franchise they were going to make a new game.

Army_of_Darkness880d ago

Sony owns the franchise and Jaffe is no longer associated with them anymore, so Sony doesn't have to inform him on anything really...

NapalmSanctuary878d ago

...says f2p with Lucid developing. Might wanna keep them expectations low.

isarai881d ago

I hope it follows the gameplay style of hardware rivals, seriously that game was awesome to play

Godmars290880d ago

How about having to race through a destructible city with tons of people to mow down.

burnout with rocket launchers and ability to drive on skyscraper roofs or through office floors.

DarXyde880d ago

That sounds like Carmageddon meets Warhawk.

I'm iffy on reviving Twisted Metal personally. I replayed it on PS3 via PSOne classics because I loved the originals and I must say, these titles haven't aged well. We're now two generations removed from then, which was already 1-2 generations removed from the originals.

There needs to be some serious modernization efforts for these games to do well.

Godmars290879d ago

And what would be wrong with a "Carmageddon meets Warhawk" game? Pretty much what you'd want of a PS5 version of a PS1 title.

NapalmSanctuary878d ago

@Godmars Thats not Twisted Metal. Its one thing to do something like that with an alt game mode but Twisted Metal already has an identity. The gameplay needs to stay true to it.

--Onilink--880d ago

The only thing confirmed by Sony so far was a TV series, not a game

Neonridr880d ago

that's great, looking forward to some next gen destruction!

TheDoomedGuy880d ago

Imagine how it'll feel with the dual sense.

--Onilink--880d ago

I get the feeling that most people arent really reading the article. The only thing confirmed by Sony is the TV series.

Anything about a new game is just rumors and speculation at this point

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