
5 Games that look better than Uncharted 2

"Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was released almost two years back and it set the new benchmark for graphics in games. It raised the bar in terms of what to expect (visually) from the current gen games. And to be honest, no game has since dared touching those high standards until very recently."

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PirateThom4653d ago

4 games that will definitely look better due to being on PC and Uncharted 3....

Abash4653d ago

I'd have added God of War III and Killzone 3 to the list

Boody-Bandit4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Good point PT.

How about 5 console games that look better than Uncharted 2?

I am honestly trying to think of a couple and I can't. Maybe God of War 3.

Most definitely Uncharted 3 will.
Other than that I honestly can't think of any other console game that I can definitively say looks better than Uncharted 2.

firemassacre4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

on consoles....NOTHING.

lol and the author decided to say crysis 2 looks better than killzone 3 on consoles XD. funny...


plus, rage, bioshock infinite ect are not even out, how can you compare them to uncharted 2? and im sure uncharted 3 will destroy all of them.

stu8884653d ago

If I had to choose out of any of these games, despite graphics, uncharted 2 would be the one I'd choose.

It's the best game this gen by quite a bit in my opinion!

so suck 'em. thanks for coming, goodnight.

BlindGuardian4653d ago

most of these games are not out so they don't count because when devs have to show what they're working on they select the best, and to judge you need to see it all

that's just like saying an upcoming movie is better than one that is out based on the trailer

and Crysis 2 only with the Dx11 update looks better, not the regular PC or console editions

BlindGuardian4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

to further make the point of my previous comment I can point out to a couple of sections in God of War 3 that look better than anything in Uncharted 2

but as whole is clear that is not match to Uncharted 2 sustained quality

so if the writer of the article would have seen only those parts of God of War 3 would've said that it looks better than Uncharted 2

that's why you can't count games like Rage, B3 or Bioshock Infinite: you only seen parts, and is common sense that those are the most impressive

sikbeta4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Well, sure U3 will look better than U2, so we only need 4 more... agree with PirateT, PC versions of games + U3...


DragonKnight4653d ago

Well hey, you gotta throw PC gaming a bone every now and then since all they have is tech to endlessly prattle on about in their "my rig is better than yours and consoles" ePenis measuring contests. Of course you can't compare current console games to Uncharted 2 and hope to find one that bests it, let alone 5. That's why this article had to throw in PC games, games that came out after Uncharted 2, and even it's own successor to try and prove some meaningless point.

xPhearR3dx4653d ago


I've played RAGE. It looks better than Uncharted 2 and 3. In fact, it looks better than any console game period.

BattleAxe4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Its a tough call, because God of War 3 looks phenomenal, but I still think that the detail in Uncharted 2's graphics was better. God of War 3 was more stylistic. The fact that Uncharted 2 is being compared to PC games is a huge compliment to the talent of Naughty Dog.


I don't always agree with the PC people on this site, but you do have to give the PC some serious credit. Its true that most multi-platform games do look better on the PC, it is the most backwards compatible system out there with endless capabilities, and PC games are much cheaper then console games, but I feel like consoles, and in particular the PS3, still have had the best games this generation.

I won't bother to list the games, because we all know the obvious ones that I would be talking about anyway. To any console gamers out there who haven't tried PC gaming, download Steam and buy a 360 controller, then you'll see how great it is. Steam basically gives you a console experience on the PC.

JokesOnYou4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

nah, Crysis2 is the best looking so far ON CONSOLES, I own both so I have to agree with the author. The other games aren't out yet, many of the same sites who praised UC2 have admitted Crysis2 raised the bar visually on consoles, It was decent gameplay but nothing extroidinary, visually it was stunning though, but UC2 came out awhile ago and either way UC2 is easily the better game imo.

ChrisW4653d ago

I... just... don't... understand... anything!!!

Bonobo123454653d ago


No, crysis 2, while it's a nice looking game on consoles is by far not the best.

There are several games that look and perform better than crysis 2.

There is so much pop in, and the distant blurring effects are painful, not even mentioning the huge framerate drops.

On PC with Dx11 yeah, it looks as good if not better than the first crysis. But on consoles it falls short of what KZ2+3 and uncharted achieve.

4653d ago
SilentNegotiator4652d ago

I like how 4 of these games aren't even out yet; one of them ever being the sequel to this game.

And on a side note, the console version of Crysis 2 is ABSOLUTELY NOT better looking than Uncharted 2. Crysis 2 is sub-HD on the consoles, and it doesn't have anti-aliasing. Only the most indiscriminate, impaired-vision gamer wouldn't see the massive difference in graphical fidelity between the two games....or even compared to other games that don't look so good.

Digitaldude4652d ago


MaxXAttaxX4652d ago

Except no one uses cutscenes to compare Uncharted"s graphics.

Maybe toy are just an average fanboy.

jadenkorri4652d ago

wow comparing a game to its sequel and on top of that, games that came out after UC2....like wow this is news.

pixelsword4652d ago

If you factor story plus graphics, All three uncharted games would come on top.

Inside_out4652d ago

...releasing this year look better than Uncharted. Naughty Dog has admitted as much and have gone on the record as saying they need a new engine.

Anybody who things Uncharted and Indiana drake's graphics can hang with Gears 3 or Crysis 2 is only fooling themselves...yep, on 360...


You think Uncharted is anywhere near THAT...O_o...Gears 3 is in another dimension as well...


Indiana drake and his AK-47, shooting the same enemies over and over was never a contender to begin with. Killzone has the best graphics on PS3...EVERYBODY knows that.

The article is a fanboy piece trying to put Uncharted clay animation with PC games...lol...tho I would say that Uncharteds graphics are better than battlefield 3's. :o

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34652d ago

Gears 3 looks better than UC3 so why wouldn't it look better than 2, lol?

Orpheus4652d ago

Why do evrybdy forget 4A/Metro all the time it got superb graphics .....

starchild4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

Hahaha, PirateThom forever kneeling at the alter of the almighty Sony. That guy's devotion is commendable...

Anyway, no, the author obviously wasn't referring to PC games otherwise his list would have been A LOT longer. There are many PC games that look better than Uncharted 2.

On the consoles Gears 3, Rage, Crysis 2, and Killzone 3 all look better than Uncharted 2.

I didn't really think Uncharted 3 looked any better than Uncharted 2, at least judging by the beta. Of course, I am sure there will be more interesting scenarios in the single player portion of the game so we will just have to wait and see.

Basically, though, it's silly the way some console fanboys act like there is some kind of huge difference between different console games. There really isn't. All of the best looking games on the PS3 and 360 have their own strengths and weaknesses and it really comes down to personal taste as to which one looks better.

vyke34652d ago

@inside_out would you get banned already?

MaxXAttaxX4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

@ Inside_Out
Crysis 2 looked the same on PS3 and 360. In fact, the PS3 version looked closer to the PC version than 360.

And I love how you hand picked the Gears of War 3 video that showed nothing but cutscene visuals, LOL.


@ starchild

Keep in mind that what you saw of Uncharted 3 was a (real)Beta code. At least half a year older than the final build.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
rjdofu4653d ago

LOL they're comparing a 2 years old console game to a bunch of not-even-released-yet PC games.

evrfighter4653d ago

Kinda like how a 4 year old pc game is still unmatched in the graphics dept.

Hell even a gta4 mod puts uc2 to shame

rjdofu4653d ago

@evrfighter: "Kinda like how a 4 year old pc game is still unmatched in the graphics dept.". How many neurons were working when you make that statement, like 5?

Morpheuzpr4652d ago

And how many consoles can I buy with the upgrades you need on the pc to make a game run better than U2?

I'm a pc gamer too but I'm not blind to reality. A good enough Vidcard will set you back $200+ and newer games need good CPU's as well so that's another $100+ not to mention PSU and cooling, so yeah.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4652d ago
ATi_Elite4653d ago


Why stir up the PS3 Fanboys hornet's nest?

What's next a Halo sucks article?

there's more to report than MW3 vs. BF3 and FLAIMBAIT articles.

ape0074653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

crysis 2 xbox 360 looks better than uncharted 2 imo, not taking anthing away from uncharted 2, it's a breathtaking game not only in gfx but in style and art

I can feel disagrees comin....typical in N4G

BeOneWithTheGun4653d ago

@ape. I respectfully disagree. I do feel they are close but the clincher for me is the textures in UC2. Man, when you are on the missions up in the mountains it is a sight to behold.

Loved Crysis 2, BTW

WengYong4653d ago


I unfortunately disagree also, thought it is my opinion nothing in Crysis 2 impressed me or wowed me quite the way UC2 did. I think personally no game on 360 comes close to PS3 exclusives, except maybe Gears 3.

LarVanian4653d ago

@ ape
I disagreed with you because I don't think Crysis 2 (on consoles) is better looking than Uncharted 2. There was nothing in Crysis 2 that looked as good or as breathtaking as the Himalaya section in Uncharted 2 IMO.

gypsygib4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Crysis 2 on 360 suffers from a terrible graphical bug with lines and big blocks of grain ruining the visuals, has sub-HD resolution, terrible looking shadows (at times), a general blurry/hazy image and a lacking frame-rate.

I much rather look Gears 2, it had many scenes that made my jaw drop and same with Uncharted 2 (more even). In Crysis 2 I was trying to overlook glaring graphical flaws and the choppy blur. It neve made me say "WOW look at the graphics"

I replayed Gears 2 recently and some parts are still breathtaking.

The only reason people say Crysis 2 had the best graphics is because some major magazines "were persuaded" usher praise on it's graphics.

It's like that line test in psychology where if enough people say a shorter stick is longer, even though the person knew it was wrong, will still claim the shorter as longer too.

Why o why4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Ape, Lol, its officIal, you're respected by both hd communities. You actually got people explaining why they disagreed with ya without being flamed. Probably because you love games 1st and foremost and honestly call it as you see it.. its a reason youre on my list;)

I also disagree though. Tech to tech, both are strong contenders and crysis used tech not seen on consoles but i feel its overall package isnt as polished as u2. I do like the art styles of both games but parts of me even think killzone 3 looks better than crysis in some places. I do think that rage is the front runner to take the fps crown though...looks slick as fcuk... sometimes i think people overlook gt5. Its a technical beast that hasnt been surpassed.

I so much prefer graphics and other gamer relating debates over those sales ones..thats just me though as this is the 1st gen ive even remembered being savvy to the financials of x y an z whereas graphics have always been contested over the gens.

Lets hope each dev team continues to push the others. We're the benificiaries

SilentNegotiator4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

I'll make our reasons for disagreeing with you clear and simple, okay, ape?

1) Crysis 2 is sub-HD on consoles
2) Crysis 2 has no anti-aliasing on consoles
3) Crysis 2 has technical problems like screen-tearing and framerate inconsistencies
4) Uncharted 2 has none of the aforementioned issues
5) Uncharted 2's textures put Crysis 2's (on consoles) to shame.
6) What "style and art"? Both games take the approach of realistic graphics. Except Uncharted goes to more exotic locations than Queens, lol.
7) You're simply trolling against the ps3 as usual

Yeah, typical N4G alright. Some person makes a goofy claim and complains that "PStree fanbois!!" will disagree with him. And then people calmly and respectfully (even though the respect is hardly earned) explain to him why they disagreed.

If that's typical N4G, then I LIKE N4G.

Why o why4652d ago

@ SilentNegotiator, sorry dude, ape isnt a troll. I used my last comment to say this instead of answering bodeus retort below.

Sometimes peoples preference is mistaken for fanboyism and thats not right.

the 'I can feel disagrees coming' is a little goading but he knew what he said would be disagreed with. Gamer first i say

@ bodeus below, go tell all that to those that voted U2 as having the best graphics...ask them why they chose it then shut them down with cherry picked speak of x y and z. You didnt even mention batman aa which for me was the best looking console game on the 360 imho..Some say gears 2 but i just preferred the art style of batman even though it was green most of the time;)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
limewax4653d ago

I know eh? It kind of highlights the ignorance of some people that articles like this even reach the web. I mean seriously, (almost) any PC multiplat title will have features the console version doesn't. Hence it's more capable....Common sense no?

dark-hollow4653d ago

I don't know but I think gears of war 3 is on par with uncharted 2/3 graphics.

It's not a fact, just my opinion.

HacSawJimThugin4653d ago

Everyone who disagreed must be blind... Gears 3 definitely looks better than UC 2 and 3. Anyone who actually played the beta can attest to that. Hell is gong on at the web site...UC is not the pinnacle of graphics...slightly above average at best, just like the gameplay.

Solid_Snake-4653d ago

your not allowed an opinion on N4G. especially when you are mocking a PS3 game.

gears 3 looks better than anything on the PS3

Sevir044653d ago

Gears 3 came a long way from looking Good to great, it held the crown in the early days but its nothing spectacular, Its a natural evolution of the UE3 on a console thats already hitting it's ceiling with this engine! Crysis 2 look better than gears 3 and so does Rage. I'd say right now gears 3 looks neck and neck with bioshock Infinite. Both Great looking games and lost of time has been spent optimizing it but its really reached its limits on the 360 and PS3

That being said, its playing nicely in the same ball park of Uncharted 2, and Tha'ts something pretty good to achieve with a 2006 engine with crazy optimization.

cooperdnizzle4653d ago

Hac@. That is why you only have two bubbles. And yea gears does not look better than uncharted. No way. I will gladly give you my 360 gamer tag and ps3 ID. I am sure you haven't even played uncharted. Because if you had there would be no way you were saying gears looks better. I have both games and can easily say it goes to uncharted. Hell gears 3 doesn't even look better then uncharted 2. Let alone 3

IgnorantRabbit4653d ago

Gears Of War 3 does look great. But so does Uncharted 3. I have both consoles and played both betas. They BOTH looked Great. Why cant people just say that. I mean people saying gears 3 looks trash have NEVER played it. Same with people saying uncharted looks trashy.

4653d ago
LNDCalling4652d ago

I'm a PS3 kinda guy but admit it looks good even if in a different style!

That said the proof is in the pudding so we'll see.. and think I just prefer the style of PS3 1st party games!

nycredude4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )


Way to stay on your point there. what you adds or something. Who compared the two the games aren't even out yet. What you compared betas? And then you go on and talk about Farcry 2 on pc? LOL keep trying I play farcry 2 on max on my freaking laptop. It looks good but doesn't even beat Crysis. Bad example.

Look at all the tools down below saying Crysis 2 on both consoles look better. Lots of deluded people here.

2 MUCH VIDEO GAMES kill your brains cells. N4G is proof.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
zeddy4653d ago

yup god of war 3 has some bits where the graphics are mind blowing but the graphics are inconsistant throughout.killzone 2 is better looking than killzone 3 and uncharted 2.

kneon4653d ago

GOW3 looks great but something about the perspective often makes it look like you're looking at a miniature model.

Every time I go back and play UC2 I'm always shocked at how good it still looks. KZ2 looks fantastic but overall I think UC2 looks better.

Where KZ2 wins above everything else is in just how much is going on along with all those great graphics. Go back and play the battle outside Visari Palace and you'll see what I'm talking about. Oh and for a little icing on the cake the sound is phenomenal so crank up the surround sound.

LNDCalling4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

Again.. I'll wait till its out before I can comment properly..

I can see that its visuals differ in places including the animations which look sketchy in places.. however if it does prove to be in all, in every aspect of what we class as graphically great*, better than UC2, then so be it, that’s a good thing for gamers, not bad! (assuming the game play is also good too.. as it is a game after all)

* Note: this is the crux, each of us will have different opinions on what 'looks' good, in the same way that folk like different art styles: Realism, Symbolism, Impressionis, Art Nouveau etc..

That in mind I suppose its difficult to truly say one game looks better than another, in the same way as its difficult to say one painting looks better than another.. Games are an art and what we see in them is purely our own opinion, whether its also the general consensus or not!

*wise ol sage signing off for the evening to finish work and hopefully get a drink in... have a good weekend folks* :)


Really surprised there is no Xbox Exclusive in the list.


Hicken4653d ago

Are you really surprised? REALLY?

frostyhat1234652d ago

There is one ps3 exclusive that doesn't even have the console crown anymore! So stop trolling

baodeus4653d ago

If you guys want console, let see:

1. Resident Evil 5
2. Crysis 2

If you guys disagree, lets talk.

MsclMexican4653d ago

Imagine Uncharted's graphics on pc.... :0
Uncharted really has the best graphics on console

baodeus4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Let see, u don't need PC for this.

1. Resident Evil 5
2. Crysis 2
3. Assassin Creed
4. RDR
5. Dead Space

Note: although this are on PC as well, but let just look at the console version. We don't need PC version for these games.

If you guys disagree, let discuss then.

1. Lighting
2. Texture
3. Scale
4. Physics (environment interactivity,objects,amount on screen, etc...)
5. effects (particles, weather, explosions, smoke, etc....)
6. AA
7. Motion
8. Realism (that what tech are for right, the higher tech we get, the closer to realism it gets).

And for the sake of the discussion, let post youtube videos and pictures as well for comparison. Wouldn't that be fair?

sorry double post, but hey, all u guys do are talk and talk, but do u guys ever back them up? If anyone can provide all of those things i mention above with at least some pictures and videos, i would be happy to respond with pictures and videos as well.

And disagree without anything to back it up, mean i'm right about u guys only talk, but have nothing to prove it.

stu8884653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

no its because I can't be bothered to debate back... uncharted 2 is the best looking console game. FACT. NO DEBATE. with the possible exception of Killzone 3/ GoW 3. but in my opinion Uncharted 2 is graphically better than both.

baodeus4653d ago


u just proven my point. All u guys ever do are talk and talk like "FACT, NO DEBATE" and nothing to back it up. This is an example straight from you. LOL. Thanks man.

If u guys know, then u should be able to talk about it. What is wrong, or you guys haven't play any other game beside these (KZ/GoW/UC, etc..)? I'm starting to think that might not be that far off, cause that all u guys ever mention.

Again i don't care about disagree. Do u guys think it really matters? Does anyone here actually care about disagree? How about some actual logical discussions eh?

Imalwaysright4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

I own all those games except Crysis 2. Uncharted 2 looks better than every single game you mentioned and i cant believe that you mentioned AC because Uncharted 2 shits from a great height on it. Wont comment on Crysis 2 because i didnt play it and dont plan to!

" How about some actual logical discussions eh?" What logical discussions? My eyes dont lie so you can say whatever you want because i believe 100% more in my eyes than in your "logical discussions".

Why o why4653d ago

No badeous, the reason others will get proper replies and you wont is because your're annaly anti sony and EVERYBODY knows it. Why argue with somebody who is blinded by their hate for a company. Not worth it. Its like arguing with a little girl. You cant even pull your head out of your own jacksie long enough to put a ps3 title on your list because that would hurt. You'd probably downplay the sun if you thought sony had anything to do with its creation.. LOL

4653d ago
baodeus4652d ago


My eyes tell me something else, so how are we able to resolve this issue? You right and i'm wrong or blinded? Since all of these are matter of opinions, we can still discuss why we think so instead of stating it as fact and not backing it up. What logical discussion u ask? LOL, meaning u guys don't care about logic then, well that sure prove my point even further about n4g fanboy lack logic.

1. UC is no where near the assassin creed in the level of details on such a large scale and especially motion and movement. Playing assassin creed after playing UC make Drake look really stiff (I also hate drake swimming motion in UC1 for example, he is the slowest swimmer i have ever seen in gaming.)

2. UC texture (known for texture) or lighting is no match for resident evil 5 and especially up close. Go a head and dispute me on this one. Resident Evil look realistic, while UC look artistic. But overall just based on look, UC is no where near the level of realism (lighting, textures, etc...) as Crysis 2 or resident evil 5. If you saying cause crysis 2 can't be consider better because of lower resolution and poorer frame rate, then perhaps you should explain how MGS4 (subHD, poorer framerate, stiff motion like ps1 stiff) get graphic of the year instead of Gear 2. U should also explain why Okami won graphic of the year back then as well instead of other games. Remember, graphic award may have nothing to do with technological aspect if at all (more like artistic direction and the feel of the game overall).

Disagree with my view, go look them up your self in gamefaqs and youtube video then we can discuss further. You guys can do that can't u?

@why o why

U got it wrong. I'm anti fanboy (who aren't fan of games/developer but fan of corporate like MS and Sony), but particularly Sony fanboy since there are too many of them on n4g. I don't hate Sony since i do like a lot of their exclusives (many of which has great artistic direction which i'm a sucker for) and I also admit many of them do look good. Beside UC, there are also other games like MGS4, KZ, GoW, Genshi (crappy game, but sure look nice), and Journey (which i think is one of the best, if not the best artistic direction i have ever seen in gaming). There i listed a couples of games, will u be able to do the same?

It doesn't mean that only sony games look good while everything else (especially x360 games) are trash (game like Alan wake and fable also have amazing artistic approach and the environmental feel are top notch) like many on here tend to think. Playing all games, not just exclusives, from multiple consoles (PC,xbox,ps3) would help to broaden your view on gaming no?

If you guys can carry on a decent debate w/ something to back them up (even just opinion), i wouldn't have to be so annal about it. I always ask questions (really help to solve problems, dispute, disagreement, etc...) but you guys can never answer them or even think about it (you guys don't like to think or something?). Instead, u guys goes for name calling, and cursing out of frustration because you guys lack of evidences/support for your claim, showing me that you guys don't really know or understand clearly about what you claim.

See after all of that discussion, none of you couldn't even provide any pictures, videos, or even just an EXPLANATION of your OPINION why something look better to support your claims. Nothing, just like i said. Thanks for proving my point over and over again.

That is all for bubbles. PM me for further discussion if you like. Bring your thinking caps, cause u gonna need it.

Imalwaysright4652d ago

@ baodeus You talk of logic but your logic is rotten. You cant judge what game looks better based on 1 or 2 aspects of a game. A rational person judges things as a whole. " I'm anti fanboy" I would never guess because youre doing exactly what fanboys do. Point out the strenghts of what they like conveniently turning the blind eye on what the competition does best.

1- "assassin creed in the level of details on such a large scale" I dont even know what that means! Now what about character models, lighting, textures, jaggies, animations? Why dont you talk about them when discussing both games?

2- "UC texture (known for texture) or lighting is no match for resident evil 5 and especially up close" RE5 is a blurry mess so i disagree. UC 2 textures are sharp and clean. I agree that RE5 looks more realistic but that is art style. UC2 uses vibrant colors and RE5 uses darker colors. I like U2 art style more so yeah imo Uncharted 2 looks better. Animations and character models wise U2 has RE5 beat.

cooperdnizzle4652d ago

You don't prove anything. And you are crazy to think re5 is anywhere close to be the best looking game. Gears looks better by far. Uncharted kills it, god of war is miles ahead of it. And not to mention the best looking game on the console killzone 2 and 3, the have the best engine with more going on in the game than any other game pc or not. Not saying it looks better than pc games, but it does have way more going on. I can prove this to you if you would like. Let me know!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
voicingofreason4653d ago

yeah that is about right there of course a pc will outdo what is capable of any console at the minute but as far as console exclusives i've not seen anything close to uncharted or god of war. To be fair gran turismo was a bit of a let down but the next itineration will be the true test

chidori6664653d ago

site is trolling us , dont give hits!

TheXgamerLive4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Gears of War 3, Dead Island and the next Tomb Raider game definately. Hell even Halo Reach.

I_am_Batman4653d ago

Not exactly right. 4 games can definitely look better due to being on PC. That doesn'd mean they look better on every PC. I've seen Crysis 2 on a friends PC and it just looked terrible cause his PC hadn't enough power.

Omega Archetype4652d ago

I love how The Witcher 2 (I know it's a PC game,) is not even mentioned. It's one of the best looking games I've ever seen, and I haven't even got to see it at max in 1080p.

The settings I play it on look amazing.

Anyways, like everyone else, this list is dumb. Of course PC games are going to look better, PC games are essentially a generation or two ahead of consoles. Compare Uncharted 2 to other console games and aside from a couple (ie two other PS3 exclusives, God of War and Killzone,) you won't find any IMO. Sure there are some that beat it in art direction such as Prince of Persia, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Murmasa: The Demon Blade, but two of those I mentioned aren't even in HD.

Ultimately this discussion is subjective, but I'd say the general consensus is that Uncharted 2 is easily the best looking game of this console generation thus far.

blackz0014652d ago

Tetris on ps3 looks better than uncharted.
-no graphic bugs
-good textures

no front. Tetris best looking game on ps3.

ddkshah4652d ago

People on N4G don't understand what jokes are ;)

Amaterasu54652d ago

Definitely god of war III much better...and people who say that there are only 2 parts that were better... well it's the other way around..actually there were 2 parts that looked less good than UC! Chasing Hermes and the beginning of hades...but Poseidon, Hades, Tartarus, Cronos, Labyrinth and the final levels were much better.. especially the characters themselves :)

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
Kur04653d ago

I kind of agree with everything but Crysis 2. The game was sub-HD and still had many performance issues.

Pandamobile4653d ago

Stop playing the console version then

LOGICWINS4653d ago

Eh..lets not jump to conclusions. He might not have the option to play the PC version.

Kur04653d ago

I have it on PC but it seems to me that the article was implying console versions of games.

TBM4653d ago

i just finished crysis 2 on 360 i thought it was pretty good with really stupid AI, it does look pretty good, but i'd still say uncharted 2 looks better.

on pc i know all multiplatform games look better than consoles but i only game on consoles.

Pandamobile4653d ago

Metro 2033
The Witcher 2
Crysis 1
Crysis Warhead

And some others.

news4geeks4653d ago

who are you trying to prove, we all know that PC games look much better already.

Pandamobile4653d ago

Not trying to prove anything, just adding some titles to the list in the link.

TheDivine4653d ago

So basically un2 has the best graphics but you cant count those games because then un2 doesnt look the best? LOL.

I think crysis 2 looked better than un2 anyways but everyone will have a different opinion. Rage is looking to dethrone all console games and metro 2034 will dethrone EVERYTHING.

ATi_Elite4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

Come on!! Those are PC titles and I the PC Elitist wouldn't even bother listing a bunch of PC titles.

But.....God of War 3 and Killzone 3 are real superior candidates.

Pandamobile4653d ago

So? Are PC games completely exempt from anything that has to do with graphics these days?

The title of the article says "5 Games that look better than Uncharted 2", not "5 Console Games that look better than Uncharted 2".

MysticStrummer4653d ago

Seems like they're talking about consoles to me. They say UC2 set the bar for current gen games. As the PC folk tell us so often... PCs have no gens.

Omega Archetype4652d ago

I agree that PC games should be put into stuff like this, but realistically it's extremely unfair to compare or have a list created of both PC and console games.

Separate list, sure, combined lists, hell no.

It's okay that PC isn't as big though, because we are fortunate for having had the experience of PC games unlike many console-only gamers.

mastiffchild4653d ago

No, it's just silly to compare late cycle console games with PC games of the same period and always has been too. Remember what the gap was between consoles and HL2 on PC when it came out? The best console games weren't anything LIKE in the same league in any respect. Outside of gameplay(and considering how out of consoles' league the physics were even some gameplay too)consoles never truly compete lookswise with PC versions late in a console generation.

Pointing out some PC games that look better than the best looking console game is totally redundant and pointless and smacks of trying too hard to prove something everyone already accepts. Like comparing air and water and saying air is better for breathing kind of thing-what's the point?

It's akin to 360 fanboys crowing about how much better their version of Fifa looks compared to Wiis-it's not a debate any longer and the article should stick to comparing apples to apples, no? Otherwise why not say how much better PS3 games look than ZX81 games?

Seeing which console versions of games and console exclusives are around the same standard as U2 has some point to it but PC games running on power way, way beyond that inside the HD consoles is facile and daft. Better to compare Metro33 on PC(as it's no looker on 360 at all)to Crysis on PC or to Witcher 2 on PC or even compare Gears2 and Uncharted2 but across console and PC? Why bother? What do you prove?

Article's a bit silly and a lot of the comments just push it along further-it's no surprisen to those of us used to gaming across console and PC for a few generations that a PC can run games a lot more demanding than a console can and the gap grows towards generation's end. Nobody argues with this-that's why it's pointless. Everyone already accepted it.

The only difference today is that the console games actually still look pretty good compared to what they used ton and the comparative "hardship" of making do wwith them gets less of a bind every generation. Also, it's good to see what can be got out of a closed system like a console towards it's latter days by ingenious developers as opposed to the old, lazier PC way of just leaning on new, more powerful tech. I think it's an interesting and different measure of dev talent and comparing the latest console exclusives is as relevant as comparing the best looking PC games to each other. Comparing across platform from PC to console now though? Redundant.

ATi_Elite4653d ago

"as opposed to the old, lazier PC way of just leaning on new, more powerful tech."

Whoaaaaaa! and I'm sure you have CODMW1 CODMW2 CODBO and are buying CODMW3 which are all just CODMW1 with new titles and more lag added and leaning on nothing new at all.

Consoles as well as the PC both have Lazy Developers and Great Developers. for example all PS3 games are not graphically great like God Of war 3, all 360 games are not graphically great like Alan Wake, and all PC games are not graphically great like Metro 2033 so there you go.

The Witcher 2 is DX9 but is so well made with great graphics that it blows a lot of DX10.1 games out of the water! CD Projekt Red pushed old tech to it's limits just like SOME console Devs do!

and to me anybody using the Unreal Engine 3 is Lazy (which a ton of console games are on) cause it's a lame easy engine to make games for!

Last but definitely not least...The PC is all about using the "new and more powerful tech" TODAY as in right NOW and not 6 years from now! All the eye candy I currently enjoy RIGHT NOW on my PC you MIGHT get next console Gen!

But like I said Consoles and the PC have great devs and Lazy devs! Never just single out The PC!

RIP_Weazel4653d ago

..as usual, mastiff-child brings the voice of well considered commonsense to the monkeys tea-party.

frostyhat1234652d ago

Don't even try Panda! This site is getting crazy by the amount of sony fanboys that have overtaken this site!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4652d ago
DrFUD4653d ago (Edited 4653d ago )

"looks" and performance go hand in hand unless you look away when the framerate slows to a chug or when the screen tears. And as the pop-in pops you can claim to have great graphics but in the real world where eyes see everything it's all BS.

For these reasons, on console, both Uncharted 2 and Killzone 3 stomp all the competition because they run flawlessly

Actually...I'll argue that Infamous 2 has better graphics than Crysis 2

Pandamobile4653d ago

"Actually...I'll argue that Infamous 2 has better graphics than Crysis 2"

You could argue that, but you'd be very wrong.

vyke34653d ago

in terms of performance, he is right.

Bonobo123454652d ago

The funny thing is that for an open world game it performs better than a linear shooter. (On consoles)

Crysis 2 has great graphics when the hardware can support it like on PC.

On consoles it was a pain to play and many games best it.

Zynga4653d ago

"Actually...I'll argue that Infamous 2 has better graphics than Crysis 2"

An open world game vs a linear shooter. Umm I dont think so. How about this, I'll argue that Skyrim has better graphics than Infamous 2.

militant074653d ago

Crysis 2 world scale is huge for a fps.

solar4653d ago

i havent played Infamous 2 but have watched it play, and there are more sharp jaggies in that game then a sharks mouth. it's terrible from a graphics standpoint.

Zynga4653d ago

I'd vouche for that and its open world, which makes it more amazing.

Bolts4653d ago

Skyrim will look and play better on the 360.

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Abnor_Mal1466d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1466d ago (Edited 1466d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1465d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1466d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1466d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931465d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1501d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1501d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.