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Carmack: 'It pains me that 360 & PS3 gamers can't plug in a keyboard and tweak things'

"PC guys will be able to bring down the console and turn on all the little debug tools and peek at how these textures are broken up," he said. "It pains me a lot that Microsoft and Sony completely disallow the ability to plug in a keyboard and tweak with things. It's even a pain for us in development that in our full retail builds we can't bring down and play with debug tools.

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BeastlyRig4685d ago
Inside_out4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

I understand that overachiever Johnny C loves to dissect and bis-sect things and poke and's what he does but most people want to sit down and just enjoy the experience.

There is a decent size community that love to mod their games and enjoy those aspects...but, I think most just want to get caught up in the game play, graphics and story and maybe most importantly, the creative directors vision for the game.

In movies, look how popular the behind the scenes segments have become. Not everybody is interested buy a small industry has been built up around such things for the die hards that enjoy those types of experiences. Gaming collectors editions have a lot of the same type of footage.

Rage is one of those games that works well for both. The consoles does have many games that allow those interested, to create and share levels...Halo Forge, LBP and Far Cry 2 to name a few and while you can't get behind the graphics to see how they work or how they created their masterpieces it's far better than nothing.

Johnny C like to see how things work or how other devs and creative's came up with different solutions for problems they have in's WHO he is so his opinion makes perfect sense...can't wait to give Rage a go.

BeastlyRig4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

Some devs just want life to be easier.

"It's even a pain for us in development that in our full retail builds we can't bring down and play with debug tools."

OC_MurphysLaw4685d ago

I think one thing that has gotten lost a bit in translation is the actual allure of console gaming. People gravitate to console gaming because its a more simplified straight forward experience.

As consoles grew in power many expected the scale of accessibility and modding would grow as well but that just really isn't the case, nor should it be. Console games need to be kept simple... plug and play if you will. Patching is fine, dlc sure...but the core experience still needs to be plug and play easy. Its that simple, and imo one of the bigger separating facts of console vs pc gaming.

kreate4685d ago

i thought u can use mouse and keyboard on the ps3? o_0;;

Burning_Finger4685d ago ShowReplies(6)
theonlylolking4685d ago ShowReplies(4)
jriquelme_paraguay4685d ago

Thats is WHY i buy my PS3: Insert DisC and PLAY.
Dont wanna mess and loose time with "tweaks"

qwertyz4685d ago

thats one of the reasons you consolites are so IGNORANT about game development and technology in general and fail to realize that our consoles have been obsolete from a technological stand point since 2006 when the core 2 cpus launched as well as the geforce 8 series gpus.

jriquelme_paraguay4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

haha.... for me Ignorant are the people who Elitize PC over Consoles...
I dont play platform... i play Games :)
PC Fanboys, and Console Fanboys are the Cancer of Gaming.

And no... its not Obsolete.. i can play L.A. Noire, KZ3, Uncharted 3, FFXIII... very well

BTw: i own a 360, a ps3, a good PC, psp, dsi, nes, snes, sega, n64.. i have a lot of choices, but a preffer play on my PS3

GamersRulz4685d ago

Oh..What can I say Carmack?

Just make a game that I can simply play, if I want to do some tweaks I would have done on PC.

I prefer gaming on consoles because it is simple, on PC you have to check the system requirement and update some stuff...I just want to play.

xtreampro_REVENGE!4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

Because of course checking the system requirements AFTER buying the game is the right thing to do? LoL!

That's not even an argument and beside it doesn't take 10 hours to tweak your settings, it only takes a couple of minutes and you're in the game.

If you/people can't even wait for a couple of minutes to play a game then there's something seriously wrong with todays society.

We've become so lazy and so impatient to point that we can't even wait a couple of minutes to play a game.

caboose324685d ago

If you have a computer that is even considered a gaming pc then you probably NEVER have to check requirements in a game.

It's been literally years since Iv'e checked a games requirements before buying, and have never had a problem with it.

It has also been a couple of years since I have upgraded any parts, so your point is stupid and not thought through very well.

nycredude4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

I think you guys are missing the point. Most gamers who do all their gaming on consoles don't want to be bothered with "tweaking" things to play a game. They want the ease of use of putting in a disc and playing.

It isn't an attack on your pc or your specs so please don't take it as an insult and feel the need to defend your thousand dollar pc and belittle console gamers so you can justify your choice of gaming platform.

Disclaimer: I have a Powerful laptop and a console so please don't flame me. I am on both sides.


So because he develops games and won a couple of emmys automatically makes him smarter than us? Hmm I know many people who are accomplished, rich, wealthy, in position of power who are dumb as a stump.

Ducky4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

... When did having options become a bad thing?

Giving players the option to have a deeper understanding of what makes a game tick, while also letting devs debug their games more easily is a good thing, no?

If anyone missed the point, it's Snake, seeing as how he assumed the 'tweaking' would involve trying to get the game to run.

Carmack is talking about tweaking things out of curiosity.
- Want to know what's behind that building? use noclip and see for yourself.
- What would happen if the game was set on the moon? decrease the gravity and see for yourself.
The list goes on.

peowpeow4684d ago

In what way would they be bothered with "tweaking" if it's optional?

You play, if you're curious you open up the console and do whatever you want. You don't get a screen saying "TWEAK BEFORE PLAY"

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 4th-10th Aug 2020

Neil writes: "Just been paid? Fancy getting a new game added to that backlog of shame? The Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is back with even more discounts on a variety of great Xbox titles. If you've got time in your life for a new gaming experience, the following bargain basement titles are available for your cut-price purchasing between 4th-10th August 2020."

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Rage's Open World Was Intimate & Memorable, Not Another Huge, Empty Sandbox

Rage from id Software and Bethesda Softworks was largely overlooked, yet its handcrafted FPS open world and memorable characters transcend genre convention.

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Fist4achin1657d ago

I enjoyed the first game. I plan to play the sequel soon!


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1810d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071810d ago (Edited 1810d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141810d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1809d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1810d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1810d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1809d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1804d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.