
Review: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters - GotGame.com

Rise of the Manhunters may sound more like a subtitle to the next Sex and The City film, but shockingly it’s not. Instead it’s the subtitle for the new Green Lantern movie tie-in game for the Xbox 360 and PS3. So instead of listening to the Samatha and the girls dish about their latest exploits, you get to take control of a virtual Ryan Reynolds version of Hal Jordon and attempt to save the Lanterns home planet of Oa from the invading forces of the Manhunters, a group of robots that preceded the Lantern Corps as the universe’s defenders who now want revenge for being cast aside.

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Odion4741d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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samurailincoln4740d ago

All Star Heroes: Top 10 DC Comics Video Games

Warner Brother's DC Entertainment has been known for putting out (mostly) consistent content for years, and that includes forays into video games. Given that DC focuses a lot more on their solo characters, particularly Batman, Superman and Green Lantern, than Marvel does, its no wonder that DC has had an easier time adapting their IP's to other trans-media proprieties. While Marvel's team movie effort The Avengers has proven wildly successful, DC's Dark Knight trilogy, recent Man of Steel film and the entire animated universe helmed by DC animation veteran Bruce Timm has defined an era of superhero cartoons and direct-to-dvd animated features.

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cl19833971d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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HavenDan3971d ago
Jackhass3971d ago

Man, DC Comics hasn't had great luck with games, has it? They had to resort to a few pretty average games to fill out the list.


Why I Hate... Movie Tie-In Games

newbreview.com's David Lee tells the world why he hates movie tie-in games.

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wallis4318d ago

I weirdly enjoyed king kong and riddick. Don't know if riddick counts but butcher's bay is great fun. Also would the spider man games count? Some games are often associated with a movie but I'm not sure if they ought to be counted like say wolverine or avatar that are blatant tie ins. Either way I'm not so sure it's as black and white as most people say it is and there's often a little bit of wiggle room. Not ALL tie ins are terrible - if anything they're getting much better.

jjb19814317d ago

I hate them because they get slapped together and thrown out on the market. They are heavily time-released games with not much depth


The 10 best and worst superhero games on PlayStation

We love superheroes. Those caped crusaders with swathes of incredible powers and a moral compass big enough to draw really enormous circles – what, wrong compass? Here are some of the best and worst forays into the complex minds of these over powered superstars.

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Community4354d ago
CustardTrout4354d ago

Thor, that game was something else.

PS3Freak4354d ago

No mention of Spiderman 2? How?

4354d ago
r214354d ago

good thing they included inFamous 2, if they hadnt i would have raged! btw, there was another batman game to grace the PS consoles, the movie tie in to the first Batman movie starring Liam Neeson. The single player was pretty good, had plenty of stealth and combat.

Mr_cheese4354d ago

Got to be honest, I wasn't a massive fan of inFamous 2, kind of repeated the original title and never really had a lot of depth to it outside of the main story. Shame because the city scape was fantastic, it just lacked a life.

r214354d ago

well for me personally, inFamous 2 was way better than the first. Side missions were more interesting compared to the first installment and characters were more memorable.

Mr_cheese4354d ago

Perhaps just not my cup of tea, sorry guys.