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Assassin's Creed DVD issues fixed?

Apparently the guy who came forward on the current issues facing assassin's creed for the xbox 360 and the ps3 has at least withdrawn his statement for the 360 now claiming "There's no problem anymore".? This was apparently after receiving a phone call from Jade Raymond.

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Bad Editing
CaliGamer6069d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
why the ?......there isnt one on the original title
Jdash246069d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Blankman6069d ago

Microsoft pockets run deep.

power of Green 6069d ago

Yah it sucks MSFT has to pay while Sony gets the same treatment for free due to fear or angry fanboys.

Vip3r6069d ago

Well at least Sony cares about its fanboys.

unlimited6069d ago

wow fanboys .the ps3 have the same memory as the 360 but split..once they learn how to use it then their wont be any problems. this is the reason they should buld the game ground up from the ps3 and port it to the 360 it be easy on for the 360 their compression method but it takes out quality from the games. or they can put it on two disk..

marinelife96069d ago

LMAOF @ I learned my lesson. I bet you did!

Panthers6069d ago

I cant believe this news is such a big deal. There is no interview other than those 2 lines and no credibility to the report.

And if it is true, which it just sounds like he is trying not to lose his job, than good. The more issues they fix the better. Maybe it will get released on time.

ATLRoAcH6069d ago (Edited 6069d ago )

Since when does everyone on this site think they know everything.I don't talk sh!t about the 360, so don't talk sh!t about the PS3.Anyone who works for Sony or Microsoft please raise your hand.....Thats what I thought.A lot of these comments are spoken with true ignorance.

If anyones knows Patrice Desilet's e-mail address I'll ask him about the PS3 myself.


DVD will never be a limitation because you can always use 2 or more. Or you can download content, and for you ignorant sony fans who always chime in with, "but not in an open ended world", WRONG. All you have to do is have 2 discs, download one to the hardrive and problem solved. Or many other solutions like putting the whole world on multiple discs and spreading the missions across them. NO MATTER WHAT DVD WILL NEVE BE A LIMIT. Some PS3 games already download content to the harddrive in order to play better. So this solution is actually a better way to do open ended worlds because of faster procedural loading. BUT the PS3 memory problems are a NIGHTMARE. You can not get around it. The bandwidth is never any wider than half of the 360. All you sony kids sure do whine a lot, which makes since considering your average age of 8 years old. That also explains how you are so stupid to keep throwing up ridiculous, completely wrong ideas about a split memory being anything like a real wide memory. Then you all agree with each other, LOL. The PS3 only is ever as wide as 256. And if you want the other 256 you have to do an INCREDIBLE amount of hard work to split the code up for 7 SPE's which is almost impossible. The PS3 will never have the memory of the 360 and it will always produce inferior games because of this. I know some little 8 year old will come on here now and say , "your wrong, the memeory is the same, just split" and act like that means they won the argument even though I just told you why the split memory is never wider 256. It's all about width people. But of course, even though the people arguments against mine will be old points I already proved wrong and made up BS that won't make sense, all you little sony girls will agree with each other like idiots, but don't worry about me, I know how 8 year olds are. Sony fans= 8year olds, general pop. with know knowledge of technology. Xbox fans= tech savvy adults who don't buy a console just because it says sony on it. This is why Xbox fans always seem so much smarter than sony fans, sony fans are general consumers who buy on brand name and don't know any better.

mark096069d ago

Yes the dvd will be a limit, and it already is, microsoft cant do your "install part of the game to hard drive" theory because alot of xbox360 owners dont have said hard drives.

ATLRoAcH6069d ago

But I'm 21 about to be 22.And I'm not here to argue about memory.I do know some developers (Naughty Dog and others) know how to make a game work fine and look beautiful on the PS3.Oh,and the Cell works differently than a standard processor.The Cell because of its structure doesn't need as many commands to the CPU to complete a task because of the SPEs thus doesn't requirer as much memory as a standard processor.The problems developers have is that they approach the Cell like its a standard processor and end up wasting memory with a lot of commands for the CPU that they will be able to avoid once they figure out the Cell and how to program for it.Microsoft's processor is very similar to the dual-core processor found in many computers today.And even though its better than old processors it still operates the same.So anyone who has programmed in the last ten years should get it pretty easy.This I will say is a plus for the 360 and people who develop for it.But by no means judge the PS3 that has barely gotten out of the gate and is already being judged by the software and not the hardware.Before I bought the PS3 I compared the specs of the two consoles and guess what I chose.I do not need to justify my purchase to you so I'll just let time tell you that you were wrong.Are you going to disagree with all the professionals that believe the PS3 has the most potential this generation?

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MK_Red6069d ago

Even if all of them scream "there's no problem", the truth doesn't change. PS3 has problem of small memory and 360 has problem of disk capacity. Plain and simple.
Now stop ranting and publish the darn game. Can't wait for Assassins.

Jdash246069d ago

i know what you mean....i've been waiting to get my hands on this game since last may

just a few more weeks

Captain Tuttle6069d ago

they might be trying to lower expectations for the game least that's what I in all of my "tinfoil hat wearing" glory thinks. I just have a strange feeling this game will disappoint across the board.

HowarthsNJ6069d ago

Two "S" words yes, but not the same.

The 360 has unified 512 memory that must be shared by the CPU and GPU.

The PS3 has 256 for CPU and 256 for the GPU (plus memory on each SPE).

Do you think developers can make full use of the 360's unified 512 by starving either the CPU or GPU of memory to give the other more ram?

The problem is memory management. Loading it through two paths as opposed to one.

Real gamer 4 life6069d ago

dude it was not that the ps3 doesn't have enough memory it was the ps3 architecture. Because the ps3 memory is spilt in half don't give me that.

Kleptic6069d ago

since day 1 the problem with the PS3 has always been the larger OS footprint...or in reality the amount of memory blocked off for future OS improvements, blocked off to developers that is (the OS currently doesn't use nearly as much memory as what is potentially available to it...further OS optimizations have also allowed for more memory to be free'd up to devs also)... matter what...people will always say that because the 360 has unified memory paths, that it has "more"...its funny...its ignorant...and it doesn't matter...the people saying it do not understand either systems hardware apparently (as a few posts up made a good point...are some of you under the impression that the CPU of a 360 could be using 512mb of ram for a certain intensive chunk of code?...I truely would like to see what is happening on screen in that instance)...

the 360 uses 32mb of its total 512mb of RAM for its OS...the PS3 currently has nearly 64mb (down from over 90 during launch) blocked off (its still unknown exactly what the OS footprint itself is) to devs of its total 512mb (half of which is server class XDR ram)...that is where the memory problems with the PS3 occur compared to the 360...but keep saying the 360 has more ram (it doesn't)...and keep saying that the 360 has "better" ram (it doesn't)...its been going on for over a year now...why stop now?

ATLRoAcH6069d ago

You have a point.Think about the PSP after what like two years out the cpu was fully unlocked to 333mhz.Thus making games better than they were able to be before.I just hope Sony isn't "blocking" for the same reason with the PS3.

tk6069d ago

The PS3 memory for the OS will make certain features available across all online titles - like chat, video etc. For the XB360 those features will be in the game code. So if the memory is in the OS or game - it will even out. Difference is that the PS3 features will be same right across titles.

Odion6069d ago

your actually completely wrong

The 360 has 512 of Ram for the GPU alone, while the system also has its own 256 megs of ram, just like a normal computer, the GFX card has its own ram and the system has its own.

the PS3 has 512 of ram that must be split between everything

achira6069d ago

odion you are a .... you are so wrong! the xbox360 has 512mb in total, gpu+cpu. i know you suck the d!ck of bill gates, but there are other ppl, who know the truth. the truth is 512 mb for ps3 and xbox360, the truth is the ps3 has far faster ram (XDR), the truth is developers need time to programm the ps3 correctly, the truth is the ps3 will blow the xbox360 out of the water. look here for specs of the 360:
what a moron, unbelievable, you should be banned.

Kleptic6069d ago

Odion......the rate at which you group words into phrases that state incorrect information is so high...that you should simply stop interacting with other human beings altogether...

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BubblesDAVERAGE6069d ago

Just make the game small like gears of war...

FirstknighT6069d ago

If that doesn't work make it even smaller like Heavenly Sword.

DarkArcani6069d ago (Edited 6069d ago )


Don't diss Gear of War. It's a great game.


Don't diss Heavenly Sword. That is a great game as well.

*If you want to diss some games, then diss EA games. Leave the good ones out of it*

@Einherjaren - Dude, shut it with the small size thing. Size in games has nothing to do with the enjoyment of your experience. It's about fun.

Einherjaren6069d ago

HELL NO!! GoW suck cause of it's SMALL size!!

mesh16069d ago

ps3 games int he future will suffer cause of memory problems ps3 games will alwsy have lower texture than the 360 as the,the pc has tons of memory and games on there texture with a gr8 pc can reach mind blowing detail ,the ps3 will alwsy have he memory problem.

Real Gambler6069d ago

Pick up ANY recent pc games. Look at the memory requirement for the game if you're running XP and if you're running Vista. You will see that if you're running the EXACT same game on Vista, you need 512mb and sometime up to 1Gb more of memory. It's the exact same game! So, ooops, why would you need an extra Gig? O.S. is hungry. Drivers are hungry (DX1O...). Antivirus. Firewall. And so on.

This is why, today, 2Gig of memory on a PC is just enough... If you let Microsoft go, next O.S. will likely need 8Gig alone to run : )

This is why you get games that run at very decent resolution with minimal memory requirement. You pay $400 for a console, and you can run games at 1920X1080 at 60FPS... You would be amazed to see how many people cannot reach 60FPS at this type of resolutions on PCs as old as those consoles are... And for quite a higher price! There's likely more than 95% of the PCs right now still running at 1024X768, nearly half of what a console can do. And likely with 3 or 4 time the memory...

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power of Green 6069d ago

I don't think he was saying its not a future problem but no problem with this title itself You would have to be a fool to think Compression tech is going to work forever.

Memory in this generation is a major huge issue too, just as big of an issue to say the least. We're going to see more multi disc games and we'll see if devs figure out how to use more than 256 of memroy for games.

DrPirate6069d ago

256 MB of memory? I didn't know AC was going to the Wii.......


Ps3 deosnt have small memory it has the same 512mb, you just have to develop for it differently.

power of Green 6069d ago (Edited 6069d ago )

Yah just like people saying 360 doesn't have a disc size issue.

Are you saying PS3 has unified memory and the devs are not worried about it?.

Tell that to the devs talking about it, not us.

EDIT: @5.3

You think that the PS3 could have 4 times less system RAM, 64 mbs, and still outdo the 360?.

System RAM is typically used for things like collision structures for collision detection (often very close to the same amount of memory taken up by the meshes themselves in video RAM), as well as all data that needs to be associated with game objects within the world.
You've likely seen the size of the world in AC, as well as the number of characters on screen. More RAM is better than faster RAM.

The PS3 also has NO access what so ever to the other memory bank...

Infact the other 256Mbs of ram are just there to weigh down the system.. otherwise it would float all over the house like in the commercials.

256 is a nice amount for those, but not as flexible as a shared 512 mb architecture.

We'll see if the devs will work out streaming on PS3(already doing it for PS3?) and I'm sure folks won't mind multi disc games.

Why is that rabid fanboy always replying to me?, just stop it I can't read your posts.

mighty_douche6069d ago

512mb is simply no enough and theres no getting away from that. at least with blu-ray in a few years time we wont have games running into 3,4,5 discs

Proxy6069d ago (Edited 6069d ago )

PS3's OS does take up more room. If I remember 360 OS takes about 30 (bit lowball) and includes everything, and the PS3 once took maybe 120 (that's highball by far) if you had everything enabled in-game, like buddy list, etc. The 360 OS is clearly better. So a highball estimate would be that the 360 has a good 90 megs of ram on the PS3. Throw into this the divided ram on the PS3 (yet it performs faster, and better in some regards) and you can preaty well argue that 360 wins in the ram department. But what does this mean for games?

Consider a high end PC with 4 gigs of system ram (minus 1 for the OS, and overhead) and 768 on the graphics card alone. You're left with 3.7 gigs for the game alone, more than 7 times what either consol has to offer. Yet do the games look 7 times better? No. If an extra 3 gigs offers just a little graphical advantage, consider the impact 90 megs would make. Infinately insignificant. The two systems are different, and ram is one of the least important aspects to take into consideration.

Ram isn't everything. We'll have to let the games speak for themselfs I guess.

Both systems are becoming more and more inferior to PC's, yet the arguements will continue. It's very important to figure out which of the two inferior techs is a tiny bit better.


I own a PS3 and prefer it. I was using lowball for the 360, and highball for the PS3* hoping to show that even with an exagerated difference, it's still not that important. So, I'm actually attempting a defense against those who suggest the PS3 is behind because of it's ram. It's different, that's all.

*I read once that the PS3 took about 96 megs for the basic features, and then that it might be higher when enabling in-game features, thus I guessed 120 for highballs sake. I've even heard now that it's as low as 48 megs, but I don't think that's confirmed.

mighty_douche6069d ago

mate, PS3 OS uses around 64mb, while 360's uses around 32mb. sony have stated that they will be lowering the ps3's OS 'footprint' with firmware updates, exactly the same as what MS have done.

all of you seem to forget that sony is a year behind the 360, and just like everything on the 360, things take time to resolve.

S1D3 EFFEC76069d ago

32mb of the 256mb of available GDDR3 memory off the RSX chip
64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory off the Cell CPU
1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved 1 SPE of 7 able to be "taken" by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested)

Real Gambler6069d ago

POG: You're saying yourself: "System RAM is typically used for things like collision structures for collision detection (often very close to the same amount of memory taken up by the meshes themselves in video RAM)"

So here we go... Both consoles have 512Mb of memory. With the PS3, it's 256Mb for the system and 256Mb for the graphic card. So if I use your very own comment, it's a great split because "System RAM ...IS...(often very close to the same amount of memory taken up by the meshes themselves in video RAM) Wow, PS3 nailed it right. Or at least very close in your OWN WORDS...

Now, sure enough, there's times were devs will use 400Mb for system and 100Mb for GPU. But when????? As you said it yourself, you may have lots of collisions to process. You may have lots of ennemies to process. So what. You ALSO have to show them up on screen! So most of the time, games for the 360 will be AT THE MOST a 300Mb-200Mb split, but as you said, quite likely 256Mb-256Mb most of the time. You don't have lots of graphic to show if you don't have lot's of processing to do! So unified memory is good, but truly, you will never see wide swing unless it's something like Folding at Home. (Massive processing, but basically nothing to display.)

So in your own sentence, you're saying that memory is usually split 50-50 and yet, you say it's bad? Truly funny...

Proxy6069d ago

POG? What the hell?

No I don't think that. If I did think that, I probably would have said it, but I've not said any such thing.

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PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama

This should make fans and collectors very happy. PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama Assassin's Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama available for pre-order on January 25.

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Can We Finally Admit Assassin's Creed 3 Deserves an Apology?

AC3 was released during a turbulent transition period for Ubisoft and the Assassin's Creed series. It ventured into uncharted territory, narratively and mechanically, which caused it to receive mixed reviews. At its core, though, it's a damn good stealth game.

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isarai236d ago

Nope, I hated 3, connar was bland, literally the most flat character in the entire game. Not to mention to myriad of bugs, camera issues, and that annoying thing where he automatically ditches his weapon you payed for for the sake of a cool finishing move forcing you to trek back to your base after almost every encounter just to re-equip your own weapon. It just didn't work as fluidly as the others like 2 and 4

Samonuske236d ago

The series peaked at AC3 for me. It’s been my favourite in the series. Connor will always be one of my favourite video game protagonists.

Becuzisaid236d ago

No. Game was BORING. Connor was really dull. Environments, while impressive, because of the geographic location and time period were not really exciting to be in. I would love some kind of game set in there colonial American time period, but a game like AC that back then centered around parkour and vertical traversal really didn't fit those environments.

-Foxtrot235d ago


There was a lot of issues but mine is how they handled the war

They told us Connor was not going to get involved, that the war was more of a background setting for the real story and it wasn’t going to be one sided

They lied, even the cinematic E3 trailer showed Connor emerge from the Colonist side and slaughter the red coats to get to his target, inspiring the Colonists to fight back

I just thought it would have made more sense lore wise that the red coats were mostly compiled of Assassins fighting the Colonist templars who wanted to take the new world for themselves.

Since the Red coats lost the war, it would then explain how the Templars started to gain the upper hand and how on the future the assassins were mostly killed off and the Templar’s had pretty much taken over everything.

Instead it just felt like they didn’t want to p*** off the American audience

Even Haytham was cool, he should have been an Assassin through and through and should have been the main lead.

toxic-inferno235d ago

The game even seems to lack the humour of the other games. It almost seems as though the idea of even slightly making fun of American history wouldn't be acceptable.

-Foxtrot235d ago


It just felt super safe

“Better not make the colonists look super bad incase people boycott our game”

jeromeface235d ago

someone missed the whole point

-Foxtrot235d ago

There was literally no point

What I've just said above would at least make sense lore wise and why the Assassins start to loose their war, die off and how the Templars are in control in the future of almost everything....what they did was just, pointless

CrimsonWing69235d ago

I’m one one of those weird people that liked Ass Creed 3, but to be fair I never got around to finishing it.

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5 Of the Most Unlikeable Video Game Protagonists

There are good video game protagonists, and there are bad video game protagonists.

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246d ago
GhostScholar246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

I disagree that max is unlikable. Chloe is infinitely more unlikable in my opinion.

gold_drake246d ago

omg chloe was awful. i really hated her at the end haha

Cacabunga246d ago

Abby was absolute trash protagonist in every way..
Tidus was so meh to me..
On villain side, the one i didn’t like wa Micah, because they wanted him to be that way and it was brilliant👍🏽

Rancegamerx246d ago

I agree, I liked Max, Chloe was a horrible friend and a bad influence.

Cacabunga246d ago

Everyone agrees on chloe, I’m sure even ND do.

H9246d ago

Both are horrible, granted Chloe is infinitely worse, it feels like Chloe is just fanservice for people who too over the edge and wasn't written to be a character that makes sense

GooGobbler246d ago

What about that Forspoken Tw*t

MrChow666246d ago

exactly I was expecting it to be a the top of the list

ravens52246d ago

Ye I was expecting her too. Guess they actually played the game. Unlike you and whoever agrees.

gpimlott245d ago

I played through the whole game and think she is one of the worst character Ive ever played as

ravens52245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

gpimlott. How?

Stanjara235d ago

Why would I payed and played the game if the whole internet is making fun of a character?

-Im here to kill Chaos...are you Chaos?

Yeah, I didn't play that game either.

Christopher246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

She's actually not bad. It's the writing itself that is bad overall, but she's fine overall. She's no worse than Miles Morales IMHO. Both thrust into a spotlight and receiving both praise and blame and dealing with it.

Forspoken is a bland game because it's 75% bland, boring, repetitive going through the motions and diversions that add nothing of the value with purposefully gated memory moments that don't feel organic or like you're discovering things but waiting for others to reveal things.

ravens52246d ago

Exactly Chris. Even though I liked the game. I kno u played it. People who actually played it and went thru her dream saw she was a good likeable person who really just acted out due to being alone and unloved. I think your problem is it was open world, I think if it was more linear you may have liked it better.

savedsynner246d ago

Oh no she's bad. Very unlikable even before you add on the bad dialogue. The game could have been quite good with a good protagonist

ravens52245d ago

For all the people like synner. Shes actually half white lol. Inferior complexity is a hell of a thing. You'll be ok.

Nerdmaster246d ago

Most of these aren't even that bad. Especially comparing to others like Squall "Whatever" Leonhart, Forspoken's Frey, and the guy from Atomic Heart.

-Foxtrot246d ago

Squall is one of the best developed main FF characters so...

People talk about his "whatever" thing thats at the start of the game, not the character he eventually becomes in the end.

Nerdmaster245d ago

No amount of "character development", (especially the ones that for me feels sudden and undeserved like Squall's), will justify him being a d**k to my girl Quistis. Even if he found the cure for cancer, from that moment on, I would never like him.
The article is about being unlikeable, and he was indeed unlikeable for at least half of the game.

BrainSyphoned246d ago

Squall is the best protagonists in FF so you can go whatever yourself.

H9246d ago

My good sir, I need to steal that "you can go whatever yourself" because it's gold

BlaqMagiq1246d ago

Except Squall has actual character development.

gold_drake246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

the "watever" is only present in the english localisation.
so your argument doesnt rly ... stand imo.

Nerdmaster245d ago

Good for you that you could enjoy the japanese version. That's not the case for me and the majority of people here, though.

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gold_drake246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

i had to stop reading after the "blatant misogyny" in the Dantes inferno section.

i actually liked Max haha.

the forspoken chick is missing tho

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