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G4: Ridge Racer 3D Review

G4: "In Single Player, you can select several options including Grand Prix, a series of races that is the closest option to a career mode, or Quick Tour, which is probably my favorite mode. You tell the game how long you want to play, and what type of course you want to race on (Recommended, Drift, High Speed) and what type of car you want to race in. The game will generate a course for you and drop you right into a single race, or a series of races depending on the time you selected, up to 30 minutes.

Other race types include One-Make Race, where all of the racers use the same type of car, and StreetPass Duels where you can race against the ghosts of people you’ve passed on the street. If you’re just looking to jump in and try things out, select QuickTour or Standard Race, but if you really want to kill a lot of time, Grand Prix will keep you gaming for hours."

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Community4780d ago

Unadvertised price drops on select 3DS games at Best Buy

Great news for those of you who just got a shiny new 3DSXL and are looking to expand your 3DS library. Several 3DS games have gotten price reductions/clearanced out at Best Buy and for those of you who can get to your local store to search for the titles this evening you can still take advantage of the B2G1 sales on all 3DS games. These games were all marked at a local store, did not appear to be a manager special and required no override at the register when purchasing them. That said, as is often the case for price drops like these, prices may vary depending based on different stores. These prices will likely be IN STORE ONLY.

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Community4283d ago

Amazon Video Game Best Selling Highlights April 12th

Online video game retailer are pushing some nice discounts on their best sellers and recent releases.

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Community4432d ago

I need to start doing my game shoping at Amazon.


Nintendo 3DS Launch: Better Than We Thought

Chris Buffa (Modojo): According to many, Nintendo's March 27 3DS launch was a huge disappointment. The system was overpriced at $249.99, consumers complained the glasses free 3D gave them headaches and a lack of compelling software (the absence of Mario the biggest sticking point) gave shoppers little reason to fork over their hard-earned dough.

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Community4547d ago
dedicatedtogamers4547d ago

BETTER than we thought? No. No. There is no excuse for it. Heck, the system is still crawling uphill and it has a long way to go before it is a must-have system.

killasder4547d ago

lol this Chris dude loves him some nintendo.. next article Vita launch worse than we thought...

axisofweevils4547d ago (Edited 4547d ago )

The launch week was OK...

In Japan, they'd sold out their entire allocation in the first two days. It was the most successful Nintendo console launch ever in America and the UK.

The problem was the three months after that. Those good first week sales didn't last.

They sold 4 million first quarter - but 3.5 million of that was in the first week.