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RipTen Review: Dragon Age 2 is a Sequel in Name Alone

RipTen: We have to get one thing straight before I tell you the tale of my tulmutuous tryst: Dragon Age 2 is a sequel in name alone.

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Community4815d ago
CrzyFooL4815d ago

It's like a big pretty bit of DLC. It's good but it could have been great. Oh well, Witcher 2 incoming!

Lindsey4815d ago

All the negative fanboy reviews have done Bioware a huge disservice.

Lindsey4815d ago

"Dragon Age 2 is a Sequel in Name Alone"

Someone obviously didn't beat the game before they wrote their review. I'm not going to ruin it for anyone, but lets just say they directly tie Dragon Age II in with Origins by the end of the game.

DeeZee4815d ago

They do tie it in, but I think the reviewer is talking about the gameplay. Saying it's nothing like Origins. Which is true for the most part, still it's a decent game just like the score reflects. Nothing amazing, yet far from being terrible.

Lindsey4815d ago

"I think the reviewer is talking about the gameplay."

No, he liked the gameplay, he said it gave him everything he wanted that Origins didn't. He's talking about the story. You can tell by the end of the game that there is more to come and that it is going to be epic, trust me.

jaredhart4815d ago


Hate to break it to you but Stephanie Gutowski is a girl.

Aloren4815d ago

Saying it's a sequel in name alone is rather extreme imo. It still feels very much like a dragon age game...

despair4814d ago

Just beat the game today and it was pretty enjoyable, It was definitely more barebones when compared to the original, but I kinda like the story and how everything is centered around Kirkwall even though some varied environments were needed, I mean how many of the same caves did I need to enter.

Also I was very disappointed in some of the bugs the game has, the worst I encountered by far was the Isabella bug where every time you load a game with her friendship bonus you lose speed. Hell if it wasn't for the suggestions on the forums how to fix it(temporarily) I would've given up completely at the 3rd chapter and that's just for the PC(not sure how to fix it on consoles).

How long can it take to fix it, its a game breaking bug when your character moves in slow motion in battle.

Tex1174814d ago

Its not a bad game. It just suffers from the shadow that was the vast epicness of DA:O.

I liked the combat for consoles. Its the story...They tried something with the framed narrative and I just don't think they were able to pull it together to get that feeling at the end of most Bioware games when you enter some parts of the story screaming at your TV because you are excited to keep going.

It just...lost that.


EA Made Dragon Age and Mass Effect DLC Free On PC By Retiring The BioWare Points System

Immersed Gamer writes: "In order to replace the oppressive BioWare Points system, EA is making a large portion of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age DLC catalogs free for PC users.

For those of you blissfully unaware, EA and BioWare employed a payment system called BioWare Points on PC to pay for DLCs for titles like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. While PC gamers have been struggling with BioWare point’s unfair conversion rates and extremely scarce and cost-detrimental sales.

Console players have been allowed to purchase content in pieces through the appropriate Sony and Microsoft shops. For real money, and not BioWare monopoly bucks. In turn, console players missed out on some DLC content, such as Mass Effect 2 pre-order bonuses that have been repackaged into a DLC pack."

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Community690d ago
TinkerNation689d ago

Great response to Ubisoft and their disgusting behavior. Ubisoft decide to take away DLC from people who paid for it, while EA give it for free to everyone when they realize their system sucks. Who would have thought that EA of all companies would be showing Ubisoft how it should be done (even if this is EA fixing their own mistakes as well).

Mobis-New-Nest689d ago

What goes around comes around and I promise you, Ubisoft will see their actions blow back on them when their diminishing sales numbers and stock taking a hit downward. That's the only way a company learns when they decide to be reactive instead of proactive.


All BioWare Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "There was a time that BioWare games were the biggest deal in gaming. The Canadian developer’s legacy of all-time classics is well known. Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, and Baldur’s Gate are some of the biggest names in gaming.

While BioWare’s quality has fallen off lately, there’s no denying the quality of titles in their portfolio. That’s why we’re going to dive in and rank every BioWare game from worst to best. By every, I do mean every BioWare game, even the ones you completely forgot about!"

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Minimoth848d ago
Orbilator848d ago

Ranked from worse to even more worse more like, they been on free fall for a fair few years now and I personally don't think any of there earlier games have aged well

autobotdan847d ago

Wow to think at one point in their history they made a Sonic the Hedgehog game..crazy

chicken_in_the_corn847d ago

Anthem is crazy underrated. I really enjoyed it. ME1 is Bioware's best imo

847d ago Replies(1)
Michiel1989847d ago

I actually put quite a bit of hours into Anthem but i dont think its underrated. It was a huge mess, server issues, gameplay issues, crashes, no endgame loop, too few different enemies, uninteresting gear. too few dungeons.

It for sure had potential and if they could have managed to keep the same gameplay of the classes but without the rest of the issues, this game could have been huge, but in the state in which it launched it was such a letdown. They partly fixed some of the issues, but it took too long. A grinding game like this needs to hook players from day 1.


'Dragon Age' and Why It Sucks to Play Cult Favorite Games

Delving into a well-loved game or series years after its release, when it already has an enthusiastic and devoted fanbase, can be incredibly difficult. People can be casually mean on the internet without intending to, and that happens a lot when you say you don’t like something they do. Fans of the franchise take their love of the game very seriously. They’re fervent and devoted, which has its charms, but it can also feel like you’re disappointing them when you decide their thing is not your thing.

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Community971d ago
Snakeeater25971d ago

All dragon age games are terribly boring

Kerppamaister971d ago

Why'd you play DA2 if you thought 1 was boring?

Snakeeater25971d ago

Because of the reviews, I thought they could do better specially gameplay wise and the third one was even worst

spss11971d ago

I've never been able to complete a Dragon Age game. They always felt too rigid in design. I eventually think "why am I playing this over Witcher 3?" or pretty much any other rpg.

arkard971d ago

The same reason you read a different book, or watch different movies. Different world, characters, lore and story.

jeromeface971d ago

Idk, because maybe you completed the witcher 3? Not all of us like repeating a game over and over just because its the best in genre.

spss11971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Never found the story or lore of DA interesting. Inquisition was just generic evil dude with demon army wants to conquer world and you're the chosen one.

I've played through Witcher 3 once, at the same time I was playing DA Inquisition. Hence the example. I never finished Inquisition and went on to complete Witcher 3.

Yui_Suzumiya971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Well the first bored me but I loved 2 and 3. I could never get into The Witcher or Elder Scrolls but I enjoyed those as far as medieval themed RPG's go.

SegaSaturn669971d ago

I played inquisition and thought the story was pretty well done. Voice acting as well.

Lost interest when i found an ultimate weapon that could only be wieldable postgame. Like wtf would they let me even obtain it for?

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phoenixwing971d ago

Is it really a cult following if it's in the millions?

IanTH971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

lol Definitely a fair point. When a game is made and published by one of the largest video game companies on Earth, has at least 12 million sales between DA:O/DA2/DA:I, DA:I noted as being BioWare's most successful launch, and made EA enough money to greenlight a 3rd game? I'm thinking it's tough to argue that's niche :-p

If you take cult following on the face of it - a group of people who are highly dedicated & passionate about something - the author wouldn't be wrong. But they have to know that term is most widely associated with the group being small/the object being obscure, so it can't really apply here.

melons971d ago

Yeah, in what universe is a series with three games, a fourth on the way that's sold millions and is published by EA a "cult favorite"? Next you'll be telling me The Witcher 3 is a plucky and underrated indie.

IanTH970d ago

I've heard about this hidden gem called GTA V...

jznrpg971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Cult favorite? It’s well known and sold fairly well and they are making a fourth game . I don’t see it anywhere near cult favorite status . I really enjoyed the first game and the third was pretty good (with failed mmo faults you could notice) but the second game was lazily made garbage .

Yui_Suzumiya971d ago

Second was the best game which is the biggest hot take I've ever had, lol

ElvisHuxley971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Loved the first one, second was pretty good. Couldn't even get through the third one. Don't have high hopes for 4, but hey, nowhere to go but up hopefully.

moomoo319971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

DA: Origins was cool, but I got Mass Effect 2 at the same time and goddayum there was no comparison imo.

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