
WiredController: Homefront Review

Homefront has an amazing story that really hits close to home for Americans that makes for some brutal scripted moments, but unfortunately it does not capitalize on it’s story and the single player suffers from this. It’s almost like the game itself is a spin-off or a side mission from a true masterpiece of a story, often absent from the over-saturated first person shooter market. They barely scratched the surface in this potential of a blockbuster with big screen caliber writing and gave us a short, shallow, unsatisfying experience.

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Community4819d ago
gameguru4819d ago

i m getting this one tomorrow, hope it doesn't disappoint

Nawabi4819d ago

believe me you won't be... specially if you are into competitive multiplayer gaming

DelbertGrady4819d ago

If you are buying it solely for the SP I wouldn't recommend buying Homefront, since it's pretty crappy. BUT...if you're into BF BC 2 type of multiplayer you'll absolutely love it.

smashman984819d ago

Yea I hear this game's multiplayer is amazing I was planning on picking it up today.

JackBNimble4819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

well I wouldn't call the MP amazing, there are only two game modes in MP. As for the fun factor, I personally enjoy it but there really isn't anything new here. Don't expect to be blown away by anything in Homefront, but I must admit it has grown on me a bit.

Assassin Nawabi4819d ago

yeah it grows on you, it certainly has that fun factor and mp feels a bit fresh

dragon824819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

There are more than two game modes.

FunkMcnasty4819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

This is Just my Opinion here, but even if you are thinking of picking up Homefront just for the MP I'd say better off to rent it first, or at least buy it preowned if you can (so you can return for credit if you want).

I like my MP online shooters, and if BFBC2 and COD are the benchmarks for console MP shooters, I don't really feel like Homefront holds a candle to either game. there are only 2 game types.. team deathmatch and a "dominiation" style capture-and-control game. There is no "rush" or "demolition" style mode, no Free-for-all deathmatch, and no hardcore modes. There is a "battle commander" mode, but it is just a feature that unlocks with rank, that factors in to the two game types. All "battle commander" does is add a CPU battle commander for each team, who will identify skilled players on the opposing team who are threats to your teams progress. You can then hunt down the identified opposition and kill them for extra battle points. Additionally there are vehicles, however if the vehichle IS available to your team, you can choose to spawn in the vehicle, however, once you do this, you will be stuck in 3rd person view behind the vehicle and cannont dismount/get out of the vehicle until you are killed and must respawn again.

I will say that because killstreaks must be purchased with in-match earned points, and vehichle use is limited, the matches appear to be more balanced as opposed to COD/BFBC2, where things tend to get quite unfair in terms of matchmaking at times. Also, there is a whole bunch of stuff to unlock as you move through homefronts ranks (I think the ranks go to 70) pretty much everything you find in a COD game: a bunch of different gun camo's, perks, and equipment.

All in all, I thought the multiplayer was passable, but not an experience that would keep me coming back for more, as COD/BFBC2 does. That's why i say try before you buy. But beware; if you buy Homefront pre-owned, or you have a borrowed copy from a friend, you will need to shell out $10 for an online pass, to move past rank 5 in MP.


Looking back to 2011 and the arrival of Homefront

Jack writes: "Back in March 2011, the first-person action shooter Homefront arrived on the Xbox 360 from THQ, along with a storm of publicity which included a really cool live-action trailer"

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Community1173d ago
matt1391173d ago

Fantastic game, shame about the terrible sequel.

LucasRuinedChildhood1173d ago

The multiplayer in Homefront was actually really fun.


Devs Share Personal Touches They've Hidden in Games

Last week game dev Steve Thornton took to Twitter to ask: fellow devs, have you ever slipped something into a game you're working on that's just for you? The replies are well worth a read.

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Community2218d ago
SlashHabit2218d ago

I liked the State of Decay graphic artist whom put penises in the textures.


Homefront is available for free on Humble Bundle for the next 48 hours

Deep Silver and Humble Bundle are currently offering the first Homefront game for free. This offer will last for the next 48 hours, so be sure to visit its Humble Bundle page in order to acquire your free copy.

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Community2367d ago
yeahokwhatever2367d ago

get it! the single player is excellent and intense and the MP is pretty fun, too.

Razzer2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Uh....it’s free so...

nowitzki20042366d ago

lol at dislikes.. look at OP's name

C-H-E-F2366d ago

Ehh, PS4 needs these deals too, or consoles in general we always get discounts rarely free stuff that's REALLY free (games with gold / psplus isn't free)

nowitzki20042366d ago

Yeah its nice, Just sign up and add them to your steam. even f you dont own a gaming PC, you might one day.