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Reports of First PS3 Bans Have Begun

According to a popular hacking forum, some users are reporting that they have already been banned from the PSN network for trying to bypass the PSN login. The PS3 Bans seem to have occurred when users forged a login certificate and rerouting the PlayStation's DNS addresses. The hackers claim that they accessed the PSN from a jailbroken device. However, the users were quickly banned by the network. Upon recieving the ban, the users were treated to an error message :
"You cannot use the PlayStation Network with this account (8002a227)"

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Community4858d ago
a_bro4859d ago

so much for the "f**k PSN" program that the hackers made, instead its PSN F88king you and giving you an exploding Middle finger at the same time

Abash4858d ago

I can't wait to see all the "Help Ive been banned form PSN for no reason at all ;O!!!" topics on forums haha. Every hacker is going to cry over this even though they know they deserve it

Redman224858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )


Dude hackers are going to miss out on some of the best MP games this generation. haha! I love it.

MAJ0R4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

sux for hackers and pirates

Acquiescence4858d ago

and when I got it back I tried to sign into PSN and found out I was banned! So you see, it's not my fault Sony, obviously my best buddy has been messing around with my console and it has nothing to do with me. Please fix it."

Nobody's gonna believe you son, sorry.

Soldierone4858d ago

My friend was playing on my COD account and I went to get some toast and a cookie from my mom, and when I came back we couldnt get online anymore! I have the stats of a player that played for 2 years and the gametime of 15 minutes i shouldnt be banned!!!! It wasn't even me playing anyways!


Krypto4858d ago

It's a console ban!! LOL

BrianC62344858d ago

"Dude hackers are going to miss out on some of the best MP games this generation. haha! I love it. "

But they only do this because they want a crappy version of Linux on their PS3.

mandf4858d ago

What happen to all the comments that said "Sony can't do anything." I hope you all get banned. Defend yourself all you hackers want, you are still thieves. I just want homebrew. BS!! PC's are for homebrew not consoles.

Chubear4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

"Why Sony's bullish bannings is awful for Sony and it's consumers"

"Top 10 reasons Sony needs to get a clue and stop harassing hackers and pirates"

"Hackers and Pirates bringing 'freedom' to gaming but Sony plays spoiler for gamers"

You know it's coming

AyeGee4858d ago

But it says "You cannot use the Playstation Network with THIS account"... meaning, if you make a new account, it'll work? Or is this subject to an actual ban on your PS3?

This hasn't stopped hackers from playing games.. this just stopped hackers from hacking. They can just get a new PS3 if they wanna play games.. the legit way 8)

Istanbull4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Finally justice. Sony please, can you brick their consoles too? The PlayStation community is behind you!

Oh btw, I can't wait for the excuses, with the CoD ban we got things like:

"my brother played 5 minutes on ma account and he hax me and now I haz banned"


Spitfire_Riggz4858d ago

"I took my PS3 to the local orphanage and let the poor kids play while I fixed the roof and mowed the lawn! I went to donate my kidney and some blood and volunteer at the local homeless shelter like the good boy I am!! When I got it back it wouldnt let me sign in!!! FUCK YOU SONY YOUR EVIL"

WhittO4858d ago

"Dude hackers are going to miss out on some of the best MP games this generation. haha! I love it."

Can't they just make another account? lol
Not like their PS3 itself is blocked/disabled.

I hope Sony gets all of them though, I would be SOOO p/o if they started ruining games I actually care about playing (like K3 or R3).
Cod was already so broken with glitches I can't notice who is hacking or not lol.

aCasualGamer4858d ago


LMAO! Bubbles for the greatest comment ever!


Btw i agree, Consoles should be hack free. PC's hackers are getting bored so they think they can take it to the next level, well newsflash: No one owned the PC brand but Sony owns Playstation brand, if you try to take advantage of the consoles the daddy will chew you up and spit you out.

Mahr4858d ago

Meh, the people that have been banned are the ones trying to use a hole that's already been plugged. Wake me when they start banning the modders that actually keep up with the news.

Anarki4858d ago

Don't mess with the bull, or you'll get the horns!

Blacksand14858d ago

Yeah all it will cost is a $150 from you to Sony for a use PS3 if you go that way

jjohan354858d ago

Does it ban just the acct or the console?

kreate4858d ago

"Reports of First PS3 Bans Have Begun"

this statement is false and twisted.
people have been getting banned by sony ever
since the beginning of 2009.

its nothing new. it makes it sound like sony never banned anyone and all of a sudden, they're banning u.

something for xbox fanboys to use against sony fanboys though.

Dee_914858d ago

I feel sorry for all the kids who didnt think this would have consequence.

badz1494858d ago

you say "fuck (anything)" for something you will leave behind but these pesky pirates say "fuckPSN" but they want to use it afterall! FUCK YOU PIRATES! stay offline! your PS3s are yours but PSN is NOT!

kreate4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )


u get ur account banned for 30 days.
and than it escalates further if u dont comply
with their terms of agreement.

eventually ur console can get banned.
and to my knowledge, ur ip will get banned if ur actions are continous and ignore all of the warning emails sony sends u.

meaning no matter what ps3 u use, u cannot get on the playstatin network. u would have to use ur neighbors router or something.

but that's to the extreme.
u get plenty of warnings before that happens.

nix4858d ago

...when i was making a sandwich then suddenly i see that i've been logged off the PSN. Ok.. it was probably my dog because my cat isn't that smart."

RedSky4858d ago

I hate to be the one to have to state the obvious, but most of you above have serious anger issues.

Dude4204858d ago

They praise Sony for banning hackers, but they criticize MS for banning hackers.

Maybe we should get an article that says "Sony banning for more console sales?".

frostypants4858d ago

Who is "they"?

I for one applauded when Microsoft brought down the ban hammer on hackers. And I applaud Sony for it as well.

tacosRcool4858d ago

That is gonna be a lot of banning!

Dude4204858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

@ frostypants

Was just referring to the fanboys who went ahead and said that MS was banning millions of hackers in order to get more console sales. They would do that because hackers would buy a 2nd console.

You know, those conspiracy theories.

paintsville4858d ago

But but but da ps3 can't be hacked...but but but.

Scary694858d ago

LMAO, real nice Sony. Let the crying begin. Hahaha

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digitalivan4858d ago

Yeah but don't forget that hackers are not stupid. Lots of them are using apps that fakes the log that goes to Sony (last game played and other stuff).

30sec4858d ago

The fake log is what is helping Sony find you. The PS3 stamps each log, the spoof app doesn't.

digitalivan4858d ago

Actually you are wrong. The app alters the log and then PS3 stamps the fake one.

joeorc4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

fakeing the Log will not save you at there is yet another tracking CSR on the PS3 an there's is not anyway for user's to access it. an the only way to shut it off is to turn your PS3 off. if you take the PS3 online PD. your own PS3 keep's track of what you play on the PS3!

you do not even have to be connected to PSN this runs in the background of your PS3 ON A HARDWARE LEVEL. /wink

there is no way to turn it off because it's embedded on a hardware level.

digitalivan4858d ago

"fakeing the Log will not save you at all"
What?? My PS3 is not hacked. I just did a lot of reading when these hacking articles appeared.
And also I hope you are right.

shoddy4858d ago

bu bu but you can get two ps3.

if you get two ps3 then I don't see much of a saving on gaming.

digitalivan4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Everyone is acting like we won the war over piracy. But we didn't, hackers will still have 100 games in their library, heck they can even update their games and use the browser, they just got kicked of the online multiplayer.


Yeah that's so going to happen. What with all the countries (like mine) that don't even have access to PSN? We would be unable to play games?

rbrtchng4858d ago

But how long before each game come with its own encryption that requires a one time verification on PSN before being used?

gamingdroid4858d ago

"But how long before each game come with its own encryption that requires a one time verification on PSN before being used?"

When digital only game is available i.e. not in the near future or even likely in this console generation.

DaTruth4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

That would really suck if you don't have the internet!

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xAlmostPro4858d ago

I told people the recent update made it detectable and i got a tonne of disagree's from what im guessing were jailbreak fans lol

NaiNaiNai4858d ago

Give it a little time, just like Xbox live banned.

A playstation connect will show up just like xbox connect showed up for all the mod happy gamers out there, it will appear on the ps3.

SilverSlug4858d ago

If you want to play online with 200 idiots that are all running hacks. Enjoy it.

I rather play online with legit gamers, with first dibs on patches from devs. FOR FREE. I can afford to pay for games.

NaiNaiNai4858d ago

doesn't sound any different then psn.

sourav934858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Well tbh...I got banned from psn a couple of days ago. I called sony and they said that someone made a grief report of me impersonating a sony official. I got one of those messages saying that "Hi I'm Ken from SCE......Send this message to your friends and players met for a $40 psn voucher". So i sent it to my friends and others.

I didn't knw that it was spam (lol i knw it was really stupid of me). So I told them this and they removed the ban and now I can get back to my lovely psn.

My point is that hacking might not be the only reason these guys are getting banned. Peace.

blusoops4858d ago

They wouldn't be on a "HACKER" website saying they were banned because of spam mail.

If they frequent hacker websites, chances are they've hacked their systems.

4858d ago
gaden_malak4858d ago

With the amount of money the people of Nigeria have to give away you've got to wonder how they are 3rd world...

pneboy4858d ago

this shit sounds legit

GrandTheftZamboni4858d ago


I don't think you'll be able to deposit that money into someone's account without the password. Don't forget to ask for the password!!!

Wh15ky4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Regarding Maxcers comment - My boss has had a few of these letters now, usually from the desk of some foriegn solicitor in some Asian or African country claiming that my boss is the closest living relative of some recently deceased rich guy and offering to do a deal to avoid the inheretance taxes etc and the guy will take 5% or so.

GrizzNutz4858d ago

The Nigeria do have a lot of money but their banks really suck. My check cleared two days ago....

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SephireX4858d ago

Hackers can just get a second ps3 and play games free offline and play games with decent online value on the unhacked ps3. Regardless of whatever way you look at it, people who want to pirate will pirate and they will save a lot of money on games. Its a battle Soiny can't win now, just like M$.

blusoops4858d ago

I don't agree with pirating games at all, but if hackers get two PS3's and do what u just said, I guess there's really no stopping them. But at least my online experience won't be hindered and that's what matters to me most.

madpuppy4858d ago

That is only half the issue, pirating happens, but, accessing a private network with a cracked system will damage the online experience for all the legitimate users. I think keeping PSN sanitized of all the crackers and script kiddies
is just as or more important than trying to stop the illegal downloading and playing of single player games. the reason why the Crackers are getting all pissed off is they want access to a network they have no right to. so playing the single player part of a game just infuriates them, they want it ALL with no restrictions.

shoddy4858d ago

since they wanna play online so they have to buy a legit game.

if you can afford two ps3 then you sound pretty rich. No need for hack.

thanx for buying two ps3.

WitWolfy4858d ago

Sony does win but the 3rd party gaming companies still lose. Its not like every game is created by Sony's 1st party studios you know

frostypants4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

OBVIOUSLY some people will always find a way to pirate. The idea is to make it as inconvenient as possible to as many people as possible, in order to discourage it. Most people have lives and don't want to spend 90% of their free time trying to circumvent the latest anti-piracy controls.

Also, you say they could just get a second PS3. is having to buy ANOTHER console "saving money"? And sure, it will be able to get on PSN, but what's the point if you still won't be able to play your "free" games on it? And as soon as you do, it also will get banned.

I don't think you pirates have thought this through.

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WharenPeace4858d ago

This is the best news I've heard all day. I hope Sony goes in hard and breaks some heads.

gaden_malak4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Well I've learned my lesson (not that my PS3 is banned or hacked).

Never. EVER. Make a rap song about Sony.

starcb264858d ago

Did his voice break when he said personification?

bumnut4858d ago

People will just buy another console and have a modded one for pirate games, and a standard one for the best multiplayer games.

I know many 360 owners who do it

Vherostar4858d ago

Agreed I too know a lot of 360 owners that do it. This will do for PS3 what it did for 360 it will sell more consoles as hackers will go out and buy a new console now but the worst thing? No arcade model.

Graey4858d ago

Just out of curiosity wouldn't that mean they are wasting money. You buy 2 systems. You keep the one online that you don't hack. buy say KZ3 you spent 40-60 bones depending if used or not.

Wasn't the whole purpose of the hack to not have to spend any money period?

jack_burt0n4858d ago


You cant expect them to think that deeply, they are also going to run into the new ps3 exclusives which are going to be 50gb a go, sony are implementing MS style security on the discs.

B1663r4858d ago

If it winds up like the xbox go to craigs list and you can usually buy the banned consoles for extra cheap, so if you are gonna hack a console just start with one that is already hacked...

bumnut4858d ago


It is kind of a waste of money but you would only have to pirate 5 games to cover the cost of new console.

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saladthieves4858d ago

Sony is striking...even if the iron is not hot! I have a buddy with a hacked PS3...I can't wait to see his get banned. I think this pirates need to learn a lesson at the amount of damage they could cause Sony if they keep going down this road.

xCaptainAmazing4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Most people hack their console to play pirated games offline, and not online. This move by Sony is good for preventing cheating of course, but it also hardly does anything to the majority who just want to get some free/cheap games. Those people haven't had their PS3 hooked up to the internet since installing the hack.

It will work the EXACT same way MS does it, which is done really well. Basically, some of you guys need to come down and stop worrying about what everyone else does. If people hack their console, they know the consequences, and most won't even attempt to use the online except for the pricks who cheat.

If you separate yourself from the community by being offline, by all means, hack away. It's the online people you have to worry about, and this will get them.

asdlfkj3498as4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

sry to reply to you even tho this has nothing to do with you but I just wanted you guys to see this email I got. I did have a 3.55 cfw on my ps3 but im at 3.56 and have been for weeks but I just got this email:

"Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the
PlayStation(R)3 system have been recently released by
hackers for the PlayStation(R)3 system. These devices
permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software.
Use of such devices or software violates the terms
of your "System Software License Agreement for the
PlayStation(R)3 System" and the "Terms of Services
and User Agreement" for the PlayStation(R)Network/
Qriocity(TM) and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.
In addition, copying or playing pirated software is
a violation of International Copyright Laws.
A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated
software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system.
Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices
and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your
PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in
termination of your access to the PlayStation(R)Network
and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your
PlayStation(R)3 system."

I got this at 7:00 when I checked my mail

ChrisW4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )


TheHater4858d ago

Don't give those blogs any ideas now.

Confusion...I this just a PSN ID ban or a console ban ? If its a PSN ID ban, then they can just create a new PSN ID. However, if its a console ban (I am guessing banning the IP address and your PSN unique ID) then Good for the CHEATERS and PIRATES.

ChrisW4858d ago

Did anyone check out the "Famitsu Officially Declares PS3 Games Superior" article linked at the top of this one? All that I have to say is, "In Japan, Japanese things are #1. Go figure!!!"

Mr_Shuttlezworth4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Let me get this out of the way first... I do not hack, nor do not condone any of this. I have a background in IT, and programming. This is my take...

You guys are celebrating, but i do not know why... If anything this is a BAD thing for the legitimate users.

These guys are getting online by spoofing 3.56 via a DNS server. This is obvious, so Sony will ban the MAC address of the console. The same way they spoof the OFW, they will figure out a way to spoof randomly generated MAC addresses.

This is where the problem lie's for legitimate PS3 users like you and I. Eventually these MAC addresses will match up with our PS3 MAC addresses and then what? Sony is going to start banning legitimate paying customers?

Please read this before you inevitably "Disagree" with me. I am not condoning ANY of this. I just think you guys should open your eyes and be aware that this is not over and will only get worse for us.

rob60214858d ago

I don't think Sony would start banning regular customers if they know mac spoofing is happening widespread. We really don't know how Sony is detecting and banning them that's the reality, You're simply making an educated guess about it being the MAC address they're banning.

Mr_Shuttlezworth4858d ago

I know rob that my point, if they can figure that out it seems like checkmate, no? For them to ban the console and keep it offline it would need to be by serial number or mac address. Either one can be generated in theory.

Now IDK how many of you actually read the letter Sony sent out, but they are not simply dropping the ban hammer. The letter states that all will be forgiven if they revert back to OFW and Delete the "circumvention devices" from the console in question. Sony is giving them the chance to redeem themselves, and considering not everybody who did this had malicious intent it seems only fair. It is interesting to see where this goes next.

tatotiburon4858d ago

can't wait to see how the hackers will unban the consoles

4858d ago
punkpop1014858d ago

Yeah at a later stage it'll say Xbox live ropcks and you suck for not getting a 360 instead so BANABANABAN.Why is that only ps3 fanboy cry about piracy?Can someone explain me?

hakis864858d ago

On-Topic: boo-effin-hoo.
Ban them and may they stay banned.

Off-topic: I don't really like the new layout on N4G. It's more slick, BUT more messy.
I had a better view over all news when they were the same size.

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math4859d ago

Good riddance now go back to 360 they don't mind your kind there

turnerdc4858d ago

Actually, it's pretty much the same for both systems. A hacked PS3 can still play single player games but can't use the PSN service. Same with a hacked Xbox 360. You can play single player games but log onto Live and expect a swift ban.

SephireX4858d ago

That's untrue. I've read it is easy to stay on xbox live with a modded drive if you take the proper care. LT+ firmware cannot be detected by M$. The hackers are always one step ahead.

turnerdc4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

It's actually not so easy and once your Xbox gets banned that's it, that console can no longer connect to Live. Sure there are ways around this but it's far from easy. It doesn't matter if you play retail Microsoft Xbox 360 games or Burned/Copied 360 Games you will eventually be detected and banned from Live. the reason being, it isn't the games they check it is a revision to the firmware or hardware they detect during updates, if your console can play backups/bootleg games it has been modded either flashed or chipped, either will result in your console being banned regardless if you play a legit game or copy, once the console has been connected to Live should any major update occur it will look for revisions to your system, if detected it will be banned, best thing you can do is simply do not connect to live unless you must and to be careful with updates.

EDIT: Oh and as far as softmods the softmod has to be turned off if you plan to connect to live.

DelbertGrady4858d ago

Not only do they ban your console from Xbox Live but they also take away the ability to install games on the HDD.

rpgenius4204858d ago

I hack all my systems and my jail broken iPad is the shit! I have not been banned from xbox live. I have 4 360's modded and none have gotten banned. One is a launch xbox360. Anyone that mods their system knows the risk so you can't really complain if you get banned. Most people on this site have no idea what they are talking about and it's quite funny to read the clueless comments that they post. If you buy a product it belongs to you. Smash it with a hammer or modify it, it's yours.

R2D24858d ago

@RPG - Your parents must be proud of you.

Vherostar4858d ago

Updating your LG firmware or whatever is fine but they only update the firmware these days after a mass ban. As they dont know the new detection methods for the firmware to combat until the update is live and you have actually been banned.

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morkendo234858d ago


30sec4858d ago

Awesome! Hey, where's Loner? :P

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2666d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Community5111d ago
Godmars2905111d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5111d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905111d ago (Edited 5111d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5111d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5111d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5111d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5111d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495111d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5111d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5111d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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Bismarn2702d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One