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Mirror's Edge 2 cancelled

Electronic Arts has confirmed that it has canned Mirror's Edge 2, stopping development of the project after early prototypes were deemed to be disappointing.

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PhilipLarkin4857d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Again, it wasn't cancelled, it was stopped so DICE can focus on Battlefield 3.
EL1TE4857d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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Community4857d ago
Brian52474857d ago (Edited 4857d ago )

Woo boy...massive fallout imminent.

::takes cover::

ATiElite4857d ago

Yep this really sucks as I was hoping Dice would use the new Frostbite 2.0 engine for this and expand the game.

I like how the EA guys say "Dice is working on something else" we don't already know what it is.

tehpees34857d ago

I liked this game. why is everything getting canned these past few weeks?

Guitar hero, True crime, this, dj hero. Anything I missed?

Solid_Malone4857d ago

decline in sales in this recession?

malandra4857d ago (Edited 4857d ago )

this really sucks, the first one had a huge potential but many shortcomings prevented from reaching it

and they were using frostbite for the sequel, it would've been amazing

Biggest4857d ago

What would that engine have brought to the table for Mirror's Edge? I'm not familiar with anything past the environmental destruction aspect of the Frostbite engine.

I am extremely disappointed by this news. I personally think that Mirror's Edge is one of the best new IPs this generation. If they had figured out a way to make the game more appealing to the masses, the potential for the time trial aspect would have been enormous. Dammit!

Bnet3434857d ago

"I'm still aliiiiiiiiive, I'm still alive but can not apologize, nooooooooo." Fucking EA.

lastdual4857d ago

Yes it sucks, but I don't think we've seen the last of what Mirror's Edge did best: 1st person free running.

Brink is taking a similar concept and applying it to the FPS genre, and I'm sure others will follow with deeper implementations. We should be glad that at least Mirror's Edge had an impact.

RememberThe3574857d ago

M4I0N3: I think it's more of a mix of factors. True Crime apparently wasn't going to be anything special and music games have been milked almost clean. In terms of Mirror's Edge, I'd assume that DICE is stretched pretty thin ATM. They couldn't even get a full multiplayer experience into Medal of Honor.

frostyhat1234857d ago

How about they tell us the truth! We all know they want everybody working on BF3 and EA didn't want any distractions. So they decided to can it. Simple as that!

ABizzel14857d ago

It's really sad. Mirror's Edge was actually a breath of fresh air.

The problem with it was it was repetitive, and the level design, wasn't varied enough.

Most people spent the majority of their time in Time trail.

It's really a missed opportunity. The game had so much potential to evolve into something great. Mirror's Edge is not about combat, but I think that may have been it's downfall sales wise. It's nice to run around, but the majority of consumers want action for $60.

badz1494857d ago

but I believe it was not selling very well. unlike GH, this game has no big followers for EA to try it the 2nd time around. DICE is hard at work for BF3 and that's where they shine the most! RIP Mirror's Edge may your demise bring the beast in BF3! don't disappoint now DICE!

NaiNaiNai4857d ago

I hate this whole point of sales.

Ico had a sequel, and there is even a new game coming out by them, and not even one of those sold amazingly.

CrIpPeN4857d ago

I loved Mirror's Edge, but it sure had some problems.

Music was superb in that game.

Shang-Long4857d ago

hey hey hey sony.. buy the ip from dice. and at least make it into a psn title. with just time trials or a full game

Nicaragua4857d ago

The difference is that Ico cost very little to make, with a very small development team. So despite the fact it did not sell well it still made a profit - add on top that it was critically acclaimed as a piece of art.

Mirrors Edge clearly wasnt profitable, used a good chunk of EA's resources that could be used on more profitable projects, got an OK-ish reception with many people praising the concept but complaining that the game was otherwise dull.

Theres your answer.

paintsville4857d ago

Well I wasn't a big fan of the first game. But I have to agree that the game probably could have benefited from the use of the frostbite engine.

dabri54857d ago

I would rather them can the game early cause it wasn't turning out good then to force a not so great sequel. I don't see this as a bad thing.

Now if they said, oh the game was turning out great, but we canned it cause we want to make another Madden, then I'd be upset.

AyeGee4857d ago


I don't think we're in a recession.. i think we're in a bit of a "slowdown".

Dee_914856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

well they said the prototypes were disappointing
so I would rather them can it and start again than release something crappy tbh

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Christopher4857d ago

Don't see what's to be angry about if the early prototypes failed to show any worthwhile gameplay. I'd rather they can a game than put out a really crappy one that doesn't live up to the first.

Christopher4857d ago

Proper translation has been updated. The project isn't "canned" but "halted". The people were put to work on another project.

More than likely they need help getting another item out the door and want whomever is managing the other project to help manage this one as well.

Typical project management, so nothing to worry about for the loss of the franchise.

snipes1014857d ago

Well I think the biggest shame here is that they couldn't do anything good with it. If they are lacking in creativity for such a potentially great universe (the bleached out, outrageously clean, big brother feel was unique imo) but can churn out yet another shooter (no matter how impressive the tech behind it is), it is a sad testament to game development today.

saladthieves4857d ago (Edited 4857d ago )

WTF!!!... I was looking forward to a sequel to Faith's parkour running sessions...Damn you EA!

stuntman_mike4857d ago

best button i ever pushed.

Gen0ne4857d ago

@egidem: Hahahahahaaaaaaaa! Thank you!

saladthieves4857d ago

@Megatron and above. You can push the button as many times as you want...go ahead, go crazy!

Seriously EA just disappointed me with this move.

cb4g4857d ago

Thanks egidem, that put a smile on my face after hearing crappy news =)

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Blaze9294857d ago

When was this even announced to be in development? I missed that one.

RememberThe3574857d ago

The article says

"'The project has been stopped - involved parties at DICE are working on something else now.'"

"Stopped" in not canceled. And until we don't have to translate it I'd just wait for an answer in English.

zeddy4857d ago

i dont think many picked up mirrors egde day one but bought the game pre-owned like me, it was a slow burner this one so mirrors edge 2 would sell atleast 1 mil + now.

BlackTar1874857d ago

i loved Mirrors edge 1 and this is really sad news even if it wasn't "CANCELED" i was hoping for something this year. Oh well BF3 is gonna be beast

97gsx4857d ago

I picked it up day one and got a pretty decent man purse from gamestop. No I am seriously disappointed from ea.

Eyeco4857d ago (Edited 4857d ago )

the sequel to the most innovative use of the first person perspective this gen has been cancelled ? guess where gonna have to go back to boring grey generic military shooters now. I official have no hope for FPS anymore.

Brian52474857d ago

N4G never fails to disgust me. I say I'm genuinely upset that one of the more unique titles of this generation won't see a sequel and receive 10 Disagrees? For shame, trolls.

TBM4857d ago

Man this sucks I loved part one for me it was one of the underrate gems this gem.

jerethdagryphon4857d ago

thats disapointing :( i loved mirrors edge

4857d ago
CryofSilence4857d ago

This is a game that really needed to happen. It had so much potential for innovation on the original. It's too bad everything in gaming is determined by money and guns.

xAlmostPro4857d ago

WTF :( They should have cancelled or cancel the next Medal Of Honour, thats what i'd call disapointing, it was like 90% a BFBC clone -_-

Do EA own the rights to this or could the owners take it to another publisher?

Jockamo4857d ago

ea you guys are dumb and would have realized that a sequel would have definitely brought a bigger crowd to the franchise. games like Sims Outdoors? and Deathspank? Gimme a break.

Mirror's Edge only needed a few tweaks and a longer campaign for it to be a major success. I absolutely loved the game and totally bought into the Mirror's Edge universe.

It's one of the few games that I can pop in today and still be impressed by the design.

Please have alternative plans to revitalize this franchise and don't let it become the next Duke Nukem Forever...

Vherostar4857d ago

The first game was terrible and sales showed that why they started working on a sequel is beyond me?

DevastationEve4856d ago

Mirror's Edge had a lot of potential in my eyes, I just hate to see something so new and fresh be so wholly denied its chance to become one of the greats.

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xtremexx4857d ago

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo

solar4857d ago

man i was excited for more Mirror's Edge :(

tdogchristy904857d ago

It was NOT canned. At least I don't believe so. More put on hold so they can focus on battlefield 3. I still have hope, and I'd love to see a mirrors edge 2!

PS-_-GAMER4857d ago

F**********************....... F**********************...... U Dice nd EA.

xAlmostPro4857d ago

No that's what was said, but now it's revealed that it has been canned :(

sickbird4857d ago

I didn't even know it was in development

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Looking back to the failed parkour of 2016's Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Kaan writes: "Mirror's Edge will likely never get a third try. The second game does not look like a cheap effort. By all accounts it is beautiful, especially with its FPS Boost enhancements. The city glows at nights and shines in the day. Lights will reflect off of Catalyst’s many structures made of glass. It’s spectacular to run through. But such a lavish production often comes with risk aversion and sadly Catalyst crumbles under this pressure. It’s held back by the pressure to conform, rather than trying to be genuinely different."

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lellkay1092d ago

The parkour was great. It was just the story and characters didn't get interesting until the final moments and then it was to late.


FPS Boost at 120fps: Battlefield 1/4/5 - Titanfall 1/2 - Mirror's Edge Catalyst Tested

Digital Foundry: Microsoft's FPS Boost support expands again, this time with 120Hz upgrades for 12 games and a 60fps boost for one! We decided to check out the improvement to some of our favourite games in the line-up, including the three Battlefield games that are supported, Titanfall and Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Which consoles support which games, what's the performance really like and are there resolution compromises?

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Community1135d ago
darthv721135d ago

FPS boost is a nice feature. Cant wait for more games to get that.

Eonjay1135d ago

While FPS boost is nice, I feel like it is the bare minimum in upgrades and only helps those with 120 capable TVs. Most of these games are PC titles as well. These games should be patched to run high/ultra PC video setting.

ActualWhiteMan1135d ago

Microsoft is killing it. Meanwhile Sony only lets developers upgrade older games if they make a PS5 version. Which means, less games getting upgrades on Sony’s offering.

jukins1135d ago

Alternatively seems to be a focus on releasing newer games? People barely played the games before 120 fpsnisnt gong to change that. Not to mention the people with the capable tv.

dcbronco1135d ago Show
nickanasty2061134d ago (Edited 1134d ago )

Soon this will not be the case though, and all of these other added perks like 120fps on older games will just be other great additions and features that PS users do not have available to them. I think any additional updates to features for games is something that shouldn't be discredited. Once Microsoft starts rolling out the new games on a regular basis, this argument is not going to age well. For now, you are correct on the new game front, but that is all going to change here soon enough. Sure most argue the "Wait until E3" remark over and over, but that will certainly be a thing of the past with everything Microsoft is working on now. Good things come to those who wait is the way I look at it for now.

Christopher1134d ago

***Once Microsoft starts rolling out the new games on a regular basis, this argument is not going to age well.***

This argument hasn't aged well for a long time now.

foker1135d ago

They are really killing it,.. They haven't released a new first party game in 600 days if not more

SpineSaw1134d ago

Now wait that's not true. 600 days is looong time and they did release a few First Party games that no one played or no one can remember by name but you do make a good point and it don't really matter if its been 6 days or 6yrs for Xbox First Party what they've released has been poor at best.

Army_of_Darkness1135d ago (Edited 1135d ago )


Killing it? Ms? Lmfao! Boosting fps on old last gen games on a new gen console while not releasing a single first party next gen game is killing it to you?! 🤣😂
Meanwhile.... Sony what? Oh has been focusing on releasing actual new first party games. Funny, you forgot to mention that part bud.

Christopher1134d ago

***Meanwhile Sony only lets developers upgrade older games if they make a PS5 version.***

Well, this is just factually incorrect. The Division 2 got an upgrade for PS5 but is running the PS4 version. Other games have had similar.

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1135d ago
MetroidFREAK211135d ago

Man, that makes me want to reinstall the OG Titanfall... seeing people still playing it. Memories

Destiny10801135d ago

battlefield 4, 720p 120fps, campaign locked, multiplayer drops down to 98fps
battlefield 1, 792p 120fps, campaign locked, multiplayer locked
battlefield 5, 1080p 120fps, campaign locked, multiplayer locked
mirror's edge catalyst, 936p 120fps, campaign locked
titanfall 2, 810p 120fps, campaign locked, multiplayer locked, series s not so good
titanfall 1, 792p 120fps, campaign locked, multiplayer locked, no s support for this game

its better then nothing, if they were upped to 4k i would have been impressed, titanfall 1 looks so much better on Pc

darthv721135d ago

It is called "fps boost"... not "res boost"

Destiny10801135d ago (Edited 1135d ago )

titanfall 2, is 4k on the xbox one x, why not "fps boost"
Battlefield 1, is 4k on the xbox one x, why not "fps boost"

DJStotty1135d ago

"titanfall 2, is 4k on the xbox one x, why not "fps boost""

Erm, no

"In general, the One X plays out between 1440p and 1800p with rises to 4k (2160p) in quiet scenes with little activity."

On topic, this is a FPS boost, not a resolution patch so you did not need to add the resolutions for base vanilla xbox. BC normally uses the xbox one version, as opposed to the xbox one X "patched" version to answer your question about resolution.

Either way, all games will use the built in upscaler on either your TV, or the xbox series X to display an upscaled 4K image (not native).

That along with Auto-HDR should result in a good enough reason to replay these games at the new improved framerate.

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Crysis 3, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Dragon Age Inquisition & more are now available on Steam

Electronic Arts has just released twelve games on Valve's distribution service, Steam.

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