
Disturbing Black Ops Emblems Embarrass the Entire Game Community

Politicians think video games are influencing children to be violent, but they're just making people all apathetic toward racial and sexual violence and hate. Call of Duty: Black Ops' custom emblems show just how depraved gamers can be.

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Deathstroke4875d ago ShowReplies(18)
DEATHSTROKE-cro-4875d ago

well,it could be disturbing to kids.
and it's just stupid to make such emblems.
what,a black guy will see it and then he will kill the guy with that emblem and then what ? nothing. it's just pointless

fuc*ing stupid.
I'm laughing at those 25-30 year old skinheads which are making a racist emblem in a game. really mature

btw. you have a bad nickname. haha

Led-Zeppelin4874d ago

Why is it always skin heads and KKK members?

pixelsword4874d ago

Who else are such big losers in real life that they feel the need to express the reality of them being mentally inferior scum and can only feel powerful by insulting someone under the digital hood of the internet?

These are the same punks that shot that poor politician who's currently in a doctor-induced coma; sure, they could have formally debated her and showed his "superior intelligence", but since in reality inbreeding ultimately produced morons, he chose the only true way a punk like himself can express his intellect when faced with an option to use their mental prowess: through violence.

distorted_reality4874d ago

Pixelsword I think you're getting slightly confused. The creation of an emblem is a CREATIVE manifestation of what a person is feeling, where shooting someone is a VIOLENT manifestation. They're completely different things.

While the content of the emblems in question may be offensive to some, they are still creative. Shooting someone is not. I would say that by getting as angry as you are obviously getting, you are playing right into the hands of the people who created the emblems, as all they want is a reaction.

The Meerkat4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

I hate these skin heads who give baldies like me a bad name.

pixelsword4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

@ distorted:

I don't think so: the development of criminal thinking patterns stems from lessor acts.

A person who is a serial murder just doesn't up and become one, there is usually years of thinking and acting in certain manners which conditions a person to do so.

Dehumanizing a person/race/follower of a religion makes that target easier to kill, and doing things such as making "creative" items dehumanizes people; you would see the same thing in WWII Germany, for example:


This is also "creative".

This is also one of the contributing causes of six million deaths; I could be wrong: did they slaughter six million people in Germany and then distribute clever posters?

@ The Meerkat:

I have a friend of a friend who lives in Arizona and has the same trouble; he's an otherwise handsome person who cannot grow hair... anywhere on his body; he's always getting in minor trouble because of his look, but I never intentionally try to judge a book by it's cover but I feel sorry for you if that happens.

Baka-akaB4874d ago

"Who else are such big losers in real life that they feel the need to express the reality of them being mentally inferior scum and can only feel powerful by insulting someone under the digital hood of the internet? "

Hum stupid kids ?

UnwanteDreamz4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

How creative is taking art work produced by the devs and turning it into hate? Would you call a macaroni swastika creative? You people really are giving these little kids too much credit.

The simplistic "creative" argument could be made for lots of things that are not acceptable. Should we let racism and bigotry hide behind the word "creative"?

Seems pretty ignorant to me.

specialguest4874d ago

But in a different way. There are tons of closeted racist or "keyboard racist" online. In my view, these people are just as bad as a KKK member, except they have the cover of not appearing like one, but with the same racist ideology.

AndrewRyan4874d ago

You guys realize these people are not actually racists. They are just trolling since they are "online" and can't be discovered.

fear884873d ago

Why are we concerned with this? Its not like Black Ops was a good game by any standards. It just proved a point that stupid people (IE people who bought black ops) do stupid things (IE the emblem). Now it would be REAL news if someone made something on minecraft that was offensive, but that requires intellect.

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DoomeDx4874d ago

Disturbing for kids?
Its a 18+ game.
they shouldnt be playing it anyway

pixelsword4874d ago

Even so, that shouldn't be there in any case.

tman6924874d ago

Exactly. And again I see a little fat ginger kid with his mom and little brother purchasing this for the 360 at gamestop. Gotta educate these fools.
Good day :)

xAlmostPro4874d ago

Exactly.. they shouldn't be playing and majority of the time its these little kids that are making the soldier with a penis etc. because its cool to them and their little BlackOps clan.

Pyscho_Mantis4874d ago

everytime i see one of these racists I gunnna hunt them down and continue to kill them with my rpg and they quit the game. Thats until tomorrow.

pixelsword4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )


Perhaps you should make a naked blonde girl spread-eagle over a big, black...

...peace sign.

DragonKnight4874d ago

Maybe it's just me, but I really can't understand why people get offended by pictures. For goodness sake, they have no physical effect. You don't look at a picture and then become what's in the picture.

When you are attacked in the way a picture like that displays, then get mad, but until then why waste precious seconds of your life being upset by an image? Seriously if you look at a picture like that and can then treat someone differently because of it, you already had a personality defect to begin with, and the picture was just a catalyst for what was already there.

It just gives people of all races a reason to lay on some kind of guilt on another race. *sigh*

Vaud-Villian4874d ago

Your just feeding the shock value they aim to get. Just deal with them and move on, your never going to clean away the scum of society but you can learn to give them a blind eye and stifle the attention they require to survive.

Dee_914874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

well your right
I shouldnt be getting mad .. but they are not "just pictures "
I shouldnt be getting mad because thats exactly the reaction they want
so right now instead of mad and offended i feel pity for who ever made this

Sub-Zero854874d ago

Well by me being a black male I find this very offensive and disturbing , although I'm not shocked to say the least ...... racism still exist that will never go away but to express it in this form is a gutless ass coward

DragonKnight4874d ago

DMarc: That's exactly what they are, just pictures. An image cannot hurt a person. An image cannot inflict any type of reaction unless a person allows it to. It is simply an image. An inanimate thing with no life, no way of actually causing any harm unless you apply a context to it that would allow yourself to lose the logic that it is, after all, nothing but a picture.

Sub-Zero: Why do you find it offensive? Is it you in the picture? Is it a member of your family? I mean, don't get me wrong, I do understand that SOME images should offend people. For example, if you personally experienced a heinous crime, which was then mercilessly posted everywhere, then yeah get upset and enraged and such. But this is a poor attempt at getting a reaction, and you shouldn't find offense in such a thing. For starters, there will always be racism. But it's genetically placed within all of us. All living creatures on this planet tend to stick to their own kind. We are the only species that takes that too far. Second, most people offended by such imagery are so offended because of the history behind such imagery. But the thing about history is that it's over. It can't be changed, and no amount of offense or racial guilt will ever undo or erase Past mistakes. All ethnicity's across the globe are guilty of ethnic crimes against other ethnicity's and have been since the dawn of humanity.

What I'm saying is that you shouldn't be offended by something that can only offend you if you want it to, or let it. Remember, Mr. Miyagi said in Karate Kid 2 "Lie only become truth if you want to believe it". Lol.

Oh, and F.Y.I. I do NOT make images such as these and never would for many reasons. Chief among them being A) I can't draw, B) I know that people would be offended even though it's silly to be offended by an image.

Just my opinion. I personally think that there are also worse images than this to be offended about.

Dee_914873d ago (Edited 4873d ago )

well its not the picture
its wats on the picture ,the audacity someone would put that on a game thats whats offending people ..

of course a pic isnt going to kill my mom and shoot my dog
i feel offended when i see it because of what the picture represent not the picture itself
didnt think i need to explain that ..
kinda weird your defending it

DragonKnight4873d ago

DMarc I'm not defending it. I'm simply stating you shouldn't be offended by any aspect of the picture. Why be offended by what's on that picture, and NOT be offended by what you actually do in the game this picture was put on? Are you saying it's more offensive to see a poorly drawn picture of an event with PAST historical context, than it is to go around actually virtually killing everything in sight? Or is it because you're killing people of all ethnicity's that makes it ok since you're not racially profiling virtual mass murder?

Look, what that picture represents is only a problem if you let it be. Yeah, atrocities can always occur due to racism, but showing offense to something like this lends power to those who design it to do so, lends more power to racism.

But for the record, I don't find that there is anything to defend, so I'm not offended by the picture or what it represents, and I'm not defending something that has no effect on anything unless it is allowed to. It's a picture, created by juvenile people who love the attention it's receiving. Look at it as such.

Dee_914872d ago

you telling me i shouldnt be offended by a man in a KKK cape hanging a black man ..

I get that you say people shouldnt LET things offend them
but beyond your egos you cant help what you feel or your emotions

the only way you could NOT be offended by it is if you dont know the history behind it or you dont care about it ( which isnt good at all )

I was offended by it at 1st glance
but like I said im not anymore I just feel pity towards who ever did it
So im not letting it offend me anymore.

"Are you saying it's more offensive to see a poorly drawn picture of an event with PAST historical context,"

it doesent matter if it was the past present or future.
you wouldnt be offended buy it if it was planes crashing into twin towers ?

DragonKnight4872d ago

"you telling me i shouldnt be offended by a man in a KKK cape hanging a black man .."

Nope. I'm telling you you shouldn't be offended by a picture of a man in a KKK outfit hanging a black man. If you were standing in front of an event such as that occurring, then be offended sure, but it's just a picture. It only has power you assign to it.

"the only way you could NOT be offended by it is if you dont know the history behind it or you dont care about it ( which isnt good at all )"

Not true. You could not be offended by it when you don't care about it because it's a simple image, with no real power. You don't have to like what happened in the Past, but you don't have to let it have an effect on your Present or Future. The second you do, is the second you acknowledge that nothing will ever completely change.

"you wouldnt be offended buy it if it was planes crashing into twin towers ?"

Nope, not at all. For many many reasons. Let's see, first of all I'm not American, so I have no "patriotic duty" to be offended by it. Second, there are so many sides to the 9/11 story, who do you really choose to be offended to? Third, being offended won't make anything change. I can go on, but you get the point. I don't assign that kind of power to imagery.

Dee_914871d ago (Edited 4871d ago )

"I'm not American"

that explains it lol

like if I saw some berbs made " I hate you albanians "signs
i wouldnt be offended
but im sure the albanians would be
so i understand why your not offended
but you seem to dont understand why people will get offended

DragonKnight4871d ago

You can't apply emotions to specific ethnicity's.

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iLLMATICxKiNG4874d ago

I report any emblem I see even if it's not offensive to me.
The report button is in the game for a reason.

DasTier4874d ago Show
DeFFeR4874d ago

And ujean69 is making use of the report button on the website...

good job ujean, lead by example.

Skizelli4874d ago

Coming from someone who has played CoD since the beginning, the CoD community, for the most part, is the worst community I've ever had the displeasure of gaming with. 90% of the morons on it don't know how to play the objectives correctly, insist on camping in their own little world, and don't know the meaning of teamwork. I've seen some unbelievably stupid players on Black Ops. If you don't have friends to play with, don't even bother.

Here's an example of the stupidity I'm talking about (my video): http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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Nightshadow4875d ago

Ever since Modern Warfare 2, a new generation of gamers have joined and this community has gone completely downhill. Those who have images such as these are usually uneducated and cowards that rely on the Internets anonymity.

DrRichtofen4875d ago

I probably have the most bad ass emblem out there, check this out.

citan4874d ago

A similing blue finger, very nice!

jerethdagryphon4874d ago

its blue if i remember correctly from somethings home for imaginary friends :)

hazelamy4874d ago

oh i love that little guy.

citan4874d ago

right! his name is Bloo and he's a cutie


pixelsword4874d ago

Who is that, Inky from Pacman?

HeavenlySnipes4874d ago

Its from that TV show on teletoons

CommonSense4874d ago

That's the average gamer's penis that one time he thought he might actually get laid.

blue indeed

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Dart894875d ago

This is why i don't play cod so many stupid little kids with dumb designs.I keep an eye on my lil bro when he plays blk ops if i see a disturbing emblem i tell him give me the remote and i report them as many times as i can cuz this is just plain stupid.

distorted_reality4874d ago

Just out of curiosity, how old is your little brother?

mcmmaster4874d ago

well if he's little he shouldn't even be playing the game, especially multiplayer

Parasyte4874d ago

"well if he's little he shouldn't even be playing the game, especially multiplayer"

I don't think there's really a problem with "under-aged" kids playing game slike this on- or offline if they have supervision.

And, Dart, good on you!

distorted_reality4874d ago


There's a rating system there for a reason.

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Off-Map Exploration of Black Ops' Kino der Toten Reveals Cut Content And Secrets

The video on Black Ops 1 shows some separate rooms, assets, and other features which exist outside of the boundary of the game.

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Community581d ago

Black Ops 1 Nuketown versus Cold War Nuketown '84

From DownSights: "Black Ops is not Black Ops without Nuketown. Following the tradition of releasing Nuketown for Black Ops games, the new Black Ops Cold War game also offers a revamped Nuketown called Nuketown '84.

Nuketown '84 has the same dimensions and map layout except for the aesthetics. The map's aesthetics have changed to fit the 80s theme, with destroyed buildings and graffiti-filled walls compared to a clean 50s suburban neighborhood seen in Black Ops 1."

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Wuket1266d ago

Looking back to 2010 and the excellence of Call of Duty: Black Ops

Jacob writes: "What do we have with the original Call of Duty: Black Ops? Quite simply, one of the best Call of Duty titles of all time."

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