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G4TV: Mass Effect 2 PS3 vs Xbox 360 Comparison, Does Mass Effect 3 Engine Improve the PS3?

The Mass Effect 2 demo on the PS3 is available to download on the PlayStation Network and according to BioWare, the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 will be using the Mass Effect 3 engine to provide a smoother gameplay experience. Is that true? How does the PlayStation 3 version compare to the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 2? G4TV put this question to the test to find out the differences and similarities between the demo on both consoles.

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Community4917d ago
ASTAROTH4917d ago

Ok I really dont see much difference. I has yet to download this demo and compare to my 360 version but as far as the video this game is identical. Also dont expect it to look like ME3 thats not the purpose of using the new engine. Another comparison blown out of proportion by fanboy sites like LOT. The same was said about the "superior" 360 version of Dead Space 2. You know what gamers? Enjoy the games!! And dont believe all the media has to say!!

Chug4917d ago

I finally got around to playing the demo today and although the intro/cutscenes do have a lot of screen tearing, the actual gameplay looks pretty good to me.

Nitrowolf24917d ago

Thats the only area where i notice screen tearing, throughout the rest where it's full gameplay i really didn't notice any, if there was it wasn't as bad then.

disturbing_flame4917d ago

Cool, this games deserves to be played.

HS :
Why Bioware said the game runs better on PS3 ?
And why the hell EA let them say that ?

Now if people compare they see it's not true, i mean if they want to sell the game on its capacity to be superior to other version it looks like they have failed in their communication plan, if you sell a product and you say to your customers it's the best version it's ok if it's right now if it's not the case the argument you used to promote your product is invalid, that's clearly a poor move from Bioware.

Why did they only say : Ok guys, the game runs as good as other platforms (PC is by far the superior version on high settings). You don't lie to your customers, you have a lisible communication and you make a smart move to sell your game.

If they think it's the best console version, i hope for them they can explain why they said that.

Bigpappy4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Too many emotions are surrounding this game coming to PS3. People just aren't sure how they should react. Some people will only play it if the consensus is that it looks better than the 360 version. Some plepole don't want to play it because it was not on PS3 first. Some people hate it because it was on 360 and got higher acclaim than PS3 exclusive, and they believe that there is no way a game on 360 could be better that a PS3 exclusive be cause Sony bought all the best developers and tha PS3 is a superior console.

I would just say that I played it, and it was the best game I played in 2010. Wether it is better than PS3 exclusive? I have no idea. Does it look better on 360 than PS3? Don't give a rats behind. DA looked better on PS3 and I completely enjoyed it on 360. I think when the game releases on PS3 next month, it will look better on PS3. Who cares? Don't answer that. Because if you do, you wouldn't be getting a rebuttal from me.

Thats all I got.

Focker4204917d ago

Stop comparing DEMOS!!!!!! Wait for the full f*cking game before you start nit-picking every tiny detail. This is completely pointless. Whos to say that they even used the brand new engine in the demo?? We just found out like two weeks ago that they even had a new engine. All I ask is that we stop these redundant comparisons until the full game comes out.

Sarcasm4917d ago

Well that's what happens when you have one of the 360's biggest games go to the PS3.

But honestly, who really cares. The experience will be the same on the PS3 and for some reason those who haven't played it yet, I hope they enjoy it.

But for any PC gamers out there right now who haven't picked it up, I suggest you guys cop the PC version for $9.99 off steam RIGHT NOW

CWMR4917d ago

I spent several hours comparing the two versions and the results were somewhat surprising.

-Right off the bat the PS3 version was a little darker and colors looked slightly more saturated, but by dropping the brightness down one notch in the setting menu it made the 360 versions slightly darker than the PS3 version and colors looked pretty close to the PS3 version, maybe just a little more saturated.

-Specular lighting at first seemed better on the 360 version in the beginning where you first start the demo because Shepard had specular highlights and lit-up areas on his back that were missing in the PS3 version. However, later I saw areas where the PS3 version showed specular lighting in different spots. What I came to realize is that the lighting sources have been moved around a bit and therefor the resulting specular lighting on the characters was different between the two builds.

-The 360 version seemed to have slighty fewer jaggies in some places, but overall they were fairly close in terms of aliasing.

-Fire effects in the destroyed Normandy looked more real and convincing in the 360 version. It could be that they were higher resolution. The flames moved with more fluidity and were of a higher quality on the 360.

-Shadows, such as when Shepard first wakes up on the table, look more sharply delineated on the PS3 version, but the jaggies are therefor a little more pronounced. The 360 version's shadows in this cut scene are a little fuzzier around the edges. Which approach is better is debatable. In any case, the character shadows during actual gameplay seem to be essentially identical.

-After you get your gun and the med bay doors blow open the developers added a few chunks of burning debris (two on the ceiling and one on the floor) to the PS3 version that are not present on the 360 version. (Not that significant but just an interesting little note).

-The general frame rate was consistently smoother in the 360 version. When panning the camera the PS3 version suffered from hitching and stuttering. I randomly stopped in the same place on both versions and panned the camera and the PS3 version would not move smoothly through the full 360 degrees of motion. It would always stutter and hitch. The 360 version was very smooth in comparison.

-Now, aside from the hitching I could easily tell that the PS3 version would sometimes speed up to above 30fps. The problem is, the frame rate actually goes up and down very quickly and drastically, in the span of a few milliseconds or seconds, which gives a stuttering effect to the game. The second half of the PS3 demo did seem to get a little better in this respect, but it still felt significantly more choppy than the 360 build.

-Some light sources showed a bit more bloom on the PS3 (for example, the lights above the spot where you first use the rocket launcher on the drones that burst through the doors down below you). This is an artistic difference and neither version looked better or worse in this regard. A subtle difference in any case.

-In some places the 360 version showed slightly better texture detail on faces during dialog sections. You can see this in many of the screenshots. It's not a night and day difference, but it's there.

-Miranda's face in most scenes looked much better in the 360 version than the PS3 version. The shadows were overly aggressive on Miranda's face in the PS3 version. The shadows were more balanced and natural looking in the 360 version.

CWMR4917d ago

-The hexagonal pattern on Miranda's outfit looked a little flatter in the PS3 version.

-One interesting thing I noticed was that there was a difference in the sound of voices in the scene where you first run into Miranda (after she shoots the guy that betrayed you). The 360 version had room acoustics or reverberation that made the voices sound like they were in a room-like environment. The PS3 version sounded totally flat in this spot. Nevertheless, I kept paying attention and other areas in the PS3 version did show room acoustics affecting the voices. I don't know if this was a bug or if it will always be like that in that spot, but it was worth mentioning.

Due to the better shadows, somewhat better texture detail on faces, the more stable frame rate, and the lack of screen tearing I felt the 360 version had a clear upper hand. Not that the PS3 version is a horrible port or a bad looking game. Not at all.

I think Bioware did a pretty good job all things said. It will be great for those who only own a PS3 who would like to play this masterpiece. That said, I still feel that if you have both consoles and haven't played the game yet the 360 version is the way to go.

Masterchef20074917d ago

Its strange but i had problems during cut scenes. The framerate was a bit skippy plus there was quite a bit of screentearing. But when it came to gameplay i had no problems what so ever. Any one else have the same issue as me? Also i downloaded the Uncharted 3 trailer and its a bit skippy? Just wondering if it might be my PS3 thats causing the problems.

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FinalSpartan4917d ago

I mean really does it really matter which one is slightly better then the other if you wont even relise these tiny differences in-game?

Both consoles now got a great game, Now the PS3 users can enjoy this game too. Making these dumb comparisons just for hits.

They both look fine to me. As long as its not a shoddy and poor port.

ziggurcat4917d ago

of course it matters.

and sorry, but it's a shoddy port.

4917d ago
Aggesan4917d ago

@ziggurcat - It's hardly a shoddy port. Bayonetta was a shoddy port, FF XIII was a shoddy port, this game seems to be perfectly fine by me. The differences are nitpicking and nothing that will hurt the overall experience of the game.

ziggurcat4916d ago

@Aggesan when the PS3 is perfectly capable of graphically surpassing or equalling the X360 and it doesn't, even while using an improved graphics engine, that's a shoddy port. it isn't nitpicking, it's simply not accepting an inferior product.

i've played the PS3 demo. what the comparisons don't show is the constant screen tearing or the stuttering/FPS drops during cutscenes. so it's not just about the graphics, which are pretty important IMO (and factor into the "overall experience of the game").

and i assume you are referring to the X360's port of FF XIII...

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saladthieves4917d ago

I too don't see much difference between both versions in this video. However I am anxious to pick up the PS3 version, even though I've already played the 360 version. Couple of reasons is that everything is on one disc including the DLC.

ASTAROTH4917d ago

Whats up with the disagrees??

Ohh maybe you believe all the media said instead of trying for yourself. Or maybe you dont want to enjoy the games and want to keep findimg for the version with more pixels or the darker and "sharper" version. im tired of blind fanboys and this site has them a plenty. Anyway enjoy gaming and Merry X MAS to the gamers in this site!!!

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MGRogue20174917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Toke a while, Yes.. but PS3 only owners get to play the game now.

That is why Bioware is releasing the game on PS3.. not so it can be superior over the 360 version.. but so teh PS3 gamers out there can play it. Simple.


ThatCanadianGuy4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

I like the clarity that the PS3 version offers.Played it on 360 and there was always this odd blurring effect, as if there was some sort of smoggy haze throughout the game.PS3 version is so crisp and clear.And the framerate doesn't chug during the shootouts.Lovin'it

Check out the IGN video "Meeting Jacob" Crazy how much more clear the PS3 one is.

Clarence4917d ago

Thats how I feel. This game is my favorite game on the 360. I can't wait to play the PS3 version.

SaberEdge4917d ago

Not on my tv it isn't. They both look extremely close, but if anything the 360 version looks ever so slightly sharper. And I mean it is very, very subtle. But since you were saying the opposite, I am just explaining exactly what I saw.

maniac764917d ago

if they wanted the could make it less jaggie and more smoother,not like its an open world game,but then maybe its in there contract to not use the ps3 properly,guess only exclusives on ps3 use the ps3s power properly haha

cereal_killa4917d ago

How many more of these do we need to get approved? they both look the same cry baby fanboys just don't want to admit it.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

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SimpleSlave65d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan65d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



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Diandra Lasandro (D4) and Brian Kindregan (D3) Interview – Diablo Podcast/Vidcast Ep16

Diandra worked on Diablo 4 and also other games at Blizzard including WoW: Dragon Flight. She’s also been at Bioware, Carbine, RIOT, and she is currently working at Crystal Dynamics.

Brian was the Lead Writer on Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, worked on StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm, StarCraft: Wings of Liberty, and was also a writer on Mass Effect 2. He’s also been involved in movies such as the Iron Giant.

Diandra and Brian discuss their industry experience, the games they have worked on, how the writing process works, and much more.

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