
Developers Need To Stop Announcing DLC Early

There was a time, once, when announcing that a game would be getting downloadable content (DLC) was new and exciting. How much it would cost, what it would contain, and (in theory) what its real value would be was something that most gaming fans made buzz about. That time however, quite some time ago. Now every single game out there is coupled with either one of two things: multiplayer or DLC; and while it's nice to see modern games become ever more expansive, one can't help but shake the feeling that developers are only doing themselves, and not gamers, a favor with these early downloadable content announcements.

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Selyah4900d ago

It is a bit disheartening when some titles bring out dlc so soon.

Cajun Chicken4899d ago

It should be bonus content worked on after the game. If they can make DLC and announce the concept, gameplay behind the DLC, then it should be included in the game. Just another way to make a £40 game £55 at the end of the year.

Don't get me started on map-packs, seriously DON'T.

mephman4899d ago

I think certain DLC has merits, but it's getting to the point where developers know they can just release something post-launch now.

GarandShooter4899d ago

I actually like the idea of DLC being planned during the development cycle of a game as it can help with cohesiveness, but when it's announced before the game even launches it feels like your getting screwed.

Let me decide and feel like I got my money's worth from the game, then announce the DLC and let me feel like I got my money's worth from it as well.

For example, I am quite satisfied with my purchase of RDR and the content on the disc as well as the Undead Nightmares DLC.

BTW Cajun, tell me how you feel about map-packs. :p

Cajun Chicken4899d ago

Here goes. Before consoles had mappacks...you could get mappacks for free on the PC, not only developer made ones, but community ones and still can.
I find it CRAZY, literally CRAZY that people would pay half the game they've already bought for 4 more locales and do that TWICE a yearly game. Then everyone stops playing on the old maps with the game, so everyone is forced to buy the new maps because the old maps servers are empty.

It began with Halo 2 and it frustrates me to no end. I know you weren't serious, but I wanted to know if people agreed with me.

I'm just much more used to having maps for free, because that's the way it used to be.

GarandShooter4899d ago

I wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't mind paying a nominal distribution fee, but this whole 'CoD pricing scheme', if you will, is out of hand.

ShawnCollier4899d ago

The whole MvC3 incident annoyed me, since it's pretty clear they could have been in the initial version of the game.

mephman4899d ago

Well, it's still not as bad as the Resident Evil 5 / BioShock 2 fiasco.

JDouglasGU4899d ago

yea that is really annoying


Fallout Anthology Edition Looks Pretty S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

The Fallout Anthology Edition is coming to PC very soon, and is packaged with some very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

-Foxtrot21d ago

It’s an awful downgrade to the last one they did

They included physical disc back then

ocelot0719d ago

Forgot I ordered this until I got the dispatch email.

FPS_D3TH19d ago

I want the first two games to come to iPhone/android

Friendlygamer19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I would love the classic fallout games on console. Closest I could find was atom rpg, I liked that one a lot

saint_seya19d ago

I though it was a new Killzone when i saw the image, looks like a hellghast..


Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas Come Free On Amazon Luna

Getting free games is never a bad thing and Amazon Luna has new offerings for Fallout fans looking for free adventures in the Wasteland.


Fallout: New Vegas Is A Mojave Marvel

James at HPP writes: "Swapping out a nuclear Washington DC for a rechristened Las Vegas known as New Vegas, this Obsidian Entertainment-developed sequel propels the hallmarks of Fallout 3 to greater heights, thus becoming the ultimate progenitor."

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