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Enslaved writer was "sick" of PS3

Alex Garland, writer of The Beach, 28 Days Later and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, admits to originally missing out on Heavenly Sword after becoming "f***ing sick" of his PS3.

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Wrong source
Hellsvacancy4969d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Duplicate story
Mods, mods, mods; it's not the fans or even the fanboys that make this place stink; if you just do ya darn jobs flame-bait can be kept to a minimum. This article adds no new information to the interview; it's basically a highlighted quote.
pixelsword4970d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
@Below: Because it's a breakout story.
movements4970d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
Why are people approving something clearly lifted from another source - Edge, and has already been posted.
Cyrus3654970d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
DeathGazer4970d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
Wrong source
Cyrus3654970d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
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Pennywise4970d ago

Sick of his PS3 when PS3 was only out for 9 months? I am sick of anyone having anything to do with this dev trash talking. Keep it up and I won't pick your game up!

M4ndat0ry_1nstall4970d ago ShowReplies(20)
PS3_lifer4969d ago

haha I got voted down for that? jokin' around here people relax... T_T


And now this??? I cant wait to NOT buy this game when it comes out... cocky bastards!!

himdeel4970d ago

...BUT I will try to rent a copy eventually...but I wont go through any great pains to snag a copy.

AKS4970d ago

NT didn't say that. Tameem is practically a Naughty Dog fanboy and said that ND is the "gold standard" for action games.


Actually this guy didn't said anythng bad about PS3 there too, read the article.

When some reporter asked him he told that he didn't played HS. He used to have a PS3 before it came out but by the time he had already discarded it, because he was "sick of his PS3" (as of having nothing to play).

I won't say it was the most fair complain but, as an early adopter too, I would agree PS3 first months were dry as hell. It surelly gots better after september 2007 and I'm glad I didn't dumped it out like this guy did, but besides Resistance there wasn't many good games to play.

It wasn't so much to blame on Sony or PS3, but on practically all devs laging behind to make the jump to new tech, multiplatforms didn't use to roll out like they do today, games were few and far in between each other on all platforms, but worse on PS3 indeed, as it were also really unfamiliar tech at the time, most devs just chickened out and waited for better developer tools and sony tech support (which was around by early 2008).

I'm not saying NT hasn't been an ass lately, they indeed tried to take easy punches on PS3 and DMC fanbase, but still this is just an out of context speak, like the Uncharted one.

Spawn-KING4969d ago

I agree also,they talk so much $hit,im not buying this game also.

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visualb4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

so he basically preferred his 360 to his PS3, and was sick of his PS3 because it didn't have games? immature =/ you'd expect a grown writer to have the ability to say

"I just didn't play it as much" or something that doesn't involve the demeaning of a piece of hardware =/

+ his argument is kind of odd...he says PS3 had no games, yet he says he was hooked to his COD4...which was/is a multiplat game that was also available on the PS3

I'm so perplexed and confused by this immature comment...seriously why is this under "news"?! =/

Anon19744970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

I didn't use my PS3 much for the first bit due to lack of games. Interestingly enough, I was a die-hard 360 fan but when my 2nd 360 console died on me it took Microsoft a month and a half to get it back to me. That forced me to play my PS3, and I just revisited some old PS2 games that I missed and it was awesome. When I got my 360 back, the games for the PS3 started to role out more frequently and I never really went back to my 360, which died on my a 3rd time when I did anyway.

But this was no different then when the 360 first game out. I played COD2, King Kong, and loathed Perfect Dark - then I had nothing to play for months. My friends all joked that I had a 92" screen, high def projector, a 360 I paid $500 for and all I was using it for was to play Joust. That's not saying there weren't other games out, just nothing that interested me. Eventually, just like the PS3, great games started rolling out way more frequently, however I really feel in the last couple of years the pickings on the 360 have been rather slim. 2007, now there was a great year to be a 360 owner.

Still, I gotta agree, not the most professional comment. But cut him some slack, he's a writer. How the hell is he supposed to know how the games community loves to pick apart every single little comment that can be seen as defamatory towards one console over the other?

uxo224969d ago

You are so full of SH!T

LiquifiedArt4969d ago

Are they trying to lose sales from the PS3 fanbase?

andrewsqual4970d ago

Too late, too much bitching from this dev. I'm not picking up this game just like I didn't pick up Dead "missing the beginning and end" Rising 2.

gcolley4969d ago

i am sure they are gutted

talltony4970d ago

""He says that there weren't any original games on the PS3. Fair enough - it's his opinion. However, he goes on to talk about Modern Warfare, which not only wasn't really original, but was also available for the PS3.""

"Somebody please explain his logic to me."

visualb4970d ago

Logic: He has problems in his life, and takes it out on a console to gaming "journalists" =| can't see the logic anywhere else...

YoshiMeetsU4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

He said right after he prefers Xbox Live. Didn't you hear it's the best way to play Modern Warfare. ;)

You all sound heart broken he doesn't slobber over his PS3 like you all do. It was a boring time for the PS3 just like this last summer has been and since GoW3, boring... it's an opinion..

But like someone said CVG take a small piece of a large interview and then turn it into flamebait and make it seem like that was the major topic of discussion. Shoddy journalism from another company owned by Future Publishing(notice the logo on the bottom of N4G as well).

madjedi4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

I read that part, having beaten heavenly sword, it wasn't missing anything by him not being involved in the project. It was still a good game, especially the battle at the end where you take on bohanes whole army.

The enslaved demo wasn't bad, but kinda holds your hand with platforming aspect vs uc's f-up and you fall to your death. I think they went for a story heavy demo, rather than a demo showing off the combat.

This guy wrote the story for enslaved -_-, hopefully he writes better than he does interviews. All in all enslaved doesn't look bad, but castlevania and fallout are out/ coming soon, so i don't know who to leave alone.

@yoshi Yeah it's an opinion, it's also hypocritical the issue isn't him preferring live or the 360, it him saying the ps3 has no original games, while playing mw1 a generic(albiet fun) fps.

Now if he was playing kameo or viva pinata or another non generic title, i could cut him some slack.

The fact that he didn't even know hs existed makes him look stupid after saying it had no original games, he must have never heard of folklore either.

BigPappaPump4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

CVG is a joke site. I haven't click on that shitty site ever since it claimed that some well reputated ps3 exclusives were sub HD. It's hardly surprising that they would stoop low to cut and paste quotes from NT to create a flamebait just to get hits.

gamer20104970d ago

They also post plenty of articles that put the 360 or its games in a negative light.

It seems they are more interested in writing flamebait articles that get fanboys on both sides clicking on their site. I guess they don't realize that many fanboys on either side are just choosing not to click on their trashy site at all.

bustamove4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

What a way to start with someone who wasn't even referring to you.

This title is flamebait.

pixelsword4970d ago

Enslaved writer was 'sick' of PS3
Tuesday 5-Oct-2010 2:19 PM Alex Garland only played Heavenly Sword after meeting Ninja Theory
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Alex Garland, writer of The Beach, 28 Days Later and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, admits to originally missing out on Heavenly Sword - after becoming "f***ing sick" of his PS3.

Garland has revealed that when he first met Tameem Antoniades - the boss of Heavenly Sword and Enslaved dev Ninja Theory - he owned both PS3 and Xbox 360, but he had largely discarded Sony's console.

"Well, typically in interviews, what one does is kind of lie about certain things, so I'll try to avoid doing that, he told Edge. "I had not played Heavenly Sword at the moment I met Tameem, then I went and bought it. The reason I hadn't played it is because I'd bought a PlayStation 3 along with an Xbox 360, and by the time I met Tameem I'd already stopped playing on the PlayStation 3 because I was so f*cking sick of it."

He added: "There weren't any original games that really blew me away. I was really into Xbox Live; I was much more into playing Call Of Duty 4 on Xbox Live. So Xbox really had its claws into me, and I just never bought Heavenly Sword."

However, after meeting with Ninja Theory Garland took the time to play Heavenly Sword - and was impressed enough that he signed on with the studio to write Enslaved.

Edge recently reviewed Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and awarded Ninja Theory's latest an 8/10 score - as well as notable praise.

King-Leonidas4970d ago

why is that fellow bashing the ps3?

Malice-Flare4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

and he only liked Modern Warfare...

King-Leonidas4969d ago

is that so? I might not get this game afterall

thereapersson4970d ago

Anyone notice how Pennywise has the same number of disagrees that Mandatory Install has in agrees?

bustamove4969d ago

I noticed how you got a lot of disagrees and I did too. Someone is using multiple accounts to comfort themselves. :S

gcolley4969d ago

do you really care? are you 12 or something (not that there is anything wrong with that)

stop relying on a system that is so easily abused by fanboys. all you do is stoop to their level. i know it sux but accept that there is no fair way to comment on this website, in fact i know i am wasting my lunch break right now typing this. every article is full of PS3 fanboys (and 360 but not as many), you just cannot have a mature, informative discussion on a website full of obnoxious retards. so go ahead d1ckheads and start clicking that disagree button like it means something.

Mike134nl4970d ago

"after meeting with Ninja Theory Garland took the time to play Heavenly Sword - and was impressed enough that he signed on with the studio to write Enslaved"

punkpop1014970d ago

Oh shit how can you listen to such a great punk band and protect the shitty ps3.That doesn't blend good.

gamerzBEreal174970d ago

Aww what's wrong to much uncharted?....u see what i did there?

Knushwood Butt4970d ago

You saved me the trouble of typing that. I tired of hearing about what Ninja Theory think about the price of eggs. I'll be playing GT5 instead anyway.

Imperator4970d ago

I'm sick of NT bashing the PS3. I'm not even going to consider Enslaved now. I'll buy it when it's 20 bucks, used. No way in hell would I support such a developer.

gcolley4969d ago

hey, if a game is good and i want to play it, why should i let some asshat stop me from playing it. i doubt your few dollars are going to make an impact on their bottom line. don't get me wrong, i have principles, just not when it comes to the BS media. the title alone got all these hits

Makidian4970d ago

Seriously, it's all Ninja Theory and anyone who works with them does and it's getting old. If Enslaved isn't successful what are they going to do blame it on the PS3 version!?

DigitalAnalog4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

Is that he RECENTLY joined Team Ninja AFTER playing Heavenly Sword. He wasn't a dev back then, just a normal movie screenwriter.

Regardless, his comments were just plain idiotic, opinionated or not.

But here's the actual kicker:

F*cking sick of his PS3; no original games that really blew him away; yet ironically, was INSPIRED by Heavenly Sword --- an "Original PS3 game" that blew him away?

I mean, WTF and WTH?

-End statement

Lord_Doggington4969d ago

No one reads the article = o_o on N4G.

He ended up liking Heavenly Sword in the end you stupid people (specifically Pennywise)

trancefreak4969d ago

Iflow dont be chump over video games. Seriously some of you guys take this shit too far.

Zachmo1824969d ago

Funny thing is if he said he was sick of the xbox 360 he would be praised.

Pandemic4969d ago

This is going to be great publicity for your game, Alex Garland....... :l Fool.

4969d ago Replies(1)
killcycle4969d ago (Edited 4969d ago )

He said he was sick of HIS ps3. A guy can't get sick of his own personal games console without people threatening not to buy his game?

200+ agree's too.


SonyPS3604969d ago

It's N4G, you can get agrees for mentioning you just had a beer fart.

frostypants4969d ago

The guy was honest. What's the big deal? The PS3 had a pretty weak that so hard to accept even today, when the PS3 is kicking so much ass? The real story here is that this was an N4G worthy article.

Some guy preferred his 360 to his PS3 a while back. Oooooohhhh....scandalous... <--sarcasm

SonyPS3604969d ago

Ask him if he gives a shit.

Ch1d0r14969d ago

Playing that dumb ass game would make me sick, whether it be on the 360 or PS3.

ShadowCK4969d ago

They don't care if you don't buy their game. You do not represent us. Troll.

Elimin84969d ago

I already got it and believe me it's not all it's cracked up to be.. I gave it a 6/10. Not for his comment although I should deduct some points for that... Seriously had hopes for this game... Save your money... The controls pisses me off and the camera loses the action occasionally. You have mechs hitting you from all sides and have no Idea where the hits coming from. The camera is Right up in your face. Don't believe me? Go waste your money..... I regrettably picked it up for 65 bucks so I'll stick with it for the story, which is just OK. I'm not hating just saying...

My 2Cents....

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mushroomwig4970d ago

Back in the day when everyone hated the PlayStation 3 for it's price and lack of games.

Just goes to show how far the console has come since then.

4970d ago Replies(11)
SexyPrawns4970d ago (Edited 4970d ago )

That's right.

Listen to the attractive, British chick...

I think they have mind control.

Seriously though...the PS3 has come a long way since November 17th, 2006. It got trashed for a good three years before people were willing to accept that it was slowing pwning everything in its path.

visualb4970d ago

not ALWAYS right...but always consider it.

I agree though, it had a slow start, but if you are still having bad times about it, you need more excitement in your life

+ im pretty confident sony have COMPENSATED for that slow start with an over load of quality =)

monkey nuts4970d ago

Here in europe/ uk. I had owned my 360 for about 18months and the headstart did help ms for a long time. Most of the ps3 launch titles looked on par or not as good as gears of war. People were really slamming the ps3 back then for everything. The rest is history.

Akagi4970d ago

"It's price"?

Getting pretty sick of Enslaved devs running their mouths.

UP4970d ago

who the hell complains about the old price. oh my god the ps3 was 600$ a few years back the ps3 sucks. That is the dumbest thing anyone can say.

DeathGazer4970d ago

"There weren't any original games that really blew me away,"


"I was much more into playing Call Of Duty 4 on Xbox Live."


ShAkKa4970d ago

Yeah i think it was a big mistake for Sony letting CoD4 become a 360 exclusive,oh wait...

GOODKyle4970d ago

anyone else think he was paid to say this?

etownone4970d ago

Yeah, the conspiracy theories are back.

Lol. (kids)

karl4970d ago

lol.. u think its funny .. just a kids delusions

yet this is such a casual business strategy

propaganda.. is the most powerful weapon there is, dont know why some think its childish to think it happens on the gaming world

etownone4970d ago

Yeah, your right.... how could I forget!

Same way MS pays everyone for good reviews and pays reviewers to talk negatively about the PS3.

Lol (kids)

moparful994970d ago

Look we know that you love to convince yourself that you live in a world of rainbows and butterflies but in the business world there are things that happen that we would be horrified to find out about.. So to think that money is exchanged hands to sell the competition short is not only believable but I gurantee you it happens... It just like how microsoft bought up all of that exclusive dlc.. THey know that advertising is a powerful tool and to create this perception that the 360 gets all of the good content because its better is why the 360 sells like crack cocaine here in the states...

karl4970d ago

lol dude.. u just treat me like a MS hater.. a sony fanboy
i didnt mention no side on this...

if soccer games can have referees paid to favor one team .. or even life threats to players... (this is just an example of many)

why cant a gaming site be paid to favor a game


''However, after meeting with Ninja Theory Garland took the time to play Heavenly Sword and was impressed enough that he signed on with the studio to write Enslaved.''

Geez, what a guy!

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15 PS3 Games That Would Absolutely Shine as PS5 Remakes

GB: "With this feature, we talk about 15 games on the PS3 that should be remade for the PlayStation 5."

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Community33d ago
kenpachi34d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming33d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long33d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming33d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10132d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor33d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6933d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming33d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno33d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming33d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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The 10 worst PC ports that ruined otherwise great video games

From Xfire: "It's not unusual to see the occasional bad PC port, but these ones make the bad PC ports look great in comparison."

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Kados1039d ago

To be fair with GTAIV, it was a very CPU bound game, released at a time when the vast majority of PC gamers still believed that the CPU was nearly irrelevant, and that you only needed a good GPU. 95% of "gaming" builds back then were using turds for CPUs.

Giblet_Head1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

Ya, 2005-2010 was an interesting period. Entry/mid level CPUs have come a long way since then.

RonsonPL1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

The "majority" is still just as dumb as before.The game was simply f...d.
It had micro-stutters and never ever ran properly. People who say otherwise simply couldn't see the microstutter because of their LCD display's blurry motion. It should fly in 85fps or 100fps on fastest CPU back then, but it didn't. It was a buggy, awful port. I had a CPU over twice as fast as what x360 had. A GPU 5x as fast. And I couldn't do anything to make it run perfectly.
I don't know who's fault was this. Maybe it was not the developers alone. Maybe it was because of the drivers and the fact nobody gave a flying f..k about stable, high framerate on a PC game. We've had two different OSes then, and as I pointed out, microstutters were not that obvious on an LCD. There was no Digital Foundry to point such problems out and not many people still played on CRT monitors to be able to notice the problem (in like 2 seconds of playing, seriously, you don't need any tools. It just hits your eyes like a speeding truck)

GTA V continued the tradition. It manages the CPU resources so badly, it basically cannot run at locked 144fps till this day, or even 60fps in stereoscopic 3D mode (so 2x 60fps per second) because it's so dependant on single core performance and because it's so messed up by either port devs or Nvidia (who said they will fix it, then 3 years of promises led to shutting the forums down, which solved the problem in their eyes - no one complains anymore ;)

GTA III port was never optimized for even 60fps, not to mention 100 or 120.
The port of GTA V was hidden in their cabinet for almost 3 years, during which PC gamers were bein lied to about it.

See the pattern yet?
Yeah. They don't give a shit about PC gaming or assume a buggy, stuttery mess is good enough, as long as people keep buying the games.

Actually... to think of it. They didn't make a proper Lemmings game for PC either. There was Amiga version and that's it. Only later on they mercifully released Lemmings: Tribes sequel. Until then PC gamers could only dream about digitized (real recorded audio) sounds and music. So this tradition of shitting onto PC gamers is now 30 years old ;)


Active Quest Episode 117: Star Wars: KOTOR Is Likely Returning, Atelier Firis DX Is Addictive

Joseph, Josh, and Chris go over a striking Sony decision, a Star Wars: Knights of the Republic remake seems to be happening, and local JRPG lover Chris talks about Atelier Firis DX.

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