
Gaming Trend - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable Review

Gaming Trend - It’s been a good time to be a fan of the Persona series. Persona 4 could be considered one of the best last games created specifically for the PS2. The PSP version of the original Persona showed up September 22, 2009 with a more faithful translation than the Revelations: Persona PS1 game. Now Atlus has seemed to do the impossible and brought Persona 3 to the PSP with Persona 3 Portable (P3P).

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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable PC Version Rated

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable has recently been rated for a supposed imminent PC version by Game Management Committee in Korea.


English Vita otome games: a guide

In the years since Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom made its English debut in 2012, otome games have enjoyed a surge of popularity worldwide. The genre went from an unknown to one that received multiple releases on various platforms each year. Sony handhelds have long been a haven for such titles, with people who own a Vita enjoying the fruits of this bevy of releases.

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Five PlayStation Portable Must-Play Role-Playing Games

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) was one of the most successful handheld consoles to date, featuring a large roster of games including each and every genre present to date.

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_-EDMIX-_2487d ago


Both PSP and DS were the very top of handheld gaming at that time. I never would have foresaw the decline in handheld gaming that we see today. So many companies had PSP titles, KH, FF, MGS, GTA etc A rare time and I don't know if we'll even see that type of support for handheld like we saw back then.

I never played Persona 3 on PSP though, I played it on PS2 and got it again on PS3 when it was on PSN, same with Persona 4, but everyone tells me Persona 4 on Vita is a lot better.

Fist4achin2487d ago

P4 golden on the Vita is excellent and if you have a Vita, it is definitely worth another go around.

I wish the Vita got half the support the psp did. I'm don't mean to complain but I feel it was just shorted. Oh well.

_-EDMIX-_2487d ago

@Fist- Well I have the PSTV and I did want to play Persona 4 again, I might pick up the Vita version.

It sucks Vita didn't get that same type of support, but the market has changed so much. So many phone games its not even funny. Its why when I hear a JRPG announcement, first thing I thinking about is "please don't be mobile" lol

VersusDMC2487d ago

Replace 3rd birthday with peace walker or Dissidia and it will be an excellent list. 3rd birthday is great mechanically but the story is attrocious as a parasite eve sequel.

kakakaja2486d ago

Peace Walker and Dissidia were amazing titles as well, no doubt.

MetalGearsofWar2486d ago

This saddens me, because there will never be a proper successor to psp.