
Fallout: New Vegas – I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it

If you take a look at some of the recent screen shots for Bethesda’s newest entry in the Fallout series, you will probably notice that graphically, not much has changed since Fallout 3. This is due to the fact that the game runs on the same engine, and in many respects, the textures, artwork, and animations remain the same as well. This may upset some as New Vegas could have potentially been released as an expansion for Fallout 3, intstead of a full priced standalone game, but development has changed hands in such a way that I will gladly pay up.

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Philoctetes5004d ago

The author is right that by the time you got near the end of Fallout 3, everybody's character was more or less the same. More specialization would be nice and would probably add replay value that F3 lacked.

GodsHand5004d ago

Well I played the crap out of Fallout 3. I even have a current game I am playing just being plain evil, killing everything in sight. If New Vegas is anything close to Fallout 3, I will be very busy again, just trying out differnt combinations, and tricks, that myself, or others discover.

NecrumSlavery5004d ago

yeah, New Vegas looks great. I really hope it's bug free. It wasn't deal breaker in 2008, but glitches would definitely ruin this one.

8800gtx5004d ago Show
NecrumSlavery5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

It's the engine 8800X. And this never was a 1080p game even on PC.

EDIT: Dolphin can produce 720p Wii games but they aren't really. Fallout is on an old engine. It's 1080p but not really.

gtamike5004d ago

can't wait to put this in my PS3

bjornbear5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

have to wait till december though =(

until then, will be playing FO collection which includes FO1, 2 AND TACTICS! =D (finished FO3 recently, cnt b bothered w it again)

MiamiACR5004d ago

And I know I know I know, I want you, want you!

Forbidden_Darkness5004d ago

I just preordered this for my bros birthday :)

Can't wait until he beats it, so i can play it. But first i got to finally beat Fallout 3.

GodsHand5004d ago

It's funny, all I need to do is find all the Alien Holotapes, in the MOthership Zeta expansion to have 100%, but I never get around to it, because I am having fun do other things in the game. But I know I need to do that before this game comes out, or I might not ever do it.

foss35004d ago

crap i gotta go back and finish the expansions now... i only bought broken steel so far.

which others should i bother with?

Kakihara5004d ago

Well first off Point lookout is unmissable, by far my favourite of the add ons. A much different environment, big enough to explore and find all kinds of hidden bits and pieces and some moments in missions I prefer to the main game. The whole thing has a great 70's video nasty feel to it too like the original Texas chainsaw massacre or the hills have eyes.

Then I'd say The Pitt. Most of it's set in fairly enclosed areas (except for one creepy dark open area) but it's a fun little extended side quest with some nice atmosphere and plenty of those lovely bugs and glitches you fell in love with in the main game.

Operation anchorage is pretty straight forward action which is quite strange for a game you can play like a virtual dice roller. The bright snowy area it's set in is a welcome change of scenery but it does drag on a little. The equipment you get (which you can use in the main game) after completing this however is amazing and some of the best gear you'll find in the game even if one particular piece does make the game way too easy for a character with a decent sneak ability.

Mothership Zeta. I really enjoyed moments of it but it does drag on a little and suffers from the same problem as Operation anchorage in that it's almost completely combat based. If you're obsessed with finding the perfect outfit for your lone wanderer and not too bothered by conscience though you will run into some snappily dressed folks in this add on.

foss35004d ago

Very helpful! I will probably get the first two you mentioned.

GodsHand5004d ago

Operation Anchorage Add-on is not really worth it other then getting the Chinese Stealth Suite, and maybe some other unique weapons. Because once your finish it, you can not go back. It's like a one time deal, you pay, you play, you finish, and never go back.

NecrumSlavery5004d ago

All of them but Point Lookout is the best of the 4 new locations. But all the DLC is really good.

Neckbear5004d ago

Well, I am not exited.

Even when Obsidian's working on it, I can't help but feel it'll be the same crap than Fallout 3. An overrated "Game of the year", wich was so bad it was funny.

drunkonjudgement5004d ago

I agree with you in that Fallout 3 was overrated, and had an embarrassing amount of technical flaws, but I think this is going to be a hell of a mulligan.

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B34d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7234d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii34d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast34d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife33d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit33d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife33d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Fallout Anthology Edition Looks Pretty S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

The Fallout Anthology Edition is coming to PC very soon, and is packaged with some very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

-Foxtrot55d ago

It’s an awful downgrade to the last one they did

They included physical disc back then

ocelot0754d ago

Forgot I ordered this until I got the dispatch email.

FPS_D3TH54d ago

I want the first two games to come to iPhone/android

Friendlygamer53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

I would love the classic fallout games on console. Closest I could find was atom rpg, I liked that one a lot

saint_seya53d ago

I though it was a new Killzone when i saw the image, looks like a hellghast..


Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas Come Free On Amazon Luna

Getting free games is never a bad thing and Amazon Luna has new offerings for Fallout fans looking for free adventures in the Wasteland.