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Looking Back: The Original Uncharted Is Stupid

Uncharted 2 took all the obscure little unpleasantries out of the shoot-em-up equation and put what remained in a perspective that really clicked. Bitmob liked being able to take cover and blindly fire in a panic, and they liked the simplicity of the arsenal, as opposed to Call of Duty’s litany of guns barely distinguishable to the lay man. In these simple terms of entertainment, Uncharted 2 is a big success.

So they went back to play the first Uncharted, and they can’t stand it.

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Stupid. Flamebait. Reported.
nveenio5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Blatant attempt at flamebait
Scotland-The-Brave5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NJShadow5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Flamebait only designed to get hits.
DoucheVader5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
bluedot1335025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Biased and poor attempt to gain hits.
SeanScythe5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
✔ Fixed
Bad Editing
put capital T for "The"
movements5025d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(3)
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Community5025d ago
Seijoru5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

Uncharted 1 was amazing. The best single player experience in 2007 besides Bioshock. I actually liked the story a little bit more than U2's although U2 had way better gameplay, pacing, etc.

GWAVE5025d ago

Is this "journalist" kidding? Uncharted is one of the best games of this gen. I just can't believe...

Oh wait. That explains it...

sikbeta5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

This b!tchmob site know crap about gaming, guess they keep playing modern bugfare and think is teh bezt...

UC = Amazing
UC2 = +Amazing

bjornbear5025d ago

I read the article...and I'm still wondering

Why is it stupid? The article doesn't clarify at all.

Hell of a way of getting hits. Probably get more hits if you wrote "MW2 - Best FPS MP experience of the decade"

rod_furlong5025d ago

This was written by some community member on Bitmob, not a "journalist" as you say

RockYou5025d ago

...A "community writer"/blogger on a website speaks for the entire site. Amirite?

bobcostus5025d ago

Uncharted 1 was pretty good, but Uncharted 2 was much, much better.

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movements5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

No Bitmob, say Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was stupid, is stupid.

Kidding me? It's one of the best games on PS3!

Seriously, this is stupid.

Philoctetes5025d ago

I actually still slightly prefer Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2. It's a great game.

mantisimo5025d ago

I'ts a great game I just replayed it at the weekend and it still played well and felt fresh.

theonlylolking5025d ago


The games story mode and gameplay feels fresh but not the graphics.

Chris3995025d ago

I liked the story in the first one better. 2nd one had some terrific set-pieces and action, but the story wasn't as good (or cohesive) as the first. Too many plot threads.

I have a feeling that the 3rd one will be a "back to its roots" sort of affair. Looking forward to it.

syanara5024d ago

Well with uncharted 2's amazing graphics it really makes the first one look like total crap lol

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RedDead5025d ago

it was stupid the way you could shoot through walls in 1, what ever the reticule was on, the bullet hit. Grenades were retarded aswell.

I think the first is overrated and overpraised, it wasn't anything special but the PS3's great games only started coming out around 07-08. Uncharted would have been the first good Tps on Ps3, I played Gears 1 before it(Gears 1 is better than 2 imo) and Gears 1 was unbelieveable and it had great online, then I played Uncharted 1 and said what the fu** is the big idea, it's not that good, nothing near Gears 1.

uncharted 2 on the other hand i amazing, i duuno whats so differant but it's just great

grailly5025d ago

no where near gears 1? Can't believe your saying that, I actually tried playing gears after uncharted, and I just couldn't get through it without playing it coop(because it was boring, not difficult...), coop was really fun though.
The hardest part jumping from uncharted to gears, the scenery is just horrible, there are only hip-high wall and nothing'll get in a room, see the other end of it, because nothing high enough gets in the way, and ennemies would pop in...

I thought the first uncharted had some big issues though. When you get to the supernatural part, the gameplay that got you through the whole game just breaks down. cover becomes useless, and you can't melee anymore. also I don't stand the survival-horror genre, so that didn't help. end boss was stupid. the difficulty was also very unequal.

acky15025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

Uncharted 1 and 2 are very similar in their gameplay and controls. To say you thought one was amazing yet the other horrible (because of the gameplay) doesn't make any sense.

RedDead5025d ago

I never said I didn't like it, I said it's not as good as Gears and not as good as the reviews it got. U2, I don't know what it is about it but it just seemed alot more polished and the gun fights felt refined and perfected . They do alot more verticle sections aswell in Uncharted, like in the snow place when climb up on a house and make your way to the botom, trying to stealth kill as much enemies as you can before your spotted.

callahan095025d ago

The original Uncharted is stupid? False.

movements5025d ago

I've played Uncharted about 6 times, never got bored. Awesome game.

Snoogins5025d ago

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune remains quite the special game for me. It was the first game I bought when I picked up the last 80GB BC model I could find anywhere near me back in early '08. Blew me away with its solid gameplay, music (listened to the opening theme in full every time I booted the disc) and the story with its memorable characters. Uncharted 2 came and perfected the formula of cover shooter meets treasure hunting explorer, especially with tighter controls, but the first game still remains my personal favorite and quite possibly my favorite game this generation.

mrcash5025d ago

the gameplay was better in uc1 the ai was better, the only thing u2 had better were the visuals and scripted events.

Fan Tastic5025d ago

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is one of the top two games this generation.

thong_pounder5025d ago

uncharted is the first game i played on the ps3
(160gb uncharted bundle $300 Sweet deal) and i played it for 7 days straight that's how long it took me to complete this(mw2). well i would spend around 20 mins looking around at those beautiful view.

crzyjackbauer5025d ago

Uncharted 1 was way better imo
uncharted 2 was too much of a shooter
UC had more exploration

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cliffbo5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

why don't we get: looking back: the original Halo was stupid. just wondered

Convas5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

LOL, trust someone to bring up Halo in an Uncharted topic. Sad.

Stay Classy N4G.

BrianG5025d ago

I don't think hes trying to start anything, he's just asking a question, why hasn't he seen that?

And your comment anyway is typical from people like you, adds nothing. If you dont like the comment section of this site, dont use it.

GarandShooter5025d ago

LOL, trust someone to get offended when a comparison to question motive is made. Sad.

Stay Stupid N4G.

Convas5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

@Garandshooter: If you took that for offended, you need to get your eyes checked. I was merely stating that various games could've been used as an example. But of course, Cliff here has a bit of a history.

@Brian G: Useless comment? Cliff's comment was useless as well, going by your statement. Others decided to give a reason why they think Uncharted IS NOT stupid. Cliff wonders why he hasn't seen anything like this for Halo, which is "typical from people like him". So if you're going to call out useless comments, go all the way buddy. :)

By the way, just who am I "typical" of?

BrianG5025d ago


I was saying you seem like one of those typical people that jump on the comment section and just say, "this site sucks", or "Classic Fanboy N4G". I dont know your comment history personally, so you might not be that way, but that one comment fit into that profile.

And yes, Cliffs comment was useless with regards to Uncharted, but it wasn't the same as yours. He was asking a question that involved gaming. Your initial comment seemed like you were trying to start a flame war or something.

Convas5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

@BrianG: I'm not sure if your new here or something, but your definition of flamebait is definitely skewered. How you can look at Cliff's comment and then mine, and then conclude that MY comment is flamewar inducing is beyond me. And whilst you're here, you might as well look over Cliff's and my comment history. BIG difference, that I guarantee you.

BrianG5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )


I'm not new here, and I do think that Cliff's comment could be conceived as being flaimbate, but after reading both of yours it seemed that yours was more offensive, and more geared towards starting something.

Again I dont know either of your personal comment histories, I was just going by what I see above.

EDIT: Just browsed quickly through both your histories, and I have to say, you are not as bad as Cliff, he does seem to turn the route of bashing MS on some articles. But either way, those comments are useless, from anyone.

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cliffbo5025d ago

it was an example... it could have been any 360 games. it seems we get these types of articles quite a lot when talking about PS3 games, but none at all when it's 360 games. this is just a way of promoting bad news at a time when MS are getting obliterated online with the price hike of LIVE and the disappointments of Kinect

Snoogins5025d ago

While that's off topic, cliffbo, I still find Halo: Combat Evolved the best of the series, at least as far as story goes. Maybe Halo: Reach will be better? <shrugs> I guess gaming news is a bit slow for articles like these to pop up.

movements5025d ago

What are these guys thinking?

guitarded775025d ago

These guys

Agent-X (3) | 12m ago
zombiegamerZA (2) | 4m ago
syrion (1) | 19m ago
movements (2) | 24m ago
jinofthesheep (1) | 1h ago
Nyc_Gamer (1) | 1h ago
EL1TE (1) | 52m ago

KillerPwned5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

O my god someone is gonna get shanked

Uncharted kicks ass

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Celebrating Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 15-Year Anniversary

November 19 marks 15 years since the release of the Uncharted game that started it all.

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Community572d ago
Nyxus572d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17572d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721571d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


The Inconsistent Harmony: 5 Examples of Ludonarrative Dissonance in Video Games

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "I finally have a proper designation akin to what I've always referred to internally as 'the line that must be crossed' or 'The Line', for short – ludonarrative dissonance – the separation from a video game's story in relation to its gameplay. Why isn't PETA all up in Mario's grill for jumping on turtles and killing fish, or charging Samus Aran with the extinction of the Metroid species? Ever notice how fire has that habit of making bosses in Resident Evil stronger? Read on my friend, for I endeavor to imbue you with the ability to engage in basic queries concerning the concept."

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Community720d ago
0hMyGandhi720d ago

I absolutely loved this article! well done.

MadLad720d ago

Nathan Drake is a monster.


Ranking the Uncharted Games From Worst to Best

KeenGamer: "Which Uncharted game is the best? Uncharted is widely recognized as one of the most groundbreaking and consistently great franchises in gaming. For both long-time fans and newcomers to this action-adventure classic, here’s a ranking of the franchise’s four main games."

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Community1051d ago
Kyizen1051d ago

UC 2, 4, 3 and 1. Great read and article

ABizzel11051d ago

No Golden Abyss -_-, otherwise I agree with the order.

UC2: Best overall
UC4: Best graphics, best gameplay, best locations, best environements
UC3: Best set pieces IMO (the boat and desert fights will always be amazing)
UC1: A rough Draft of what was to come
UCGA: Basically UC1 on Vita

Levii_921051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

Great list and great article nicely writen and explained. Although for me personaly i would put Drakes Fortune above Drake’s Deception and Uncharted 4 is absolutely my favourite of the franchise and number 1 for me.

Inverno1051d ago

U2 is the only game playable on crushing without causing a great amount of frustration. Not to mention just how much influence it had that they redid some of U2s set pieces like the caravan twice, and armored truck chase in U4.

DFresh1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

I'd rate it as the following.

1.) Uncharted 2
(Close to perfection of any game I've played in years. Single Player/Multiplayer/Co Op all amazing.)

2.) Uncharted 3
(On par with UC2 multiplayer/co op wise minus the kickbacks [aka killstreaks]. I really liked the Lawrence of Arabia story.)

3.) Uncharted 4
(Single player is amazing. Multiplayer was meh. Co Op had potential. Absolutely hated the health revive system it slowed down the game way too much. Always preferred the fast pace action of UC2/UC3. Made it way more fun that way. Recoil was too ridiculous that most people in lobbies would only do hip firing, using power weapons and using that OP grappling hook to melee people after dropping them. Nobody wanted to revive anyone.)

4.) Uncharted
(It's the first in the series so it's hard to judge. Though I loved the story.)

NecrumOddBoy1051d ago

I agree here but it’s also a series you can play from front to back and truly enjoy. Story-wise, they are all great and flow so well. I wish they threw both Golden Abyss and Lost Legacy on this list. Lost Legacy is the best mechanically in my opinion. You can see it’s stepping stone framework for TLOUS2.

Michiel19891051d ago

uncharted 2 is one of the few games that actually surpassed its pre-release hype.

medman1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

I am a single player gamer...I barely ever touch a multiplayer component. The only exceptions over the years have been the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, TLOU factions, and the Uncharted 2 multiplayer. The Uncharted 2 multiplayer saw me spend more time playing it than all my other multiplayer experiences over the years combined. That game really was a masterpiece all around.

brando0081050d ago

I agree completely, those are all stellar MP experiences, coming from another SP gamer who only occasionally gives MP some time.

Gardenia1051d ago

Come to think of it, the step between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 is huge. It goes from the weakest in the series to one of the best games ever made.
I think I'm going to play all of them again soon.

Ninver1051d ago

Yeah all of a sudden I've got that Uncharted itch.

Michiel19891051d ago

is multiplayer still up for the remastered trilogy? or did it never have UC2 mp?

Ninver1050d ago


Not sure

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