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Square Enix on FF14: “Players Get 8 Hours a Week” (Site NSFW)

Square Enix have finally clarified how their controversial “fatigue” system for limiting player advancement in Final Fantasy XIV works – players are not after all limited to 1 hour of play a day, but instead to a much more generous 8 hours a week.

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Hellsvacancy5012d ago

Y r they doin this? if i buy a game i should b able 2 play it 4 as long as i want, its mine

gamesR4fun5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

psy us ta play the game 10-15 every month

n as a bonus we'll be the mother you never wanted.

CimmerianDrake5012d ago

I'd use it, it's your friend. I have absolutely no idea what you were trying to say with this post.

Coffin875012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

He means 60$ for a game could be considered pricey.
He further states that an additional 15$ a month could be considered quite overpriced.
As a result, the limitation of 8 playable hours a week could be considered an unbounded cheek.

Actually I got it the first time reading it. Maybe you're the one who should catch up.

gamesR4fun5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

glad ta see the language nazies are still going strong

n ya the interpretation was dead on paying em top dollar ta b the nazi dictator we never wanted while we got the likes of CimmerianDrake and his ilk happy 2 give it away 4 free.

edit n you know the funny thing is i think its a good idea to encourage players to spend less time in front of a game. Just the way they did it was backwards. Instead of punishing they could reward ie if you log in less than 8/h in a week you get a times 10 bonus ta your xp or something. Not only does it give the casuals a more even playground xp wise the hardcore can still grind away without worry.
Anyways positive reward for positive behaviour = win/win Negative award for normal gameplay = a lot of dissatisfied customers.

Reibooi5012d ago

Personally I'm not really gonna believe much of the crap going around about this system right now.

Chances are it will either be heavily modified or removed completely from the final game.

Those that are in the beta have somewhat felt the the system is scaled up to function more heavily given the fact that the level isn't capped at it's max in said beta and that the final release this system will be almost unnoticeable.

A friend of mine from FFXI who also plays WoW told me that WoW had something similar when it first launched a long time ago but that the system was almost instantly removed. I haven't ever played WoW so I can't confirm it's truth but I know she has been playing WoW since it launched so I trust what she says.

Bottom line is that if this system is in the final game in a way that will anger the player base SE will remove it. They need people to play the game to make money and already they know that this is causing a stink and they are not gonna risk the success of the game over something stupid like this.

Eamon5012d ago

Wait I'm confused.

Is the "8 hours a week" only for people who don't pay for subscription?

Because if you have to pay a subscription for that then S-E must be high.

CimmerianDrake5012d ago

You know, I would have come up with a fitting reply, if I understood a damn word you say. I'm not a grammar nazi, I'm a person who likes to understand what I'm reading.

SilentNegotiator5012d ago

Now there's a furry on the front page.

Get rid of it.

Tricksy5012d ago

1. Most of you were never going to play this anyways.

2. This site just wants hits and N4G is giving them just that. DO not click on this misleading article!

3. Here is an explanation of the system in full- properly translated. Enjoy.

dc15012d ago

+Plus for you Tricksy!
Your link was a good read... in fact, I like the idea of scaling/measuring the skill application/experiences. Quite frankly, I don’t have the time to spend 25+ hours a week on any game; specifically a online only multiplayer.

This model would be pretty friendly for me and my elk.

InactiveUser5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

See guys, not 1 hour a day...

1 hour and 8 minutes (and don't forget your 34 seconds) a day.

You guys got all riled up over nothing.

/close sarcasm and desktop calculator.

TheLastGuardian5012d ago

Squeenix really shot themselves in the foot with this one. Who's gonna buy it now?

dendenmooshi5012d ago

it's 8 hours of 200% exp. or 100% extra exp. That means after 8 hours it's 0 extra exp. or 100% exp. Shallow site looking for clicks wins again.

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Pika-pie5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

Do people on this site actually ever read the article before the jump to conclusions and dump their hate in the comments section...

Of course you are allowed to play for as long as your like. Your only limited to 8 hours a week of XP grinding. The rest of the time you would spend socialising, doing missions, questing, crafting, exploring, minigames, loot grinding... I would imagine.

I support this and I think its an interesting way to stop the MMOs becoming nothing but a level grind. I used to play FFXI and that game is nothing but a level grind.. And its just not fun but you have little choice. You would spend 95% of the time grinding.

Good Job SE

Besides, 8 Hours a week is a generous allocation. I barley scrape together 8 hours of play time on any game at the moment

JD_Shadow5012d ago

Then you're not getting the whole point of WHY they are angry, and though we should just CALM DOWN until we get an actual clarification as to what in the hell this is to begin with and if this is something that's read too much into or not, I get why.

It's a matter of them telling you that you can't do THIS activity or THAT thing. That you HAVE to do one thing or the other, and that you can't be grinding to get your levels up TO do the other things. What if a quest/mission required you to be a certain level at a certain time, or if you were required to go from point A to B, and the trip went through a certain high-level area, or at least a higher level than the places you began and ended the trip, and you couldn't get there until your grinding lock was up because you wouldn't be able to survive at the levels you were at now? Simply put, this is dictating how some people play, especially on MMOs where part of the whole process is about how you want to use your characters, and how much of a time sink MMOs tend to be (some people play, say, WoW all day on some days, and they would never realize they did so until it actually HAPPENS). The fact that you HAVE a choice is PART of the fun. Some people LIKE to be able to kill anything in sight.

Personally, though, this story and the explanation contradicts what was said earlier. They wanted for people to play all the classes yet this thing would be tied to the character, and you would not get a grinding lock refresh if you changed classes? Which one is it? We got two completely different versions of what this is, and they both came from the same site. And again, like the FF Versus 13 360 rumors, NO ONE at SE is coming forward to give us a clear explanation to what was said earlier. It's like they WANT us to be confused and letting the BAD publicity be the ONLY publicity.

But yeah, you didn't get the point of the argument. Or what MMOs are all about.

And you only spend 8 hours or less a week gaming? How do you do that? Even causal gamers spend more than that a week, let alone those with a full time job or school that game when they can.

Darkfiber5012d ago

If you've actually played the beta you'd know this game is a bugged out piece of shit that's designed completely around wasting your time so they can get more money out of you in the long run. Skip it, trust me. I know there's a lot of Final Fantasy fanboys out there with special edition pre-orders and shit who think this is going to be the best game ever but do yourself a favour and cancel it. You are going to be SOOOOOOOO disappointed you have no idea.

Reibooi5012d ago

... wow

You can tell that the final game is going to be EXACTLY the same as the CLOSED BETA!!!??

What drug are you on that lets you see the future like that?


vhero5012d ago

Your only allowed to earn exp for 8 hours a week?? And they expect people to pay a subscription?? Oh dear this game has got FAIL written all over it... I can see them killing this decision after 1 month when nobody buys the game or those who did who didn't realize cry out and don't pay after the first free month.

Persistantthug5011d ago

When there's Fellatio of the Dead on that site :)

Abriael5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

being in beta I can assess that reality isn't nearly that bad.

What happens in the actual game is completely different because, oh so surprising, Sankaku Complex forgot to mention and/or intentionally misinterpreted a few details (they must have some kind of personal vendetta/hate against SE, since all their articles on their games pour seething hate).

1: every class it's completely seprate in it's surplus/fatigue. You have 8+7 hours before exp reaches zero FOR EACH CLASS. When you reach zero with one, you can still play all the others normally, with full experience. Which is a whole lot different from Sankaku Complex' intentionally misleading headlines.

2: When you're not skilling up a class, the fatigue/surplus for that class recharges gradually, so if you play a couple or more classes (thing that, like in Final Fantasy XI, you will HAVE to do in order not to be completely gimped), you will be able to play them all indefinitely by alternating them. Even if the week didn't expire.

3: The message says CLEARLY that the system isn't set in stone, and that they are looking into ways to balance it to be less restrictive (literally "more palatable"), and also to use the surplus experince lost due to the system to reward players in other way. Obviously the system isn't optimal like this (that's why the game is still in beta), and will be balanced.

In conclusion, sankaku complex translated just the bits they wanted, in order to make the matter look as bad as possible, put a misleading headline on top, and threw their credibility to the bushes. Good job!

avengers19785011d ago

Congrats, now I won't be buying this game... Try to limit my time, try to control what I do, not gonna happen. I'm a CORE gamer, 100%Gamer, Gamer4Life(G4L), and you think your gonna limit me to 8 frickin' hours a week, hell I could eat that up just leaving the game on and walking away to use the bathroom, get a drink, or go smoke a cig.

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Godmars2905012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

"This system needs to be explained better by sankaku.

First of all, XIV runs on a system that is NOT entirely exp based. In fact it's less of a factor than your skill level. Every skill and piece of armor you can wear and quests you can take go by your skill level. It is what you would think exp would be doing.

In XIV's case though, exp or "Physical level" is across jobs/weapons/skills. you will keep the same physical level no matter which skill you switch to. SE is only limiting Physical Level and NOT skill level.

People will be able to play the game all they want and never have to slow down. The system just isn't what people are used to.

walk away from this post knowing EXP IS NOT THE MAIN ADVANCING FACTOR IN XIV"

Anyone care to confirm this? Any FFXI players?

Could see how this might be okay, so long as level grinding isn't part of gameplay.

Lekumkee5012d ago

I think SquareEnix has alot of explaining to do. This EXP system needs alot of clarification officially from SquareEnix.

Marceles5012d ago

I think Square needs to confirm it, they clearly say XP but they never clarified if it's only for skill level or for both. That would be even more torture because imagine if you got to level 8 and you have to wait a whole week to safely do the rank 10 missions. You have to stare at Bearded Rock forever in the mean time...and then they already have it so you can only do 8 missions every 2 days, so that's more torture for grinders lol.

I doubt Square wants people to even gain skill points if you can't gain XP along with it. Usually my Physical Level is 1-2 levels ahead of my skill points, but the bad thing is since you can't get stronger, there's no point in even trying to boost your skill level when your XP decreases since you can't kill the tougher mobs. All you can do is hope you land as many special abilities in a fight as you can to get the most skill points you can possibly get.

Arnon5012d ago

"In XIV's case though, exp or "Physical level" is across jobs/weapons/skills. you will keep the same physical level no matter which skill you switch to. SE is only limiting Physical Level and NOT skill level."

Your physical level will determine what you're proficient at, so I'm not entirely sure how one could dismiss such a thing. In fact, your skill(job) level doesn't do much of anything aside from grant new abilities and skill points for weapons for said skill(job).

From what I have experienced, your physical level is one of the most important pieces of player progression in the game. I've already written a rant on this, but a lot of the features to player progression are blatantly flawed. In the beta, you're only granted 12 points to reassign, so it sort of defeats the purpose of being able to switch jobs in the first place. Also, I've been told countless times that you'll be able to reallocate all of your points, but why even have a point allotment system if all we're going to be doing is reallocating them every time we switch jobs?

Back in FFXI, there was only a single level, which consisted of your job, which would auto-assign it's points depending on the job/level/race you were, and I'm honestly not sure why they're not doing that, aside from the obvious that they wouldn't want it to be a carbon-copy of FFXI.

So in conclusion, I would state that your physical level is actually more important that your skill level in terms of actually being good at a job. Physical level determines your attributes and resistances. Unfortunately, you're forced to allocate your points into your attributes and resistances, and they don't increase on their own, at ALL. No matter what physical level you obtain, your stats will be stuck at 15 until you place points in them, which again, doesn't work well with the game's mechanic of being able to switch jobs on the fly.

Prototype5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

Since I played 11 for almost 4 years here's what I think (key word THINK) is going on now that I got to read other threads about the whole situation:

1. Those who played FF11 know once you hit 75 you have the option to switch to merit mode to help boost other stats, which 90% of people did with only less than 30 exp in their level then scream for a Raise 3 when they died instead of maxing exp THEN merit burn so if they die/home point they still keep their level. What I'm getting at is (theoretically) you can only level to a certain point however you can merit all you want.

2. Leveling is restricted so you don't go into a fight overpowered then win within seconds instead of actually spending the time to strategize the fight itself. Those who played 11 HATED level capped fights, especially when Chains of Promethia came out and you did Promyvion at 30 then once you hit chapter 8 it was uncapped. Short answer is they want to prevent level capped fights as much as possible since it was one of the biggest complaints from 11. I have been told they did a level synch but months after I quit; if they had the patch before I made my final decision I would have stayed because the level capped fights alone was a big tax on my character, resources, and time.

Again these are just a few things I'm assuming is going on, I could be wrong and I could be not reading certain things right but that's how I see it.

Lumbo5011d ago

you are close, but you DO keep leveling the Physical aspect. I have been playing the beta some now and the system is quite good imho.

FF14 is an open class game, you can switch class at whim by simply equiping another main tool/weapon. The EXP fade feature only affects the class specific main tool/weapon.

So in other words you can play 24/7 and STILL get full XP all the time by simply rotating skills.

Start by playing 8 hours as gladiator, then switch to the lance and be a "lancer" for 8 hours, then do some fishing (another 8 hours) followed by some cooking (again, 8 more hours full skill and char EXP....) and so on.

You don't even have to do it 8 hours en bloc. You can play as tank in a group for a few hours and then do some crafting or maybe meet up with a group that already has a tank, then you will switch to the caster role by taking your staff out of your pack.... You are expected to fill different roles in FF14, not be a one trick pony.

Its a shame how people, who never tested the system and fail to understand the basics of the game, seem to whine most about the system. And falsely claiming "you are only allowed to play 15h a week" a statement thats so false it hurts.

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Lekumkee5012d ago

Looks like my decision of getting FF14 or DC Universe will be an easy one. Great way of f*cking the customers SquareEnix. Who the hell buys and plays an MMO for 8 hours a week? So $15 a month buys me 8 hours of "full experience" every week?

This is a disgusting way of essentially trapping your subscribers into a long term contract if they want to be a high level/elite player, absolutely disgusting and here I thought Activision was bad SquareEnix takes the cake.

rdgneoz35012d ago

God, so many companies trying to go the casual route. After 8 hours, xp starts to decrease. At 15 hours for the week (which they call "heavy play"), you get 0% of normal xp... Why can't they learn to just give a boost to XP for first few hours played and not penalize the hardcore players...

I hope they just get rid of it. If I pay for a game and a subscription to play it / play it online, I expect to play it as much as I want for the money I pay. Not to be told I can only play so much.

Sarick5012d ago

Most of the gear you get takes months or years to get. Everything in the game is about time syncs. Recently they've started these trail systems where you spend grueling hours doing limit time events just to get a few buffs on the gear.


DarkBlood5012d ago

looks like I will only pay for Star Wars the old republic as my first mmo, as i dont want my first time to be a horrible experince with an mmo

Karlnag35012d ago

Good decision. I'm in the beta and "horrible experience" sums it up nicely. Fuck testing this any more, it's now officially a waste of time. Final nail in the coffin there, square.

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Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

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2d ago
lelo2play2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Square should ask Sony for more money...

Outside_ofthe_Box2d ago

Square should ask Microsoft to buy them out...

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 23h ago

So that Microsoft can close down the studio after doing nothing with them? Right...

Outside_ofthe_Box1d 10h ago


That's exactly my point...

gleepot2d ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

nommers1d 8h ago

Marketing for SE has been poor lately so these layoffs make sense if true.

Profchaos1d 22h ago

Yup videogame crash 2024 edition

_Decadent_Descent1d 11h ago

Hope so. Industry needs a good crash to shake it up again.

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Square Is Shifting Strategy To Aggressively Pursue Multiplat Releases,Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Square Enix is shifting its strategy to aggressively pursue multiplatform releases and focus on quality over quantity.

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Community2d ago
CantThinkOfAUsername2d ago

Yup, it's official. FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth didn't sell as much as they expected.

gold_drake2d ago

read the report, where exactly does it say what u just said ? lol

TheEroica2d ago

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt for some gamers.... 🤣

Barlos2d ago

It's your interpretation. That doesn't make it 'official'.

CantThinkOfAUsername2d ago

- 1% increase in net sales compared to a year with Forspoken and Octopath Traveller II, which didn't sell more than 3 millions combined (and I'm being generous).

- A 38.3% decrease in operating income despite the release of 'High-Definition' titles namely FFXVI, FF Pixels Remaster, Dragon Quest Monsters, and FFVII Rebirth.

- Aggressive multiplatform strategy one year after saying that exclusivity with PlayStation was mutually desired.

Sure, it's all in my head.

Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Probably for PC and the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Square Enix games doesn't sell to well on Xbox

Extermin8or3_2d ago

Nothing sells well on Xbox that's precisely Microsoft's problem

The3faces2d ago

Apparently they don't sell well on PlayStation either.

Lightning772d ago

Square named Drops Xbox as part of their multiplatform approach in their quarterly reports.

Like it matters MS will probably find away to close them down to.

FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago

I can see them going for PS5/Switch/PC for the most part, it'll mostly likely be the Switch 2 by the time their next game enters development, which is probably a good thing since the Switch is struggling with 3rd party games. If they're hurting for money/sales, I don't see them bothering with Xbox, that's just wasted time/money for them.

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DarXyde2d ago

I mean, maybe? They'll want as much as possible and I figure they could have been hoping for greater impact on PlayStation, but that's good reason to reflect and realize the resources and development cycle of these games aren't very sustainable. The solution is to make more affordable games with shorter dev cycles, then once in a while bring out the big guns.

I think Final Fantasy VII Re make and Rebirth would do really well if it was multiplatform. Specifically, if Nintendo gets their hardware up to snuff, and the rumors are promising. I don't really have much faith in its performance on Xbox, but Nintendo gamers really commit to buying their games. At one point, Breath of the Wild for Switch outsold the Switch itself.

Granted, Zelda always solos everything except GTA, but Nintendo folk are avid Final Fantasy fans. I think it would do exceptionally. Nintendo just needs to make porting easy and inexpensive and they'll get more games.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 23h ago

I don't think the exclusivity hurts them as badly as they think, I think it's a range of factors, like the quality of the games, high sales expectations, ESG/DEI, censorship, development costs/time... I also suspect that Square-Enix is extremely inefficient with their resources, they struggled/avoided towns in the FF13 trilogy, and FF14 was mostly wilderness with little to do apart from derp about in the wild (they also avoid towns and making a lot of characters there too). But FF14 also went through development hell, I think Square-Enix just needs to overall how they do everything, because the way they manage that studio just isn't working.

Christopher2d ago

The two most profitable games for them didn't sell as much as expected. Yes. Make it make sense.

MrCrimson2d ago

I interpret it as - they want to be multiplatform, as they will sell more copies.

EternalTitan2d ago

16 isnt even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
So glad that it bombed.

itsmebryan2d ago

Square finally realized what Sony figured out recently, their installed base is not enough. We are going to see a lot less exclusives from everyone moving forward.

MajorLazer1d 20h ago

PS5 is nearly at 60 million only half-way through its life-cycle, but sure, the install base is not enough.

EternalTitan20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Good exclusives always sell despite install base. Look at Nintendo's recent Zelda.
Its just 16 was awful.

itsmebryan3h ago

It is not enough if it was Sony's operating income wouldn't be down 26% and the company would not have lost $10 billion of value after they missed their sales target .

Christopher3h ago

Looks to me more like they need multiplatform because they've been failing completely everywhere else. Honestly, Square needs to rethink it's non-FF games. They've been failing hard over there in that regard.

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CrashMania2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Hopefully the next Nintendo system isn't a potato and it can contribute to FF sales in future as well, in addition to PC releases. If this ensures the long term health for SE and franchises than like FF and KH then I'm all for it.

NotoriousWhiz2d ago

Adding Nintendo and PC customers is the best way to increase sales and long term success. Not going to get that from Xbox.

shinoff21832d ago

Hopefully square brings all the lose switch exclusives over to.

Hofstaderman2d ago

Will there be a XBOX for Square to release games on? Or a MS Games service?

thesoftware7302d ago


You must not have heard they are launching new hardware and have already committed to a Next-Gen Xbox.

But, for some reason, I think you already knew that and wanted to spin a silly narrative; besides, why wouldn't they release games on the SX/SS? You do know these consoles will still be here, right?

Hofstaderman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Optics. They have a STATED plan to do so. Thats not commitment. The shareholders and board are calling the shots now. Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already. Investment in hardware, R and D and marketing is how much again? That cost with the history of their hardware most maybe a handheld. What I am certain of XBOX is finished, the writing has been on the wall before the studio closures. Its MS Games and they are not hardware. They are software because MS is a software company. Expect them to be folded in the Surface team.

DarXyde2d ago


I believe they committed to hardware.

I hate to nitpick, but that's kind of the company they are. You have to.

2d ago
Michiel19892d ago

@hofstaderman the board and shareholders have always called the shots or had a huge impact on decisions.

Xbox finished lmao, the writing has been on the wall? mate they just spend 70 BILLION dollars, and you see the writing is on the wall that they're done. 0 idea what you're talking about. They grafiti'd on the wall and you still can't see it.

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Aloymetal2d ago

No to both, not worth the effort, money and time on an already dying brand.

2d ago
thesoftware7302d ago

"They have a STATED plan to do so. That's not commitment."

Huh? What are you talking about? They announced they would be unveiling new Hardware this holiday season; how else are they supposed to commit to it?

" Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already"

What a silly statement, you think this deal was approved so they could make 80 billion in less than a year? This is a long-term commitment, a future-proofing of profit.

"What I am certain of XBOX is finished,"

No, you are not certain of this lol; as you stated, if they make even a Handheld in the form of a Steam-Deck that can dock to a TV/monitor, wouldn't that be just changing the form factor but still XBOX?

Closing these studios has really got you guys delusional; that is what happens in companies, in a changing market: you acquire, and you trim; like it or not, that is the way things are done. Lets look.

Where is the new Psygnosis with a new wipeout?
What happened to Japan Studio? Pixl Opus? London Studio?
Where is Zipper Interactive?

I can list more, but you see, closing devs doesn't mean your company is finished, especially when you have like 30+ dev teams.

Extermin8or3_2d ago

They won't be unveiling the hardware this holiday season it will be like the series x and s they got a tease at the game awards 2018. But no details until year of their release in 2020 lol

Relientk772d ago

Please tell me the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is still coming. I feel like I've been waiting forever for that game.

gold_drake2d ago

i think the juggernauts kingdom hearts (disney provides the money for that one) final fantasy and dragon quest are fine, the rest not as much

Michiel19892d ago

I'm kinda worried about the future of DQ though, Toriyama and the composer both passed away. Huge blow to the franchise.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 23h ago

Akira Toriyama had an understudy though, he emulates his style, so maybe he'll do the art for Dragon Quest games, I would love to see Nobue Uematsu do music for the series though, that could be fun if they could convince him.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 23h ago

I'll be so p*ssed if that doesn't go ahead, also, where's DQ12 at? They've been silent on that for so long, and it was announced years ago.

I'm pretty sure they can siphon some profit from A Realm Reborn to keep FF and Dragon Quest going too. I think the company would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for that cash cow.

gold_drake1d 19h ago

14 is definitely brings in the a consistant cashflow

Charal2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Another sign that dedicated consoles market is in trouble, while PC seems more and more attractive to big publishers.

Having a good gaming PC and a PS5 myself, given current trend form both Sony and MS I am less and less playing on PS5, waiting for exclusives to release on PC, so I understand the logic behind the new strategy.

anast2d ago

Post those numbers. Then your comment might make sense.

thesoftware7302d ago (Edited 2d ago )


I get that we don't know exactly without numbers, but come on, man, we can clearly see what's happening.

The console market has not grown much, the highest-selling console in history is still the PS2. You can play the " prove it" game all you want, but Sony's more aggressive PC push, SE completely rebooting their company/business, after being mainly exclusive to one console and showing a sizeable profit loss is telling.

PC is a high seller, and your doubtful PS5 dominant stance does not change the clear writing on the wall, straight from Sony's mouth, that they need to be, and will be more aggressive in the very lucrative PC market.

So, in other words, PC market is indeed looking more and more attractive to Pubs.

anast2d ago



I'm willing to bet the farm that ¨PC gamers are not the dominate number compared to console, but I don't know because I don't have numbers. However, the price point of entry can allow us to infer what I had just stated.

anast2d ago

I don't click on links on forums. Tell me why that .com source is legit.

Tacoboto2d ago

What an ironic thing to say on a link-agreggate site like N4G. Explains your comment history perfectly.

Michiel19892d ago

asks for numbers. receives numbers and then continues to say I don't wanna click a website (because it might shatter my illusion)

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@All the people with that good 'ol folk wisdom

It's ironic how I clearly asked for the site and people still can't even answer this simple question.

Tell me how many people click on random links on forums?

Tell me the site and I will look. I don't mind being wrong and I'm barely intelligent enough to change my mind with something substantial.

All the numbers I have seen is that PC doesn't even come close console gaming in revenue, and nothing touches mobile gaming. More people touching something doesn't mean anything. It just means more people own PC for work and touch Steam every now and again, those numbers mean even less.

Charal1d 20h ago

Anast I wasn’t expecting more from you and I haven’t be disappointed.

Don’t believe any number if you want, but things cannot be more evident that most of games companies are pushing to get the most they can from PC market.

Hell, we have both MS and Sony that are releasing their biggest franchise on PC with no or less and less delay vs console release, that is never seen before in the industry.

What is surprising me is that PC is not cheap in term of hardware cost, a rig close to PS5/XBX perfs may be close to double the price I guess, and close to 4x for a good gaming PC.
Plus, PC gaming does not have physical release anymore.

So a lot of supposed advantages from console market are not there but PC market is successful anyway, it would be very interesting to understand it.
Maybe one big argument is that we are more likely to need a PC at home, were we can work with, browse, and game, than a dedicated gaming machine. That why handled console market have been crushed by smartphones, we could see a repeating pattern here.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1d 20h ago
Babadook72d ago

From what I can ascertain PC is a smaller market than PS. There are occasionally times when PC looks to be stronger but overall it's still behind.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 23h ago

PC also has a lot more competition, especially when people can easily buy and play older games from 20 or so years ago on it.

anast1d 15h ago

You probably need to worry about yourself and your own expectations.

You still haven't even complete the simplest task in telling me the name of the website. Let that sink in. I asked for the name of the website so I can look at it and you couldn't even complete that task.

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Square Enix Declares $140m Loss Amid Game Pipeline Shakeup

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth publisher Square Enix has declared a $140m loss based on a shakeup of its internal development pipeline.

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Community15d ago
Furesis15d ago

What are they doing over there? Sounds like they canceled something big. I read a rumor a while back about ff9 remake . Here "Final Fantasy IX has gone through a very challenging development, the game is still in progress but may undergo changes drastic enough that we won't hear about it for a couple of years."
This could be one of the reasons if the rumor is true. That was Silknight i don't know how credible he is but it's something and it would make sense.

-Foxtrot15d ago

I hope IX is still on the cards

Just a straight up remake which they expand a little bit nothing over ambitious

If IX dosent happen then VI and VIII will never be thought of.

Kakashi Hatake15d ago

6 and 8 were way more p popular games despite today's cult following of 9.

blackbeld14d ago

I want my FF8 remake! Can't believe they cancelled it.

TiredGamer15d ago

What are they doing? Sales are falling and the costs are out of control. Big releases need to be absolute sales home runs now, and Final Fantasy sales have stagnated.

Now we know why Square didn’t fall over themselves to remake the original FF7 all these years ago. It certainly wasn’t a license to print money, at least not with what the expectations were. Each of these full on remakes drains an enormous amount of company resources for a razor thin profit margin.

TwoPicklesGood15d ago

Breaking the game up into multiple parts was a mistake IMO.

blackblades15d ago

The loses came from cancelling games nothing else.

Tapani14d ago

They lost the magic in the remakes. And the story is incomplete. The original FF7 is still way better. The Remake / Rebirth are just fan service. Like an Anime/Manga with "optional" filler content. FF7 had pretty much zero filler, it was paced extremely well, and still today flows much better than the grindy story and spongey enemy battles in the remakes.

babadivad14d ago

If they released it at once on all platforms, they would have made all of their money back. Could have been on to an FF8 or 9 remake. Ready to cash in again on nostalgia like Capcom. This is their fault for trying to milk the title.

Once I head they were breaking it up into parts, I lost all interest.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 14d ago
neutralgamer199214d ago

I hope people understand usually when a loss is declared it means a game which had been in development got cancelled. For example Sony Santa Monica before GOW-PS4 had cancelled a project which Sony had spent 7 figures on

As far as square is concerned they release a bad game once a year. Forspoken anyone?

For those making comments on remake not selling well, I hope y’all realize that Sony is the only reason this remake is happening. If Sony didn’t fund it the remake wouldn’t be happening. Just like Konami didn’t want to remake SH2 because development costs of 100 plus million

shadowT15d ago

Do not miss Final Fantasy 16. Great game!

raWfodog15d ago

I'm waiting for them to release the complete edition bundle, but it's definitely on my list.

PhillyDonJawn15d ago

Wth is going on with the gaming industry?

mandf15d ago

Corporate investors taking everything

TiredGamer15d ago

Not rocket science. Compare sales numbers, development cycles, and budgets to the previous gens. We are all collectively burning up the industry from the inside out. Expectations are ludicrously high now for every release and sales are dropping for even the most prestigious of series.

We used to be satisfied paying $50-60 for a game that took 1/100th the budget and staff to make. Now gamers feel cheated if they have to pay the same for a game that took 100x the budget. We may be reaching the end of the line for this model of gaming.

wiz719115d ago

@tiredgamer I think your point is one that ppl don’t understand and you hit it on the nose .. some gamers don’t want to take accountability but it’s some of the gamers fault the industry is where it’s at .. we as gamers set the standards for the industry not the shareholders , ppl forget that the shareholders and the industry want and need OUR Money. Both the Xbox and PlayStation are seeing a drop in hardware , the industry is very stagnant right now.

Tacoboto15d ago

Speaking to Square:

Turns out their mismanagement wasn't related to the western studios they dumped to Embracer, but their own fault.

With regards to Xbox - a good way to kill your brand is to pull support on high quality titles and only dump B and C-tier titles to it

With regards to PC - Epic Games Story exclusivity for any duration and piss-poor optimization will hurt you.

With regards to FF Pixel Remasters - y'all messed up by barely releasing them on physical, like wtf that was free money!

And lastly, you don't help a franchise by releasing a mainline title that undermines every title that came before it. FFXVI was a DMC-like with bottom-of-the-barrel side quests and I can't imagine that helping Rebirth at all considering its marketing is directly tied to how big that game is.

Tacoboto15d ago

Sony is getting their best titles and with the most polish, so what about it? Nintendo gets their top properties too, for titles that can run on Switch hardware.

It's the other fanbases that get the second- and third-class treatment from Square. If that's due to agreements with Sony, that's not a Sony issue but a Square one for accepting those terms. Sony is doing its best to look out for Sony.

wesnytsfs14d ago

sales and stupid practices like exclusives.

TiredGamer15d ago

The industry implosion is continuing. Sky high budgets, prolonged development windows, stagnant sales numbers, and falling currency values (inflation) are wreaking havoc on the legacy industry. AAA games will slowly become the rarity.

CS715d ago

Sad. Rebirth was one of my favorite games in a long time. Should have sold more.

CrimsonWing6915d ago

Oh I’m with you. What’s worse is they can say, “Well we tried to make this amazing game and spend all this money on, but not enough people showed an interest. So no more of these since we can’t take a hit like that.”

The industry is going to take a dramatic shift. Mark my words on this.

rpvenom15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I think there is quite a large portion of individuals like myself who held out on buying it on PS5 because I can get it on PC eventually. To be able to mod the game and also have custom graphical settings to my liking

gold_drake14d ago


but im not sure if it matters at all. im sure they made sony pay a hefty sum for the 3parter to come on ps5 exclusively. so watever they made in sales, might have come bk in profits for square, but i dont know
and we dont know what "underperformed" even means for square.

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