
Nibris Talks Nintendo

Nibris is one of those companies that just seem to get more and more attention even though it has yet to release any games. But why is this? Well, because of the concepts on offer for its DS and Wii projects. Cubed³ caught up with the Polish team to see what it is up to right now.

MyNutsYourChin6106d ago

I'm so intrigued about Sadness...almost like a feeling of paranoid anxiety.

jigaman6106d ago

I have been following this game since it's announcement and it looks like Nibris is taking it very serious. This is great news. I had high hopes for the game before, but to learn that they are taking this much time to develop it is just fantastic news. Great games take time. If anyone gripes and moans about waiting for a game then it's clear that they don't want a quality game.

Rooftrellen6106d ago

It's good to hear updates from these guys, because, while Double Bloob doesn't look like my kind of game, ROTR is looking great, and no self-respecting gamer isn't excited about Sadness (don't let double negatives confuse you!)

Sadness got pushed back a lot more than I was hoping, but a delayed game will eventually be a good game, but bad games are bad forever. I'll sooner take a nice and ready Sadness than a rushed, unfinished version. Knowing the vision of Sadness only works on the Wii just increases my hopes even more. It sounds like they are very interested in using the motion controls to their fullest, which is probably the reason for such a big delay. A little movement can make all the difference when the goal is to make the player feel as if he's actually a part of the events.

I honestly think that if they really do put a lot of effort into Sadness, and it seems they are, they could be Nintendo's right hand man when it comes to changing the industry, and, let's face it, there could be a lot of money in getting in the ground floor of this, since the change does appear to be slowly taking hold, though few developers (or gamers) seem to understand it, yet. Nibris seems to understand its not about the casual gamer, but making games that anyone can enjoy.

ROTR should have a pretty good plot, but it can be played totally for score, too. It's for hardcore or casual gamers. Sadness, from what we know so far, looks more like an interactive movie than a game. That is certainly something that could expand gaming to more people.

I think we all have high expectations for Nibris, and the more I hear, the more it seems like they will live up to expectations. Initial release dates show they're ambitious, but willingness to delay shows they're more worried about the final product than making a quick buck.

jigaman6106d ago

Your post is one of the most well, written, thought out, intelligent, mature, objective, comments I've encountered so far on this site. It's really nice to see people like you taking the time to make a true comment that isn't glowing with arrogance, ignorance, and immaturity. Kudos to you my friend I look forward to future posts!


9 Huge Games That Somehow Got Canceled

8CN: Games get canceled all the time, but rarely do we ever hear very much about them. Usually, they're canned well before the public is aware of their existence, with the studios quietly pushing the project under the rug (or recycling the work into new games entirely). These games however, failed pretty spectacularly.

Svinya3451d ago

Prey 2 sure looked interesting. The first one gave me motion sickness with the sudden inversions.

DragoonsScaleLegends3450d ago

The Legend of Dragoon 2 got canceled back in the PS1 era.

Adrian_v013450d ago

The first one's concept sounds amazing! I hope they, or someone gets back to it. The outlook should be different now with the new gen consoles...


Sadness Should Stay Dead

CCC Says: "Sadness has been resurrected. Remember it? You're forgiven if you don't. It was originally Wii Vaporware. NIBRIS was going to make it for the Wii way, way back when the console was first announced in 2006, but it didn't happen. Instead, it officially drifted away into ephemeral vaporware in 2010. It came back to our attention on May 20, 2014, when HullBreach and Cthulhi said they wanted to revive the Sadness IP as a 2D RPG with puzzle elements in a NintendoLife interview. Except a day later, on May 21, it was revealed that there are four studios trying to call dibs on Sadness and that HullBreach and Cthulhi don't have the rights or access to the concept."

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HullBreach Studios and Cthulhi Games Retract Claim to Sadness IP

The Sadness IP is in the hands of a consortium with 4 studios currently fighting for the bid, and that while we at HullBreach and Cthulhi would like to make a competing bid and secure rights to Sadness, unfortunately we cannot at this time. Sorry to fans for any inconvenience.

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mikel10153634d ago

So 4 studios out of nowhere are now fighting over this game that has never gotten attention, nor any info? It just seems like they came to claim it from the hype the internet had because people heard it's returning. Maybe because of these four studios fighting over the game, maybe eventually someone will actually make the dang thing.

Mikito113634d ago

So they mis lead us... Got us hopeful again for no reason... Nice :(

stragomccloud3634d ago

This is exactly why I didn't get my hopes up. Freaking lame.