
Community managers out in force at PAX Prime

Perusing the schedule for PAX Prime in Seattle reveals a startling number of populated by and dedicated to community managers. There appear to be six (technically five) panels alone on the subject and numerous panels with a community manager on board to explain some aspect of the video games industry.

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Community5044d ago
Cat5044d ago (Edited 5044d ago )

And forgot to mention...

Saturday, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Wolfman Theatre
Online Gaming Communities and "Real Life" Relationships
Are you are a member of one or more online gaming website communities? Perhaps the friendships and relationships you formed online have made their way into your everyday "real life". You are certainly not alone. We will discuss the communities we have created and support, and how they impact real life relationships for gamers of all types. This was one of the more popular panels at the inaugural PAX East.

Panelists include: Derek “DSmooth” Nolan [Co-Founder / Host, 2old2play.com / 2old2type Radio], Chloe “PMS Kitty” Brown [Co-Founder / Community Manager, GamerchiX / PopChiX] , Cathlin “Catastrophe” Sentz [Reviews Editor / Community Manager, ZTGD.com / N4G.com], Ryan “H2O Rip” Chaply [Product Manager, PMS | H2O], Aaron “HMXhenry” Trites [Community Manager, Harmonix]

:) Definitely hits the identity vs. spokesperson identity conundrum.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

Embody's Immerse Gamepack Cyberpunk 2077, created in collaboration with the CD PROJEKT RED sound team, is set to take audio immersion to a whole new level! Get ready to dive deeper into Night City's soundscape than ever before.

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The RTS Genre Is Now A Thing Of The Past; Here's Why

The RTS genre has been on a downward spiral for a long time now and the reason why is a bit more complicated than you might think.

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Movie Tie-In Games And How They Were All The Rage Back In The Day

Movie tie-in games were all the rage during the '90s and at their peak in the 2000s. Today, there are barely any around.

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