
Insomniac Games tease upcoming game reveal

GamerZines writes:

It would seem that acclaimed creators of both the Ratchet & Clank and Resistance series, Insomniac Games, are due to unveil their latest venture incredibly soon, if a comment from the studio is any indication.

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deadreckoning6665025d ago

When is Gamescom? I think its like next week right?

ISKREEM5025d ago

August 18th-22nd

Aren't they revealing at PAX though?

TheLeprachaun5025d ago

Playable at PAX I believe. That doesn't mean it won't be revealed (or even playable at Gamescom).

mikeslemonade5024d ago

If it's Ratchet with no online play I'm going to be pissed.

Commander_TK5024d ago

Aug 18th-22th. That´s when I´m traveling back home. Damn it, same thing happened to me with E3 this year

SeanRL5024d ago (Edited 5024d ago )

I loved playing Ratchet and clank: up your arsenal multiplayer with my friend. I love the series but they need to make more changes. This will be their new multiplat though, won't it?

morganfell5024d ago (Edited 5024d ago )

It will be a PAX rather than Gamescon. Maybe they will show R&C multiplayer during the scheduled demo on September 4th.

And for those below wondering Insomniac have already stated this is a PS3 title rather than multiplatform.

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siyrobbo5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

wonder if it will be revealed at sony or microsofts press conference

actually more than likely if its multiplat it'd be EA's conference

THC CELL5025d ago

agreed and that is a Sony ip

morganfell5024d ago

You might want to look at this:


"Want to be the first members of the public to see our new game being played with your own eyes? We’re bringing our new game to a very special Penny-Arcade Expo panel on Saturday evening (September 4th), at 6:30pm in the Serpent Theatre. G4TV’s Adam Sessler will moderate a panel with key creative talent from Insomniac Games as we discuss (and demo!) our upcoming PlayStation 3 project. It’s going to be a really fun session, and you will see things no one else has laid eyes on!"

ajeben8095023d ago

i dont remember seeing that bottom section there before

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rebirthofcaos5025d ago

Like it or not I want it to be resistance 3. I want to know how it finish.

aceofspades5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

agreed resistance is an amazing franchise

ALOT OF HATERS I SEE...already got dissagrees.

zootang5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

I loved the waves of enemies in that game. I hope they add a little more of the horror feel like the first. I liked the scale of the second too!

Darkstorn5025d ago

Resistance 1 was miles better than it's successor. R2's campaign was lackluster, even if the game did offer the best online coop around.

I hope R3 takes the brilliant single player of the first Resistance and gives us a new 8-player coop campaign to boot. That would be truly majestic.

Naughty Dog5024d ago

to me Resistance is not an amazing franchise. R2 had Great gameplay but crap story, a bit of both would be nice. Resistance 3 would be good If they come up with something amazing but I don't think a sequel is needed atm.

hybridtheory125024d ago

i like resistance because its hard difficult wise. Nowadays that is hard to come across. Besides WaW which was insane. But BFBC2 on hard? Not hard. MW2 on veteran? What a joke!

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GWAVE5025d ago

I hope it's R3 also. The Resistance series always does a great job with "large scale battles" and fun-to-use weapons.

raztad5025d ago

"fun-to-use weapons."

True that, and ffs give me back THE WEAPON WHEEL. Those weapons have to be available at any time.

Blaine5025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

It made the combat so much more strategic. On the hardest difficulty, R1 was almost a FPS/Puzzle game hybrid! You had to think which gun to use for which enemy in each encounter, and in which order you should kill them.

By the time you play the game on the hardest difficulty, you know which enemies are where anyways. So, before turning the corner, you know you'll be faced with, say, X number of Steelheads (Auger guys) and X number of Chimera, and one Titan! So first thing I would do is equip the Sniper Riffle and quickly use the alt-fire slo-mo to insta-kill the steelheads with one shot to the head, then I'd throw a few hedgehog grenades at the chimera, possibly shoot off a clip of the auto-firing mini-gun, and spam the assault riffle in their faces, then I can take out the big mofo Titan at my leisure with frags and the rocket launcher. The whole battle would be done in a few seconds, but it had to be executed perfectly! It was awesome.

Without the weapon wheel, R2 just became: grab whatever 2 guns you can find that have the best damage to number of rounds ratio, take cover, and pop out when it's safe to pump out a few rounds. R2 was good, but I preferred R1.

gamerzBEreal175025d ago

lol i doubt it will b the last resistance dude
hopefully not theres so much potential in that series.

mastiffchild5025d ago

Be interesting. With Hale and Clank's voice actor saying he's been doing Ratchet recently but NOT anything with Resistance it makes you wonder what exactly Insomniac have coming!!

First off I thought he might have been doing a PSP Ratchet game for Bend or RaD but, no, he said it was Insomniac reading between the lines(he said something about those guys always being fun talking about Insomniac not anyone else)so it brought R3's readiness to reveal into doubt for me.

Naturall, he COULD be pulling the wool, under NDA for R3 or maybe knows nothing because Hale actually DID bite the dust wth Capelli's face bullet, maybe the Chimera Hale now needs a different/no voice actor/doesn't really speak so they didn't need him or maybe they just cast a different actore for the new phase of Hale's existence? Ether way we don't KNOW what's going on and now we cannot possibly dscount the very real prospect of TWO classic Sony IP releases to go out with a big bang from Insom before they go multiplat!

It could even be that they're still contracted to do another one of each(certainly you would think the were down to do the whole Resistance trilogy, no? But having said over and over that Ratchet was getting rested the plot really DOES thicken. Still, they usually have a game out every year so with more studios and possibly just a skeleton crew marking out the current EA multiplat who knows whether they might be able to do Resistance and Rathcet at the same time? Maybe, as was said, some of the dev for R3 has been farmed out to ND,SM or Bend? I'd even heard that there might be an Incognito remnant(that didn't go with DJ to make Lightbox) could be helping with Resistance and that was AAAAGES ago that I got told that and laughed at whoever told me! not so funny now it could be true though!

Whatever, both Resistance games felt, and prolly were, rushed out-one for PS3 launch and one to accommodate KZ2's release so Sony owe Insomniac a go at realising the vast potential of the series before they leave the exclusive fold for ever. Be interesting to see if Resistance can finally become the series it always promised before it started going too close to Halo, imo, in both colour palette and artstyle and run and gun gameplay. I think it's always been closer to Bungie's series than KZ or any other Sony side franchise and I want it to reclaim more of it's FoM creepiness and move back into it's own territory. FoM was similar to Halo in gameplay terms but still had more of it's own flavour and I want to see the wheel back and the posh bird back narrating too-if they finally get to ;polish it properly they might actually show that they really are as good as ANYONE around. The Ratchet games show that they can do looks as well as anyone but R2 was patchy and FoM too early in PS3's life to tell.

swinesucker5024d ago (Edited 5024d ago )

Totally agree mastiff they have been the go to dev and they have never been given ample time, AND they have all their games at 60fps drastically reducing graphics. This is one reason I KNOW rage will never compete with KZ3 or the like as a 60fps game. Insomniac has always been tops in graphics console to console if they cannot do it at 60fps then there is no way a PC dev is going to be able to.

ajeben8095024d ago

not all insomniac games are at 60fps, just the R&C games are

reaferfore205024d ago

R2 is 60fps as well. I seem to remember someone from Insomniac saying they're going back to 30fps because they can get more out of the hardware or something like that.

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ranmafandude5025d ago

it's gonna be high quality as always from insomniac.

SoSLy5025d ago

They have the most underrated games like Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, these series racked up too much hate for no reason

BiggCMan5025d ago

im glad they are keeping it a surprise. im tired of knowing everything about a game, before its even properly revealed/released etc..

karl5024d ago

it could be a multiplat title... i would love to have another ps3 exclusive

but make the announcement "we are going multiplatform" and the release an exclusive.... it just doesnt make sense.. they could have waited another year if their next game was going to keep being exclusive...

well lets keep hoping for R3... thats what i want

R2D25025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

If this is not the game that they are going to announce then I will be very dissapointed.

The Resistance universe has so much potential and yet Sony pushes it to the side.

Resistance was the first game that I played for my PS3 and I got hook day 1.

HelghastKid5025d ago

R2 felt like such a Halo clone it was ridiculous. R1 was so much better. Ill never understand why they got rid of regenerative style of R1 to R2, took much more skill.

dragon825025d ago

They tried to please all of the people who cried about the first game. GG did the same thing when they changed the controls of Killzone 2. I wish these devs would just stick true to their vision and not try to make their games like COD or Halo. If we wanted to play those games we would just buy those games.

mastiffchild5024d ago

@dragon82-you said it EXACTLY right brother. Halo was never a game that GG tried to emulate but R2 really felt like they'd tried to go too far down Bungie Avenue for comfort. It was still Resistance but not as we wanted and loved it-the co-op needs expanding as it was the best idea in the game and the online MP ran pretty much lag free with great numbers even if the big battles made the flimsy squad system completely pointless(seriously, WHY is it there?).Overall, though, they, you're right, took too much notice of what people moaned about and instead of thinking their own way round it assumed what was needed was a game more like a successful series that their gameplay already felt close to. By taking out the wea[pon whell it got closer to Halo, by making it very bright it got closer to Halo and they even seemed to manage the same amouint of auto aim assist as you get with Halo but as Halo made that it's own years ago it meant they had no chance of ever beating it.

BTW your thoughts on GG changing the superb, identit giving controls on KZX2 probably did as much to kill the online as COD MW2 releasing. They changed the heavy controls because COD fans wanted it. They didn't understand why they weren't as good at KZ2 right away and declared it "broken". they were, also, always leaving when the next COD came out anyway and the rest of us, many there since the amazing Betas, LOVED the different controls. As you so rightly said there are rrun and gun, pick up and play shooters there for us whenever we wanted to play one. What was wrong with sticking to their design ethos which pleased EVERYONE in that beta? Having their own feel would have given them loyal fans but they sold us out for those who never cared anyway!!

What GG did when patching the new controls in was lose the core who loved it how it was(mixing the play between the old and new just left those who loved the original at a loss)and those who cried at having to learn something new(and Christ how the media would have ripped GG apart at launch had the game been a COD in space anyway!)have now moved on to MW2 and BCFC2 anyway. It was a shortsighed and weak move from a developer who had been very brave up to that point with their design choices-even in the failed , over ambitious PS2 game and the excellent, granite hard PSP game Liberation.

Whatever and whoever finishes off the Resistance trilogy would do VERY well to lean closer to a FoM feel with much more, currently possible, Uncharted levels of polish. Imagine the great, oppressive atmosphere they could have as the day-glo palette of the Halo aping second game lost all that fear and loathing right away and I felt they also lacked the polish to pull that style off by being rushed out re Xmas and pre KZ2.

Hopefully, if Insomniac DO finish the series off they''ll fulfil the potential and leave a strong legac for a promising shooter series. I think it actually got so much hate because there's SO much potential there and it just got spunked away as the game got pushed under the carpet in favour of the bigger budget KZ2 which made the late control climbdown even harder for us big fans of the controls to bear. Weapon Wheel, expanded(but still from a different perspective than the main story-we don't want any LP2 campaign killing disasters here thankyou)co-op and the co-op classes added to a more structured, but still big sided multiplayer, weapon wheel, posho McBirdy narrator and oppressive, creepy atmos back for SP and we're rolling!

Anyway, bubs, Dragon, for saying it so well and, un.like myself, so concisely!!

vickers5005024d ago

"They changed the heavy controls because COD fans wanted it"

You know it's not just CoD fans that want it right? I f*cking HATE MW2, and I like Bad Company 2 a lot more, but I still don't like Killzones controls. They're easy enough to get used to, but they still feel like a chore, and they're definitely not pick up and play. Besides, reducing pad lag does NOT mean they can't make the controls still feel weighty.

Stop generalizing everybody who disagrees with you about the controls. I don't care if they're like CoD or not. In fact, I'd be more than satisfied if the controls were anything like Resistance (1 or 2), Battlefield, or any other tactical fps of recent. Theres a lot of other control alternatives that I would settle with. Don't group those of us who do not like KZ2 controls into a bunch of mindless add zombies who want all our aiming done for us.

The weight in Killzone 3 will STILL BE THERE, it will just be a bit easier to control now that they've reduced the controller pad lag.

I do agree on Resistance though. They should have kept it closer to the first game.

Pennywise5025d ago

I did too. I played R2 way more than KZ2. I enjoyed KZ2, but R2's coop kept me playing for months and months.

HelghastKid5025d ago

True R2's co-op had me hooked for months. However that was the only thing going for it. The competitive mode was terrible and the story was nowhere near as good as part 1. Still it was a fun shooter and a nice alternative to the more realistic KZ.

Pennywise5025d ago

I enjoyed the story, but the competitive was not for me... too much auto aim noob BS. You want to play me online, you will find me in a game without noob-assist.

The coop was GREAT. I hope they keep it for R3.

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XiNatsuDragnel141d ago

That's smart Sony knows what's up with that.

Reaper22_139d ago

They are just stating the obvious. Of course a game is not gonna sell as much when gamers can get it for a fraction of the cost because of subscription service. On the other hand, a subscription service can extend the life of a game by making it available to gamers who want to play it but not necessarily willing to pay full price.

What works for Microsoft doesn't necessarily have to work for Sony and vice-versa. I'm glad we have some variety. Personally, I don't want 2 consoles who are doing the exact same thing.

Crows90139d ago

Price cuts do the same thing your describing. Subscriptions aren't bringing anything new to the table.

Crows90139d ago

It's not that smart. In fact...it's not smart at all. A dumbass could figure that out. If you give a game for free or for peanuts...why would anyone pay a lot for it instead?

It's like if you had the whopper menu at 7.99 and then the whopper menu at 1.99
Same damn whopper! What item you think most will choose?

The only ones that will choose 7.99 option are those oblivious to the 1.99 option.

Hedstrom138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Yea! And to make more money if you are selling the 1.99 whooper you will have to lower the quality and make the ingredients as cheap as possible and take away the sallad and cheese. But you could pay extra to get that.

proudly_X140d ago

Clank was profitable after all

DarkZane140d ago

Would have been a lot worst if it was on PS Plus day one.


How much does Sony or Xbox pay the devolpers to put the games on the services? Do they take that into account for profit, I don't know just asking. If we pay for online giving out some games is cool either platform. The companies must think it helps in some sort of capacity for accepting the deal I would think.

purple101139d ago

Oh dam
I even commented on someone who said it wasn’t.

Load of hallabaloo on the site indeed

REDGUM139d ago

To add to you're point, this is what I don't understand about the MS subscription service. If you're getting all the day one released games for next to nothing by using thier service how on earth are the developers supposed to make enough money back to create their next game/s?
Myself, and I might be of the few, but I prefer to purchase a game from a store or digital store at the recommended price, or wait for a discount if not completely sold on what I've seen of a game so far and get what I paid for than pay monthly, yearly etc subscription & get everything while the games themselves become less in all aspects due to less funds/resources. (Not sure if I've explained that properly or not)
If every company goes down the subscription based path in the future I see gaming overall dying to some degree for the non diehards I mean. Putting up older games etc that are inc in the service fees I agree with but not day one releases. Again, just an opinion.

Hedstrom138d ago

You lower the quality of the games to make the process of making them as cheap as possible. You make them like f2p games with season passes and microtransactions. And over time you will make subscription more and more expensive.

BlackCountryBob140d ago

Also really interesting to see through to one of the sites they link to (Resetera) that the 2 cross gen titles in Miles Morales and Ghosts of Tsushima sold over 40% each of their first year in year 2, almost double what even the best performing games like GOW 2018 and Spider-Man did. Kinda seeing the cold hard numbers makes it really clear why they did cross gen games and remastered some of the later PS4 games to PS5 Directors Cuts.

Glemt140d ago

"“In year 1, Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West were very comparable,” the presentation reads. “HFW was included into PS Plus at the start of Year 2. HFW saw an enormous influx of PS Plus players, but at the cost of flat-lining the game activations from retail sales.”"

So, the data shows there were fewer traditional sales, but it doesn't show us anything about how many people joined PS+? It does say there was an influx of HFW players, but it doesn't state how many of these players owned PS+ to begin with.

To conclude that it negatively sales is correct, but it doesn't mean less money is made. We cannot draw that conclusion until we know how many more people joined PS+ because of HFW.

mkis007140d ago

Well each ps plus account is only good for what? $15 per month max if they go monthly? There are a lot of reasons why even if a million new signups happened loosing out on the $60 gamesales is a worse.

Glemt139d ago

I think that's a good assumption, but that's what I was referring to. It's an assumption. If someone comes with hard data, we need the complete picture. The way it sits now we might draw the right conclusions, but we've proven nothing.

Crows90139d ago

If sales flat lines and subscriptions don't equal the same as said purchasable game then no matter how you spin it...less money is made on that game per player

TheCaptainKuchiki140d ago

MS's bet is that although it lowers traditional sales, it makes the services more appealing and millions of new people will subscribe if they see that good games are added to the service. And in the end, the subscription profit (not revenue) will outpace that of the traditional sales.

However even after 6 years they still haven't reached that point lmao

Shane Kim139d ago

Sadly it's just Netflix of gaming. They saturate the service with garbage just to keep releases on a regular basis and to keep players hooked to the service. It won't be sustainable in the long run.

Reaper22_139d ago

There are some really good games on gamepass. That's the problem with you guys who only think one way. I'm playing Remnant 2, Dead space remake, Tomb Raider, Forza, Far cry 5, Gears Judgement, Mass Effect 3 and MLB The Show. Now please tell me which one of those are garbage?
You sound like a hater or is it you are jealous at the success of Mictosoft with gamepass.

Crows90138d ago


Far cry 5 and mass effect 3...also gears judgment was horrible

DEEHULK88136d ago

Netflix is the ONLY streaming service that is making a profit right now. In fact others are back to licensing their content to Netflix because that's a great revenue stream for them.

Crows90139d ago

Except that works for MS because most of their games barely break 1 million in sales ... They know this and try to throw shade and brag about how great subscriptions are because they were already not making much money at all.

Reaper22_139d ago

Nah, that's not true. Their games do sell. Games are getting more expensive to make and sometimes selling millions still don't make up for losses. Services like gamepass can be good for developers and the publishers. Games do sell on gamepass.

Crows90138d ago (Edited 138d ago )


Nope. It is true. Just look at estimated sales for lots of their games across the board. Except for major titles like GTA most games barely sell on Xbox. At least back when physical was the majority...now with mostly digital maybe it has changed but their audience hasn't gotten bigger.

A few outliers but the majority barely sold.

DEEHULK88136d ago

If they didn't put their games on PC and Gamepass day 1 their games would be on the charts like the 360 days, but they don't want to do that and that's okay.

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