
XSEED pessimistic about working out a deal with Namco to localize Tales games

XSEED’s Tom Lipschultz made several more comments about the possibility of his company localizing the Japan-only “Tales of” games in North America.

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polow got sol5018d ago

Their working on the 360 version of these titles

ClownBelt5018d ago

And release it on the West. That would be the ultimate irony. Lol

Redrum0595018d ago

honestly, i was dieing for this game to come to the US/PS3. But the more i hear about the new exclusive PS3 tales game, the less i care about visperia. Not trying to trash visperia, (i know its a good game) but i have so many games that i only need one tales game...And i also have a strong feeling that this exclusive tales game might be better than visperia :)

5018d ago
Noctis Aftermath5018d ago

@xbreak: what are you talking about, vesperia is widely recognized as one of the best 'tales of' games ever released, don't trash it just because you can't play it on the ps3.

I myself plan on sending scamco a email about the new PS3 tales of game.

Vesperia PS3 and Graces F won't get localized, so i'm going to focus on the one that actually has a chance.

fucadastates5017d ago

i have played the ps3 version of vesperia, and its good.. not great. but a usversion will be god to those who whont use a translation guide :)

FarEastOrient5017d ago

Come on XSeed, you are my only hope...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5017d ago
Bobbykotickrulesz5018d ago

I want to play a new Tales game.

I played Vesperia on 360 and thought it was so fun. The combat. The fucking combat, ladies and gentlemen. Screw turn based THAT combat is where it's at.

I thought the lead character in Vesperia was pretty cool too. I like playing a character that doesn't really give a shit about helping every little person. I hate those knightly idiots that always do "the right thing". Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. And sometimes, you just do shit to benefit yourself. :)

Game-ur5017d ago

Yuri is probably the only Tales lead that was mature, dependable and didn’t whine or have an identity crisis, and I liked his vigilante side, usually characters like goody naive Flint would have been the lead.

Agree with the combat, it’s the most fun in a Tales game yet, loved that you could string multiple encounters in one fight and then use critical to finish them quickly, the music was great and the animation was lovely, all of this made it the only RPG that a played for more than 100+ hours.

Count5017d ago (Edited 5017d ago )

Man, we're like opposites. I hate characters like that.

Redempteur5017d ago

well yuri is realist .. he doesn't considers himself a hero , so he has no reason to HELP everyone !!
Estelle was more in that mindset ..and of course considering her status and her past

Sarevok5017d ago (Edited 5017d ago )

@Major Jack Hoff

Aka a douche?

ZeroX98765017d ago

Namco released a tales games on the 360 and that was the major error they've done this gen. Tales of symphonia 2 wasn't that good, no open world to go into, just a mario-ish level select screen. So if you want better US and overseas sales, be smart and release it on PS3.

I hope namco listen to their fans and bring all the PS3 tales over here. I always have been a big fan of tales games and I'm seriously trying to learn japanese since a year and I can tell you that it's not easy! I've done this mostly for anime, but anime get fansubbed really fast because other fans are ready to make the effort to translate it.

That's why Namco should let another publisher bring their games over here. What do they have to lose? There's only positive thing coming from this! more fans will be buying the games, the fanbase will be a little more aware of the Tales Series if 3 games come overseas. If Tales of Graces PS3 and Tales of Vesperia PS3 Is translated and make good sales, then maybe they could try to translate the new Tales games themselves.


Tales Of Graces Ƒ Retro Review – Holding Out For a Hero

Gary Green said: Namco Bandai heard the call of many fans asking for the PlayStation release of Tales of Graces which was originally released seemingly exclusively for the Wii back in 2009. If you’re acquainted with the Tales series then Graces f won’t be something entirely new to you, yet if you’re a newcomer then you’ll find a plethora of gameplay mechanics and nuances that distinguish this series from other JRPGs. While the game finds itself following the traditional archetype of JRPGs, such as a somewhat clichéd story, Graces has something to offer to both veterans and newcomers alike.

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GoodGuy0917d ago

Odd this and the xillia games still haven't gotten remasters yet.

deleted1400d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1399d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1399d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1399d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1399d ago Replies(2)
nommers1399d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1399d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21399d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1398d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

The Tales games may be less recognizable than the Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth playing!

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PhoenixUp1735d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1735d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1735d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M