
Namco: We're Working On US Tales Releases

Since the release of Tales of Vesperia on the Xbox 360, which was followed by a Japan-only release of a Director's Cut version of the game on the PS3 which appeared to have been in the works from the beginning, as well as a plethora of Japan-only titles in the series, many have wondered if the company still cared about the series in North America and Europe. Namco Bandai has just made a statement on their official Facebook page about just that.

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xino5026d ago

it felt like they were talking about Vesperia, but it's Graces:/

oh well..don't release to US, then enjoy your failed sales and recession:/

sinncross5025d ago

Versperia should happen, but with Graces going to PS3 I suppose if they localised Graces at the very least it won't be too bad.

Hopefully they'll translate the new PS3 Tales title.

Dragun6195025d ago (Edited 5025d ago )

I think if all else fails, I think another third party should try to pick up the license and localize it for the west. Like Atlus for example because It just simply won't work with Namco of America, I mean two years now and no PS3 Tales of Vesperia.

Might as well hand it off to Atlus, they seemed to enjoy localizing PS3 exclusives with the success of 3D Dot Heroes and Demon's Souls.

Chris3995025d ago

There was a NISA thread on the PSBlog a while back - for Atelier Rorona or something - and a "red" poster (from NISA) mentioned that they would 'look into' Vesperia rights and localization (as many posters were clamoring for this). It doesn't mean much, but at least someone at NISA is AWARE of the desire to have this game come to the West for PS3 owners. Namco clearly doesn't give a shit.

I'll see if I can find the link.

Dragun6195025d ago

Yeah, I've read something about nisa considering loacalizing the game but I feel they have already have they're hands full with ar tonelico 3, atelier totori: alchemist of arland 2, and diseaga 4 but as long as we get tales of vesperia/ graces don't really care who will publish it. Though Both Atlus & nisa are the only ones I think would consider localizing the game and will deliever a grade A quality localization.

rob60215025d ago

heck they should just do a quick port of the US xbox version of vesperia and pack it in with Graces - that way they wouldn't have to worry about all the voice overs on new content, and get past sony's additional content rule for late releases. The added value would help a lot.

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KillaManiac5025d ago

Poor Patty....She wants a NA Release! :(

fatstarr5025d ago

Tales of symphonia started this boom.
i love all the tales of games. hopefully they take their heads out of their asses and localize it in the us.

ShawnCollier5026d ago (Edited 5026d ago )

Technically they are working on getting them over here, though. Now if it was saying, "Namco To Release New Tales Titles", then I could see an issue.

IMHO, anyway.

EDIT: Meant to reply to Servbot's post for this one.

supersonicsaga5026d ago

This is proabably a lie, so I'm not reading the story.

ShawnCollier5026d ago (Edited 5026d ago )

Honestly though, I don't think Namdai hates North American/European Tales fans, it's just that a lot of the recent games are either titles that won't appeal outside of Japan or are ports.

Let's face it, Vesperia PS3 wouldn't likely match X360 Vesperia's sales, almost all ports are like that, doesn't make sense to spend money on a localization on the rare chance it might turn out to outpace the original.

Besides, the most they likely can do is ask their main Japanese branch for the ability to localize, I doubt they have the ability themselves to do it (hence why they noted that in the Facebook post).

@Nitrowolf2: Having Japanese voices would make the series even more niche than it already is.

Nitrowolf25026d ago

idk mybe they can at least let english option in a japan version and have it importable
i mean thats like saying why not localize it, but if sales and stuff is what they fear releasing a full US version, then i guess the next best thing they can do is just have english option in the jap version and release it in japan only, so they would be spending as much making a bunch of unsold copies sold in other areas

SaiyanFury5025d ago

I beg to differ, Wilhelm. For the last 2 main gaming generations, the Tales games have been largely popular on Sony's PS platforms. The Tales of studio moved onto the original PS with Tales of Destiny, and Tales of Eternia. I think Tales of Vesperia on PS3 would at least equal sales considering the PS consoles are where the main proponents of the series ended up after the 16-bit generation. Japanese dialogue, extra content, more characters, and the advantage of BD will give the US version of Tales of Vesperia at least equal sales. I know I've been waiting for the PS3 version since the Xbox version as well as a great many people on here. This generation is really starving for real quality traditional JRPGs and the PS3 version of ToV would really add to the mold.

Having Japanese voices will not make the series more niche, it would appeal to those of us who prefer JRPGs in their original format even more. If some people prefer them in English, then that option is obviously available.

Mahr5025d ago

"Let's face it, Vesperia PS3 wouldn't likely match X360 Vesperia's sales"

The point with Vesperia isn't whether it would match the other version; the point is that it is financially ludicrous to refuse to localize a game where the localization is already 95% complete.

Redempteur5025d ago


kudos to you .*..because i agree 300%


Many ports did as good if not better on PS3 ..sonata dis as good , the ninja gaiden sigma did as good and the liberty city games( gta4 ) sold pretty well ..Look at yakuza 3 ..it was a game localised QUITE LATE .and it did very well

madao5025d ago

PS3 Vesperia only needs to sell like 160k copies in NA and EU combined to match 360 sales.

Schobeleth5025d ago

Vesperia sold more on the PS3 in it's first WEEK than the western release on the 360 did in it's entire lifetime. Seriously, it makes me wonder why RPG developers are still doing 360 exclusives when the install base is mostly shooter and sports fans.

I refuse to buy a 360 to further support sneaky pay-offs and poor development choices, or a bit of both. Sure WRPGs are becoming better and more prevalent but regardless the RPG fans are mostly on the Playstation. The Playstation is known for it's robust RPG lineup and diverse games in general and that's what we're seeing with the PS3 as we did with the PS2.

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Yi-Long5025d ago

... if it doesn't have the option to play with the original japanse voices.

zatrox5026d ago

I was pretty happy to see the headline, but after reading the article...they're only saying "We're aware" instead of "We're gonna do something 'bout it."
..Damn you, Namco Bandai.

ShawnCollier5026d ago

Obviously though, they won't announce something like this over Facebook when it'd be better to do it over an official press release.

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"Let Me Solo Her" Receives A Special Award From Namco Bandai For His 1000th Victory Against Malenia

Immersed Gamer writes: "Let Me Solo Her is a legendary Elden Ring player who mastered one of the most infamous bosses to help his fellow tarnished via co-op. And for his service, he received an award from Namco Bandai to commemorate his 1,000th victory. The reward in question is a real, and extremely dope, custom-made sword.

Malenia is regarded as the hardest boss in Elden Ring, and the relentless Tarnished has defended literally thousands of hosts against this malice. Let Me Solo Her apparently passed 2,000 Malenia kills a while back, but it’s hard to measure the exact count he is at now. Bandai Namco sent the gift his way when he was at around 1,000 kills. But due to the nature of the object, it got stuck in customs for a while!"

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shaenoide665d ago

Nice to see an healthy online behavior to be recognize by the dev teams.

But man.... How many hours did he spent playing Elden Ring? Not sure it's that healthy in real life 😂

But still kuddo to him :)


‘Tekken Tag Tournament’ and ‘Tekken 4’ Gets Vinyled

Laced Records has teamed up with Bandai Namco for the release of a triple vinyl-set featuring music from retro-classics Tekken Tag Tournament & Tekken 4.

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Terry_B1156d ago

Are you Okay??? The thumb is from Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

SDuck1156d ago

At least it's the right franchise

fr0sty1156d ago

TTT is one of my all time favorite games, but I always found its soundtrack to be terrible. I'd mute the music and put my own on.

deleted1400d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1399d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1399d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1399d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1399d ago Replies(2)
nommers1399d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1399d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21398d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1398d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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