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SuperSaiyan4 (1) - 6151d ago Cancel
ASSASSYN 36o (1) - 6151d ago Cancel
wildcat (1) - 6151d ago Cancel
JamieReleases (5) - 6151d ago Cancel

Fatal Inertia Demo Is Out On Xbox Live Marketplace

Fatal Inertia Demo
The price is free
The size 380.09 MB
Availability Japan and the United States
A BRAVE NEW WORLD OF COMBAT RACING! In the middle of the 22nd century mankind's thirst for excitement has spawned an evolutionary sporting event that draws from the combined disciplines of rally racing, demolition derby and high-performance aeronautics. In this brave new world of combat racing, gravity-defying machines are no longer confined to the speedways and stadiums of centuries past. In this grand spectacle of racing, the amphitheatre where drivers must prove their superiority is the untamed wilderness.

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SuperSaiyan46151d ago (Edited 6151d ago )

*sigh* Microsoft talk about Xbox Live and the meaning of the word 360 in Xbox 360 is to bring people all around the world together...

Sounds to me with regionised content they sure are NOT bringing people together but keeping them apart.

Anyways at least my USA and Japanese account still let me download games (I hope will check tonight!!)

Sayai jin6151d ago

Hey I like the usename. (Back on topic) It's okay. I am an america that lives in Germany, so this sucks sometimes. They usually release it later.

As far as MS bringing people to gether I have to disagree. What service brings people together the way Live does. Just last night I was playing with people from Argentina, USA, UK, Poland, etc. I used to have a Japanese account when I lived in Japan and I still have a couple of Japanese friends.

ShiftyLookingCow6151d ago

you will be glad you missed this one

DiLeCtioN6151d ago

is this game for 360 only i thought its multi-plat

sjappie6151d ago

Now it's not even coming to ps3 anymore, if I'm correct.

ShiftyLookingCow6151d ago (Edited 6151d ago )

@sjappe, the team behind the game had problems with UE3 on PS3 and thats why they at first "indefinitely" delayed it and then announced that they will release it sometime in 2008 for PS3. Just curious you a fan of Jericho?

sjappie6151d ago

Why do you ask, if I may ask?

ShiftyLookingCow6151d ago

ah I see the avatar is from Scarface, for a second I was thinking it was Jericho, sorry for my moronic question, btw good choice

ps. did I guess wrong again?

sjappie6151d ago

I got it from xbl marketplace. You gotta love Tony Montana.

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SuperSaiyan46151d ago

Just that the demo is on the Xbox 360, they keep saying its on PS3 then its not then it is then its not, I assume it will be on the PS3.

But at present this is 360 related since its the 360 demo.

FeralPhoenix6151d ago (Edited 6151d ago )

I'll give it a try. Yeah, I wish I knew why alot of stuff ends up being US and Japan only. Is it industry red-tape....I know some things like movies DL's especially have restrictions. -I'm curious to know exactly "why" this happens so often.

ShiftyLookingCow6151d ago (Edited 6151d ago )

Demo Impressions: The game is a total sucker. Horrible music. Horrible gameplay. Horrible framerates. WTH? Who is going to pay for 380MB of wasted bandwidth and 10 minutes of my life? I wonder who will pay 60 bucks for this.

batman2million6151d ago

the controls are terrible. It took me a while to get it but it's still a hassle to control that sucker. There are a lot of graphic pop ups, and the weapons are nothing new. Graphics are pretty but it's nothing to die for.

thats the thing i like bout live, i get to try the game before buy/rent it. I wont be doing either with this one..

ShiftyLookingCow6151d ago

"so whats in the demo?" a load of **** seriously

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Limbo, Inertia! win 2011 Indie Game Challenge at DICE

Limbo and Xbox Indie title Inertia! have won the second annual Indie Game Challenge at DICE. Sponsored by The Guildhall at SMU, GameStop and the AIAS, the winners will each receive $100,000 and an EEDAR DesignMetrics title research assessment valued at $15,000.

Limbo, which we felt was one of the best games of 2010, took the grand prize in the "professional" category, along with another prize of $2,500 for achievement in art direction

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PALGN: PSN Review Round-up

Welcome to PALGN's PlayStation Network Review Round-Up. At the start of every month, this article will be dedicated to reviewing the titles that have been released during the past month on the PlayStation Network and give our verdict as to whether they are worth a download or not. We're a little bit behind, so this particular round-up will feature a couple of months worth of releases for your pleasure.

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Dark Zero Review: Fatal Inertia EX

Dark Zero writes: "Fatal Inertia EX is the PlayStation 3 release of the year-old Xbox 360 game Fatal Inertia and is available now as a download from the PlayStation Store, for a fee of course.
Set in a futuristic world where mega-corporations control everything from government to entertainment, Fatal Inertia has become the most popular, and dangerous, pastime. The best drivers race in cars that hover over all types of ground, from molten lava to coastal inlets.

Sounds exciting doesn't it? Unfortunately, in the early stages of the game it isn't. I know that the earlier levels are supposed to be easy for beginners to grasp the controls, but in my eyes they were just uneventful, boring and didn't make me thrilled about playing on. Fortunately I did, otherwise this would be a very short review, and by the time you get halfway through the 'Professional League' it gets a bit trickier and somewhat more enjoyable. The tracks are short which means that the races are quick and if you get stuck in the crowd with the rest of the racers, it can get very chaotic, which is where the races get interesting. A side effect of the tracks being fairly short, sometimes the race is over before you know it and suddenly you're in second when you thought you could overtake the guy in front on the next corner to take home a win which gets a bit annoying.
The races are based on six different areas with all the course"

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