
Is Uncharted 2....Overrated?

Uncharted 2 was a big hit last year for the PS3. It received multiple high score reviews, as well as Game Of The Year awards. With that said, is Uncharted 2 overrated?

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aviator1895063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

One of these articles again?
The one simple answer is....not at all. While not all the aspects of the game are near perfect, the game deserves the universal praise unlike some other games..... MW 2...

LOL at the disagrees.

-Alpha5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Actually I don't mind the article, but I get what you say-- every game gets this treatment, especially popular ones that get questioned like this.

A lot of people say UC2 is flawless or perfect, and I'm OK with that opinion, but if anything, I had a few gripes with it. I wouldn't say it's overrated, but I wouldn't say it's as perfect as some may make it out to be.

I don't mind the article criticizing some aspects of Uncharted 2. No need to feel as if the article is attacking any of you. I don't think the title is that great though, because the content of it doesn't justify, answer, or attempt to discuss the issue created, but none of the things I read in this article make me conclude it's "overrated"

There is no way around it: if the article title was changed it'd still feel like flamebait because many people will get offended by the thought of Uncharted 2 getting criticized in any way.

PoSTedUP5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

but do i have to turn on my n4g "quality filter" b4 this hits front page? YES

lociefer5063d ago

why does every noname site has to bash a pefect game for hits

Noctis Aftermath5063d ago

Uncharted 2 isn't perfect, but it's flaws are small and there is just so much great things in this game that the amount of praise it has received has been completely justified in my eyes.

So no i do not think it's overrated.

brazilianbumpincher5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

... i know....TADAAAAA

SonySoldiers5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

is rather too offensive to some sort of baboons

If you feel like a phantom baboon, please bash the article by clicking on the Disagree button here NOW

ico925063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

is uncharted 2 overrated ? no

is it perfect ? probaly not

is it the closest an action game this gen will ever to perfect ? yes

People praise uncharted 2 because theres really nothing wrong with it ,its one of the most polished games ever released, i read this article and the guys problems with the game are his own personal problems,whereas the majority of reviewers and gamers have praised the game for aspects he didnt like, this guys just being overly critical.
And besides who cares Uncharted 2 has been out for like 8 months its an amazing game get over it.

-Alpha5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

I'm not disagreeing with you Ico, what exactly are you replying to?

ico925063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

basicly im trying to point out that your comment is pretty similar to the guy writing the article, i remember you saying a while ago that you thought uncharted 2 was overrated and thats fine where all entitled to our opinion, but it seems peoples gripes with the game are their own problems , theres really nothing wrong with the game.

Cregan45845063d ago

Game went to hell with all the recent multiplayer changes. Play it before you disagree.

-Alpha5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

I don't think I've ever used the word overrated with UC2. Can u point me to where I said it? I really hate explaining this all the time because I come off as somebody who is just bitching about N4G, but I do it anyway:

I have however said that I had gripes with it, and that it was hard to express them because people would instantly think I was bashing the game. This article at least allows a proper time to discuss UC2's flaws, but even then people are bashing it just because he is bashing a popular game. If UC2 is overrated it's in the sense that people think it's perfect and are close-minded to criticisms supporting those gripes. If "Perfect" is the main consensus then I can see why someone would say it's overrated. People are getting bent out of shape over someone else expressing an opinion, and that's hypocritical because I'm sure there are popular games we all played that we didn't agree were as great as others saw it. So why treat someone who disagrees with UC2 any different? Come on, the mob-mentality around here needs to be broken.

I understand articles like this are usually flamebait. I don't even think he presents a strong argument and I think the quality is poor, but people get mad and don't respect people's opinions if they are different and that is not fair. Yet, I'll see a Halo game get bashed perfectly fine around here as if it's factually correct.

Why do you think my comment is similar to that of the authors when I'm only supporting the right to have an opinion? I don't mind seeing articles like this, but I think the writer didn't do a good job presenting the article/question properly. But to think he isn't allowed to criticize a game or post an article criticizing something popular is childish. Anyways, that's all I was trying to say. No matter what this will be seen as flamebait, only because people will allow themselves to take it so personally. Anyways, don't mean to defend the article, because I don't agree it does a good job, but I don't want to knock it down simply because it's criticizing a popular game like other may be doing.

ChronoJoe5063d ago

Same. I had a few gripes with it, but I think it did what it was trying to do, quite perfectly. Whilst personally It would have been, of my preferences if there were some changes, with art being subjective, and all that. Then considering the game does, what it sets out to do, almost perfectly, it should only be judged respective to it's intentionality.

It doesn't try to be a deep, action adventure RPG, as I'd want it, but does manage to be a fantastic action game. Whilst not to my taste, it is definitely quite brilliant.

However, if you read this article it does seem to be... well pretty biased. Immediately I got the impression the community was a relatively 'hardcore' one, whereas Uncharted targets accessibility, they appear to have a problem with Uncharteds lack of learning curve, which is understandable coming from there perspective, but in the end not good journalism. Suitable for some sort of forum rant, perhaps, but I wasn't too happy with this particular opinion piece being on N4G.

-Alpha5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Here are some criticisms I personally had:

-Puzzles were WAY too easy, they were there just for filler (I have reasoned that it would kill the pace if they were super hard, but they lacked using your brain to solve puzzles completely-- look at your book and match the pictures isn't a puzzle, it's a filler task. I wanted something a little more challenging for puzzles)
-Boss fights lacked imagination, all very redundant and resorted to the same "run around in a circle and blindfire" tactic, especially the last one
-Stealth missions were a little easy and AI wouldn't notice me even if I was pretty close to them
-This isn't really a gameplay issue, but I was disappointed with the trophies as they were copy and pasted from UC1

I wont criticize the multiplayer but I can point a few issues for it. However I wont because I believe the game is perceived as a single player and will judge that instead.

I think my gripes are valid, I perceive people disagreeing but am I wrong, are you just upset that I'm criticizing the game?

Now, with all those issues, I loved the game for many reasons, pretty much all the reasons that have already been covered. Just because I had gripes and didn't think it was perfect doesn't mean the game sucked or that I didn't like it. Yet, that's the mentality people have around here. If you aren't 100% on board with something they treat you like your some kind of hater.

If I were to write this article I'd title it "Gripes with UC2", but no matter what I'd get flamed just because I am criticizing something popular. And if people are going to let their emotions get in the way of reasoned criticisms then they are being pretty unreasonable. The writer has a right to make this article. Don't attack him for attacking the game, attack him for not doing a good job at it. ChronoJoe put it best, these sort of opinions should be on a forum post, not glorified as something for N4G.

ico925063d ago

now im obviusly not going to go back 8 months ago to find a specific comment but lets just say you didnt thonk it was that great.

Now the point im trying to make is , what were your gripes, was it broken controls, ugly graphics, glitches,difficulty, bugs ? now people don't thnk uncharted 2 is perfect, because from what i've seen on this website most ps fans would probaly agree on MGS4 being a more perfect game, its not that the game is perfect that makes it great, because its not perfect, its because as far as an action game goes theres really nothing wrong with it, and i've said this before most peoples problem with the game are their own personal issues, not the game itself.

And regarding Halo 3 peole say Halo 3 is an overrated game because of the insane marketing behind it, dont get me wrong its a great game, but was it so good the it desrvered its own drink? a commercial every 5 minutes ? G4 specials, slogans, pop up ads on on every website you visted ? microsoft shoved the Halo name down your throat the week it came out, and top top it off i remember EDGE sayin " forget game of the year how abut game if the decade"....riiigght ok edge.

-Alpha5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Why are you so upset it got its own ads and stuff? Halo was marketed because it was marketable. It was a popular universe of comics, ads, drinks, etc. but that has NOTHING to do with the GAME.

If the Halo name has all these drinks, and ads, etc. that's criticizing the popularity of the game, but not the game itself.

You are upset over Edge thinking it was game of the decade? Do you know how many highly critical games got comments like that? Many. A lot of games have been called "the best ever". That is definitely hype talking but why single out Halo?? I don't get the Halo hate, I swear it stems from jealousy. You are so upset with EDGE saying that, but you fail to see those sort of over-exaggerated comments are made ALL the time.

Many sites use the word "best" or try to express that a game is top of it's class or genre but why single out Halo? Now notice that I have no problem with you criticizing Halo. But people seem to be OK with criticizing Halo, but HATE when something like UC2 gets criticized. That's my only problem, and I think people shouldn't excuse this article on that grounds. Hell people in this thread alone admitted to not reading the article and dismissing it SOLELY because it criticized UC2. Don't you see the problem?

I disagree with this article, but I don't disagree with it because it's criticizing UC2, I disagree because it shouldn't be an article, it's just a rant/opinion that isn't of the best quality.

AAACE55063d ago

Uncharted 2 is one of the best games I have ever played!

ReservoirDog3165063d ago

I only really had one problem with Uncharted 2 overall: that train level was a bit too long.

That's it really.

One of the only things keeping me from the platinum for it is the extremely long list of treasures. But it really was one of my favorites ever (see bio).

edhe5063d ago

"Quality Filter" doesn't work...

... the comments don't ever 404 on me...

Eric Barrier5063d ago

Train Level too long?!? Blasphemy! That level was amazing and if anything should have been a bit longer.

Jake3605063d ago

I'm playing UC2 at the moment and it's a brilliantly looking game and it sounds fantastic. But, I have found some of the fighting dull. But it is all made up with some good puzzles. Kinda like RE5.

Theonetheonly5062d ago

Does elmer fudd have trouble with the letter "R"


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Darkstorn5063d ago

Uncharted 2 is not necessarily overrated, but it's also not the best game of this generation. Can we all just agree that it's excellent?

gta_manic5063d ago

which is the current best game of this gen, Uncharted 2 is for me or maybe batman:AA

MorganX5063d ago

I can agree with that. It probably is the best looking game of its type.

MorganX5063d ago

Best game is subjective. Even if I agree it's the prettiest, I personally enjoyed Resident Evil 5 more.

Also, beautiful graphics are subjective as well, but there's no denying the great art in Uncharted 2.

peowpeow5063d ago

Personally my top games this gen were Mass Effect 2 and Uncharted 2

RememberThe3575063d ago

But Uncharted 2 is not over rated; maybe by some but not generally. Uncharted 2 is one of the best games this generation. And it is the best looking game this gen as well. I'm really not willing to say the graphics is subjective; art style, yes, but not pure graphical detail.

Darkstorn5063d ago


I agree with you that Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game this gen (so far) and that Uncharted 2 is the best looking console game (so far).

bnaked5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

It's definitely the most polished game ever released!

I've never seen such a high quality video game before..

Uncharted 2 deserves all the praise! Naughty Dog are the kings of grafics, characters, voice acting, story telling, action, animations, and so on.. It's incredible!

Nobody should downplay Uncharted 2.

The article fails..

edit: MGS4 is the Nr.1 experience this gen imo, but just for fans of the series.
I just think, that Uncharted 2 is what video games are all about.. Entertainment of it's best..

specialguest5063d ago

There were other games I enjoyed playing more than Uncharted 2. (Keyword: I)

gamerzBEreal175062d ago

yea cod4 gears of war MGS4 god of war3 dead space theres way to many games but uncharted2 is one of the greatest games this gen and the multiplayer gets boring after awhile? LOL i never stoped playing with trophies to earn online GET THE new DLC packs siege new skins and platinum the game and i promise u you will have the time of your life its one of the few games that are fun to platinum and to easy? try playing on hard/crushing this article is just stupid

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pain777pas5063d ago

You don't belong in the industry dumb ass. You know nothing about gaming seriously. You should be ashamed as a gamer to spew your BS. I hate gaming journalism because of aholes like you. Your the type that because Nintendo made the WII and you don't like it Ocarina of time is now a dated boring old game when in truth it is a landmark title for its gen just like Uncharted 1 and 2 are for this gen. Do not write shut down your site your pointles.

Rocket Sauce5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )


HSx95063d ago

Is the Author....Mentally Challenged?

ABizzel15063d ago

That's like asking is the earth flat.

Inside_out5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

MW2 completely destroyed this game in sales for one reason only...It's 10x better...Better on-line, better story, better soundtrack, better everything. Gamers buy games, MW2 outsold UC2 by millions and millions even on its own console. Have a vote tomorrow among people who actually play games and UC2 wouldn't win anything. The DLC for MW2 even outsold UC2. MW2 is the peoples champ 2009 and beyond. The media made UC a poster boy for gaming because MW2 had the airport scene that freaked everybody out.

Indiana Drake and the lost cause does nothing original...cover system stolen from Gears, story from Indiana Jones, platforming from Prince of Persia-sands of time without any of the cleverness. Indiana Drake and his AK-47 is as last gen as it gets in game play. It's 75% pre-rendered/green screen graphics. ND is only to happy to share this info with the few who bothered to watch the extra features in the game. It should be on the Wii, that's its demographic.

Thankfully, that's one award the paid media will never be able to GIVE UC, the most sold and the most profitable. You have to EARN those through giving the gamers what they want...ON CONSOLES.

Studio-YaMi5063d ago

such a troll...

Most of your comment is cracked with too many holes
but since you only have one bubble (and thank God for that)
I wont even try to debate your trolling statement..

Good day to you

djfullshred5063d ago

Interesting take on this. Personally, I have found that most of the biggest selling pop culture entertainment (music, movies, games), are somewhat nuetered in their creativity, and subject to blandness due to being crafted to appeal to as many people as possible. MW2 is the poster child for appealing to the mass market.

Avatar was the biggest selling movie. Was it better than every other movie that came out? Haha, not bloody likely.

MorganX5063d ago

And all FPS' are cheap knock-offs of Wolfenstein 3D?

playstation_clan5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

halo 3 says hi

Scotland-The-Brave5062d ago

lol hilarious, you are so delusional that you actually believe the garbage spewing out of your mouth

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MadMan005063d ago

See it's all about the Bias...Now if a site like this said something about Gears of war people like you would agree in a hear beat...why? Because people are fanboys or bias...Me on the other hand I don't give a shit about UC2, GoW, Halo, Gears, etc. I wont touch those 5-7 hour games and same old FPS bullshit...Yeah the graphics are good but old school gamers don;t give a shit about that, we are used to it.

RPGs are win, at least you can play it for more then a few days and not sit online and listen to little kids cuss and run around doing the same thing over and over online.

But hey, this is my opinion and I'm 100% sure more people will disagree me, espically since we are on N4G ( AKA Ps3 home land ).

tplarkin75063d ago

In UC2, a guy hands a gun to Nathan, and Nathan winces at the thought of using it. The guy then comforts poor Nathan by saying that the gun doesn't actually kill. Nathan then reluctantly takes the gun.

If Nathan was in CoD, Captain Price would call him "Man purse" Drake. Because, that's where he keeps his pea shooter.

sikbeta5063d ago

UC2 Won Loads of Awards for Being an AMAZING Game, Pointless article...

maddhatter1235063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

lol you got to love fanboys months after it released and they are still feeling bitter and angry like it lauched just yesterday. you clowns can try and downplay it all you want that won't change the fact it is the best game this gen and one of the best all time. over 3.5 million sold, over 150 awards 30+ being goty more then most games even get nominated and 96 on metacritics speaks for itself. funny how super mario galaxy 2 and mass effect 2 can't stay relevant for even a week but uncharted 2 is still on people's mind.

goflyakite5062d ago

Actually I just started to play it again (yesterday) to go after the platinum.

Not at all over rated, so much detail in this game it's almost unbelievable.

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Newtype5063d ago

Not overrated, most people still don't know what Uncharted is and who Nathan Drake is.

Anorexorcist5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

Get this troll outta here! *I say that Gotti Style*

The bed underneath your bridge is getting cold.

Deathracer5063d ago

Did you even bother to read the article? While I don't agree with everything the author wrote, there are a few things I do agree with on the MP side.

saint_john_paul_ii5063d ago (Edited 5063d ago )

i dont have to read, it reads me.

(you know im just joking)

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Abnor_Mal1467d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1466d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1466d ago (Edited 1466d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1467d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1467d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931466d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1502d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1502d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.