
Why the FF Versus 13 confirmation is bogus

Examiner: "Although it makes perfect sense for Final Fantasy Versus XIII to be going multiplatform after the recent success of Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360, there is no way a huge megaton announcement like this would be mentioned in a one sentence blurb tucked away in the corner of a page."

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Joule5062d ago

Nobody wants a crippled game.

Xander7565062d ago

LoL I don't think a 360 version would ruin the game.

Joule5062d ago

Look how FF13 came out :X

ThanatosDMC5062d ago

Expect it a huge amount of content to be cut if it becomes multiplat... remember MS doesnt want a lot of disks per game. I doubt they want to stomach more than 4 dvds.

Donny5062d ago

keep this game exclusive to maximize its potential.

- Ghost of Sparta -5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

XIII had no towns, was linear as lines, no shops, no airships, etc. All of which are included in Versus XIII. You were saying?

Wada was shocked at the reaction of the 360 rumor and went on to deny the existence of it.


I doubt he'd be able to sleep ever again knowing he has rabid Square-Enix fanboys stalking his every move. As pointed out, E3 just passed. Why didn't Microsoft say anything about it? This isn't the first time Game Informer reports on false information. Seems to me like they simply passed a baseless rumor as fact.

ThanatosDMC5062d ago

It'll end up like this again: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

FF13 gets booed on stage.

glassjoe2k85062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

It's pathetic that a fanboy internet rumor can be kicked around so long that it actually becomes gospel somewhere!!! Fucking astounding!

Did FFX13 have minor visual downgrades on 360? Sure. Was the video/audio somewhat compressed? Yep. Did either of these things have an effect on the PS3 version? Nope.

As to the questions of content, it has been claimed by the game's producer that ideas were cut, but that happens in EVERY video game. Developers shoot for the moon and then dial back. If anything had ever been made, it would be dlc by now. They said themselves nothing else was programmed, and we know the decision for a 360 port wasn't even made until a few years into production, not to mention the conversion didn't happen until AFTER the PS3 version was completed.

This game, as everyone associated with it has said, was meant to capture a new audience, one who wanted fast paced action without all the plodding conventions of old rpg's (i.e. TOWNZ!!!111). It was marketed using western pop/r&b for god's sake! Grow up kids, and get real lives and stop making up lies.

nnotdead5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

you are right glass. as of right now there is no proof, only speculation, that the 360 caused any sort of down grade to FFXIII.

also would like to say, i am 25 or so hours into FFXIII and the game is great. i don't understand the hate that this games is getting.

rockleex5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

The game is still exactly the same as it was the first 5 hours.

All the characters are still in almost exactly the same situation they were in 40 hours ago.

What exactly happened in those 40-50 hours? Nothing.

They could have taken out the story and I wouldn't even notice, because that's how lacking it was.

The gameplay only consisted of corridors after corridors of fighting. No exploration. No information gathering. No world development.

The only exploration you get is AFTER you have reached the end of the game and realize that although you can now explore, the exploration consists of just MORE FIGHTING.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5062d ago
MadMan005062d ago

LOL, people just jumping on the wagon, people forget to look at the fact SE has sucked for quite sometime now...360 has nothing to do with it.

SE has sucked this Gen, simple as that.

Myze5062d ago

Squenix as a whole has sucked this generation. However, Nomura is one of the few developers they still have that I have some faith in. Also, Squenix has not released one exclusive ps3 game, so it's impossible to know for sure if they would make a better game if they were limited less.

I also sincerely believe the game will lose content if it's restricted by going multiplatform. RPGs are very different from other game types. They usually contain far more locales, and in the case of a FF game, it will be loaded with cutscenes, a huge soundtrack, etc.

That, on top of the stuff that vsXIII is going to have such as semi-open world, airships, huge locations, etc. You can't have a game like that work on just a couple of DVD discs, because a huge chunk of that data will have to be repeated on each disc. To make room for all the cutscenes and disc-unique music, they will be able to fit very little other than that and the repeated stuff.

To all the 360-loyalists: this isn't about graphics. While I do believe the game would look better overall as an exclusive (as most exclusives do), I'm sure it would still look ok as multiplatform. However, I know I'm not ignorant enough to believe they wouldn't cut content from BOTH versions to make sure one version isn't inferior. That is a poor business practice, but Wada is a poor CEO. Release inferior games, and sooner or later that little bit of extra you make at first will dwindle to nothing when no one wants the mediocrity you produce.

Xander7565062d ago

I agree SE isn't what they used to be. Final Fantasy hasn't been good since FF9. I think they need to make a new old school RPG. Like how Capcom made an old school Megaman. I think an old style RPG would sell well on the arcade.

xskipperx825062d ago

FFXIII was planned from the beginning to be the way that it was. The 360 port didn't change a thing.

glassjoe2k85062d ago

Your repulsive physical appearance and immature love of lame internet memes is what's astounding to me...

hot4play5062d ago

You actually believe that? :(

5062d ago Replies(2)
ALFAxD_CENTAURO5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Nomura is the Chief of this Project, not Wada.

And Nomura being a Chief of this Final Fantasy, it is 99% sure it will stay Exclusive for PS3.

If Wada was working on Versus, it is more than 50% Versus would be multiplatform. But Wada is not the Chief and not working on Versus.

Nomura it is like Hideo Kojima on real MGS Series. So expect something epic.

Wada take the whole project of FFXIII as the Chief, and Nomura only had 1 role (Main Character Designer) in that game and look how it turned out that Final Fantasy.

Now Nomura is the Chief in FFXIII Versus with 4 Roles, Director, Character Main Designer, Base Story and Producer (like FFVII).

Do you agree that Final Fantasy VII is one of the best FF ever created?

Why? Because Nomura was the chief of that project, also with Kingdom Hearts and he was working in Advent Children and a lot FF Games without Wada.

Wada is not working in this FF Versus.

Didn't you guys read that article saying Nomura threatened Wada to leave Square Enix if Wada make FFXIII Versus multiplatform?

glassjoe2k85062d ago

If I was born in the 1990's, yeah I might agree FF7 is 'teh best evar!!111', but I wasn't and I won't. It was fun for a console rpg designed during its era, but nothing more.

An unlikable 'hero', a poor translation, a muddled plot, goofy dialogue, and a mediocre battle system do not make for an epic rpg.

Redrum0595062d ago

I didn't know numora threatn to leave enix, thatz some real ass shit. To hell with wada.

DigitalAnalog5062d ago

Your comment:

"Did FFX13 have minor visual downgrades on 360? Sure. Was the video/audio somewhat compressed? Yep. Did either of these things have an effect on the PS3 version? Nope."

I really hate repeating myself to people like you. Here's a quote from Nomura below:

"Also on his stance on the PlayStation 3 in regards to Final Fantasy XIII at that time being exclusive to that platform, Nomura stated via QJ.net “It’s not just about how pretty the graphics are but more of how much limited amount of movement we can put on one go and how big our imagination and ideas are." (NOT ABOUT GRAPHICS AND MORE AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT, something that is CLEARLY lacking in FFXIII).

"The PS3 is the machine that is closest to being able to express our imagination" <-- There, he said it.

-End statement

Redrum0595062d ago


Ppl just don't understand that ff13 was gimped because of DVD9.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5062d ago
Omega45062d ago

Likely be timed SE can't ignore a 1ml userbase from FF13

Sunny_D5062d ago

Hmmm, well I think when another consoles sells more than triple the amount of another console. I think they can ignore it. Plus, how many of those sales weren't actual bundles? I mean if they were selling bundles, it's not like the consumer wanted it in the first place.

Xander7565062d ago

That doesn't make sense. Why would someone buy the FF13 bundle when it costs more than just the console if they didn't want FF13?

Newtype5062d ago

I sell them, and people just wanted the extra controller. They end up selling FFXIII though.

andfed5062d ago

It doesn´t work like that in the real world. It sold more on the ps3 that on the 360, but SE made more money than just release it as an exclusive. They couldnt care less wich system sold more copies, they just want to broad their sales as much as they can

Redrum0595062d ago

Actualy, u r wrong, it cost them more money to make a port for the 360 then they made on sales, ff13 barely sold on 360 worldwide to be able to make a big enough profit for their porting costs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5062d ago
fantasygamer5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Buy a PS3 if you want it Omega4. ^-^

Lionhead5062d ago

Omega would have to give up his trolling ways if he owned a PS3 though

He can't do that

Loyal to Microsoft til the end, keep spreading the good word about Microsoft to us all Omega.


Deathracer5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

According to you I'm a troll, but I own a PS3 so what does that make me?

Honestly FF for me has gone down the hill since 8, so I could care less what happens to FF unless that remake of 7 ever happens, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

EDIT: I'm not the one getting offended, you always seem to pop up on my comments saying how much of a troll I am, so it seems your the one who is offended. You can say what ever you want about me, I don't care. I just want to know what you think I am since I own a PS3 yet you call me a troll. Also I do know what I am, I'm a gamer and I enjoy all types of games what ever the platform may be, which is exactly why I own a PS3 and an Xbox.

Yea your right, I got offended /s

Lionhead5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Anything I'd say you would take offense to, so why bother?

You know what you are.

Looks like someone got offended.

ViciousBoston5062d ago

my Best Buy (I work there) still has all 4 each store was alloted. I tried to sell one and a customer laughed at me and walked off. I was kinda happy at it though lol.

Newtype5062d ago

Dude, I work at Best Buy too. It's hard to sell an Xbox to people when the PS3 is right next to it.

KILLERAPP5062d ago

Is probably time exclusive, it comes out on PS3 for six months to a year and latter comes out on 360, MS has another big stupid announcement at E3 like FF13… Is all about the money after all, even if they have cut half of the game they will put it on 6 discs if they have too to make fit and sell it…

5062d ago
LordMarius5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Has anybody actually reached out to Gameinformer and find out if it was an error or not instead of just speculating

JD_Shadow5062d ago

No, just like no one has dared to even TOUCH this rumor PERIOD so far beyond the no-name blogs, the blogs and fanboys that are hoping and praying that it does happen only to get bragging rights (and shun off whoever brings up any common sense, most gamers are against a multiformat announcement for the game), and those that don't want it to be true for the game's sake. No one has contacted GI, and no one that we know of has even contacted SE about it.

You'd think at SOME point that SOMEONE would actually try to get it confirmed or denied, because apparently Wada's backpedal wasn't enough for anyone to shut up about this and people are still talking about and are concerned that it will hamper the game's quality or release date, and if this is true, then that means that SE has heard all of the gamers and listened to NONE of them, and are bigger liars than we thought they were already.

Xander7565062d ago

Well it is GameInformer Austrailia and I have no idea how I would go about contacting them to ask about this.

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

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gold_drake16d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies16d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix16d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled16d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia148d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog148d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake148d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic146d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan147d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman148d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator148d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno147d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior148d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake148d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.