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Don't Fall for PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus shocked attendees when it was formally announced at Sony's E3 conference on Tuesday. Though PlayStation Network will continue to offer online gameplay and PlayStation Store access for free, Sony is offering its userbase a chance to pay a little more upfront in order to save more in the long run. At least that's what Sony would like you to think.

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Community5100d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5100d ago

God forbid Sony should try to make some extra cash by giving us the OPTION to have exclusive features.

I'm getting just for the guaranteed beta invites.Everything else is a nice bonus.

sixaxis5100d ago

dont whine, the current situation is exactly as it is, PSN is free!, so no money, no upgrades, yes in june (when premium launches), things may change, but ya think it will change this year?hell no! maybe we hear something in nexts years GDC.

voice_of_ reason5100d ago

You live a sad, lonely life, and I am truly for sorry that your existence on earth revolves around trolling n4g...

GreenRingOfLife5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

im definitely getting it

if it is anything like Xbox Live it will be totally worth it

im pumped

edit: 1.1.1 is an imposter

maddhatter1235100d ago

greenringoflife and greenringsoflife really? -_-

BWS19825100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

now we have GROL with a schism in his personality, they're trying to call each other out. The narcissism is so much it boiled over and necessitated a new persona.

That said...I don't understand the argument, the author sounds like a butthurt fanboy, insisting all of this is Sony's obligation to the current free structure. NOTHING'S CHANGING WITH THAT STRUCTURE, it's still free and as convenient as before. Sure, you can argue the point IS nothing's changing and instead the changes go to premium, paying customers, but, if you want that stuff that bad, fork over the dough. If not, stop whining about it and be grateful that Sony still lets gamers have all they already had for the whopping bargain of ZERO dollars. There are no indications at all right now that Sony has abandoned the core base who sticks with the free PSN, they still have the better deal with online gaming.

The author is reaching, sorry.

ReservoirDog3165100d ago

Something I wonder though is what happens to game sharing if your account has this playstation plus attached to it? Can you redownload the games they give you to your other PS3 or is it completely linked to that console? And if not the free ones they give, what about the stuff they give a discount for that you buy?

It's actually a serious question to those who have 2 PS3s. And I haven't heard anyone else ask it before me.

Theonik5100d ago

Haha, now there is 2 of them. GreenRingofLife and GreenRingsoflife.
Notice the S.

deadpoole5100d ago

you get to try game for one hour before you buy it ... total worth it ... I dont have to pay pesky 10.00 quids every month. This is a effing awesome deal ... plus you are gettin LBP as well ... I say one year deal for Psn+ is already justified for the amount of content they are offering.

Dr-ZOOM5100d ago

For real there's two of them now I'm confused :(

shqype5100d ago

Except PS+ is NOTHING like Xbox Live!

The Playstation Network is more akin to Xbox Live, the main difference being that the PSN is FREE and XBL costs $50 a year. Their primary function is to allow gamers to play games online, and provide the other basic features we've come to expect in an online service.

PS+ is very different. In fact, the only similarity between PS+ and XBL is the cost of $50 a year.

What makes PS+ different is that it is almost like a customer rewards program of a sort. Being a subscriber nets you exclusive benefits and discounts on the PS Store. Examples include Qore access, early invitations to game betas and game demos, the full-hour demos that give you the option of purchasing the game and keeping any progress/unlocked trophies, discounts on things you purchase from the PS Store, and access to 4 new games every month. In some ways, it is like having a BJs Wholesale Club membership: yea, you may pay $100 each year to remain a member, but the exclusive club discounts make it worth your while.

PS+ gives value because of the content that it provides at a really low cost. Many people aren't happy that the four free games they receive every month are only theirs while they subscribe. Have those people ever rented any videogames? A Blockbuster rental may run you $7.99 each, and you get only 5 days to play the game. A GameFly rental costs you roughly $22 a month to have 2 games out at a time. PS+ costs you $50 a year to "rent" 48 different games ... except these rentals don't last for a few days, but the whole duration of your subscription: maybe one year, maybe five years.

So while the games they allow you to download are only accessible while you subscribe, the content you buy from the PS Store using the PS+ discounts is yours to keep. I'm unsure how big the discount will be, but I'm confident that it will pay for itself for a moderate PSN purchaser. Add in everything else that PS+ offers, and you've saved a lot of money.

Cross Game Chat is not a feature of PS+. It will be incorporated in a firmware update coming soon, as part of the original PSN service. PS+ is a way to give gamers more value for their money, and to have them more easily exposed to Playstation's content, and on the consoles, there's nothing else like it.

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ThatCanadianGuy5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Did i say the basic PSN was going to change? Perhaps i should space out the letters to make it stand out even more, it's a..


UnSelf5100d ago

how can u fall for it?

its totally optional (facepalm)

Rainstorm815100d ago

Cant wait to see what partners will be added for PSN+.....Best thing about it is if you are unsure ,dont get it, and enjoy PSN as you have been.

vhero5100d ago

Or try the 3 month trial! I mean if your not sure at least try it there is nothing to lose and you get 3 months worth of games to play for free and get to keep all the themes and avatars you download.

Wanyal5100d ago

Why does everyone assume you get a 3 month free trial? You don't Sony said that if you buy a year of Playstation Plus, you 3 months extra for free. It's not a trial at all.

Image was taken from

lordgodalming5100d ago

Tretton made it sound like there would be a general 3-month free trial for everyone, but as you pointed out, the PS Blog clearly shows you have to buy a year to get the free 3 months EXTRA. I'm confused.

Omega65100d ago


Did your dumbass really just say that? Does your butthurt so much that your brain is feeling the pain too? Next time, think before you type.

badz1495100d ago

now we have Omega6 instead of 4!

zireno5100d ago

I'm going to give it a shot and sign up for 1 year when it launches, if I don't like what I'm getting I simply won't renew my subscription and continue to play online for free :)

Elwenil5100d ago

I'll give it a shot. I believe they said the first 3 months would be free, so that's a bit of a bonus. Hell at $18 for 3 months it's probably worth that just to give it a shot. If you find it's not a good value for how often and what you play or that the perks don't deliver as promised, then bump back down to the free service everyone has right now. No issues, no missing features, just the same great PSN we have enjoyed for years now. If you do like the added stuff, then it's probably worth it to support it. Those that subscribe to Core will note that the Core subscription is included so if you look at it that way, they are only paying $25 more for the PSN+ service and everything extra it gives you. Like I said, I'll give it a try just to check it out, if it sucks or I don't take advantage of the extras to justify it, I'll drop it when it runs out and go back to free. It's dirt simple and it amazes me how people try to spin it like it's some sort of cloud of doom on the horizon.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

I've heard Sony will give a free PS+ to test for a while. Or something like that.

Chicago85065100d ago

not before Sony gives u 3 months Free...

Ya gotta love them even more for that...
Game on!

zireno5100d ago

Yeah I know what you mean about the free 3 months, but I decided to try it for a year because 3 months is not that much time to see if they actually are telling the truth about adding more stuff and features, so I see it as trying the new service for 15 months (3 free months and 1 year after the free period) at 50 bucks, so it's actually a pretty sweet deal and like you guys and I think, if the new service fail to impress we can just go back to the free service and continue to enjoy what's really important which is free online gaming.

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JL5100d ago

LOL Did anybody else catch this: The reason this writer says not to "fall for it" pretty much for every feature is because he'd rather have it for free. So it's not that he doesn't like the features, just he'd rather have them for free instead of having them be optional perks. That's hardly a reason to make it out like we're getting duped or something.

I think I may try it out as well. The free games alone seems to be worth the price. Though I may wait for a few months just to see what kind of games they will be offering for free.

tplarkin75100d ago

Everything they are offering is already free, except for background downloads. Paying $50 a year for something that is free on Xbox Live Silver. Ok, you get some PSN games, and Wipeout. But, you can buy those right now for much less than $50! And, those games are only playable for the duration of the "subscription"!

Who knew that Home's address was located in Rip Off City?

Pedobear Rocks5100d ago get a PSN game, a PS1 game and 2 minis every month you are subscribed and you keep them while you have your sub (think of them as rentals) after 12 months you'll have 12 PSN, 12 PS1 and 24 minis that you can play (the PS1 and minis on your PSP too) for a total of $50.

Try harder.

Heisenberg5100d ago

This article is absolute nonsense. "Don't fall for it, why? Because we should get it all for free!"
An optional subscription to a service that gives you free games, extra features, early or exclusive access to betas (which ARE sought after, people pay and preorder early or copies or special editions etc. for access to betas, why he thinks we should all just have these for free all of a sudden is beyond stupid.) and many other features seems more than worth the price when compared to the alternatives, and if you're not into the free content, you still have a completely free, fully functional online experience with many of it's own perks already.

Dark_king5100d ago

You forgot the hour trial of full games and must important of all the hundreds of dollars you will save because of the discount prices.

mastiffchild5100d ago

Geez tplarkin! Try a bit harder and one day you might fall over an argument with a little meat on it's bones rather than the straw skeleton you asked us to take seriously here.

You talk of rip off city but there's no gun at anyone's head unlike with Live where I simply cannot play AT ALL unless I pay up. Anyone who doesn't wish to partake can just ignore and continue getting their PSN online gaming gratis-where's the con? Seriously, where?

If you think of it as a rental service with added bonuses then you might well think it's worth it's price too. how many minis or PSN games are we likely to be that bothered about keeping forever anyway? not many so even if you do end your sub you aren't badly off considering the savings you can make on extra purchases, more chance of entry into betas(and though folk are saying you shouldn't be paying to play test I think that is a moot point when both Activision and Bethesda regularly release full games without enough testing meaning we pay FULL RETAIL to test theirs for them!)and a host of othetr cool options.

There's no real comparison to Live whatsoever as the core appeal of the two services(paid for) is totally different. With MS you're paying to play online first and foremost but that never comes into it with PSN+ as that remains free for ebveryone. If anyone is holding a gun to our heads it's MS as people are WAY,WAY more likely to feel pressured into paying for a year if they cannot play online without doing so.

Where PSN+ is a bit daft is offering the game trials only on that service=-surey their partners would want as many gamers as possible doing this, no? Demos are terribly hit and miss(Sonic Unleashed's demo made you think the game was AL the good bits with NO Werehog while VC's made a great game seem boring as hell)and the trial would benefit devs and pubs way more than any demo ever could and I fail to see the wisdom in making it subscription based. Otherwise it's fair enough-the background updates would be nice for everyone to have but Sony need SOMETHING to tempt people and as it stands there's simply nothing to whine about-just don't subscribe if it doesn't look like suiting you as you'll still see and play any game you like with who you like playing on line anyway.

How is there ANY kind of con going on?

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TheDeadMetalhead5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Don't you get one free game a month with it?

So let's say you pay $50 for a year subscription. You get one free game a month from a choice of about 4 PSN/PS1 games (at least I think that's how it works: every single article I read says something different). These PSN games can be anywhere from $5-...Let's say $20, because I seriously doubt Sony's going to give out Agarest War for free. Multiply that and you have anywhere between $60-$240 worth of free games as long as you stay subscribed.

Looks like PSN+ just payed for itself. And that's not even taking into account the free DLC and discounts off of some PSN games.

shqype5100d ago

No, you get FOUR free games a month: 1 PSN game, 2 PS Minis, and 1 PS Classic. That is 48 games a year, for a $50 subscription. True, you only get to play those games while you are a member, but with all the great games out, and all the great content that is coming out, why wouldn't you be a member for the life of your PS3? If you look at it that way, those games will never expire.

Not to mention the discounts you get on the PS Store will allow you to purchase (and own) games you want for less money. See my post above for a better run down :)

jack_burt0n5100d ago

All its doing wrong is not giving me a free movie rental a week, or 2 :P that would be nice

edhe5100d ago

You know that's a very good point - especially if they want to branch their network across all of their devices.

Imagine having a sony networked tv in another and benefitting from streamed content from the network for free because you've bought this sub.

tplarkin75100d ago

Sony should have just kept the free service "as-is" until next gen. Or, revamp PSN and compete with Xbox Live Gold at the same level.

zireno5100d ago

what are you talking about?! Sony should have just kept the free service "as-is" ??! THEY ARE. What they are doing is giving you the o-p-t-i-o-n to get a bit more and if you don't like it you can go back to the free service which will remain the same, do some research.

God_Of_Epicness5100d ago

Guys, I have a PS3 and it has 2 accounts. So what if i buy the PSN plus on 1 account? I mean does the other also get the feature? Cos it is an account from a diff. region. I'm just wondering...but anyway, I'll still subscribe regardless.

sbizarre5100d ago

If you have 2 accounts and use the one ps3.. when you DL things on one account it is saved to your ps3 which is accessible from multiple accounts. Only problem is you will have to use the one account all the time when you want to DL.

ravinash5100d ago

What about the people in Europe?
If we're paying a similar amount too the US/Japan for this service, are we going to get the same beta testing invites, games and demos?

Europe has always been behind with the content with things either being late or never appearing. Thats why I set up a US account.
I am tempted by this deal, but if I'm paying for it I want access to EVERYTHING.

Red-Dead-Roar5100d ago

qore betas worked for europeans at least...

shqype5100d ago

You do know that Playstation Move is releasing September 15 in Europe, and September 19 in the US, right?

Anyway, the reason for delays in Europe is usually a result of a) localization issues, and b) getting content approved. There are different laws that must be adhered to, so it usually takes longer.

darkdoom30005100d ago

I just hope they dont add features that would otherwise be added in firmware updates. Just give out free games and whatnot. 1 PS3 game, 2 minis, 1 PS1 game each month.

Syronicus5100d ago

The primary purpose of the psn is still free adding value to every game purchased for the ps3 so any of this extra content is just that, extra. Heck, at least Sony is not greedy enough to charge for gaming online.

sikbeta5100d ago

Totally nonsense article, they don't even know all the Features Sony can implement in PS+

"The full features of PlayStation Plus, which will vary region by region:

* Full game trial- Members will have access to full versions of designated PS3® and PlayStation Network titles including PS one® Archives (PS one® Classics). The titles on offer will be available for download on PlayStation Store for a stated period and change every month. Members will be able to play the full version of the game for a designated period and even after the trial period expires, users will be able to continue playing the game by purchasing the game on-line.
* Games - Member will be able to play the full version of designated PS3 downloadable and PlayStation Network titles including PS one Archives (PS one Classics) and minis with no limit of time as long as membership is effective. These games will become available exclusively for PlayStation Plus members at no extra cost.
* Special content - Content such as avatars and custom themes many of which are exclusive will become available for PlayStation Plus members at no extra cost.
* Discounts - Members will have access to exclusive discounts on designated PS3 and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) titles. Titles will vary every month on PlayStation Store.
* Early access - Members will have early access to designated new game beta trials, game demos and video content prior to public distribution.
* Automatic content downloads and updates - PS3 will automatically download and install designated game demos and game updates and also download the system software update data. PS3 will automatically start up at a designated time to download content and will turn off after the download has completed."

And JT said they are going to put more features into it, PS+ really worth the money you will pay ....

Tomdc5100d ago

i wanna know how it works exactly. I know if I stop paying for subscription I can no longer play the games the service offered me. Completely fair, but what if I stop and start does each new start whipe the slate clean in terms of what Games i can have access to?

GMWPS35100d ago

that someone could even think to write such an article.

Just to put it straight...the normal PSN we all know and love is still there in all its glory! This is a new option as in shall I have the standard 17inch wheels or pay a bit more and go for the 18's. Either way you'll be rolling.

Sony have only given us all the option for a paying service which can save some people a lot of money (those who want tons of PSN games etc) as well as some special features. Remember this is still an option. You can choose between Free PSN (still the same) and paying PSN (PSN plus) all you have to do is decide which one you want.

No one is forcing you to do anything and they are not taking anything away from you. Remember it is an OPTION.

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RememberThe3575100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Yeah, and he claims Sony is being unreasonable...

CSGrey-Fox5100d ago

He makes it sound like guaranteed early beta access is a bad thing, yet I've gone and pre-ordered Medal of Honor in order to play the beta in the first place. In the end, I'm hoping that I'll end up really enjoying it and will still buy it. However, I still don't think I'd pay $50 to do so, although I can imagine that some people would, so everyone's happy I s'pose.

I'm just glad they aren't charging me to play my games online :)

JL5100d ago

LOL Exactly. Just read your post Remember after I posted mine above. That's EXACTLY what I got from this "article". His entire basis is that he wants them for free, so we shouldn't pay for them. lol great logic /s

KILLERAPP5100d ago

We will have PSN+ for three whole months for free then we can all decide if it is worth it or not, those that like it will pay up those that don’t won’t no one will force you to pay and besides online play will remind free unlike some other service…

ATLRoAcH5100d ago

There isn't going to be a three month trail. I thought that to when it was announced. Instead you get three months free when you buy a one year subscription so you get 15 months.

KILLERAPP5100d ago

That sucks then, stupid move then they should have gave us a free trail…

shqype5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

That is being silly.

Does Blockbuster give you a "trial" on a PS3 game rental? Does BJ's Wholesale / Sam's Club give you a "trial" on their membership discounts to evaluate the service? No.

You need to think about if this service will work for you or not. Do you like to play PS1 games? PSN games? PS Minis? If so, you get access to 48 such games a year with your subscription. 48 games for $50 is worth the price itself. Then, you get the other features PS+ gives, such as discounts on the Playstation Store (which may also make it worthwhile depending on the discount and how often you purchase content). The early access to betas, full-hour demos, and automatic installs are just icing on the cake. If you are interested in Qore, that's roughly half the price of the full year PS+ subscription, so it is especially worth your while.

justGAMES5100d ago

What do you do with DLC you downloaded 2 years ago?? You don't use it anymore so why pay for it when you can get it for free with the PLUS. Plus you get betas, bonuses and what not.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Community2664d ago
Takwin2663d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Community5108d ago
Godmars2905108d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5108d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5108d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5108d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5108d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5108d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495108d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5108d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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Bismarn2699d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One