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Digital Chumps: Last Rebellion Review

DC writes: "Heavy Rain wasn't the only PS3 exclusive released on February 23rd. There was also NIS America's Last Rebellion, a JRPG which casts players as Nine and Aisha as they attempt to restore peace and balance to their world. The quest took me just under fourteen hours according to the timestamp on my save game, and I had a lot of fun throughout. However, Last Rebellion's casual difficulty and lack of any side quests may ultimately make this a tough purchase decision for the JRPG crowd."

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callahan095200d ago

A good review. I liked this game. Not great, but good enough to go through and get the platinum.

Lifewish5200d ago

wow a 7.4 and you had fun? Did we play the same game?

AbyssGravelord5200d ago

I'll wait till this is in the $20 bargain bin to buy it, too busy with WKC and FFXIII at the moment.


PS3's Worst Exclusives That We Wish Never Existed

"No one can argue that Sony's PS3 is packed with some of the best games that have ever been released, much less released this generation. It looks like the library and variety is only getting better with every passing day. Let’s be honest though, not every title that hits the PS3 exclusively in North America smells like roses. A few of the games released here and there have blemished the reputation of the powerful PS3."

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who are you quoting??
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BeaRye4831d ago

Why does Last Rebellion get such a bad rap? There aren't a lot of RPGs on the PS3. LR isn't that bad.

Godmars2904831d ago

For what should have been a PS2 title? No its not.

Sadly, it was on the PS3. Something that was made all the worse because there were obviously better looking titles out before it.

Istanbull4831d ago

Why do we always see such lists about PS3 but never about any other system? It just shows PS3 is the most known and superior console. Every publicity is good publicity, like Eazy-E said.


LAIR was a freagin good game, yes the controls are hard but once you figured it out its GREAT!

SOCOM: Confrontation was bad at launch, but after the dozen patches it got, its a solid 8/10 in my books!

Last Rebellion: Its not bad, but its also not good, its just mediocre. Like all the 360 rpg's out there like Last Remnant or Infinite Undiscovery. But when the PS3 gets a bad game, they're making it frontpage news and can't stop talking about it.

STK0264831d ago (Edited 4831d ago )

Lair was awful (at launch), the graphics were good, the sound was great, but the gameplay was awful, and what made it even worse, is when they said that Lair used the SIXAXIS because it couldn't be done without it, yet they released a patch allowing the game to be played without the SIXAXIS, proving that the mandatory SIXAXIS controls were only a way to push said SIXAXIS. I must admit I haven't played Lair since that update, so I can't judge the "final" game.

SOCOM confrontation was just as awful at launch, I still can't believe that the loading times weren't improved from the beta when the game launched; what's the point of having a beta if the biggest problem with the game isn't going to be fixed months after the game launched?

The only game on that list that was worth playing when I did (usually at launch) was Haze, thanks to the co-op. Not a great game, but playable and enjoyable in co-op.

Edit : sorry about Lair, I thought they said that before the release, but I could be wrong. And please don't call me lazy for not liking Lair.

Daver4831d ago


what are you talking about... they never said Lair could not be made without Sixaxis..

Personally, i enjoyed Lair a lot, still one of my favourite game but sure it was not perfect but it worked very well with sixaxis only people who are too lazy or people who listened to others without trying it found it was not worth it.

malamdra4831d ago

I rather have have lots of exclusives and some of them bad than having 2 or 3 good exclusives per year

CameronL994830d ago

This is a recycled list from years ago, notice how old all these games are?

Jezuz4830d ago

Istanbull, are you blind? There's list of everything on this site don't just weight it all on the PS3

lil Titan4830d ago

SOCOM was trash
i didnt get to play Lair
Haze embarrassed itself
Genji was not that bad
and didnt get to play Last Rebellion but there need to be the same amount of RPGs on PS3 as there where on PS2. i actully need to go back and finish Rogue Galaxy

KeiserSosay47884830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )


I played ff13 on ps3 and it was pretty weak, nothing against my ps3.....but a little game called Lost Odyssey smoked that game in my book, something you forgot to mention with the rest of those other mediocre RPGs....
Edit: plus...ff13 didn't have Mr. Uematsu....LO did....

Godmars2904830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

Seriously, have we - as in the whole of the Internet community - not gone on and on about how FFXIII either didn't deliver or isn't as bad as those who insist that it didn't deliver?

And WTF is the point of bringing up Lost Odyssey much less acting like FFXIII wasn't released on the 360 and the argument that started?

More to the point, why are you even bring up FFXIII or JRPGs in general?

ButterToast4830d ago


Jesus Christ! thank you! I really enjoyed Lair as well. I feel like if you got over the learning curve you enjoyed enjoyed the game. I played with motion controls and couldn't imagine playing it any other way!

TheDeadMetalhead4830d ago

After buying Neptunia at launch, enjoying it and seeing it get ripped to shreds as much as Last Rebellion, I now feel compelled to try Last Rebellion. Especially since it's only $20 now.

Vherostar4830d ago

I think every console has a list like this the wii more so..

malamdra4830d ago

there's so many exclusives that some are bound to suck

nobody even remembers Afrika, it's hard to believe there's a PS3 exclusive about taking pictures of animals

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killcycle4831d ago

I got Lair on release and for it's time i enjoyed it.
It was the first Ps3 game allowed to be played with the psp via Remote play.

Socom Confrontation suffered from a ton of bugs and daved data corruptions at launch but true fans of the franchise stuck with it and enjoyed it. It's a good game.

Haze freaking SUCKED

AAACE54831d ago

This goes along with what I said in the past about us forcing ourselves to like certain games because we want to believe they are good. But when we look back, we realize those games weren't good at all, they were just what we had to play at that time!

My idea of a good game is when you buy it, you have lots of fun with it. Several years later, you can still play it and get a few kicks out of it and you can probably get your friends to enjoy it as well!

Baka-akaB4831d ago

"There aren't a lot of RPGs on the PS3. LR isn't that bad. "

Nope even then there were too many jrpgs , most good to even dare say that

darkziosj4831d ago

last rebellion sucks major ass, theres some awesome jrpgs on the ps3 but dude that was awfull

TheDivine4831d ago

Its HORRIBLE bro. It might seem ok because well you said it there are no good rpgs on the ps3 other than multis like ff13, eternal sonata, and star ocean 4. Ps3 really fell off hard this gen with jrpgs, the 360 has all the amazing ones. I cant comment on other games but sometimes games do get a bad rap like too human which i loved to death. I thought lair looked interesting myself.

playboi284830d ago

There are plenty of JRPG's on the PS3. A lot of them are NIS games like Hyperdimension Neptunia, Trinity Universe, Disgaea 3, etc. There are also games like Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Chronicles, and others..

madjedi4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

@divine Wtf are you smoking, 360 has all the amazing ones, congratulations you have lost odyessy and dbz i mean blue dragon and what else exactly? The ps3 had a slow start with jrpgs this gen, "the ps3 fell off hard with jrpgs" lay off the drugs.

More like you fell on your head hard, and are forgetting that shooters are the dominant genre this gen.

A 360 jrpg gamer ,-_- yeah umm considering the number jrpgs your missing on the ps3, whatever stick to shooters and action adventure games on the 360, because you sure as hell aren't a jrpg gamer.

First time i ever ran to an idiot 360 gamer claiming the xbox has all the jrpgs, the very fact you exclude the many ps3 jrpgs tells me your full of sh^t.

Marceles4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

Honestly none of those games were all that bad. They were only bad because they came out during a time when EVERY PS3 GAME had to be 11/10 or else it was a complete flop. Well...not Last Rebellion, but it's not like that many exclusive RPGs came out to begin with other than Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3.

ryan_s4830d ago

the story wasnt that good but the fight was great idea and the graphics are bad and its short but i wouldnt say its the worst rpg on the ps3

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vgchica4831d ago

You haven't really played through the game then because Last Rebellion is horrible. There are plenty of decent RPGs (WRPG and JRPG) on the PS3 now.

Orange4831d ago (Edited 4831d ago )

name some....what I mean is, I want to get a few. I've already played through Persona 3 and Persona 4 for the PS2 on my bc launch model, and loved both.

the only other jrpg i've picked up is Valkyrie Chronicles, which sadly i haven't given too much of a chance b/c i found the cut scenes to be overly wordy and long (yes, I know it's a jrpg). i'm interested in ME2, but cannot stomach shelling out $55 when the xbox version is selling for $20.

mandf4831d ago

Socom wasn't bad. It was a decent game. People just love to hate on it.

SuperStrokey11234831d ago

When it first came out it was terrible, so many issues. With patches though it become much better. I enjoyed it even though i was terrible at it.

GunShotEddy4831d ago ShowReplies(7)
Emilio_Estevez4831d ago

Have not played any of these, probably won't now.

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The Next-Gen Console Winner will be Decided by the JRPG

"People will always debate which genre is most popular among gamers. That’s simply because gamers, like every other hobbyist or animal, have varied tastes and different opinions. Up until this generation of hardware, there was one genre that stayed in the background while quietly deciding which platform won the console war of each previous generation."

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vgn244838d ago

I agree that they once had some kind of influence, but does anyone even play JRPGs anymore?

GunShotEddy4838d ago

A lot of people still play turn-base JRPGs, when they actually get released. That's the point IMHO. They're enoigh of them.

limewax4838d ago

Read the article, the point is that for every generation of gaming so far the console that had the most JRPG's is the console that also had the highest sales.

Love them or hate them, the guy has a really valid point

vsr4838d ago

PS3 the winner FF versus 13

Charazani4838d ago


Correlation is not causation. JRPGs are mostly stagnant messes with no innovation or understanding of audiences out their niche (I'm not talking about the philosophy of whether they need to be.)

I'd say the opposite, they'll have even less influence or importance next time around.

Redempteur4838d ago

"JRPGs are mostly stagnant messes with no innovation"

And your point of view is not stagnant at all /s

you really need an update on things happenning..

TheDivine4838d ago

This is why i got a 360, JRPGS
Lost Odyssey (best jrpg)
Blue Dragon (the dragon quest of this gen)
Magna Carta 2 (best battle system)
Vesperia (best tales game)
Last Remnant
Infinite Undiscovery
Eternal Sonata
Enchanted Arms
Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean 4
The 360 really stepped up although there arnt many anymore. I remember when there was jrpg after jrpg. I was soo hyped for magna carta 2 and resonance of fate, great games. The 360 has a ton of wrpgs also. Its the rpg console this gen. The original xbox had wrpgs on lock with lionhead, bioware, and bethesda and this gen they have even more. Cant wait for ff13vs.

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Stealth20k4838d ago

I play them.................

maybe you like pew pew

Coogi4838d ago

Of course they do, JRPGs don't even get hyped anymore unless it's a Final Fantasy. All these magazines never even really mention them now all they talk about are FPS games and squeals to other games...Hell, they rarely even talk about new IPs.

Just look at Lost Odyssey, it was amazing and it was a game that never even really got talked about, Infinite Undiscovery was good too but people seen that graphics weren't amazing so they threw it aside. Star Ocean was good as well but people cried over voice acting. -_-

lelo2play4838d ago

"The Next-Gen Console Winner will be Decided by the JRPG"

In Japan... yes.
In the rest of the world... No.

4838d ago
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Pozzle4838d ago (Edited 4838d ago )

A bit off-topic, but that picture is closer to how I imagined a CGI Tifa looking, instead of how she looked in Advent Children.

BeaRye4838d ago

Yea. I never understood why she looked like that in the original game's cut-scene and then she looks completely different in AC.

VG_Releaser4838d ago

JRPG? if you mean action will decide it, then yes. Assassin's Creed, Castlevania AND THE LIKE.

kennykramer4838d ago

You're a fool. I don't mean that in a mean way, but anyone who thinks Assassin's Creed and Castlevania are decided who wins, must be out there. If they were exclusive, they MIGHT have an impact.

caseh4838d ago

Hmmm I would have said Next-Gen console winner would be decided by FPS rather than JRPG.

Every man and his dog plays FPS games and when you get massive JRPG releases like FF13 that fail to deliver (not an epic fail, but a fail for many) that doesn't do the genre any good. Most people who had never really experienced a FF game before are probably looking at the franchise now and thinking 'whats the big deal?'

kennykramer4838d ago

FF XIII wasn't a JRPG. It was a horrible attempt by SE to merge JRPG and WRPG. The only real JRPGs I find are the rare Japanese imports or localized games like Hyper Dimension Game Neptune.

caseh4838d ago

Valkyria Chronicles isn't even an RPG yet its consistantly listed as a JRPG. FF franchise is commonly known as JRPG.

Was just a reference point for what is considered, to date at least to be the biggest (by commercial standards) JRPG to be released.

Redempteur4838d ago (Edited 4838d ago )

valkyria chronicles is an rpg , just like disgaea
strategic or turn based, both are Jrpgs ..

Valkyria damage is based on stats and luck , same with movements . you manage a team of soldiers/heroes and go toward victory ..
heck they even got classes to choose from and recruitment of team members

LimeyOtoko4830d ago

Of course it's a JRPG. It's made in Japan.
It's still TERRIBLE, though.

caseh4830d ago


Your logic is flawed, Demon Souls was made in Japan but it that doesn't make it a JRPG...its a WRPG.

And Valkyria Chronicles was a very good game, terrible do you come to that conclusion?

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kennykramer4838d ago

@caseh - I know exactly what you mean. GameFly has games that are nowhere near RPG listed as such.

knifefight4830d ago

Valkyria Chronicles isn't an RPG?

Um, the more enemies you fight, the more you level up. That's like, the definition of an RPG.

They took a TRPG like FFTactics or Disgaea, added defensive firing, and voila.

caseh4830d ago

The definition of RPG etc has become blurred over the years.

Look back to older PC games like XCOM and Jagged Alliance, FAR more depth than Valkyria yet the EXACT same play style yet they were always called Turn-Based Strategy which is far more fitting than JRPG which is what i would associate with games like Final Fantasy, Star Ocean etc etc

These days games like Valkyria get classed as JRPG just because troops have an exteremly basic leveling system and the art style resembles anime. *shrug*

knifefight4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

Not really. Did those games you name have experience-based growth?
That's basically the most important factor.
Q: Does fighting the same thing over and over make me stronger?
A: Yes.
Conclusion: Probably an RPG.

See also "Can you level grind in it?" VC was as grindy as Dragon Quest, heheh.

BubblesDAVERAGE4838d ago

Im still wating on a real one...

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The Top Five Worst PS3 Exclusives Ever

NowGamer: The PS3 has brought us some unforgettable classics, and some unforgettable stinkers...

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Hellsvacancy5099d ago

Wouldnt agree with MAG but the others are pooh

ryuzu5099d ago

I've put about 200 hours into MAG....

I guess that goes to show the quality of the PS3 line up when MAG is one of the worst exclusives...


fedex6825099d ago

When one lists MAG as a 'bad' exclusive, imagine how good the PS3 exclusives are!

Dave13515099d ago

mag was very overhyped and had poor overall quality and gameplay if you compare it to how awesome they made it look at E3. alot of people were disappointed

ryuzu5099d ago


I think it was the other way round. There was a lot of expectation prior to last year's E3 until it got demo'd. After the demo people were a bit underwhelmed by what they saw.

The beta later in the year didn't help much but I stuck with it, and after release I began to understand what was good and bad about MAG.

It's not perfect at all, but it offers something no other platform (including PC) manages, requires skill, teamwork and has for that period been solid and largely lagless.

New DLC today too :)


nycredude5099d ago

I'm another that have over 200 hours in. Loved every bit of it. Met a lot of people playing MAG.

AtatakaiSamurai5099d ago

"why did they put that on the list, why they put this on the list"

This is just some article some dude in his under pants by his computer wrote down when they were bored and didn't know what to do to bring more hits to their site so they created a list.

It is not some official list from the gaming gods but it seems everytime there one of these "top 5 whatevers" list there are gamers on here that look to them as gospel as if it was a scientific study and now the results are out becuase it was on N4G.

Don't know why these top 10 blah blah article always get high degrees and hits but they do, odd.

Dee_915099d ago

It was a fun game
i thought Haze was good from what i saw

Anon19745099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

First off, the inclusion of MAG is just ridiculous. Give your head a shake.

Second, Haze was merely an average game. To include this in a "worst of" list just goes to show the author either never played the game, or doesn't play that many games. The gameplay was fun at times, the split-screen co-op was a blast, the split-screen online play with a guest was something more games should do and the story ambitiously tried to blur the lines between good and bad but unfortunately the attempt at social commentary didn't fit with the game. There were things that bugged me about the game, but it's far from a "worst of" game.

MAG just leaves me puzzled. Did he play a different game? Maybe he confused it with Socom but even that game doesn't deserve to be on a "worst of" list.

chazjamie5099d ago

no it just shows u have 200 hours to waste on bad game. 200 hours, wow, stay away from world of war craft then.

ThanatosDMC5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

He probably never touched MAG or he's one of those rage quitters that get pwned so fast by vets or has the tendency to catch grenades. Probably just like those guys in pennyarcade.

There's so much hate against MAG. I think, it's because people cant believe the 256 in action with tons of smoke, bullets, explosions, and 256 people moving around without lag.

MAG, almost like Warhawk, has a steep learning curve. The more you die the faster you learn.

Oh yeah, im taking in new clan members who wants to join me in SVER. The clan name is [AMF] "A Midget Fighter". The only requirements is that you have to have a medkit and resuscitation ability and that you kill as many red dots as possible. Just friend or message me on PSN.

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jimmins5099d ago

Lol. NowGamer is hardly dudes in their underpants. Do some research before posting slights at the site.

Anyway... the article 'Top Five Worst Xbox 360 Exclusives Ever" is under construction and going up shortly. Which I'm sure will make you happy.

Morituri5099d ago

How would one go about researching a d-list amateur games website? I think that you are a little bit too impressed with these hacks.

Biggest5099d ago

He IS one of those hacks you speak of. LOL

adrock20995099d ago

Except that article is just as garbage. Say what you will about the 360 or the Halo series, but ODST is far from a bad game, let alone one of the worst exclusives for the system. Both of these articles are just flame-bait garbage posted for some quick hits.

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sikbeta5099d ago

MAG? Seriously? Pffft, this guy know crap, MAG Delivers, I'd put X-edge in that list...

talltony5099d ago


PS3Freak5099d ago

This list is decent, all the have to do is put Mobile Suit Gundum in First, and shift everything else back one, and its good. That way Mag will not be on there, as it doesn't deserve to be.

pixelsword5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

MAG is a great game, I have almost 300 hours logged in and I can't think of a game on the PC, 360 or PS3 (I don't own a Wii) that I put that much time into for an online game. The only thing that this game needs is a single player game, even one with a flimsy story like UTIII.

Lair is another great game that got shot down for no good reason, Gametrailers assassinated that game acting like a feature that Factor 5 put in so people could see what the dragon picks up and thrown was a huge bug in the game. The game isn't perfect, but it still stands as probably the most technically advanced game out on consoles until someone can lay down another game and go feature by feature and show me otherwise. As a matter of fact, if anyone can do that I'd appreciate it if they'd tried... they'd lose, but I'd appreciate it.

Haze is butt, but some liked it. I played it and my brother and me were laughing at how bad it was. The multiplayer was ok though; but it won't win any awards.

I didn't play the other ones.

ThanatosDMC5099d ago

Liar was epic. A lot of graphical glitches though in the night mission. It took me forever to figure out how to kill the big serpent thing in the ocean. I love the epic battle in the sky with the floating rocks and those damn giant dragons on steroids. They made my dragon look like a kitten next to them.

ico925099d ago

Mag was a decent FPS i recommend it for hardcore shooter fans but one of the worst ps3 exclusives lol no way

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MaximusPrime5099d ago

disagree with MAG and Lair. Both are good

jerethdagryphon5099d ago

lair is lovely grat sound great battles controll took getting used to breat for a first gen game mag is mag yes it took a graphics hit but they focusedo n the netcode so decent graphics for a decent multiplayer game...sorry not on that list

Luzce5099d ago

Trying to decrypt what you wrote...

Lair is good, MAG has crappy graphics but shouldn't have been on the list?


jerethdagryphon5099d ago

not crappy graphic but it took a hit to freeup more cpu time for network stuff

Meryl5099d ago

how on earth did MAG get on that list?? they must be a COD noob 0_0
I am glad WKC did not feature on that list, I love that RPG lots:):)

cleanhealthy125099d ago

cod noob? are you good at cod? probably not. you = cod noob.

Commodore5099d ago

Anyone can be good at CoD because it takes no skill.

My sister, who's 14 doesn't do that bad.

MAG actually takes skill

Newtype5099d ago

COD is run and gun and powerups. And if you say hardcore mode, noobs use the heartbeat sensor and ninja crap and camp like little wusses.

PopEmUp5099d ago

you a noob simple. Aiming is a basic step of shooting, but many people fail to do that

ThanatosDMC5099d ago

BWUAHAHAHA! He thinks he has skillZ in COD?! COD requirs skillzzz? That's news to me.

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cleanhealthy125099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

i bet you im better than all of you at CoD. MAG is the worst shooter ive played after haze this gen.

What are your CoD K/d's or win ratios & streaks if its so easy? i bet mine makes yours look embarrassing.

in fact, i bet im better than you at mag too. have any of you kids who spend all day on this site even won money on a game? have you been on gb? no? then stop talking as if you were good GG

Chris3995099d ago

We haven't had nice samurai (not ninja) action like that since Onimusha. It got hammered in the reviews because of the infamous "giant enemy crab".

I've played the game twice and it ties in nicely with the 1st one and has some pretty epic moments. Not bad, considering I bought the thing for $20.

STK0265099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

I respectfully disagree, as one who bought Genji 2 full price at launch, even when compared to the somewhat lackluster launch titles of the PS3, Genji was subpar, the graphics left me completely unimpressed, the combat did not entertain me at all. The only reason this game sold some copies is because there wasn't much else to play on the PS3 at the time, with the exception of Resistance.

And while it did get hammer by gamers for the Giant enemy crab thing, critics hammered it because it was a poorly made game.

It might have been worth 20$, but it definitely was not worth 60$.

MAG is a great game, but Lair, not so much, at least when played using the SIXAXIS. I know they released a patch to use "regular" controls, but the fact remain that when it was released, the game was barely playable and was utterly unresponsive. The worst part about it has to be the fact that Factor 5 said they were using the sixaxis because the game would be unplayable using normal controls... yet they released a patch a few months later to allow it...

jerethdagryphon5099d ago

uising the unresponsive controll to me felt like i was controlling a large angry fire breathing critter, its not a f16 it handles like it hass mass whats the problem with that?

lair was fine i enjoyied it greatly loved the story

reason it got marked down it people expected something it wasnt same with mag

andron5099d ago

Genji was disappointing to me and a bad game. It could have been good, but they made too many weird faults.

I really liked the PS2 Genji game, but the PS3 one was misguided.

The camera was too close to the character, and you couldn't see all enemies around you. When the combat system (which is actually quite good) depends on countering and avoiding enemies that's no good.

Also the fixed camera made the platforming parts an annoying chore of misguided jumps and deaths.

It could also be hard to find out exactly where you were supposed to go and how to get there. It got so bad and annoying that I didn't even finish the game, it just wasn't fun...

MGRogue20175099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

They aren't that bad.. Alot of fun to play, Excellent graphics too

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