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God Of War 3 Review - NZGamer

Man, that Kratos is an angry dude. But fair enough – through three games now, he's been screwed over by a huge menagerie of Greek legends.

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Bad Editing
god of war III
jjacinto235201d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Write God of War 3 on your title
Mamajuana5201d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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ThePlaystationFour5201d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Lord Anubis5201d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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God of War -> (III) <-
N4PS3G5201d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
blitz06235201d ago

eh, you can't expect all 10's. it's not like 9.2 is bad at all. good score still

lociefer5201d ago

lol *To the longtime fans: this is my first GoW experience, but I’m still pretty sure you’ll appreciate what’s on offer here*
why the hell would he review a triology game when he has not played the previous entries in the series

LordMarius5201d ago (Edited 5201d ago )


Its standard that when reviewing a sequel of sorts you should discuss the improvements and compare it to the previous entries, I see none of that in this review.

ThePlaystation3guy5201d ago

I thought the same damn thing bro. It would be like someone reviewing MGS4 having never played the first three games.

Digitaldude5201d ago

Haha exactly as well, you can play the game how you want, he says its button mashy, thats because you only did one combo! Thats your fault for playing it like that.

Danteh5201d ago

heres comes the brutal flood of reviews :D

I think and hope that the leaked IGN one was true o yeah

Anorexorcist5201d ago (Edited 5201d ago )

Whether it is because of the varying opinions of people and their personal preferences (FPS fanatic reviewers would probably never give GOW 3 anything higher than a 9.5) or whether it's because websites just want to draw heat (This is also guaranteed. I can imagine Teletext coming back with a 5/10 for GOW 3.)

I'm just waiting to see all the resentful idiots on the opposite side of the fence to come through with their desperate delusional FUD: "GOW 3's metacritic score dropped from 9.7 to 9.5 Hahahahhaah Flop Confirmedz. It's not AAA!"

evrfighter5201d ago

these comments are sarcasm right?

SullyDrake5201d ago

The overall score is down to opinion, but the graphics are inarguably the best on consoles and possibly of all time. Not just technically but artistically as well. They are a 10/10 and anyone who says anything different is a half-blind idiot.

I literally stopped reading after I saw that, which basically means I didn't bother to read the review since it was at the top. Are they trying to get hits or get a debate going? One thing is for sure, the debate won't be on their site. They're getting nothing more from me.

AliTheBrit195201d ago

Are you being like this for the sake of it or are you genuinely no longer going to visit this website, because they didn't gave a game you like a perfect score?

Because if so, you have the mentality of a slow child.

evrfighter5201d ago

"but the graphics are inarguably the best on consoles and possibly of all time"

no one answered my question before. I noticed in the demo that you couldn't control the camera angle. The full version will most definately have one right?
A graphics statement like that begs to have one control the camera so that proper screenshots could be made.

REALgamer5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

Seriously? 9.2/10 is bad now? The writer's mood on the day of review could vary the score as much as 0.3 either side.

And suddenly graphics 9.5/10 is bad? If it was 10/10, wouldn't that mean it's impossible to improve on them? In the 10 year ps3 lifespan do you all honestly think we'll never see a game that looks better than GoW3?

5/10 is supposed to be an average, not bad but not good game. Something that doesn't stand out but does its job competantly. 9.2/10 seems to me to mean it's a must-buy, incredibly well made game. It might just have 3 or 4 small little niggles that could be improved, like every game does (Uncharted 2 still occasionally didn't respond to the cover button if he was at slightly the wrong angle, sometimes enemy AI would get confused, etc but it was still a damn amazing game).

If you're hoping for 10/10 does that mean you don't believe if they made a GoW4 it could possibly be any better? Are you honestly hoping that GoW3 will be the best game that will ever be created, and from here on no game will ever be able to beat it so we'll be doomed to a downward spiral in quality instead of improvement?

It's depressing that gamers are becoming so obsessed with numbers and ratings that they're forgetting to just enjoy the games they play and appreciate that not evberyone on earth will think GoW3 is the greatest gift to mankind, just as not everyone on earth will think Halo: Reach is the greatest thing ever.

People have opinions, and there's no such thing as a 'wrong' opinion, because 'opinion' simply means personal view, something unique to the individual. Reviews are opinions. No-one's forcing you all to agree with it, but claiming a reviewer's biased or wrong is just plain ignorant.


Happy time now. =) Can't wait for GoW3, got the Collector's Edition preordered with a bonus shirt, woohoo!

Jinxstar5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

@ Evrfighter. You can not control the camera. It is how they make it cinematic. The dev's have tools that allows camera movement and such but as you play the game the only camera you control is by moving to an area it isn't. It follows and draws back and certain times to show you scale and things like that but no there isn't control except maybe when you use the bow or something to aim.

@ Realgamer.

I don't think anyone would say that a 9.5/10 in graphics was a bad score I just think they are wondering why it isn't perfect? Is there a game out there with better graphics? I mean surely this game has better graphics then gears of war 2 right? or halo 3 right?(I'm not a conspiracy theorist just pointing out that it's odd is all) not according to this site. Thats why people are upset. What game looks better then GOW3 on any console ever? Graphic design, scale, use of color and variety of location, architecture... Thats why its questioned. Maybe the reviewer just didn't like the setting and thats fine but he never said anything like that... 9.5 is in no way bad but if you are going to give a score you should have your reasoning behind it... What is his reasoning? He gives none.

My complaint is why did he give an 8.5 to gameplay? And no 50% is not average it is a fail. 8.5 is a B. And to 99.99999% of fanboys anything below a 9 is a fail as well... Most sites will tell you that a 7/10 is a game only for fans. Look in the back of any gameinformer mag and it's all laid out for you to read.

lelo2play5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

Are fan boys complaining about a 9.2 review score? Did fan boys complain when Playstation Official Magazine UK reviewed GOW3 with a 90 (or 9 if you put it in scale 1-10)?

9.2 is a great score for a great game. Not every review is going to be 10, so stop whining and get a life. Unbelievable the stupidity i see on this site.

gameraxis5200d ago

lol not to call your opinion wrong,but I'm sure he blacklisted the site because of HOW the review was written, not going over any key aspects of the franchise like playing the previous two, AND calling it button mashy, when its obvious that only GOW novices play the game with the same two or three combos...GTTV showed us how in depth the combat actually is, and to avoid giving Santa Monica credit for such hard work to expand it, in turn is doing the game injustice.


a 10 in graphics would not mean there isn't any room for improvement or Mario galaxy and zelda64 wouldn't have gotten tens, gaming is constantly evolving, so what I would take from a ten in graphics is that its up there with the best we've seen this generation ( given the varying engine preferences and whatnot)

i always said, Only a fan of the genre and series should be the one writing the review, because those are the only people who are going to pick it up (for the most part)and who better than a fan of that genre and franchise to tell it how it is? Although 9.2 is a fantastic score, i don't exactly like what he rationalized as the .8 deduction as well.

so its not always as simple as "this site didn't give my fav game a Perfect score, therefore its blacklisted." there are some people who can actually intelligently back up why it should have been a ten, as this review didn't back up why its fell .8 short... you see what i'm saying?

HolyOrangeCows5200d ago

I love how when PS3 fans complain about the CONTEXT of a review, xbox fanboys say "ZOMG TEH REVIEW R A (insert score) WHY R U COMPLAINING FANBOIIIII"

Ravage275200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

lol exactly! 99% of the time, they barge in clueless and goes off-topic.

Just like the debate about DF's clear change in tone when the PS3 wins the 360 in their faceoffs. And that incident when the hypocrites from GT who claimed 9.3 is the best a game can get for not innovating but went ahead and gave mw2 a 9.5.

Get this - the numerical score doesn't mean anything by itself, it's the methods the reviewer uses that people have issues with. A 7 might look good on the surface, but when Edge gives an overpriced expansion a 9, the meaning of that 7 changes immediately.
edit* i just found out that NZgamer gave odst a 9 for graphics...

What's the f$%king point of assigning numerical scores if it doesn't mean anything?? it has to be relative and there MUST be a standard used for gauging.

NZ gamer thinks GOW3 is the best looking game right now and gave it 9.5/10, which is tied with MW2&ME2. WTF is this, what kind of gauge are they using here???

GOW3 was voted the most anticipated game of 2010 and this review site decides to send a newbie to review

nycredude5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

You fools complaining about people complaining about scores and accusing people of being fanboys cause they are "questioning" the logic behind scores are just as bad if not worse than fanboys themselves. Why do you care so much about what others think? If someone wants to question reviews they have the right to.

Edit: everftg or whatever, GOW has always had no option to move the camera and it shouldn't. This isn't your average fps. If that is what you want you precious consoles has plenty of it. Unfortunately if you want to play this game you need to fork out some cash for the other console.

sikbeta5200d ago

Even if it's a Great Score, Shame on the Reviewer, This is the First Time the Guy Play a God of War Game, just Unforgivable...

Gaming FTW!!!

Rockox5200d ago

Good or bad, why do you guys care about reviews? For bragging rights? Play the games you want to play and have fun with them. And sheesh, the game gets a great review and still people complain about it.

N4Flamers5200d ago

I played through the first 2 GOW games and loved them, and this jerk gets to play GOW3 before me. I mean the collection is out. If you know you're going to be reviewing the game why not pick it up? Why not have some basis for comparison? Why not research the history of the game? Is it because then you might be close to a real journalist?

This is what I think about the graphic score. If the art style is breathtaking, and there arent any technical glitches (like low rez textures popping in and out) I cant see why this game would get anything less than a 10. However I have not played the game yet so I cant say if he was wrong or right, but everything else I've seen (including other reviews) suggest he was wrong.

Death24945200d ago

NextGN review doesn't count but NZ gamer does? Wow, really metacritic, really!?

Marquis_de_Sade5200d ago

I disagree with those saying you must have played previous games to review it, a good game should be able to stand by it own merit.

deafwing5200d ago

... if this game all 10s then I'd think that world would have lost all sense and that we should start going to work walking backwards.

9.2 is an awesome score people, stop taking it so personal.

TheGamer5200d ago

They gave Halo 3 a 9.9/10 which is fine but then Halo 3 got a 9.5 in graphics too which is errr stupid.

Oh well 9.2 is still a great score. And pretty pointless to review a trilogy when you haven't played the first 2.

deafwing5200d ago

... back then ... they figured that Halo 3 was the best thing since slice cheese ...

back when Uncharted 2 came out, we all thought the same thing to ...

now it's God of War III ... Crysis 2 might take that crown but for now enjoy your slice cheese (preferable with bread fresh from di oven, and a tall glass of juice)

FamilyGuy5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

Hmm... I wonder what games this reviewer has given a 10 in graphics to. It's ridiculous to think of 9.5 as too low but at the same time when you're rating the graphics of a game that raises the bar in the graphics department it's a little off-putting.

I can easily accept that the GOW games aren't everyones cup of tea but how can you argue against graphical fidelity? I wish I could read why the graphics *weren't* perfect.

It seems he's more of a blog writer than a reviewer. He has none of his reviews in his profile but a good amount of blog post. He has fans on the site defending him yet anyone could tell by reading that review that he shouldn't have been the one to give it and every paragraph of the review has a hint of that.

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ArcFatalix5201d ago

anyways it should have been 9.5 atleast.

meetajhu5201d ago

Graphics -->9.5

The review fails!

Geralt5200d ago

The graphics isn't perfect. Yes, it looks damn great, but there is still room for improvements. Especially in the environment textures - the only thing that really stands out is the outstanding characters.

Silly gameAr5201d ago

Pretty good score, I honestly haven't been this excited about a games release in a long time.

ArcFatalix5201d ago

he mentioned nothing about the story, nor has he played the previous games, wth is this?

Silly gameAr5201d ago

Yeah! He should have put in as many spoilers as possible!

swiftshot935201d ago

The tone of the review didnt even seem that positive, well, Ill wait for my own trusted reviews to go up tomorrow.

Silly gameAr5201d ago (Edited 5201d ago )

Did we read two different reviews? Sounds like he had a blast to me. He may be new to the God of War series, but you shouldn't count that against him.

He gave the game a hell of a score and if newbloods love God of War 3,without playing 1 or 2, then I know I'll love it.

You guys need to chill out.

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Ranking Every God of War Game From Worst to Best

Cultured Vultures: Let’s delve into Kratos’ long and rampageous history and find out which games are worth the hype and which are better left buried under the weight of Kratos’s might.

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Community208d ago
JL2930208d ago

Both requels over 2 and 3? Clowns. Those are two of the most boring games I've ever played.

Snookies12208d ago

GoW 3 was amazing, but I personally hated just one thing. (This is on me alone, because I was dumb, lol.) I hated that you couldn't skip cutscenes on repeat playthroughs. I had to go back through the game a third time because I missed one trophy accidentally on my way to the platinum... The cutscenes were great the first go round, even the second... But the third was pretty agonizing.

Haven't played Ragnarok, but I still think GoW 4 is a wonderful game in its own right. Not sure how I would stack them up against each other honestly.

Monstieur208d ago (Edited 208d ago )

I don't consider the reboot part of the original series. The original series were high-skill games with combos and rewards for mixing things up.

solideagle207d ago

lol square, square and triangle is the only combo you needed. I have played all of them on the hardest difficulties...

Golfcoachh208d ago

Maybe I’m just old school but I just couldn’t get into the last two. Maybe it’s the slower action and more story telling but the original trilogy was by far my favorite.

Crows90208d ago

It's not that youre old school. They're different genres

JL2930206d ago (Edited 206d ago )

Me either, at all. It's just yap yap yap. They try to be a RPG's instead of being action games like they used to be.

Fluke_Skywalker207d ago

I'd put the two psp games over 3 in terms of story any day. But not over 2.

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TheEnigma313208d ago (Edited 208d ago )

My favorite was part 2 and I think Ragnarok is better that 2018.

Shane Kim208d ago

The newer games are better imo.

ravens52208d ago

There is no worst. Except for Ascension, only cause I didn't play it lol. They are all masterpieces. 1,2,3, 2018 and Ragnarok. 1 of, if not the greatest video game franchise...besides MetalGear.

Snookies12208d ago

Oh wow, I actually forgot that Ascension even existed... I never played it either.

Crows90208d ago

I like ascension. It was different and some interesting combat additions.

darthv72208d ago

If you didnt play it, how could you call it the worst? Its not as bad as the media portrayed it. Honestly the worst are those flash games. they arent even considered true GoW games but in name only. At least Ascension is a real GoW game.

ravens52207d ago

Not saying it's a terrible game. Just mean it's at the bottom of my list. I played a little bit of it. Jus to me, compared to the other main games, it's last.

Fluke_Skywalker207d ago

Ascension is the only GOW game I never finished. Hated it.

Inverno208d ago

Can't agree, older games do so much more than the last two. More weapons, magic abilities, enemies are more varied, level design is also more aesthetically pleasing, and agree with those who say that they shouldn't have removed jumping. Was a time I'd agree, but those old games are so so much better, that they really should've looked into bringing into the reboot/sequels.

Crows90208d ago (Edited 208d ago )

If a game is good then a game is good. Doesn't matter what came before or what comes after.

Inverno208d ago

Of course it matters. If not for what what came before there wouldn't be an after. And if something is great before then you strive to make it just as good if not better, after. I personally don't think there's a fair way to judge the new with the old because the newer games are still essentially a reboot, and went a way different direction. But I still believe the old games did it better. I'm probably bias though since I've been going back to old games and have been finding that they lack all the annoying aspects that devs have shoehorned into new games to fluff out game time.

Crows90207d ago


Im not talking about the passage of time here. Im talking about individual pieces of software. If a game is good then it is good. Thats not a controversial statement. You can compare good with good...sure. But you still end up with good. Now if there is a bad game in the mix and you compare you do end up with some differentials between them...makes sense to compare and see where it went wrong.

But theyre different genres and styles which were individually executed very well.

And no. The new games are not a reboot. Theyre a new direction but simply a continuation.
Tomb raider was a reboot.

Inverno207d ago

The new games are definitely a reboot, and a continuation, it can be both which it is. And a good game might be good, but my point is that if there are things done better before it then there's plenty of room for critiquing and trying to make whatever comes after better rather than just good.

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Community369d ago
purple101369d ago

Haha I still remember my brother playing the opening scene on ps3!!!

Yeh he had to put the controller down his heart was beating too fast trying to get past first 10 minutes. He said "it's too much". Best thing I've ever seen in gaming. Haha

robtion369d ago

A great game from an era before things went politically correct and gaming turned serious/'mature'.

It certainly wasn't concerned about upsetting or offending anyone and was more fun because of it.

The boss battles and set pieces still top most games released today.

SullysCigar369d ago

This game was absurdly good for it's time. The very definition of 'epic'.

robtion369d ago

Yes. The graphics were just ridiculous compared to most other games on the market at the time.

masterfox369d ago

I wished Ascension had the same treatment.

Heavenly King369d ago

Ascension SP had some things better than GOW3, and also some things worst than GOW3. But in general it was a really good game, for me it also deserves a REMASTER. The problem per se with the game is that most people were satisfied on how GOWIII ended, so Kratos got his revenge, so in order to rise the interest in the game how have to make it MORE EPIC is that the game did not had the epicness of fighting huge bosses (I guess due to technical difficulties,the game had actually a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding that is my guess), but it compensated with having in general a more complex combat system, and an amazing soundtrack. but in general the game needed to be more epic than GOWIII somehow, and that did not happened, after GOWIII people had expectations through the roof. They should have waited and release it for PS4 so the vision of the game is not compromised.

My list of good and bad compared to GOWIII

The combat was more elaborated, which allows you to be more immersed in the fights. Also every enemy was more resistant, even those that you could usually kill in 2-3 attacks in previous games. THE LAST BOSS is so damn epic!!!, but there is only one moment like this in the whole game.

I love the fact that "cicle" in the new enemies (killing animations) are not QTEs, in Ascension they are mini-games on their own, depending on the enemy, making it more engaging. You had to dodge and hit when the window was open in order to eventually do the killing blow.

GOOD: The Soundtrack
it has the orginal trilogy musics, but with a new perspective since the game had a new composer. The ST was amazing also the new music written specifically for this game were badass

GOOD: The puzzles actually require you to think.

BAD: There are bad camera angles during the game, like zooming way too out of vista, and then swarming you with "light units" that like I said before had better AI and did not die of 2 attacks. those parts a few, but are a mess.

Other thing that really annoyed me is that when you fight a sub-boss/heavy unit in a big arena; that ARENA WAS EMPTY, it was just you and against the medusa, or against the manticore. They should have zoom in into the action to avoid noticing the void scenario. I guess emptiness was because of the game having a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding. My guess is that it was not possible technically, since in most of those cases you had huge vistas or intricate scenarios that needed to be rendered. The fact that the cerberus is smaller in this game disappointed me.

BAD: Only one BADASS EPIC moment, the others moments of the game were great but, they needed to set the bar even higher than GOWIII and they failed miserably.

BAD: The graphics did not improved much. I was GOWIII with more colors, and that's it.

So 4 good things against 4 bad ones. The problem is those 2 last BAD aspects are actually why the game was received so poorly. Everyone expects the next game to have a really BIG improvement in all aspects in contrast to the previous one, and that was not the case in ascension. And also GOW is the definition of EPIC, and that was not there neither. The jump on every aspect from GOWI to GOWII was huge being on the same console, and the jump from GOWII to GOWIII was humongous (obviously because a more powerful console). While the jump from GOWIII to Ascension is too little, and people expected more.

On it's own is a good game; but is not sufficient when GOWIII was released before it.

CrimsonWing69369d ago

I know this is unpopular opinion, but I prefer these over the new ones. I’m not saying the new ones are bad or anything, but they sort of get boring to me, whereas the older games were like non-stop roller coaster rides.

ChiefofLoliPolice369d ago

I love the new ones but I understand what you mean. The older ones had more action and was more arcady like.

MIDGETonSTILTS17369d ago

Ragnarok was not BIG at all… GoW1 had larger set pieces, and it was on ps2.

GoW 2018 had big moments in its own way…. Ragnarok abandoned these aspects though

robtion369d ago

I agree. It was just less serious and more fun.

victorMaje369d ago

One of my all time favourites.

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