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IGN : Battlefield Bad Company 2 Review

Same great formula, now with a solid single player game.

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electricshadow5195d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Mista T5195d ago

F*** IGN, they got paid off. we all know with all that money IW and Activision have made over the last few months, there were some negotiations going on.

I was expecting 9.6-9.7 because the audio, the gameplay, the graphics, no multiplatform fps compares right now

big middle finger to IGN, I expect the meta to be 9.5

socomnick5195d ago

You expect way too much.

The crappy sp hurt the score. SP is full of annoying characters like haggard and sweetwater.

But the biggest flaw is the polish, it just doesn't feel complete.

cyborg69715195d ago

Lack of polish and incomplete kinda like MW2 right.

Blaze9295195d ago

Why do you still go to yet alone care what IGN has to say?

deadreckoning6665195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

According to IGN, MW2 has BETTER sound than Bad Company 2. Utterly RIDICULOUS.

I played the beta and MW2, I know for a FACT that thats not true. IGN messed up on this one. And you know, I'm not the guy who usually gets emotional about what IGN says, but damn. How do you give MW2 a 10 in sound and give Bad Company 2 a 9. The sound in BC2 is clearly better.

Bad Company 2 is the BEST FPS I've ever played


Mista T5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

I don't but others will, they see the score and they go "oh look" and they won't buy, which is what IGN was going for, come on. it's obvious they were paid off or this guy is an uber COD fanboy, especially when he calles the specs you use online "perks", that was a huge turn off

they said they were turned off by the campaign which lasted 6 hours, yet they no mention in there review how you can beat the mw2 campaign in 4 or 5 hours. biased pieces of ****

ryuzu5195d ago

Seems like a reasonable review to me - after playing the Betas/Demos on console & PC I think this score is about right.

I had it pre-ordered on PC but I'm leaning back towards a console version - this review seems to give the nod to the PS3 over 360 so I guess that's the one to get.


KillaManiac5195d ago seems like IGN is completely blind to all the negatives in Modern Glitchfare.

So odd how some games get these scores with problems. Its like...they get the score b/c of the name of the game just like how Halo 3 and ODST come to mind.

If IGN gives a 9 or above to head is going to explode.

FanboysWillHateMe5195d ago

But if you agree with the score, then that score (and your opinion) become fact.

flankhim5195d ago

I like how people think it should be a 10 when all they played so far is a demo.

deadreckoning6665195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

"I like how people think it should be a 10 when all they played so far is a demo."

Because the demo was at LEAST a 9.5. I was actually not planning on buying this till after God of War 3, but in light of this review, I'm gunna get Bad Company 2 next week and get GOW3 later on in the year. God of War 3 is SP only so theres no need for me to get it Day 1. I'm gunna give Bad Company 2 the support it deserves.

Besides, it makes more sense to spend 60 bucks on an MP game than an SP game from a value perspective.

cyborg69715195d ago

The beta and demo were way better than MW2 and that was 9.5. And the sound score you guys are right wtf are they deaf or something.

SixTwoTwo5195d ago

Like others have said before, you can't spell ignorance without ign.

Tinted Eyes5195d ago

I like how MW2 was full of glitches with a short story and gets a 9.5 so easily. Yet this can;t even get a 9.

-Alpha5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

I expected much higher. The SP does sound very questionable, and I'm not expecting anything great from it, though MP is where I feel BC2 blows all things, especially MW2, out of the water.

I'm not going to call IGN "paid off" because that's just silly logic, but I do have problems with the review-- especially how they just thinned over the MP component. It's like they focused too much on SP and were disappointed with it.

Anyways, that's ok, 8.9 is a 9.0 in my books and this is just one review.

The score is still incredibly high, so whatever. And yes, MW2 is a crap game and how it managed to get 9.5 is beyond me.

Rainstorm815195d ago

There needs to be standard in reviews, if every reviewer looks at a game with bias towards another we will never have real reviews.

an 8.9 is far from a bad score, although when you give the sound on MW2 a 10 and the sound on BFBC2 a 9 something is clearly fishy here. The bottom line is in comparison to BFBC2 the guns just dont sound real on MW2.

It also comes down to skill, ive played MW2 extensively and you dont have to be very skilled to play it, that why its probably the most mainstream FPS on the market. The same cant be said for games like KZ2, BFBC2, dare i say it even Halo.

StanLee5195d ago

Don't know what to make of this review. Doesn't seem to be in line with other early reviews. Even given some of the games IGN have rated with high scores recently, this seems a bit odd.

Rucury5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

What pisses me of the most is that we can't do anything about it. I doubt IGN will care if they receive a few hate mails. Darn it, Bad Company 2 is a much better game than Modern Warfare 2! I guess we'll never know if IGN really DID get payed off... But one thing is for certain, they lost my respect.

Unless, when I buy the game, for some reason the sound is worse than the Beta/Demo, I will never understand why MW2 got a 10 and BC2 got a 9.


I thought I'd post the summary for both reviews here and compare them.
(This, of course, belongs to

Bad Company 2:

8.0 Presentation
The team at DICE went for a more cinematic and epic feel with Bad Company 2 and almost nailed it.

9.0 Graphics
Those backdrops sure are gorgeous. The destructible environments add to the chaos quite nicely.

9.0 Sound
Some fantastic audio samples and above average voice acting.

9.0 Gameplay
Solid shooting mechanics and an excellent approach to multiplayer combat.

9.0 Lasting Appeal
This is the kind of multiplayer game you can go back to for months and months without getting bored.

TOTAL = 8.9/10

Modern Warfare 2

8.5 Presentation
The graphical presentation is great, but campaign’s storytelling needs work. Single player is short, and doesn’t entirely live up to the Call of Duty standard.

10 Graphics
What was already an impressive graphical engine has only improved over the last two years. More effects, grander environments, and a truly spectacular overall visual offering.

10 Sound
Along with graphical design, Modern Warfare 2’s audio is upped substantially. Authentic weapon sounds and more in-game chatter mix with a beautiful adaptive score by Hans Zimmer.

9.0 Gameplay
There’s no single AC-130 “wow” moment in single player, but it’s fun throughout. Special Ops mode and multiplayer are must-play, and completely make the package.

10 Lasting Appeal
While campaign is short, Spec Ops mode is an awesome addition to the package. Multiplayer is stronger than ever, and truly limitless in replay value.

TOTAL = 9.5/10
Make of that what you will.

ABizzel15195d ago

I didn't really care for the Beat, and I've yet to play the demo. But the score seems fair to me, and a 8.9/10 is a really good score. I'm not the biggest FPS fan, but I don't think BFBC2 deserves a higher because MW2 had a high score I think that MW2 was overrated and should have had a lower score.

jamesgtaiv5195d ago

Although it wouldnt surprise me at all if IGN was paid off (again), I cant help but agree with socomnick. Im almost 100% positive the SP is just as terrible as BC1. Dice should have either just stuck with MP and made more maps or do what they did with battlefield 2's SP and make it basically the same as MP, just with bots. By the way, DICE, stop trying to be humorous with your characters and story. Its as annoying as a German tv sitcom.
Other than that, MP is the best Ive ever played on a console and I absolutely LOVE the bullet-drop! Im praying they consider a hard-core type mode for us ARMA and OPF fanboys.

ape0075195d ago

sfx + soundtrack

mw2 has amazing soundtrack

KiRBY30005195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

i had more fun with BFBC2 demo than a few of my full retail games, and im not even a FPS fan to begin with.

this game does everything right, you dont need to be einstein to figure out that it is going to be one of the finest FPS this gen. not giving it AT LEAST a 9 is a joke. especially when you see the direct competition collecting so many perfect score while not really trying to improve anything.

I tried the demo because I was bored and a little curious about the game but I had no intention in buying it at all. to my surprize, I clocked in 35+ hours and that's just with one freakin map available. and I had a blast, i mean A BLAST. the game is freakin sweet. huge maps, awesome destructibility, team work, no camping, what else do you want? I say kudos to DICE and I will be getting this game no doubt. I just wish the media give credit where it's due, goddamnit.

wake up gamers, reviews are full of sh!t these days. shame on you IGN.

y0haN5195d ago

LOL @ socomnick.

'cause MW2 was super polished.

Millah5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

Wait, MW2 got a 10 in graphics and BC2 got a 9? Wtf?? Thats just wrong. MW2's engine is so weak compared to BC2, its just been tweaked and optimized to run silky smooth with certain tricks thrown in to make it look better than it is. BC2s graphics are effing gorgeous, from the impressive backdrops, huge scope, incredible lighting, shadows, textures mapping, destruction physics, explosions and all the other effects, the list goes on....BC2s graphics are just miles ahead.

I mean, certain elements of MW2s engine look sorta last gen. Like all the effects. Explosions, particle effects, and the destruction animations all look last gen. Theres a reason that MW2 can be run perfectly fine on a relatively average gaming PC.

And don't even get me started on sound. BC2s incredible sound atmosphere overshadows MW2s soundtrack. If this were an RPG or other type of game, I would say a soundtrack is more important, but being a shooter I'd place more importance over the sound effects.

K-Gamer5195d ago

I can say the demo alone was a solid 9.
8.9 seems too low for this game, it's waaaay beyond MW2

Ghostsmoker5195d ago

Well, the score is still great but the BC2 experience was one of the best FPS I've ever been into. Way better than MW2. My edition is already pre-ordered. Don't let a review destroy your hype ... BC2 is awesome.

Bungie5195d ago

lewl what ?
Are you kidding me IGN
MW2 is nothing compared to BFBC 2

Day 1 baby

Spiderman5195d ago

All i know is i havent played MW2 anywhere near as much as i thought i would.

But ive been playing the Bad company 2 beta on PC like mad!

Ive already pre-ordered it for £20 on PC...!

JokesOnYou5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

@ Mista T....believe it or not MW2 might just be a better game, stop the conspiracy BS, lol.

@ deadreckoning666, Are you serious their review is wrong because they rate MW2 better in SOUND, lol, they gave it a 9 vs a 10 on their little summary rating, thats something that is hardly a big big difference for something so subjective meaning they could easily better like the voice acting and music of MW2 slightly more, I played the BBC2 demo and quite honestly its very good multiplayer but MW2 is still better, either way you don't have any FACT's to support your arguement.

@ Alpha-Male22, Why so dissapointed, every game can't be a 10, maybe BBC2 is a better game for some, but not for this IGN reviewer, thats life right? It's one opinion, we'll see where it falls in the consensus opinion= Metacritic, either way if BBC2 appeals to you more then whats the big deal really?

@ Tinted Eyes, Again I play MW2 almost daily, and its far, far from a glitch fest, name any game currently available and I can find info on the web about glitches, or go ahead and name one that doesn't have glitches, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS MW2's POPULARITY LEADS TO EVERY SINGLE FLAW BEING BLOWN OUT OF PORPORTION, as for MW2 again I play it almost daily and there is ONLY 1 big problem I run into quite often and thats cheaters/boosters hiding in the back somewhere killing each other for a tactical nuke, still if you try a bit, you can find plenty of non-noob cheating games, and sometimes I just go booster-hunting, thats pretty fun itself too.

@ ape007, finally a MW2 fan on this site. Happy gaming.


Ravage275195d ago

can get a 10 for graphics, they should start rating games using a scale of 20. Does that 10 really reflects the actual techinical achievement or was it instead referring to the cash bundle(in millions) Activision 'shipped' with the review copy?

vhero5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

Wow how terrible 8/10 for presentation compared to what they gave to MW2? Ah well typical expected from the bum boys. They complained about the shortness of the story and yet didn't complain about the story in MW2 and its the same length! typical IGN BS.

Red Panda5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

"The great MW2"? Your avatar says it all. With a comment like that you have proven yourself a clown and your ethos has been shot to sh!t. If you think that generic excuse for a game is great then you sir are a RETARD.

In retrospect I understand it's your opinion but it is incredibly disappointing when people are in this state of mind. They glorify an average game as if its the work of god. Why would companies step it up when people like Joke are content with crap. I think in time people will see the truth(HOPEFULLY).

PoSTedUP5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

the reviewer who reviewed MWF2 probably didn't play cod4 that much. (because cod4 and mwf2- although the same game- is very good)
also the reviewer who reviewed BFBC2 didnt play cod4 or MWF2 that much (because if you didnt play-out cod4, MWF2 is a great game).
the only people who do not like or are complaining about MWF2 are the people who played cod4 for 15 hours a day for 3 years, they are sick of it and its pretty much the same thing (i am one of them).
and finally, the people who are praising BFBC2 (me) are doing it because its fresh, something new, and a long the lines of mwf2 (military fps)

either that or reviewers get paid blah blah blah

Mr Brownstone745195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

this should have gotten a 9.5 at least. If this were an IW game, it would have gotten like a 9.7 or 9.8.

I recall MW2 having a very short campaign and most of it made no sense at all because it would rush you to the next thing without a good explanation. And i know MW2's multiplayer is messed up because of all the mods, hacks, and glitches because IW got lazy, and that is ruining the multiplayer for me.

I still play MW2 a lot, but i know this will take me away from it. But when i saw the reasons in the video review that this only got 8.9, they were the same reasons MW2 should have got an 8.9. But don't get me wrong, 8.9 is a great score and i am still getting this game

Consoldtobots5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

I agree, lets see

I have:

blown open walls of second story buildings with the armored vehicle grenade launcher to take out snipers or have team members take them out.

gone recon myself and outsniped opposing snipers or taken out enemy armor by planting C4 on the road approaching the town we are defending.

defended crates by lobbing a UAV missile from a UAV chopper that I PILOT MYSELF not some cheesy animation of the missile traveling to its target.

won tank battles and taken out first lines of defense at over a kilometer away (for those of us who understand military tactics)

taken out an apache with a predator missile from the UAV helicopter
(an impossible shot to replicate I might add)

etc etc etc

and that was just in the demo. That alone = 100 times more fun than I EVER had with modern glitchfare.

Shepherd 2145195d ago

Have you not thought that maybe the guy who reviewed MW2 is a huge COD fan? Why does it have to be the entire IGN staffs fault that one guy thought MW2 deserved 9.5? That was the biased review, this BC2 review looks much more fair.

The reasons are that BC2 did not increase player count, the single player is still lacking, and the game hasnt really changed since the first BC, save for some small details. Its a great buy, but its an 8.9 because it feels very similar to BC1. Its a fair review, and the MW2 review should have been more like this one, since MW2 did nothing new but add more small details and stay very similar to COD4, save for some bad glitches and imbalances.

KillaManiac5194d ago

It matters zero if it was only 1 editor. If any store employee screws up individually you always blame the company in general.
When you buy Mcdonalds and don't want mustard and they put mustard...I am like "Grrr stupid Mcdonalds". Same with anything....Do you not see the 5 billion haters of gamestop b/c of a certain employee or 2 they hate the whole company?

Blackfrican5194d ago

After playing the demo, certain aspects of the game were greatly improved over the last; however, there is still plenty of room for improvement in this franchise. Namely, I would like the game to play smoother, have a better feel in the vehicles, and remove some of the more gimmicky aspects of the game. I did really enjoy arching your snipes to account for distance and time and through my experience the sound was fantastic.

NikBMTH5194d ago

I really hated this review from IGN. Sure, an 8.9 is a great score. Its just that the things they said about the game made it feel like it should have scored higher than what they given it.

To add to that, a 9 in Sound. Are you kidding me?

Shepherd 2145194d ago

The difference between McDonalds and IGN is that you are buying McDonalds products, so you have a right to be angry at whoever you want. IGN is a website that you sign onto for free and and then you read a guy's opinion. Its a big difference. When you read a movie review from Roger Ebert, and you hate it, do you blame the Pulitzer winning journalist or do you blame the Chicago-Sun Times?

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crazyturkey5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

They gave MW2(a broken game with a shorter campaign) a higher score than this game...............That says something about their reviews. They complained about BFBC2 having too much action, a little loading screens and made it a big deal. Check the MW2 review.

tdrules5195d ago

-Too short campaign.

Gives MW2 a 9.5, never mentioned how short and cliche its campaign was.
gg IGN, you sure as hell won't be stopping me and a few million others from buying this game.

FanboysWillHateMe5195d ago

"Bad Company 2 as an online shooter is flexible and engaging, offering several features that the competition can only dream of. If you're looking for a more strategic and team-based change of pace, look no further. This is the game for you."

Is it me or have my reading skills diminished? Judging from that closing comment, I wasn't aware they were trying to stop you from buying this game.

siyrobbo5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

yeah, i completed modern warfare 2 on veteran in under 6 hours

i remember doing call of duty 2 and it took closer to 6 weeks!

i enjoyed bad company more than i did cod4, it had a great sense of humour and really mad me laugh, whereas cod4 and MW2's plot was incomprehensible to me while playing, it just felt like random missions strung together with no real motivation to what i was doing

tgh machines5195d ago

From IGN's review of MW2

"10 Lasting Appeal
While campaign is short, Spec Ops mode is an awesome addition to the package. Multiplayer is stronger than ever, and truly limitless in replay value."

So your saying they never mentioned the campaign being short? Besides, BC2 doesn't have a special ops type of mode.

mrmikew20185195d ago

Did you play the game bro? Or are you basing someone else's opinion as a fact? You need to grow up bro, every time you leave a comment, you continue to show us how stupid and foolish you are.

Consoldtobots5195d ago

you mean the gay picture didn't convince you of it before that?

QuantumWake5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

I kind of expected at least a 9.0+. I found Bad Company 2 way more polished than MW2. The multiplayer was undoubtedly awesome. Not hating on Erik Brudvig, but I always found his reviews a bit dull. He never really goes in depth or to complex on his reviews. Feels like he rushes them.

Not only that, but IGN completely dismiss the fact that Modern Warfare 2 had a very short campaign but yet got a higher score. Meh, I'll wait for other reviews. Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

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20 Amazing Games That Have Completely Disappeared From Storefronts

Cultured Vultures: In the spirit of preserving some kind of history of this industry, we’ve decided to list some of the best games that you just simply can’t get hold of digitally at the minute.

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Community86d ago
TheEnigma31386d ago

I just started playing Spec op. I've had it for years on steam and forgot about it. Such a good game.

EvertonFC86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Fantastic game,.so underated

Cacabunga86d ago

Yes great game spec ops! Since the time we’ve been asking sony to make one:/

Auto Modelista.. a PS2 capcom racer!! A blast to play and great graphics!
Rival Schools!

LordoftheCritics86d ago

Spec Ops: The Line was super dark.

Incredible story.

SheenuTheLegend86d ago

all the games in the above list are bang on. this is the only reason we need backwards compatibility and physical presense of games for the upcoming future, no matter what.

Yi-Long86d ago

Honorable mention to the excellent Driveclub, one of the best racing games of all-time and one of my favourite games ever.

melons86d ago

yes! incredible rain effects; so good to drive along in rain with your Spotify playlist blaring

Skuletor86d ago

I really wanted a MotorStorm using the same engine, Driveclub is easily one of the best looking games on PS4 and I'm surprised they didn't even give it a PS4 Pro patch.

ravens5286d ago

Yes indeed. May just install it on my PS5. You know, physical copy and all.

monkey60286d ago

I adored Driveclub and the Bike expansion. I also loved Motorstorm. Evolution shutting down was a crime

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darthv7286d ago

Outrun Online Arcade, Sega Rally Online Arcade, After Burner Climax... all good stuff. I keep my 360 hooked up to play these as well as the TMNT games that were also delisted.

Skuletor86d ago

I have quite a few of these. Timed licenses suck.

Terry_B86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

wow...I have all of them except the Nintendo ones either in physical or digital version.

Also..Deadpool the Game is missing on that list.

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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Community160d ago
OtterX161d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled160d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa160d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno160d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast160d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial160d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


Battlefield Legacy - Sunsetting Announcement

EA: "As we close in on 15 years since the release of Battlefield 1943, and Bad Company™ 1 & 2, we are announcing that their journey is coming to an end."

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Nyxus424d ago
darthv72424d ago

This reminds me... I have ME on my PS3 hdd. Never really played it, but it was free.

XiNatsuDragnel424d ago

Digital future ppl is good they say nope imo

Eidolon424d ago

And it still says nothing about being able to downloaded even when it's off the storefront, that's a huge ouchie for some who somehow still have it in their backlog...

Shane Kim424d ago

Dont make it an issue when it's not. If you haven't played it in 15 years, chances are you'll never play it.

isarai424d ago

That all digital future sure looks great!


zidane1341424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Online game servers shut off eventually all the time. Doesn’t matter if you have the disc or not. Even if you have the disc, it’ll be just paperweight unless the game lets you connect directly to a friend or LAN play.

isarai424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Read the article bro. They are delisting the games, including mirrors edge which is an offline game. Online servers i can understand, not being able to buy/download the games anymore? Completely separate issue, especially seeing as how some these games had lengthy sp campaigns and not just mp.

zidane1341424d ago

@israrai, you can still buy the disc for less then 10$. Hardly a loss.

TheEnigma313424d ago

You shouldn't have to buy the disc, that's the issue.

OhReginald424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Some brilliant minds created servers to keep these old online games alive. A lot of ps2 and ps3 games that had there servers shut down a long time ago have been restored by fans to keep it going. Warhawk, killzone 2, socom 2/ confrontation, resident evil outbreak series, etc.

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DankSinatra424d ago

The disc still exist. I don’t understand the issue. You guys are upset about that “all digital future” yet these games are not “digital only”. Hell digital only is a minority in the gaming world and so far we haven’t moved into it, the only digital only games are games as a service or online only games, which end up failing in the end.

This is no different than a store that stops selling old games, just go and buy a copy somewhere else. So which is it, you hate all digital or you like it? Make up your mind.

isarai424d ago

Talk about missing the point entirely. I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you, figure it out.

DankSinatra424d ago

Talk about whining about something and not wanting to explain from an off handed sarcastic original comment.

I got the point just fine. You’re literally complaining about something that has an easy alternative to it.

ManMarmalade423d ago

I don't think you got the point

DankSinatra423d ago (Edited 423d ago )


No I got it, it has to do with the push towards a future of all digital and reprocussions of losing games. Something I already stayed that hasn’t happened nor is it large enough right now to cause any issues as the games that are all digital are online only to begin with or make up the minority of games

So I’ll say it again, the disc still exists for these games that are over a decade old and can still be played easily. You guys are contradicting the whole “we don’t want a digital only future” crying when the dude I originally responded to stated:

“Read the article bro. They are delisting the games, including mirrors edge which is an offline game. Online servers i can understand, not being able to buy/download the games anymore? Completely separate issue, especially seeing as how some these games had lengthy sp campaigns and not just mp.“

So again, which is it? Do you hate all digital or do you want it?

Inverno424d ago

On PC I don't think it's much of a problem but I'm sad to see BF43 being shut down. I haven't played it in a while since it's stuck on PS3, but i preferred it way more over BF3. It was the lack of invisible barriers which made it better for me.

badz149424d ago

BFBC2 was still the best overall package offered by the franchise so far IMO

porkChop424d ago

Absolutely. BC2 was such a great game. It's a shame we never got BC3.

P_Bomb423d ago

I had a great run on Bad Company 2. Pound for pound, as solid a BF package as there’s been.

InUrFoxHole424d ago

Does anyone play the last BF anymore? I searched crossplay servers and it was 20 people the most on all the servers? Can never find a game

SonyStyled424d ago

The last BC you mean? I was still able to find 10v10 on ps3 2 years ago on NA servers during the evenings. I have all the free and paid dlc installed, but there want any matches in the Vietnam dlc.

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