
IGN - Editorial: Why I Bought a PS3

IGN writes: "As a hardcore 360 player who covered the console as part of IGN's Xbox Team at that time, I was heavily invested in Microsoft's machine. The 360 was my sole home console and I had a desk full of them at the office. I'd been an early believer, jumping Sony's ship when the original Xbox was released. There was something radical and refreshing about Microsoft's approach to the console biz, and I dove right in. That bet seemed smart when the Xbox 360 was released a few years later and the great games started rolling in."

NateCole5236d ago

Man, i can't believe IGN hire such people. Gaming media complain about fanboys alot and yet IGN, one of the biggest gaming media site has a guy like this as an editor lol!.

It simple. You buy a PS3 because it has the best game collection. Period.

Oh and it only does everything :)

5236d ago
ToastyMcNibbles5236d ago

whoever seriously thinks there is absolutely no bias in the media whatsoever for either console needs to be slapped...with a foot

gaffyh5236d ago

This is one of the crappiest articles I've ever read on IGN. I mean seriously, WTF? Nobody asked for this guys life story, and seems like he talks in question:

"Did I do blah blah blah? Was this blah blah blah?"

You bought a PS3 because of the undeniably better and more exclusives. Simple as that. Don't go on a rant about how FF13 going to 360 felt wrong and how it tore you up inside, stop blabbering like an idiot.

lociefer5236d ago

( but there's something about having a PlayStation in my entertainment center again that just feels right), yep, same feeling i had when i got my ps3, it was really cool getting back to my favorite brand again. even tho the price tag back then was a little harsh.

chrisulloa5236d ago

Sure is open zone in here. Anyways, you guys are just too defensive. It's making a lot of people on N4G look pathetic. The guy hesitated about buying a PS3 because he like his 360 a lot, but now he realizes that it's an okay console. It's called an opinion, and it doesn't always agree with yours. Deal with it.

Saaking5236d ago

You buy a PS3 if you want the best features, the best games, and the best hardware.

beans5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

"You bought a PS3 because of the undeniably better and more exclusives."

undeniably=opinion and nothing more

more exclusives=links please

The rest of your comment was spot on and I couldn't agree more.

edit @saaking:"You buy a PS3 if you want the best features, the best games, and the best hardware."

The same goes for you. When will you people stop talking as if your opinions are fact.

Fair-Play5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

This is N4G buddy PS3 fanboy opinion = fact xD

I most likely shouldn't of typed that I won't make any friends but we all know its true. Anyway Yeah this article is completely pointless maybe IGN is taking a hint out of HHG's book and releasing flame bait for hits.


Waits for generic 3 year old PS3 fanboy response to your comment (360 fanboys did it fffiirstttt!) Although I disagree PS3/360 fanboys are both 100 percent as retarded as each other.

camachoreloaded88065236d ago

people that are giving props to the PS3? Jesus Christ, Sony fanboys really are the worst.

5236d ago
Fair-Play5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

Holy shizzel I own a 360 I must be a murderer and a rapist to...

O wait nope its just my good old retarded buddy MrJack, Dude you posted a few links 10 bad things a very few 360 owners have done that they would of most likely done without the console anyway. Anyways just 35million more links to go and you will have discredited every 360 owner snap to it!

Bet he posted this from inside his prison cell using his PS3 stealing WiFi xD


I can post links to >.>

NateCole5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

lol camachoreloaded8806. So because he is praising the PS3, PS3 advocates like me should not bash him?. LMAO!!. Did you even read the article?. He is like a little emotional kid that finally realise that the PS3 is worth having in his poor little mind.

PS consoles always start slow for the less educated mind. This guy is no exception.

sikbeta5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

This something I say a lot and fits perfect right now:

-> ·I don't want to hear the story of your life· <-

What is this?...You bought a PS3, Awesome pal, but you really need to make an "EDITORIAL"?

Seems like +30m PS3 owners, including myself need to make an "EDITORIAL" cuz we bought a PS3 and I'll make an "EDITORIAL" about why I have $€X with my GF too, isn't that OK?

5236d ago
5236d ago
IdleLeeSiuLung5236d ago

"You buy a PS3 if you want the best features, the best games, and the best hardware." -saaking

That does NOT sound like fanboyism at all!!!

Sevir045236d ago

shakes head. FFXIII? really?

Microsoft Xbox 3605236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

"You buy a PS3 if you want the best features, the best games, and the best hardware"

Best features out of the box is a fact. (Free online, bluray, etc..)

Best games - LBP GOTY 2008, Uncharted 2 GOTY 2009, plus the many recently released AAA games. Let's not forget the best graphics to go along with those AAA exclusives.

Best hardware - Far less failure rate than the 360, Better specs than the other two consoles, Bluetooth, Bluray, 3D HDMI, 7.1 surround sound, HDMI standard, slot loading disc drive, etc...

Nothing invalid about saakings post.

IdleLeeSiuLung5236d ago

You clearly confuse FACTS with OPINION, but that is what fanboys tend to do.

Zydake5236d ago

1. Most of my friends have the same console.
2. I really liked the games that were coming out.
3. 4 Words GOD OF WAR THREE.

mythamp5236d ago

Microsoft Xbox 360 gave FACTS, I mean whats with this delusion that beans is living in? Xbox fans need to DEAL WITH IT instead of asking for facts as FACTS are being thrown at their faces everyday, eg. 3D coming to your living room courtesy of SONY PS3, now be gone.

camachoreloaded88065236d ago

Browse the comments that were left on the actual IGN article, then compare them to the comments here.

Quoting NateCole here: "PS consoles always start slow for the less educated mind. This guy is no exception. "

And people who write comments like this are @ssholes, seriously. NateCole, you're no exception.

ReservoirDog3165235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

I got a PS3 way back in Feb 07 because of the promise of MGS4. Also FFXIII.

And I suppose cause I figured there'll be sequels to my favorite PS2 games like Ratchet and Clank, GTA and Sly Cooper. Still waiting for Sly Cooper but I loved inFamous anyways.

And yeah, I'll never feel right playing FFXIII with a 360 controller. It just doesn't register in my mind.

edit: And along the way, it came out with some of the best games I've ever played among other things. So, a more than justified purchase.

Chris3995235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

Editorials are opinion pieces, so he's allowed to have his say.


It's a little concerning that someone who works and has published for IGN HAS NOT purchased a PS3 for the three, going on four, years that it has been on the market.

It's like a food expert who has never bothered with tasting Italian food - ever. Part of being a critic is your exposure and immersion to the field that you work in. This reinforces my opinion that the media is run by fanboys, not professionals. Well, they are professional fanboys, really. It's fine to have a preference, but a critic's job is to be as impartial as possible, to view their subject for someone else's pleasure. I don't see how he could have a firm grasp of the industry only having 1/3 the picture (unless he had a Wii, as well, then "2/3"). And yes, I'm sure he was exposed to PS3s, but he should have actually HAD one. It should be a required tool of the workplace.

Grats on finally getting a PS3, maybe he can be a real journalist now.

weazel5235d ago

Bubbles dude for avoiding all the trolling bullsh*t and pointing out the real issue.
There's room for several consoles, but non-affiliated review sites have an obligation to be unbiased, and, here's the kicker, informed.

gaffyh5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

@beans - True, better is my opinion, but it is an opinion shared by many other people in the world. But more, is not an opinion, it is a fact.

These are all of the PS3 exclusives I can think of that are confirmed retail releases in 2010 (doesn't mean I like all of these):

-White Knight Chronicles
-Heavy Rain
-The Last Rebellion
-God of War 3
-Yakuza 3
-3D Dot Game Heroes
-ModNation Racers (Beta is soooo fun)
-Gran Turismo 5 (The definitive racer this gen)
-The Last Guardian (Most looking forward to this one, previous games were amazing!)
-Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll

Could include the following for new content:

-Star Ocean: TLH
-Tales of Vesperia

Could include the following is PC/PS3 wasn't counted as multiplat:

-Free Realms (Kinda crap lol)
-The Agency
-DC Universe Online

Could include the following for "most likely coming in 2010":

-Resistance 3 (Insomniac game every year)
-Twisted Metal (Or some other David Jaffe game)
-Agent (doubt it though)
-FFVs13 (Seriously doubt this one is coming in 2010 at all)

And STILL Sony hasn't announced what a lot of their studios are doing, so we may even see more games.

MS has got some quality games coming, and ME2 is my most anticipated game right now, but in terms of exclusives, they will always lose in quantity from now on. Sony has quantity & quality games, MS only has a few quality games.

MmaFanQc5235d ago

"I never thought I would"?!??


kinda hard to have credibility when you avoid others systems...and this guy work for ign?...DAMN!

Guido5235d ago

"With a wink and a nod, [Microsoft] sold me a poorly constructed piece of hardware that consistently failed me. The Xbox 360 feels cobbled together. It breaks down and leaves me with a pile of unplayable games for weeks at a time. It's clunky and inelegant. It's Microsoft Windows all over again. And it makes me feel like a fool for relying on it."

That one portion of the article is enough for me to say, amen.

anh_duong5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

i agree with some of the posters here about the fact that this article is pretty good example fanboyism in the games journalism industry..

i mean this a the "Features Editor, IGN Games".. if i was the features editor - for which i am glad i am not - at IGN games i would have make my mission to own all three games consoles years ago.. gawd, you are writing about computer games for a living - it doesn't cost that much to invest in all the games consoles if it is your job to write about them

people who put fanboyism ahead of console ownership do not belong in games journalism..


ico925235d ago

i bought a ps3 for mgs 4 , which IMHO is the greatest game ever made, im happy with that decision

boodybandit5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

Best features and games is opinionated and up to individual preferences but best hardware is not an opinion but a stone cold fact. The PS3 is hands down better hardware.

ikral5235d ago

It hurts to hear that kinda speak, and not over X360 but PS3, right? Well get used to it, you underestimated PS3 too much.

Udidntlistenpunk5235d ago

the PS3 is the superior console with superior games. And as a bonus, the PS3 only does everything.

He shouldnt lie about his motives. Everyone wants a PS3. In the end, everyone wants one. Because it simply does everything else. And no matter how hardcore in denial, at one point in time, they will see it too.

Anon19745235d ago

Are IGN staff not allowed to write editorials about their personal experiences? If you don't like it, don't read it.

I, for one, found my experience similar to this guy. I ditched my PS2 when the Xbox came out and gamed almost exclusively on my Xbox from that point forward. I bought my 360 shortly after launch. I also bought a launch PS3 but it was simply never played in favor of my 360.

Then, like the author, then hardware issues started. At the time I bought my 360, Microsoft was still sticking to the lie that everything was fine, there were no hardware issues. I heard rumors on internet forums but just figured it was a vocal few that had a run of bad luck. Then my first 360 died. Then the next. Then the third gouged a handful of my games. I had been shafted, sold a lemon of a console without realizing it and I quickly discovered that a library of excellent games isn't worth a cent if you don't have a reliable console to play it on. I'm now on my 4th 360, and it doesn't get turned on very often.

Microsoft forced me into the waiting arms of Sony and guess what? It's great here! The online is more mature, the system is silent, the games are top notch and I don't have to game in fear of continued hardware failures. And, like this author, it felt like I had come home. I remember when the DualShock3 was released, feeling the familiar shape and the weight in my hands. It just felt right.

anh_duong5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

"Last week, I bought a PlayStation 3. I NEVER THOUGH I WOULD" - IGN games features editor

don't you think this is such a stupid comment to write if your job is to undertsand and talk about games consoles??

i mean the guy previously had come to the conclusion that he would never buy a ps3. why "NEVER"? why such a closed mind when your job is to understand and write about games consoles? i can understand fanboys never wanting to own ps3s or xboxes but a games feautes editor???!!? what the heck...

N4g_null5235d ago

He is only echoing the state of hardcore gaming. Ms came in with lots of cash I mean lots. Ms only real miss step was rrod. What the arthor forgot is his ps2 died also lol. Man I hope ps3s don't start dieing, it would force a lot of people back to pc. Plus japan is cool.

This gen has been a lot of patting your self on the back with lots of hardcore gamers going at each others throat. It was a cool post but I already knew this just go to public shows like the gdc, e3 etc and you'll see these guys arn't even good at gaming nore do they dig for facts. Every thing is hand feed to them.

Man I hope ff13 does not run better on the xbox because the Internet would explode lol.

zeeshan5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

"Owning two game consoles is a ridiculous idea"

WTF? I own both the consoles and I LOVE it. That's the BEST thing for a gamer. You get to enjoy both the worlds and NO, we do NOT want the consoles to die. Heck if anything, I want more companies to join in *cough* Apple *cough*. This guy calls himself a gamer? He's hardly it.

"Sure, the PS3 still has its problems -- if you've read this far, you already know what they are"

No, I don't! I have had a PS3 for more than 2 years and I can proudly say that there is NOTHING wrong with PS3. I can probably list 10 things about Xbox that are WRONG by all means but when it comes to PS3, I'll have think hard to come up with even 3 problems let alone 10 of them. This guy is a hardcore Xbox360 fanboy and NOT a god damn gamer!

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 5235d ago
BulletToothtony5236d ago

i understand that after bashing the ps3 for so long they have the need to explain and rationalize their purchase.

All in all deep inside 360 owners know that ps3 exclusives are great games and that is why they bash and bash away.. they try so hard to convince themselves the ps3 sucks, too bad they're fooling nobody, not even themselves..

NateCole5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

lol! ain't that sad. I could go out now and buy a x360 today, heck its only half a days wage but i really do not see the point in buying one. Its a sad excuse of a console really meant for little kids.

I hope MS realise that gamers are not that young anymore and bring out a console that adults will want as well.

5236d ago
pippoppow5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

The fact is the MS' exclusive lineup is small and will continue to be small until they buy or create more devs. Instead MS concentrates on timed exclusives, apps, exclusive DLC and now motion controls. It seems like MS is just out to take the least costly way to operate.

The amount of devs Sony has and the exclusives they generate are meant to please gamers where it matters the most. Games. It is expensive but Sony has shown a real dedication to delivering great gaming experiences for their fans.

The avalanche of PS3 exclusive games in 2010 along with all other pluses will make not buying a PS3 very difficult. Even for the die-hard 360 fans.

+ @Beans

MS will continue to struggle to keep up with Sony on a year to year basis when it comes to exclusive games. Ms will continue to have lulls every 1-2 years do to lack of 1st/2nd party studios. Last year was average at best for the 360, This year will be really good but what about the next 2 years after? most likely lulls again and then probably the announcement of a new console.

5236d ago
beans5236d ago

That's called speculation. Nothing you claim is factual because we have not been to the future. So if MS brings out more exclusives then PS3 next year what will your spin be then? Can you at least reason or are you just one of those people that ignore what's really going on?

Godmars2905236d ago

Thought they were mat black now? Now *I* have a shiny PS3. A Phat fully BC enabled PS3.

Which reminds me: time to dust that lovable dust magnet...

pippoppow5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

MS so far, if 2010 delivers will have 2 good years surrounded by average years. They simply do not have the studios to make enough exclusive games. MS has no more than a few high quality true exclusives every year. The good years have those few exclusives but padded by PC ports and DLC. Sure you never know what the future will bring but knowing MS' position and past history, the likelihood of the next 1-2 years being average is probable. Many seem to be satisfied with this as I'm sure you are but others maybe not. Maybe it's time for dissatisfied 360 owners to look elsewhere.

BWS19825235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

he's not "speculating" he's going off the past, can you not read that?

There are 4 years of software release patterns and the consolidation of MS internal studios when compared to the sheer immensity of Sony's 1st party devs for him to judge, that is not speculation, that is history. Nice try.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5235d ago
5236d ago
ThaGeNeCySt5236d ago

Here's why I bought a PS3:

I love console gaming.

ToastyMcNibbles5236d ago (Edited 5236d ago )

amen to that.. the fact that he has to justify why he bought a PS3 is sad...if you're a gamer you buy a PS3 simple as that

chrisulloa5236d ago

You guys come here and rant. I have a feeling most of you come here to justify your purchase as well.

Shadowolf5235d ago

That's what it's all about. Great post!

insomnium5235d ago

You remind me of my cousin with his GF. They always start kissing and licking each others faces when there's people around. Showing off you know?

You have 2 choises.

1) You sit there and listen to all that kissing going on and pretend it's not awkward and pretend he is NOT over 30 yo. He must be a teen why else would he feel the need to show off? or

2) You get out of there since it's really not comfortable to be put into an awkward situation when you went there to watch some ice hockey with the guy.

The reason I told you that is because I know my cousin. They really like to show off no matter what's the occasion.

Now if I went to them while they are kissing and said something like "do you really have to do that here?" I JUST KNOW he would think that I'm jealous. He would not even consider what I just said to be nothing more than jealousy.

This is exactly the same situation. You just say that we are here to justify our purchase and won't even consider all this talk to originate from the past 2-3 years when we had to listen to all you x360 fans BSing about the ps3. YOU STARTED THIS why can't you get that through your head? YOU were all high and mighty back then and now when it's our time to pat you on the shoulder and say "hey I told you so" you just dismiss that being insecurity and justifying our purchase. PLEASE! Those days were over over 2 years ago.

We don't have to justify. We just let the games do the talking. The ps3 beat the x360 at it's own game many times and still you try to act cool there. BD won because of the PS3 just like we said it would. You laughed then but we were right. What's that? Oh it was movies as a DL service you were interested in the first place? My bad.

Same thing with games. Why aren't you laughing at the games now but instead laugh at how they sell? Why? What difference does it make to us how many copies are sold if sequels are already in production? Were you not interested in the quality of the games with all the Metacritic BS (below 90 is not AAA)? Oh I must've imegined all that my bad again.....

It's hopeless to even try to reason with these certain fans isn't it?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5235d ago
ActionBastard5236d ago

...I don't hear the ringing of a cash register when I hit the power button.

morganfell5236d ago

Bubbles for the comment of the day...

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972139d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus139d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda137d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B137d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981137d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot137d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda136d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot136d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy136d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 136d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 136d ago
gold_drake139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay137d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12139d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay137d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB137d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

Read Full Story >>