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PS3 vs Xbox 360: Is NPD misleading the industry with inaccurate sales data?

Every month the NPD, which claim to be the leading provider in reliable and comprehensive consumer and retail information for a wide range of industries including gaming, release monthly data for both software and hardware sales for all three consoles.

The group is properly organized and well respected in the gaming industry, respect we believe is well deserved. However we questioned whether the company's figures were accurate since it failed to collect some extremely important data, example DLC and MMO sales data. They conceded that DLC and MMO figures were unaccounted for, however, according to the group, this failure is not there fault but companies in the industry that keep an extremely tight lead on the information.

GamesThirst interviewed David Riley of the NPD, and the sheer amount of information he gave, shed some light on the situation, and a little secret of the industry.

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n4gn4gn4gn4g5311d ago

NPD to track digital sales...they will just get the numbers direct from Steam/Live/PSN need to pay for NPD's extrapolations.

SnuggleBandit5311d ago

Holy crap i didn't know that. Amazon? Walmart? Two of the biggest retailers in the friggin country.

DelbertGrady5311d ago

Would be interesting to see a DLC comparison.

morganfell5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

I don't think this article is genuine or at best it is misleading. While NPD may not cover Amazon DLC sales, it has covered Amazon's standard video game sales since November of 2007.

As Hamlet stated, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." The use of question mark journalism is immediately suspect.

Also, it would do to use spell check and a night school grammar lesson.

Rigmaster5311d ago

Same type of garbage articles and posts pop up everytime vgchartz gets caught with another disgusting lie about sales numbers.

The entire US game development world has been using and paying for NPD for a long, long time. It's only when the idiotic little Xbox fan and his fake sales site that suddenly this smear campaign against NPD started.

Guido5311d ago

First off, titling your article with a question is pathetic and amateur. Secondly, no they have not been misleading. Only to those with a fanboy agenda do the NPD group mislead. Typically when the fanboys don't like the numbers they cry foul. In the end however, the numbers are sound and those who can't agree are just silly.

sikbeta5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Numbers don't lie, pathetic fanboys sites do

NPD seems like is doing its job well, so move on

StanLee5311d ago

The title of the article is misleading and David Riley's words are clearly taken out of context to feed into the rabid fanboyism of the video gaming community.

Chubear5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Do you guys know what NPD is?!

Gads, gamers this gen are so dumb. Cause VGC got you believing they're on the same level as NPD now you view NPD as an opinion based entity.

NPD tracks sales records for everything from Toothpaste to Airplane parts. Companies pay huge bucks for their info and resource gatherings. VGC is a web site that mainly runs on algorithm calculations and data they "used" to get video game sales data from NPD type entities.

NPD is a multimillion dollar entity while VGC is some website that was being run by some dudes in an apartment... and NPD figures are put in question? Wow, got to be the dumbest gaming generation in history for sure.

IdleLeeSiuLung5311d ago

Do you think, when millions of dollars is on the line they aren't making sure it is reliable?

You might have a few bad Apples, but the entire basket? I don't think so.

The writer seriously need some help with grammer and forming proper sentences.

Before any spews out, you need to do so as well... I'm not writing a blog or an article. If I did, I would put more effort into writing proper English!

Lifendz5311d ago

but not Wal-mart? Wal-mart is where most families and gift buying parents get their gifts and games. That's nuts.

edgeofblade5310d ago

See... people distrust statistics because statistics can say quite a bit without a truckload of data, contrary to what most people think. If they have a wide collection of data across several retailers, they can look at the deviations and estimate what Wal-mart and Amazon would sell. And they can do that pretty accurately... and without bias, like most of us.

But for the hardcore fanboy who demands a decisive number that concludes without a doubt the ranking of the major players... then they will have only their bias to lean on. If the numbers favor their console, "Yay, my console is winning!". Otherwise, if the numbers are against them, they get to cry foul.

Long story short, get over yourselves.

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rtonaey5311d ago

not to release certain number though

baum5311d ago

They love how Microsoft rapes them

4point7BillionLoss5311d ago

not on 18 month behind tech

Sony = Play behind ....

iMad5311d ago

I tired of SonyPaidFans here trying to change the world with blog posts.

Wait will 12 DEC - HALO REACH is the end of the PS3.
Get ready for 2012 PS4.

baum5311d ago

"Wait will 12 DEC - HALO REACH is the end of the PS3. "

Wait B3yond while we Play B3yond

PirateThom5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Halo Reach? Seriously?

It's a sequel. It is not going to move hardware or bring in anyone who hasn't already jumped on the Halo man train.

solidjun55311d ago

I know. Just like Halo 3 was the end of the PS3. Oh ... wait.

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Xi5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Walmart accounts for roughly 15% of music sales and conversely I'd assume slightly more for videogame sales (since it's an even less broad medium).

That's a lot of unknown sales.

Same goes for amazon.

rtonaey5311d ago

I truly believe that they should force Walmart to start showing their numbers. Or else we'll never get accurate figures

So the industry could be growing and we have no clue

I_LOVE_MYSELF5311d ago


champ215311d ago

ps3's still far ahead of the 360..

now if you are looking for a machine that does everything.. then pc is the ultimate machine ;-)

PopEmUp5311d ago

is not a very bright kid wtf this mean? "PS3 - IT ONLY DOESNT ANYTHING!" that doesn't even make sense lol if you want try to be funny at least try to make sense

Consoldtobots5311d ago

she musta thought it up when she was getting her hair did.

bubbles to those who get the ghetto humor.

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The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

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TGG_overlord5d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.

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Community8d ago

Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

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shaenoide8d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos8d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb7d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly7d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6387d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly7d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6387d ago

Read the article. Same question.