
DS-x2.com: C.O.P. the Recruit review

From DS-x2.com's review on C.O.P. the Recruit: "As a technical demo COP is an incredibly impressive piece of coding for the DS and it's hard to believe that the hardware has come so far in such a relatively short time. Unfortunately it's not just about how things look as, while the city is fun to explore, the actual gameplay elements let the overall package down."

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DS games on the 3DS(mock ups): A Comparison

Gaming Gauge writes:"So we recently got a look at how DS games function on the 3DS. As you can see the games are upscaled to fill the screen rather than mapped 1:1(although the option may be there). The downside to this method is that the games lose a bit a clarity, they can appear a bit blurry and fuzzy. I thought it would be interesting to make some mock up screenshots to compare how different styles are affected by the upscaling."

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Community4860d ago
Xbox360PS3AndPC4861d ago

3DS cant even run ds games without fuzziness while the mighty NGP can run PS3 games


Aussie-Nintendo: C.O.P. The Recruit Review

For it's many game-play shortcomings, the visuals still stand out. Perhaps the team at VD-Dev spent too much time on the visuals and not enough time on the game-play. Even though they have done fantastic job with the visuals it doesn't make up for the lack of good game design. If you want a 3D GTA experience on DS this is the closest you'll get. It's worth a brief look at just to see the visuals but be forewarned about the game itself. Don't get your hopes up.

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Nintendo Now: C.O.P. The Recruit Review

It's hard not to like the game in many ways. The ambitiousness of the developers is obviously apparent and coupled with the things they did right helps you overlook those things they did wrong. C.O.P. The Recruit is worth at least a rental from gamers that enjoy the sandbox genre and a purchase from those willing to accept a balance of flaws and superfluousness.

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